3.6 Moments of the distribution function

3.6.1 Flux-surface Averaging

Surface densities

We consider the flux-surface averaging of a surface quantity, such as a flux of a current, generally noted Γ(ψ,θ) . It is defined as the averaged flux of Γ through the infinitesimal poloidal surface dS(ψ)

           dS(ψ)dS ⋅Γ (ψ,θ)
⟨Γ ⟩S (ψ) =----∫-----------

In the (ψ,θ,ϕ) system, the differential poloidal surface element is given by (A.201) as introduced in Appendix A

     -----r-----    ^
dS =      ||^   ||d ψdθϕ
     |∇ ψ||ψ ⋅^r|

so that the infinitesimal poloidal surface element dSp(ψ) is

∫           ∫                           ∫ 2π
       dS =        -----r|---|dψd θ = dψ     dθ-----r|----|
  dSp(ψ)      dSp(ψ)|∇ψ |||^ψ ⋅^r||           0    |∇ ψ|||^ψ ⋅^r||

and the flux-surface averaged flux in the toroidal direction is

          (    ) -1∫ 2π              [        ]
⟨Γ ⟩ (ψ) =  dSp-        dθ----r|---|- ^ϕ⋅Γ (ψ,θ)
   ϕ        dψ      0     |∇ψ |||ψ^⋅^r||


  dψ = 02π-----r|----|
|∇ ψ|||^ψ ⋅^r|| (3.231)
= 02π|--1-|
BP (3.232)

Defining the new pseudo saftey factor q as

--        2π dθ-|-1-|-r-B0(ψ-)
q (ψ ) ≡  0  2π |ψ^⋅^r| R  BP
               |   |

we get

dSp-(ψ) = 2πq-(ψ)
  dψ      B0 (ψ )


               ∫                     [        ]
⟨Γ ⟩ (ψ) = --1--  2π dθ|--1-|r-B0-(ψ)  ^ϕ⋅Γ (ψ,θ)
   ϕ      q(ψ ) 0   2π||^ψ ⋅^r||R   BP

Volume densities

We consider the flux-surface averaging of a volume quantity, such as a power density, generally noted Φ(ψ,θ). It is defined as the average value of Φ within the infinitesimal volume dV (ψ )

⟨Φ ⟩V (ψ ) =          dV

In the (ψ,θ,ϕ) system, the differential volume element is given by (A.202) as introduced in Appendix A

dV =      || ^  ||dψd θdϕ
      |∇ ψ ||ψ ⋅^r|

so that the infinitesimal volume element dV (ψ) of a flux-surface is

∫∫           ∫∫                            ∫ 2π   ∫ 2π
       dV  =        ----Rr|----|dψdθdϕ = d ψ     dθ    d ϕ----Rr|---|-
  dV(ψ)        dV(ψ)|∇ ψ|||^ψ ⋅^r||             0      0     |∇ψ |||ψ^⋅^r||

and the flux-surface averaged quantity in the toroidal direction is

           (    )- 1∫ 2π   ∫ 2π
⟨Φ ⟩ (ψ) =   dV-        dθ     dϕ ---Rr|----|Φ (ψ,θ)
   V         dψ      0      0     |∇ ψ|||^ψ ⋅^r||


  dψ = 02π 02π----Rr-----
     ||^  ||
|∇ψ ||ψ ⋅^r| (3.240)
= 02π 02π  r
|^ψ ⋅^r| 1
 P (3.241)

Under the assumption of axisymmetry, we get

  dψ = 4π2 02πdθ-
|| ^  ||
|ψ ⋅^r|-1-
BP (3.242)
= 4π2R0
B0 (ψ) 02πdθ
2π  1
|ψ^⋅^r| r
RpB0 (ψ)
  BP (3.243)

Defining the new pseudo saftey factor ^q as

       ∫ 2π dθ  1    r B0 (ψ)
^q(ψ) ≡      2π||----||R----B---
        0     |^ψ ⋅^r|  p   P

we get

dV-(ψ)-  4π2Rp-^q(ψ)-
  dψ   =   B0 (ψ)

and finally

             1  ∫ 2π dθ  1    r B  (ψ)
⟨Φ⟩V (ψ) = -----    ---||----||-----0---Φ (ψ,θ)
           ^q(ψ ) 0  2 π|^ψ ⋅^r|Rp  BP

3.6.2 Density


The electron density ne(ψ,θ) is given by the relation

             ∫      ∫
               +1     ∞  2
ne (ψ, θ) = 2π -1  dξ 0  p dpf (p,ξ,ψ,θ)

Using the general expression (3.246) of the flux-surface averaging of a volumic quantity

⟨ne⟩V (ψ) = 1-
^q 02πdθ-
= 2π-
q^ 0p2dp 02πdθ-
||^ψ ⋅^r||-r-
BP -1+1f(ψ,θ,p,ξ)
= 2π
q^ 0p2dp 02πdθ
2π   1
|^ψ ⋅^r| r
BP -1+1[      ]
 1 ∑
 2 σ=±1T f(ψ, θ,p,ξ)

where the trapping condition evaluated at the location θ is given by

          ∘ ------------
|ξ| < ξT =  1-  B0 (ψ)

Using ξdξ = Ψξ00 with the condition (3.270) on ξ0

      ∘ ------------
|ξ0| ≥   1-  ---1---
            Ψ (ψ, θ)

one get

∫   [       ]      ∫    [      ]              (      ∘ -----------)
  +1  1-∑            +1  1- ∑             ξ0               ---1---
      2        dξ =      2        Ψ (ψ,θ) ξ H   |ξ0|-   1 - Ψ (ψ,θ)  dξ0
 -1    σ= ±1 T       -1    σ=±1  T

where H is the usual Heaviside function which is defined as H(x) = 1 for x > 0, and H(x) = 0 elsewhere.

Note that the condition (3.250) is equivalent to

θmin(ψ,ξ0) ≤ θ ≤ θmax(ψ,ξ0)

so that, the integrals over θ and ξ0 may be permuted,

⟨ne⟩V (ψ ) = 2π-
 ^q 0p2dp -1+1 0×
[      ]
 1 ∑
 2 σ=±1T θminθmax dθ
2π   1
|ψ^⋅^r| r
Rp B
ξf(ψ,θ,p,ξ0) (3.253)

where the bounce-averaging of the distribution appears naturally. Therefore, expression (3.371) can be rewriten in the simple form

                ∫ ∞     ∫ +1
⟨ne⟩V (ψ) = 2π^q-    p2dp     dξ0λ{f (ψ,θ,p,ξ0)}
              ^q  0       - 1

Fokker-Planck Equation

For the zero order distribution function, since f0 is constant along a field line,

f0(ψ,θ,p,ξ) = f0 (ψ, p,ξ0)

one obtains

              ^q ∫ ∞     ∫ +1      (0)
⟨ne⟩0V (ψ) = 2π--    p2dp     dξ0λf0  (ψ,p,ξ0)
              ^q  0        -1

Drift Kinetic Equation

When we consider the first order distribution function, we have f1 = ^f+ g, where g is constant along a field line, and therefore its contribution ⟨ne⟩V 1(ψ) has the same expression as for f0. However, ^f has an explicit dependence upon θ, which is given by (3.206)

^f(ψ,θ,p,ξ) = ξ(ψ,θ,ξ0)^f(0)(ψ, p,ξ0)
             Ψ (ψ,θ)ξ0

Therefore, the flux-surface averaged density contribution of  ^
f is

⟨^ne⟩V 1(ψ ) = 2π^q
^q- 0p2dp -1+1 0λ{          }
          0^f (0)(ψ,p,ξ 0) (3.258)
= 2π^q-
^q 0p2dp -1+1 0λ1,-1,0^f (0)(ψ,p,ξ0) (3.259)


          {           }
λ-    =  σ  σ----ξ----  λ
 1,- 1,0       Ψ (ψ,θ)ξ0

according to the notation in Sec. 2.2.1, since ^
f (0) is antisymmetric in the trapped region.

Since ^f (0) and g have no definite symmetry properties, both can contribute to the density and

                0          1          1
⟨ne⟩V (ψ) = ⟨ne⟩V (ψ )+ ⟨ne⟩V (ψ )+ ⟨^ne⟩V (ψ )

3.6.3 Current Density


The density of current carried by electrons is given by

         ∫∫ ∫
J(x) = q      d3pvf (x,p )

so that the parallel current density is

          ∫ ∫∫
J∥(x) = qe     d pv∥f (x,p)

which becomes in (ψ,θ,p,ξ) phase space

               ∫       ∫
J (ψ, θ) = 2πq   ∞ p2dp  1 dξ-pξf (ψ,θ,p,ξ)
 ∥           e  0       - 1  γm

Flux-Surface Averaging

We are usually interested in the flux-surface averaged current density in the toroidal direction. It is generally given by (3.230)

⟨J ⟩
  ∥ϕ(ψ) = 1-
q- 02πdθ-
BPJ(ψ,θ)[   ]
= 1-
q- 02πdθ-
|^  |
|ψ ⋅^r|-r
B (3.265)

and finally, using (2.23)

⟨  ⟩       1 ∫ 2π dθ  1   r BT J ∥(ψ,θ)
 J∥ ϕ(ψ) = q-    2-π||----||R-B---Ψ-(ψ,-θ)
              0     |^ψ ⋅^r|    P

Fokker-Planck Equation

When we consider only the zero order distribution function, we have that f0 is constant along a field line, so that

f0(ψ,θ,p,ξ) = f(0)(ψ, p,ξ0)


      ∘ -------------------
ξ0 = σ  1 - Ψ-(ψ,θ) (1 - ξ2)

Consequently, we find

J0(ψ, θ) = 2πq e 0p2dp -11-pξ-
= 2πqe 0p2dp -11 pξ
γmef0(0)(ψ, p,ξ0)
= 2πqe 0p2dp -11 0Ψ(ψ,θ)×
H(      ∘  -----------)
  |ξ0|-    1- ---1---
             Ψ (ψ, θ)pξ0-
γmef0(0)(ψ, p,ξ0) (3.269)

where the condition

      ∘ ------------
|ξ0| ≥   1-  -------
            Ψ (ψ, θ)

results from the equation (3.268) and means that only the particle who reach the position θ must be considered. Note that the integrand in the equation (3.269) is odd in ξ0 for trapped electrons, since f0(0) is symmetric in the trapped region. As a consequence, the contribution from trapped electrons vanishes, and (3.269) can be rewritten as

              ∫ ∞      ∫ 1
J0(ψ,θ) = 2πqe     p2dp     dξ0Ψ(ψ, θ)H (|ξ0|- ξ0T) pξ0-f(0)(ψ, p,ξ0)
 ∥              0       -1                        γme  0

Therefore, the flux-surface averaged current density

⟨  ⟩0      1 ∫ 2πd θ  1   r BT J 0∥ (ψ,θ)
 J∥ ϕ(ψ) = --    ---||----||-------------
           q  0  2π |^ψ ⋅^r|R BP  Ψ (ψ, θ)


⟨J ⟩
  ∥ϕ0(ψ) = 2πqe-
me 0dp 3
q- 02πdθ-
||^ψ ⋅ ^r||r-
Ψ (ψ,θ)×
-11 0Ψ(ψ, θ)H(|ξ0|- ξ0T)ξ0f0(0)(ψ,p,ξ0) (3.273)

The integrals over θ and ξ0 can be permuted

⟨  ⟩
 J∥ϕ0(ψ) = 2πqe-
 me 0dpp3
γ -11 0H(|ξ0|-  ξ0T)ξ0f0(0)(ψ,p,ξ0)×
q 02πdθ
2π  1
||^ψ ⋅ ^r||r
BP (3.274)

We recognize the expression of the safety factor (2.51) so that

⟨  ⟩0      2πqe q∫ ∞    p3∫ 1                    (0)
 J∥ ϕ(ψ) = -------   dp --    dξ0H (|ξ0|- ξ0T) ξ0f0  (ψ,p,ξ0)
            me  q 0     γ  - 1

Case of circular concentric flux-surfaces In that case, we showed in (2.83) that the safety factor is

          ϵ   BT
q(r) = √-----2B--
        1 - ϵ   P

with ϵ = r∕Rp the inverse aspect ratio.

In addition, q(r) becomes

q(r) = 02πdθ-
= 02πdθ
2π- r
-B- B
= ϵ-B-
= --ϵ--
1 + ϵ-B-
BP (3.277)

since R = Rp + r cosθ, and B0∕B = R∕R0. We have then

q(r)   ∘ 1-+-ϵBT
---- =   --------
q(r)     1 - ϵ B

In the case when BT BP , we retrieve the bounce-averaged coefficient s* and in the large aspect ratio limit ϵ 1,

    q(r)          BT
lϵi→m0 q(r) = (1+ ϵ) B--

Drift Kinetic Equation

When we consider the first order distribution function, we have f1 = ^f+ g, where g is constant along a field line, and therefore its contribution has the same expression as for f0. However, ^f has an explicit dependence upon θ, which is given by (3.206)

^f(ψ,θ,p,ξ) = ξ(ψ,θ,ξ0)^f(0)(ψ, p,ξ0)
             Ψ (ψ,θ)ξ0


      ∘ -------------------
            ---1---      2
ξ0 = σ  1 - Ψ (ψ,θ) (1 - ξ )

Consequently, we find

J 1(ψ, θ) = 2πq e 0p2dp -11-pξ-
γme ^
f (ψ,θ,p,ξ)
= 2πqe 0p2dp -11 pξ
γme    ξ
Ψ (ψ,θ)ξ0^f (0)(ψ,p,ξ 0)
= 2πqe 0p2dp -11 0ξ-
H(      ∘ -----------)
 |ξ0|-   1-  ---1---
             Ψ (ψ,θ)-pξ0
γmef^ (0)(ψ,p,ξ0) (3.282)

where again the condition

      ∘ ------------
|ξ0| ≥   1-  ---1---
            Ψ (ψ, θ)

results from the equation (3.268) and means that only the particle who reach the poloidal position θ must be considered.

Therefore, the flux-surface averaged current density contribution from  ^

⟨   ⟩1        ∫ 2π               ^J1(ψ,θ)
  ^J∥  (ψ ) = 1-    dθ|--1-|-rBT- -∥------
     ϕ       q 0   2π||ψ^⋅^r||R BP  Ψ (ψ,θ)


⟨  ⟩
 J^∥ϕ1(ψ) = 2πqe
-m--- 0dpp3
q- 02πdθ
2π-  1
|^ψ ⋅^r|r
 P   1
-11 0ξ-
ξ0H(      ∘ -----------)
  |ξ |-   1 - ---1---
   0         Ψ (ψ,θ)ξ0f^ (0)(ψ,p,ξ )
      0 (3.285)

Note that the condition (3.283) is equivalent to

θmin(ψ,ξ0) ≤ θ ≤ θmax(ψ,ξ0)

so that, permuting the integrals over θ and ξ0, we find

⟨   ⟩
  ^J∥ϕ1(ψ ) = 2πqe
  e 0dpp3
γ- -11 0ξ0^f (0)(ψ,p,ξ0)
q θminθmax dθ-
Ψ (ψ,θ)-ξ
ξ0 (3.287)

We have then

r-BT----1--- =  RpI2-(ψ-)-r--B-R-0Ψ -2(ψ,θ)
R BP Ψ (ψ, θ)    R0B0  Rp BP R2

Then, noting the the integrand in (3.287) is independent of σ , so that the sum over σ for trapped particles can be added, we obtain

⟨  ⟩
 ^J∥ϕ1(ψ) = 2πqe
  e 0dpp3
γ- -11 0ξ0^f (0)(ψ, p,ξ0)1
q-RpI (ψ )
   0 0×
[     ]
    σT θminθmax dθ-
||^  ||
|ψ ⋅^r|-r-
ξ[   ]
  R2Ψ-2(ψ,θ)[   ]
  ξ02 (3.289)

We recognize the expression of a bounce coefficients defined by the general relation (2.66) in Sec. 2.2.1, so that we get finally

⟨   ⟩1      2 πqe^qRp BT 0 ∫ ∞   p3 ∫ 1            (0)
  ^J∥ ϕ(ψ ) =-m---qR---B--     dp-γ    dξ0λ2,-2,2ξ0^f   (ψ,p,ξ0)
               e    0   0  0        -1


          { (   )2     (   )2}
λ2,- 2,2 = λ    ξ-  Ψ -2  R0-
              ξ0          R

Case of circular concentric flux-surfaces In that case, we showed in (2.99) that ^q is

^q(r) = ϵ---

with ϵ = r∕Rp the inverse aspect ratio.

In addition, q(r) is

q(r) = --ϵ--B--
       1+  ϵBP

and since

R0 =  Rp (1 + ϵ)

we have then

^q-RpBT-0   BT-0
q-R0 B0  =  B0  ≃ 1

in the limit BP B.

Also, in this case,

Ψ (ψ,θ) = --0

so that

                 { ξ2}    *
λ2,-2,2 = λ2,0,0 = λ ξ2  =  ^s

using notations used in previous publications. The exact expression of ^s * in terms of a series expansion is given in relation (4.148).

3.6.4 Power Density Associated with a Flux


The kinetic energy associated with a relativistic electron of momentum p is

E  =  m c2(γ - 1)
  c    e

Then, the local energy density of electrons is

       ∫   3     2
ε (x ) =   d p mec (γ - 1)f (x, p)

The density of power absorbed through the process O, PabsO, is

             ||    ∫                          ||
P Oabs(x) = ∂-ε||  =   d3p mec2 (γ - 1) ∂f(x,-p-)||
           ∂t O                        ∂t    O

When the operator is described in conservative form, as the divergence of a flux

∂f||               O     1--∂-( 2  O)   1-∂-(∘ -----2 O )
∂t|O = - ∇    p ⋅Sp = - p2∂p  p Sp  +  p∂ξ    1 - ξ Sξ

then the power density becomes

                ∫ ∞            ∫ +1   [ 1 ∂  (    )   1 ∂ ( ∘ ------  )]
P Oabs = - 2πmec2     p2dp(γ - 1)     dξ -2 --- p2SOp  - -----   1- ξ2SOξ
                 0              -1     p  ∂p          p ∂ξ

The integration of the SξO term gives no contribution, since the particle energy is function of p only

∫ +1     (           )   [          ]
    dξ ∂-- ∘1---ξ2SO   =  ∘1----ξ2SO +1 = 0
 -1    ∂ξ          ξ               ξ - 1

and the equation (3.302) reduces to

 O            2∫ +1   ∫ ∞         ∂ ( 2 O )
Pabs = - 2πmec      dξ    (γ - 1)∂p- p Sp  dp
                -1     0

Integrating by parts, we get

  O           2∫ +1   ( [        2 O]∞    ∫ ∞ dγ 2  O  )
Pabs = - 2πmec      dξ   (γ - 1) p Sp 0 -     dpp S p dp
                 -1                        0

Assuming that limp→∞p2SpO = 0, and using

dγ-= ---p--
dp   γm2ec2

the equation (3.305) reduces to

               ∫      ∫
P O (ψ,θ) = 2π   +1dξ   ∞ dp-p3-SO
 abs            -1     0    γme  p

Flux-Surface Averaging

Starting from the general expression of the flux-surface averaging of a volume quantity (3.246), the flux-surface averaged power density ⟨    ⟩
 P OabsV (ψ) is

⟨   ⟩        1 ∫ 2π dθ  1    r B
 POabsV (ψ) = --    ---||----||-----0PaObs(ψ,θ)
             ^q  0  2π |^ψ ⋅^r|Rp BP

which becomes

⟨ O ⟩           ∫ ∞    p3  1∫ 2π dθ   1   r B0  ∫ +1    O
 PabsV (ψ) = 2π     dpγm-- ^q-    2π||----||R--B--     dξS p
                 0       e   0     |ψ^⋅^r|  p  P  -1

The sum over σ for trapped electrons can be added, using

-11[       ]
   σ= ±1T SpO = -1-ξT dξSpO + ξT1dξS pO + 1-
2 -ξTξT σ=±1SpO
= -1-ξT dξSpO + ξT1dξS pO + 1-
2 -ξTξT [SO(ξ) + SO(- ξ)]
  p       p
= -1-ξT dξSpO + ξT1dξS pO + -ξTξT dξSpO(ξ)
= -11dξS pO (3.310)

where the trapping condition evaluated at the poloidal location θ is

          ∘ -------------
                 B (ψ,θ)
|ξ| < ξT =  1 - B----(ψ-)

Using ξdξ = Ψξ00 with the condition (3.270) on ξ0

      ∘ ------------
|ξ0| ≥   1-  ---1---
            Ψ (ψ, θ)

we get that

                             (      ∘ -----------)
∫ +1      ∫ +1   Ψ (ψ,θ) ξ0                  1
     dξ =     dξ0----ξ-----H   |ξ0|-   1 - Ψ-(ψ,θ)
 - 1       -1

Note that the condition (3.312) is equivalent to

θmin(ψ,ξ0) ≤ θ ≤ θmax(ψ,ξ0)

so that, permuting the integrals over θ and ξ0, we find

⟨P O ⟩
  absV (ψ) = 2π 0dp  3
γme -1+1 0 (3.315)
 ^q [   ∑  ]
  2σ=±1T θminθmax dθ-
||^ψ ⋅^r||r--
ξSpO (3.316)

We see that the bounce-averaging of the fluxes appears naturally, so that we can rewrite

                  ∫ ∞     3 ∫  +1
⟨P O ⟩  (ψ ) = 2π ^q    dp-p--     dξ0λ {SO }
  abs V         ^q  0    γme   -1        p

Using the definition (3.167), we observe that the flux-surface averaged power density is calculated using the momentum flux component of the bounce-averaged kinetic equation:

⟨    ⟩          ^q ∫ ∞    p3  ∫ +1
 P Oabs V (ψ) = 2π--    dp----     d ξ0λS (p0)O
                ^q  0    γme   -1

Case of circular concentric flux-surfaces In that case, we showed in (3.292) that the coefficient ^q is

^q(r) = ϵ B-

with ϵ = r∕Rp.

In addition, ^q (r) becomes

^q (r) = 02πd-θ
= ϵ B
BP 02πdθ
= ϵ-B-
BP 02πdθ-
=   ϵ
1-+-ϵ B
  P (3.320)

using the simple relation B∕B0 = R0∕R and R0 = Rp(1+ ϵ).

We have then

-----= 1 + ϵ

Fokker-Planck Equation

The Fokker-Planck equation (3.107) solves for the zero-order distribution function f0. The density of power transfered to f0 through the momentum-space mechanism O is then

                 ∫ ∞     3  ∫ +1
⟨PO ⟩0 (ψ) = 2π^q-    dp-p--      dξ0λS (0)O (f0)
  abs V         ^q  0    γme   -1       p

where Sp(0)O(f )
  0 is given by (3.187)

                  ∂f (0)   ∘1----ξ2     ∂f (0)
S(p0)O (f0) = - D (0pp)O--0- + -------0D (0pξ)O---0- + F(p0)O f(00)
                    ∂p       p          ∂ξ0

The momentum-space diffusion and convection elements Dpp(0)O, D(0)O and Fp(0)O associated with a particular mechanism O are calculated in chapter 4.

Drift Kinetic Equation

The Fokker-Planck equation (6.1) solves for the first-order distribution function f1 = ^f+ g (3.117). The densities of power transfered to f^ and g through the momentum-space mechanism O are then respectively

⟨ ^O ⟩
 P absV 1(ψ) = 2π^q-
^q 0dp-p3-
γme -1+1 0λ ^
S p(0)O( ^)
  f (3.324)
⟨    ⟩
 PaObsV 1(ψ ) = 2π^q
^q 0dp p3
γme -1+1 0λSp(0)O(g) (3.325)

where ^S p(0)O( )
 ^f and Sp(0)O(g) are given by (3.187) and (3.216)

^S p(0)( )
 ^f = -^Dpp(0)∂ ^f(0)
  ∂p + ∘1----ξ2
   p^D(0)∂ ^f(0)
 ∂ξ0 + F^p(0)^f (0) (3.326)
Sp(0)O(g) = -D pp(0)O∂g(0)
 ∂p + ∘ ------
 ∂ξ0 + Fp(0)Og(0) (3.327)

The momentum-space diffusion and convection elements Dpp(0)O, D(0)O , Fp(0)O, ^Dpp(0), D^(0) and ^Fp(0) associated with a particular mechanism O are calculated in chapter 4.

3.6.5 Stream Function for Momentum Space fluxes

When transport in configuration space is ignored, and a steady-state regime is assumed to be reached, the Fokker-Planck equation reduces to the conservative equation (3.146)

∇p ⋅ Sp = 0

Because Sp is a divergence-free field vector, it can be expressed as the curl of a stream function

Sp =  ∇ × Tp

The expression of a curl in momentum space (p,ξ,φ ) is given by relation (A.279) in Appendix A

Sp = 1
∂ξ-(∘ ------  )
   1 - ξ2Tφ +     1
p  1 - ξ∂T ξ
∂-φ- (3.330)
Sξ = 1-
∂p(pT )
   φ --∘-1-----
p  1- ξ2∂Tp-
∂φ (3.331)
Sφ = -1-
∂p(pT ξ) -∘ -----2
 ∂ξ (3.332)

Because Sφ = 0, we can choose Tξ = Tp = 0, which leads to

Sp = 1-
∂ ξ(∘  ------ )
    1- ξ2Tφ (3.333)
Sξ = 1-
∂p(pTφ) (3.334)

and we can rewrite

Sp = ∇ × T φ^φ

In order to give a physical meaning to Tφ(p,ξ,ψ), we define formally

Tφ (ψ,p,ξ) = K (ψ,p,ξ)A (ψ,p,ξ)

where the function A(p,ξ) is such that the flux of electrons between two contours A1 and A2 is equal to ne(ψ ) (A2 - A1). Lets consider a path γ12 between the contours A1 and A2. The total flux of electrons through this path, which is in fact a surface, given the rotational symmetry in φ, is given by

Γ12 = ∫ ∫S12dSSp ^n
= ∫ ∫S12dS ⋅∇× Tφ^φ
= C12Tφdl ^φ (3.337)

By rotational symmetry in φ, and using (A.272), we get

          ∘ ------          ∘ ------
Γ 12 = 2πp2  1 - ξ22Tφ2 - 2πp1  1 - ξ21Tφ1

If we define

K (ψ,p,ξ) ≡ ---∘------2
            2πp  1 - ξ

we obtain

Γ 12 = ne(ψ )(A2 - A1)

and therefore the total flux between the contours A1 and A2 is equal to ne(ψ ) (A2 - A1 ). We call A(ψ,p,ξ) the stream function, and we get finally

Sp = ne (ψ)
∂ ξ (3.341)
Sξ = ---ne∘(ψ-)---
2πp   1- ξ2∂A-
∂p (3.342)

Since there are no fluxes across the internal boundaries in the momentum space, this boundary coincide with a contour A, and therefore we can arbitrarily set this value to 0:

A (0,ξ) = A (p,±1) = 0

Then A can be calculated by any of the integrals

                2 ∫ ξ            2 ∫ ξ
A (ψ,p,ξ) = 2πp---    dξSp = 2-πp--   dξ′Sp
            ne(ψ)  -1        ne(ψ ) 1


               ∘ ------∫
            2π---1--ξ2   p ′  ′
A (ψ, p,ξ) =    ne(ψ)    0 p dpS ξ

However, A(ψ, p,ξ) remains a function of ξ, which depends upon θ. Starting from the bounce-averaged fluxes, it is interesting to compute a function A(0)(ψ, p,ξ0), such that

A(0)(0,ξ0) = A(p,±1 ) = 0
Sp(0) = ne(ψ )
-2πp2-∂A (0)
   0 (3.346)
Sξ(0) = ---n∘e(ψ)---
2πp  1 - ξ20   (0)

We first need to demonstrate the existence of such a function. Starting from Sp(0),

A(0)(ψ, p,ξ)
       0 =     2
ne (ψ) -1ξ0 0{S }
=     2
ne (ψ) -1ξ0 0-1-
λ ^q [  ∑  ]
  2 σT θminθmax dθ-
BP ′
= -1ξ0 0-1-
λ^q [     ]
    σT 02πdθ-
2πH(Bb - B )--1---
||^   ||
|ψ ⋅^r|-r-
ξ ′∂A-
= -σ-
λ ^q [  ∑  ]
  2 σT 02πdθ-
-1ξ0 0H(      ∘ ------)
  |ξ0|-   1 - Ψσξ0′
= -σ-
λ ^q [     ]
    σT 02πdθ-
||^  ||
|ψ ⋅^r|-r-
Ψ -1ξ∂A-
∂ξ ′
= -σ-
λ ^q [  ∑  ]
  2 σT 02πdθ-
= σ^q--
λ^q [     ]
    σT ⟨σA ⟩V (3.347)

where we used

                            ∘ ------
θ   ≤ θ ≤ θ    ⇔  B ≤ B  ⇔    1-  1-≤ |ξ |
 min       max          b         Ψ     0

Now, starting from Sξ(0), we have

A(0)(ψ, p,ξ0) =    ∘ ------
2 π  1- ξ20
    e 0ppdpσ{  σ ξ   }
  √----S ξ
=    ∘ ------
   ne(ψ) 0ppdpσ-1-
λ^q [     ]
    σT θminθmax dθ-
||^   ||
|ψ ⋅^r|-r-
√ Ψ-Sξ
= 0pdpσ1--
λ^q [   ∑  ]
  2  σT θminθmax dθ-
||^ψ ⋅^r||-r-
  Ψ∘ -----2
  1 - ξ2∂A-
= -σ-
λ ^q [     ]
    σT θminθmax dθ-
||^  ||
|ψ ⋅^r|r--
Ψ 0pdp∂A-
∂p ′
=  σ
λ ^q [ 1∑  ]
  2 σT θminθmax dθ
2π  1
||^ψ ⋅^r||r
= σ^q--
λ^q [     ]
    σT ⟨σA⟩V (3.349)

and we find the same function A(0). The existence of a function A(0) verifying (3.346) is therefore demonstrated. We need now to demonstrate that A(0) verifying (3.346) leads to the bounce-averaged Fokker-Planck equation (3.166):

{∇   ⋅S }
   p   p = 1-
∂p(      )
 p2S (0)
∂ξ0( ∘ ------    )
    1-  ξ2λS (0)
        0   ξ0
= 1-
∂p(            (0))
     2πp2  ∂ξ0-1--
∂ ξ0( ∘ ------               (0))
    1- ξ20λ --ne∘-(ψ)---∂A---
           2πp  1 - ξ20 ∂p
= -1--
λp2  2
∂pξ0[         (0)]
λp2   2
∂ ξ0∂p[         (0)]
= 0 (3.350)

In conclusion, a stream function verifying

A (0)(0,ξ0) = A (p,±1 ) = 0

has been found which leads to the bounce-averaged Fokker-Planck equation and which can be calculated from the bounce-averaged fluxes by either

                     ∫                  ∫
A (0)(ψ,p,ξ ) = 2πp2--  ξ0dξ′S(0)= -2πp2-   ξ0 dξ′S (0)
          0    ne(ψ ) -1   0 p    ne (ψ)  1    0 p


               2π∘1----ξ2 ∫ p      (0)
A (0)(ψ,p,ξ0) = ---------0    p′dp ′Sξ
                 ne (ψ)    0


3.6.6 Ohmic electric field

The electrical conductivity of the plasma σe is defined as the ratio of the flux averaged current density ⟨  ⟩
 J∥ϕ0 to the flux surface averaged parallel Ohmic electric field ⟨  ⟩

     ⟨  ⟩0
σe = ⟨E  ⟩
        ∥ ϕ

By definition,

⟨E ∥⟩ϕ(ψ ) = -1---
q(ψ) 02πdθ-
BPE(ψ, θ)[   ]
= -1---
q(ψ) 02πdθ-
 BPE(ψ, θ) BT
=  1
q(ψ)- 02πdθ
2π-  1
|ψ ⋅^r|r
 PE∥ (ψ,θ)
Ψ-(ψ,-θ) (3.355)


             1    R20
E∥(ψ, θ) = Ψ-(ψ,-θ)R2-E∥0(ψ)

where E0(ψ) is the value at the minimum magnetic field B0, one obtains

⟨E  ⟩
   ∥ϕ(ψ ) = 1-
q- 02πdθ-
||^ψ ⋅^r||r-
Ψ2 (ψ,θ)R20
= E0(ψ )1-
q- 02πdθ-
||^   ||
|ψ ⋅^r|r-
Ψ2 (ψ,θ)R20-
R2 (3.357)


⟨  ⟩
 E∥ϕ(ψ) = E0(ψ )1-
R0 02πdθ-
|^  |
|ψ ⋅r^|r--
ξ[                 ]
  ξ-BT-----1--- R30-
  ξ0 B Ψ2 (ψ,θ) R3
= E0(ψ )--1--
q(ψ )Rp-
R0 02π-dθ
||^   ||
|ψ ⋅^r|-r-
[ ξ BT  BT 0B0    1    R3 ]
  ξ0BT 0 B0 B  Ψ  (ψ,θ)R
= E0(ψ )1-
R0 02πdθ-
|^ψ ⋅^r|
|    |r--
ξ[              ]
  ξ0Ψ3 (ψ,θ)R4
= E0(ψ )^q
 0BT 0
   0λσ{                }
    ξ    1    R40
  σξ- Ψ3(ψ,-θ)R4-
= E0(ψ ) ^q
 B0λ1,-3,4 (3.358)

Case of circular concentric flux-surfaces In that case,

^q(r) = 1+ ϵ

and since Rp∕R0 = 1(1 + ϵ),

⟨E ⟩
  ∥ϕ(r) = BT-
= BT-
 Bλ1,1,0E0(r) (3.360)

using relation Ψ(r,θ) = R∕R0. Therefore,

⟨  ⟩       BT ∘ 1 + ϵ
 E∥ ϕ(r) = ---  -----E ∥0 (r)
            B   1 - ϵ

as λ1,-1,2 = ∘  ----
   11+-ϵϵ for circular concentric flux-surfaces. Moreover, in this limit,

     ⟨  ⟩(0)    (0)
     -J-∥ϕ--   J∥--
σe =  ⟨E ⟩  =  E
        ∥ ϕ      ∥0


                  ∘ -----
⟨J ∥⟩(0)(ψ,θ) = BT-  1-+-ϵJ(0)
    ϕ           B   1 - ϵ ∥


  (0)   2πqe ∫ ∞  2  ∫ 1                 pξ0 (0)
J ∥  = -m---    p dp    dξ0H (|ξ0|- ξ0T) γm-f0  (ψ,p,ξ0)
         e   0       - 1

In that case, the neo-classical conductivity can be either calculated from flux surface averaged quantity, or local values at B = B0.

3.6.7 Fraction of trapped electrons

The ratio between the number of trapped and passing electrons is an important quantity in the neoclassical transport theory, since the parallel viscosity responsible for reduction of the Ohmic conductivity and the bootstrap current level are both roughly proportional to this parameter. Therefore, under the influence of RF waves, its large variation will indicate unambiguously that significant macroscopic changes are to be expected on the current generation and the power absorption due to neoclassical effects. We could expect to encounter such circomstances especially when wave-particle interaction takes place in the near vicinity of the trapped-passing boundary.

The starting point of the calculations is the determination of the flux averaged density ⟨ne⟩. According to the definition of the electron momentum distribution function f, the local electron density ne(ψ,θ) is given by the relation

             ∫      ∫
               +1     ∞  2
ne (ψ, θ) = 2π -1  dξ 0  p dpf (ψ,θ,p,ξ)

Using the general expression (3.246) of the flux-surface averaging of a volumic quantity

⟨ne⟩V (ψ) = 1-
^q 02πdθ-
||^   ||
|ψ ⋅ ^r|r--
= 2π
-^q- 0p2dp 02πdθ
2π-  1
|ψ^⋅^r| r
  pB0 (ψ)
   P -1+1f(ψ,θ,p,ξ)
= 2π
 ^q 0p2dp 02πdθ
2π  1
|ψ^⋅^r| r
RpB  (ψ)
-1+1[       ]
    σ=±1T f(ψ, θ,p,ξ) (3.366)

where the trapping condition evaluated at the location θ is given by

          ∘ -------------
|ξ| < ξT =  1 - Bmax (ψ )

Using ξdξ = Ψξ00 with the condition (3.270) on ξ0

|ξ0| ≥   1-  ---1---
            Ψ (ψ, θ)

one get

∫   [       ]      ∫    [      ]              (      ∘ -----------)
  +1  1-∑            +1  1- ∑             ξ0               ---1---
 -1   2        dξ =  -1  2        Ψ (ψ,θ) ξ H   |ξ0|-   1 - Ψ (ψ,θ)  dξ0
       σ= ±1 T             σ=±1  T

Note that the condition (3.368) is equivalent to

θmin(ψ,ξ0) ≤ θ ≤ θmax(ψ,ξ0)

so that, the integrals over θ and ξ0 may be permuted,

⟨ne⟩V (ψ ) = 2π-
 ^q 0p2dp -1+1 0×
[      ]
 2 σ=±1T θminθmax dθ-
ξf(ψ,θ,p,ξ )
        0 (3.371)

where the bounce-averaging of the distribution appears naturally. Therefore, expression (3.371) can be rewriten in the simple form

                ∫       ∫
              ^q-  ∞  2    +1
⟨ne⟩V (ψ) = 2π^q  0  p dp - 1 dξ0λ{f (ψ,θ,p,ξ0)}

and the exact trapped fraction Ft is given by the ratio

         ∫∞ p2dp ∫+ξ0Tλ {f} dξ
Ft (ψ) = -0∫--------∫ξ0T---------0
           ∞0 p2dp  +-11 λ {f} dξ0

where λ is the normalized bounce time 2.11.

Since, {f}f0(0) +^
f (0) +g(0) ,

           ∫∞  2   ∫+ξ0T  [ (0)   (0)]
F  (ψ) = ---0-p-dp---ξ0T[-λ--f0--+-g---d]ξ0---
  t      ∫∞ p2dp ∫+1 λ f(0)+ ^f(0) + g(0) dξ
          0       -1    0                 0

taking into account that f^ (0) is an odd function of ξ0 in the trapped region.

When f0(0) = f0M(0) = fM is a Maxwellian distribution on the magnetic flux surface ψ,

              ∫       ∫
               ∞0 p2dp  +-ξξ0Tλf0(0M)dξ0
F Mt (ψ ) = ∫-∞----∫-+1--[0T(0)----(0)]----
           0  p2dp -1 λ  f0M  + gM  d ξ0

taking into account that gM(0) = 0 for trapped electrons. Neglecting the contribution of gM(0), the zero order trapped fraction Ft0M is given by

          ∫∞ p2dp ∫+ξ0T(ψ) λf(0) (p,ψ)dξ
FM  (ψ ) = -0∫-------ξ0∫T(ψ)---0M--------0-
 t0          ∞0 p2dp  +-11 λf (00)M (p,ψ )dξ0

which reduces to

          ∫+ξ0T(ψ )λdξ    ∫+ ξ0T(ψ)
FMt0 (ψ ) = --ξ∫0T(ψ)----0-= -0∫-----λdξ0-
             +-11 λdξ0        +01 λdξ0

In this limit, Ft0M is only a function of the geometrical magnetic configuration, while is the general case, Ft is a fully kinetic quantity.

Case of circular concentric flux-surfaces In that case, the normalized bounce time is simply

        ∫               [                           ]
          θmaxdθ-ξ0   2-              1-2
λ (ξ0) =       2π ξ  ≃ π  J0(ξ0,ξ0T)-  2ξ0TJ2(ξ0,ξ0T )

which may be expanded up to the second order with an excellent accuracy as shown in Appendix ??. Here,

      ∘ -2-ϵ-
ξ0T =   -----
        1 + ϵ

with ϵ = r∕Rp the usual inverse aspect ratio.

It is interesting to estimate the parametric dependence of Ft0M for ϵ 1. For trapped particles,

             [  (    )        [   (    )     (    )]]
        2|ξ0|     -ξ02     1-2      -ξ20        -ξ20
λ(ξ0) ≃ πξ0T  K   ξ2   -  2ξ0T K   ξ2    - E  ξ2
                   0T               0T         0T

where K(x ) and E(x) are complete elliptic integrals of the first and second kind. Hence,

∫ + ξ0T(ψ)           2√2-√ -∫ 1
         λ(ξ0)dξ0 = ----  ϵ    x[K (x)- ϵ(K  (x )- E (x))]dx
 0                   π      0

Using the recurrence relation

  ∫                       ∫
n2  1 xnK (x)dx = (n - 1)2  1xn -2K (x)dx + 1
   0                       0

and since

∫ 1
   xE (x)dx = 2∕3

according to formulaes (6.147) and (6.132 ) in Ref. [?],

    ∫ +ξ0T (ψ)            2√2-√-
lim          λ (ξ0)dξ0 ≃ ---- ϵ (1 - ϵ∕3)
ϵ→0  0                   π

For circulating electrons,

          [  (    )       [  (    )     (    ) ]]
λ(ξ ) ≃ 2- K   ξ20T  - 1-ξ2 K   ξ20T  - E   ξ20T
   0    π      ξ20     2  0      ξ20         ξ20


∫  1                2 2 √- ∫ 1 ( K (x)    K (x)- E (x))
        λ (ξ0) dξ0 = -π-- ϵ  √--  -x2--+  ϵ-----x4------ dx
  +ξ0T(ψ)                     2ϵ

From the relation

∫ K (x)       E (x)
  ---2-dx =  ------
    x           x

which is given by formula (5.112.9) of Ref. [?],

+ξ0T(ψ)1λ(ξ0)0 =  √ --
 π√ ϵ(   (√--)    )
  E-√-2ϵ--- 1
     2ϵ +  √ --
  πϵ√ ϵ √--
1 - √ --
  π√ ϵ +  √ --
 πϵ√ϵ √--
     x4dx (3.388)

and using the indefinite integrals

   K-(x)--E-(x)dx = - E (x)


∫  E (x )      1  [   2           (     2)     ]
   -x4--dx = 9x3-2(x  - 2)E (x)+  1 - x  K (x)

according to formulaes (5.113.1) and (5.112.12) in Ref. [?],

     ∫ 1 K (x)-  E (x )      δ3   K  (δ) - E (δ)(      )  δ2        π
lim δ3    ------4------dx = --- + ------------- 1 - δ2 + --E (δ) ≃ --δ2
δ→0    δ       x              3         3                 3        4

so that up to the first order term,

∫ 1
   λ (ξ0)d ξ0 ≃ 1 + ϵ-
 0                2


              2√ 2√ -     √ -
ϵli→m0 FtM0 (ψ) ≃ ----  ϵ ≃ 0.9 ϵ

and the √ -
  ϵ dependence in the limit ϵ 1 is well recovered, as expected from an intuitive explanation.

It is worth noting that this result is well recovered by a simple Monte-Carlo technique, where the poloidal angle θ is taken to be a uniform random variable between 0 and 2π, as well as ξ between -1 and 1. Using the relation (2.22) which translates ξ to ξ0 at the minimum B value, and considering that the particle is trapped when |ξ0|ξ0T , the fraction of trapped particle found numerically is exactly Ft0M(ψ ), while the distribution scales like λ(ξ0).

It is important to precise that Ft0M is not the “  effective” trapped fraction Fteff. given by the well known relation

                     ∫ 1
F eff.(ψ ) = 1 - 3-⟨h2⟩   ⟨√-xdx--⟩-
  t            4      0    1 - xh

found repeatedly in the litterature for the bootstrap current or the neoclassical conductivity, where h = B∕Bmax and Bmax is the maximum value of the magnetic field B along the particle trajectory. This quantity results from the reduction of the conductivity due to trapped particles, or the onset of the bootstrap current. Its expression with notations used in the text is determined from the bootstrap current calculations with the Lorentz collision operator, as shown Sec.5.6.2. It is important to notice that Fteff. is in principle not a fraction of trapped electrons, and in addition there is no demonstration that Fteff. 1 is always satisfied for all magnetic configurations, as mentioned clearly in Ref. [?]. In fact the denomination “ effective” trapped fraction Fteff. is quite confusing, since it applies only for Maxwellian regime, and is not established as a kinetic quantity like Ft0M. This point is especially important when non-Maxwellian distributions are considered for evaluating the bootstrap current. Consequently, Fteff. must not be used in such regimes, but only Ft as an true physical sense for comparisons between different regimes.

3.6.8 Runaway loss rate

Primary generation When the Ohmic electric field E exceeds the Dreicer level ED, a fraction of the electron population run away. The total number of electrons is therefore no more conserved, since the flux Sp0 at p = pmax, on the boundary of the integration domain ϒ. The runaway loss rate ΓR is given by the relation


Γ R(ψ,θ) =    ϒS p (ψ,pξ)⋅dS

where the element of surface dS(p) = p2dξdφ^p according to the Appendix A. Therefore, since = 2π by symmetry, one obtains

               ∫  +1
Γ R (ψ,θ) = 2πp2c    Sp (ψ, pc,ξ)dξ

where pc is the critical momentum above which electrons runaway. The value of pc corresponds to the threshold where collision drag may not counter-balance electric field acceleration, and its value is therefore dependent of the model used for collisions. Since electrons with p pc will never cross back this threshold, they leave rapidly the domain of integration, and ΓR(ψ,θ) is weakly dependent of p when p pc. In particular, ΓR(ψ, θ) ΓRmax(ψ, θ), where

                   ∫  +1
Γ max (ψ,θ) = 2πp2      S  (ψ, p ,ξ)dξ
 R              max  -1  p     c

Consequently, pc is considered as a free parameter in the code. The flux-surface averaged runaway rate ⟨Γ R ⟩V is given by the relation

            2π   ∫ 2πd θ  1    r B0 (ψ)
⟨Γ R⟩V (ψ) =---p2c    ---||----||---------Γ R (ψ,θ)
             ^q    0  2π |^ψ ⋅^r|Rp  BP


            2π   ∫ 2π dθ  1    r B  (ψ) ∫ +1
⟨Γ R ⟩V (ψ) =---p2c     --|----|-----0---     Sp (ψ, pc,ξ)dξ
             ^q    0   2π||^ψ ⋅^r||Rp   BP    -1

Using the usual condition on the trapped electrons,

∫ +1     ∫ +1             (      ∘ -----------)
     dξ =     Ψ (ψ,θ) ξ0-H  |ξ0|-   1 - ---1---  dξ0
 -1        -1         ξ                Ψ (ψ,θ)

one obtains

⟨Γ R⟩V (ψ) = 2π
-^q-pc2 -1+1 0[     ]
 1 ∑
    σT θminθmax  dθ
2π-  1
|ψ ⋅^r| r
  p B
= 2π
 ^qpc2 -1+1{Sp(ψ,pc,ξ)}λ(ψ,ξ0)^q (ψ )0
= ^q-
^q 2πpc2 -1+1λ(ψ,ξ0)Sp(0)(ψ,pc,ξ0)0 (3.401)

since the sum [1∑   ]
 2   σT may be added, because Sp(ξ) does not depend of the sign of ξ. in the trapped region. The density Δ⟨nR⟩V of runaway electrons lossed per time step Δt is then simply ⟨Γ R ⟩V (ψ )Δt, and in order to preserve the code conservative, a source of thermal electrons corresponding to a similar amount of electrons lost must be added in the set of equations to solve.

Secondary generation The Fokker-Planck approximation for collisions is valid so far electrons suffer only weak deflections. Knock-on processes are consequently neglected. However, for electrons with a high kinetic energy p lnΛ, such an approximation is no more justified, and collisions with large deflections must be considered. The effect may change significantly the picture of the fast tail build-up by leading to an avalanche process that could modify the runaway electron growth rate

      --1---d⟨nR⟩V--  --1---Δ-⟨nR⟩V-   ⟨Γ R⟩V
γR =  ⟨nR ⟩    dt   ≃  ⟨nR⟩     Δt   ≃  ⟨nR⟩
          V               V                V

Here ⟨nR ⟩V is the flux surface averaged runaway density.

The source SR of secondary runaway electrons is given by a Krook term of the form [?]

                             (               )
SR (ψ, p,ξ)  =  --nR-νe- 1-∂--( ---∘--1-------) δ (ξ - ξ*(p))
               4π lnΛee p2∂p   1-    1+ β†2p2
            =  S*R δ(ξ - ξ*R (p))                                 (3.403)
                            ∘ ------
 *      ----σRpβ-†th-----       γ---1
ξ (p) = ∘ -----†2-2    = σR   γ + 1
          1 + βth p + 1

is the pitch-angle of the secondary electron produced by collisions, which is here deduced from momentum and energy conservation of strong elastic collisions between relativistic particles (See Appendix ?? )1, and

                      (               )
          nR νe  1  ∂          1              nR νe    1  γ + 1
S*R (p) =-------- -2---( ----∘---------)  = -------------3--------
        4 πlnΛee p ∂p   1 -   1+ βt†2hp2     4π ln Λee(p)p  γ(γ - 1)

Here, γ = ∘ -----†2-2-
  1+ β thp and the normalized density of runaway electrons nR is assumed to be uniform over a magnetic flux surface ψ, so that nR = nR(ψ ) = ⟨n  ⟩
  RV , lnΛee is the usual Coulomb logarithm for electron-electron collisions, which is a function of p for high energy electrons, and σR = v∕v indicates the direction of acceleration for the runaway electrons.

The bounce-averaged expression of SR is given by the usual relation

           [  ∑  ]  ∫ θmax
{SR } = -1- 1-            dθ-|-1-|-r--B- ξ0SR (ψ,p,ξ)
        λ^q  2  σ     θmin  2π ||ψ^⋅^r||Rp BP  ξ


                   [  ∑  ]  ∫ θmax
{SR}  =   S*R (p) 1-- 1-            dθ|--1-|-r--B- ξ0-δ(ξ - ξ*)
                λ^q  2  σ  T  θmin  2π||ψ^⋅^r||Rp BP  ξ
           *           *
      =   SR (p) {δ(ξ - ξ )}                                     (3.407)

In order to calculate {δ(ξ - ξ*)}, it is important to recall that ξ is a function of θ, according to the relation

     ∘ -----------(-----)-
ξ = σ  1- Ψ (ψ, θ) 1- ξ20

where Ψ(ψ,θ) = B(ψ,θ)∕B0(ψ ). Using the general relation δ(g (x)) = kδ(x - xk)|g′(xk)| for the Delta function δ(x), where xk are the zeros of function g(x) and g(x) = dg∕dx, one obtains

            ∑              *   *
δ (ξ - ξ*) =      |-2δ((θ--)θ|k()|ξ|--)
       R    k=1,2 |Ψ ′ ψ,θ*k | 1 - ξ20

where θk* are the poloidal angle values where the secondary electron emerges, which verify the relation

 ∘ ------(----)(------)   *
σ  1 - Ψ  ψ,θ*k  1 - ξ20 - ξ  = 0


      *    Bθ*k   1 - ξ*2         2
Ψ (ψ,θk) = B---= -1--ξ2-=  (----2)--------
             0        0     1- ξ0  (γ + 1)

Indeed, the equation Ψ(ψ, θ*k) = C has in general two distinct solutions in a tokamak magnetic configuration, except at θ* = {0,π}. Therefore,

                 [     ]  ∫ θ                                   *
{δ (ξ - ξ*)} =-1- 1-∑       max dθ-|-1-|-r--B- ξ0 ∑   |--(---2|)ξ|(|-----)δ(θ - θ*)
              λ^q  2  σ     θmin  2π ||ψ^⋅^r||Rp BP  ξ      |Ψ′ ψ,θ*k | 1 - ξ20        k
                        T                        k=1,2


                ∫ 2π                  ∑             *
{δ(ξ - ξ*)} =-1-     dθ|-1--|-r--B-ξ0      |-′ (-2*|ξ)||(-----2)δ(θ - θ*k)
             λ^q  0   2π||^ψ ⋅^r||Rp BP  ξ k=1,2 |Ψ   ψ,θk | 1 - ξ0

since the integrand is an even function of ξ (or ξ0). Consequently

        *     1  ∑      1    rθ*k Bθ*k  ξ0       2 |ξ*|
{δ (ξ - ξ )} = λ^q    ||----||--R--B---*ξ-*||Ψ-′ (ψ,θ*)||(1--ξ2)
                 k=1,2|ψ^⋅^r|θ*  p  P,θk θk        k       0


              1  ∑      1   rθ*  B0      2     |ξ0|(1- ξ*2)
{δ(ξ - ξ *)} =---     ||---||----k----- ||-′ (--*)||--(-----2)2--
             λq^k=1,2 |^ψ ⋅r^| *Rp BP, θ*k Ψ  ψ,θk     1 - ξ0


ξθk*= ξ


                                                                  (      )
         (0)            *    1  ∑      1    rθ*k  B0       2     |ξ0| 1 - ξ*2
{SR } = SR  (ψ,p,ξ0) = S R(p) λ^q    ||----||--R--B---*||Ψ′ (ψ,-θ*)||-(----2)2--
                               k=1,2|^ψ ⋅^r|θ*  p  P,θk        k    1 - ξ0

and using relations 3.405 and 3.404,

                                                    ⌊             ⌋
S(0)(ψ,p,ξ0) = ⟨nR-⟩V νe-1 ---1----B0-(--|ξ0|-)-     ⌈|-1--|-r--1-′⌉
 R             πlnΛeeRp p3 γ(γ - 1)λq^ 1 - ξ202 k=1,2  ||^ψ ⋅^r||BP |Ψ |

where ⟨nR ⟩V = -∞t⟨Γ R⟩V dt corresponds to the total number of runaway electrons produced at the normalized time t on a flux surface ψ.

The flux-surface averaged source term ⟨SR ⟩V is given by the general relation

               ∫                     ∫            ∫
            2π-  2πd-θ|-1--|-r-B0-(ψ)  pmax    2    +1
⟨SR⟩V (ψ) =  ^q  0  2π |^   |Rp  BP    p    2πp  dp - 1 SR (ψ, p,ξ)dξ
                      |ψ ⋅^r|           min

which becomes

               ∫                ∫                  ∫
            4π2-  pmax  *     2    2π-dθ--1----r-B0-   +1       *
⟨SR ⟩V (ψ ) =  ^q        SR(p)p dp     2π ||^   ||Rp BP      δ(ξ - ξR)dξ
                 pmin             0     |ψ ⋅^r|        -1


                ∫               ∫
⟨S ⟩  (ψ) = 4π2-  pmax S* (p) p2dp   2π dθ|-1--|-r-B0-
  R V        ^q   pmin   R         0   2π||^ψ ⋅^r||Rp BP

Since by definition -1+1δ(ξ - ξ*)
     R= 1, and using the relation

    ∫ 2πdθ   1    r B0
^q =     ---||----||------
     0  2π |^ψ ⋅^r|Rp BP

one finds

              2  pmax  *    2
⟨SR⟩V (ψ) = 4π  p    SR (p)p dp


                  (                                     )
⟨S  ⟩  (ψ ) = πnRνe-( ----∘---1--------- ----∘---1--------)
  R V       ln Λee              †2 2                †2 2
                    1-    1+ βthpmax   1 -   1+  βthp min

assuming a weak dependence of lnΛee with p in the interval of integration.

Recalling that nR = ⟨nR⟩V , the relation between the normalized secondary runaway source and the runaway rate is then simply

                              (                                    )
            ∫ t
⟨SR⟩  (ψ ) =     ⟨Γ R⟩ dt-πνe--( ---∘---1---------- ----∘---1-------)
    V        -∞     V   lnΛee   1-   1 + β†2p2     1 -   1+ β †2p2
                                          th max              th min

where values pmin and pmax correspond respectively to the runaway threshold pc and the upper momentum boundary of the integration domain of the Fokker-Planck equation. An estimate of pmin is given in Appendix ??. In the limit βth2pmax2 1,

            ∫ t
⟨SR ⟩∞  (ψ ) ≃     ⟨Γ R⟩ dt-πνe-∘-------1--------
    V        - ∞     V   ln Λee   1+ β†2p2  - 1
                                     th min

and using the relation βth2pmin2 2Ec∕E when EE*, where E* is the critical electric field for relativistic electrons,

    ∞          ∫ t          πνe         1
⟨SR⟩V (ψ)  ≃       ⟨Γ R ⟩V dtlnΛ--∘----------------
                -∞             ee   1+ 2Ec ∕E∥ - 1
               ∫ t               E
           ≃       ⟨Γ R ⟩V dt-πνe--∥-                       (3.427)
                -∞         lnΛee Ec

Using relation

E-*-= β†2
ED     th

between Dreicer field ED and the critical electric field Ec, one obtains finaly when E∕ED βth2,

    ∞       ∫ t           πνe   †2 E∥
⟨SR ⟩V  (ψ ) ≃     ⟨Γ R⟩V dtlnΛ-βthE---
              -∞            ee     D

A similar expression may be derived in the opposite limit, i.e. when EEc or E∕ED βth2. In that case,

 †2 2    -----1----
βth pmin ≈ 1 - E *∕E∥


            ∫ t               ∘ -------†2--
⟨S  ⟩∞ (ψ ) ≃     ⟨Γ ⟩  dt-πνe-- 1 - --βth--
  R V        - ∞   R V   ln Λee      E ∥∕ED

Since the secondary source term will enhance the fast electron density above pmin, for a given electric field, the effect of strong Coulomb collisions will greatly increase the loss of runaway electrons. The fact that ⟨SR⟩V is not proportional to ⟨Γ R ⟩V but to -∞t⟨Γ R⟩V dt clearly indicates that all the history of the fast tail build-up plays a crucial role on the dynamics at time t, and consequently, only a time evolution is meaningful for this studying this problem which has basically no stationnary regime. A stationnary regime may only be found if E evolves so that the plasma current is kept time-independent.

3.6.9 Magnetic ripple losses

Though magnetic ripple losses is a full 4 -D problem, it can be considered in a simple manner by defining a super-trapped volume V ST p in momentum space,

  p         ∫ ∞  2   ∫ +1
VST (ψ) = 2π    p dp     H  (p- pc)(1-  H (|ξ0|- ξ0ST))dξ0
             0        -1

in which particle escape the plasma. A low energy, it is bounded by the collision detrapping when p pc, while the pitch-angle dependence results from the condition that only electrons whose banana tip enter the bad confinement region characterized by the well known criterion α*1 are trapped in the magnetic well, in an irreversible manner. As shown in Fig. 3.1, even if this is a rather crude modeling, it captures most of the salient features of the physics. Therefore, all trapped electrons which in addition fullfils the condition p∕p ξ0ST are super-trapped. Here, ξ0ST is deduced from the intersection between the poloidal extend of the banana and the good confinement domain α* 1 on a given flux surface [?]. The pitch-angle threshold ξ0ST depends therefore of the radial position ψ and close to the edge,

 lim  ξ0ST = ξ0T
ψ→ ψa

which indicates that all trapped electrons are expected to escape the magnetic configuration. Furthermore, it is assumed that electrons, once in this magnetic well, do not contribute anymore to the overall momentum dynamics, which is obviously a very crude approximation.


Figure 3.1: Domain in configuration space where magnetic ripple well takes place for Tore Supra tokamak

An heuristic description of this process may be obtained by introducing a Krook term restricted to the volume V ST p in the Fokker-Planck equation

∂f (0)|
---0-|| = νdSTf(00) (ψ, p,ξ0) H (p- pc)(1 - H (|ξ0|- ξ0ST))
  ∂t |

where νdST-1 is the drifting time taken by super-trapped electrons for leaving the plasma. In order to reproduce the fact that super-trapped electrons are decoupled from the momentum dynamics, a simple method is to force νdST-1 τb. Without detailed knowledge of the local dynamics, νdST is taken constant in V ST p, which is obviously a coarse approximation. However, in the limit νdST-1 τb, the shape of the distribution function becomes independent of νdST, since by definition f0(0)(ψ,p,ξ0) 0 in the super-trapped domain.

Obviously, when a Krook term is introduced, the Fokker-Planck equation is no more conservative, since a fraction of fast electrons is definitively leaving the plasma . Assuming the particle loss rate is small, a steady-state solution may be found, provided some external source of electron is added, in order to keep the density locally constant. This important point is discussed in Sec.5.7.1. The new form of the bounce-averaged Fokker-Planck equation is

∂f0--+ ∇ (ψ,p,ξ ) ⋅S(0) + νd f(0)H (p - pc)(1- H  (|ξ0|- ξ0ST)) = 0
 ∂t          0          ST 0

and in this stationnary limit limt→∞∂f0(0)∕∂t = 0,

∇ (ψ,p,ξ0) ⋅S(0) = - νdSTf(00)H (p - pc)(1- H (|ξ0|- ξ0ST))

Losses are assumed to be mainly local, since they occur on a very short time scale as compared to the fast electron transport one. Therefore, only the momentum dynamics is considered, and integrating equation (3.436 ), one obtains

∫ ∫∫V STp(p,ξ0) Sp(0)J pJξ0dpdξ0
= -∫∫∫V STpνdSTf0(0)H(p- pc)(1- H (|ξ0|- ξ0ST))JpJξ0dpdξ0 (3.437)

where Jp and Jξ 0are the Jacobians as defined in Sec. 3.5.1. The magnetic ripple loss rate ΓST (0)(ψ ) on the B0 axis is simply given by

          ∫ ∫∫
  (0)                   (0)
Γ ST (ψ ) =    p  νdST f0 H (p - pc)(1 - H (|ξ0|- ξ0ST ))Jdpdξ0dφ


             ∫ pmax    ∫ + ξ0ST
Γ (0S)T (ψ ) = 2π     p2dp        νdST f(00)λ (ψ, ξ0)dξ0
              pc        - ξ0ST

since = 2π.

An equivalent form can be deduced from the flux of particle leaving the integration domain,

ΓST (0)(ψ) = ∫ ∫∫V STp(p,ξ0) Sp(0)J pJξ0dpdξ0
= ∫ ∫SSTpSp(0) dS (3.440)

using the Green-Ostrogradsky theorem, where SST p is the surface that encloses volume V ST p. as shown in Fig. 3.1, SST p may be split into two terms corresponding to coordinate surfaces

  p     p      p
S ST = SST,p + SST,ξ

where SST,pp is the surface at constant p, while SST,ξ0p is the surface at constant ξ0 . Therefore, for the surface SST,pp,

 (0)    ||
Sp  ⋅dS |p   =S (0p)p2λ (ψ, ξ0)dξ0dφ

  (0)    || p         (0)         ∘ ----2-
S p ⋅dS |SST,ξ0= - S ξ0 pλ (ψ, ξ0)  1- ξ0dpd φ

according to the differential relations in Appendix A. One obtains finaly

              ∫ + ξ0ST                               ∘ --------∫ pmax
Γ (S0T)(ψ) = 2πp2c       λ(ψ,ξ0)S (0p)dξ0 + 4π λ(ψ,+ ξ0ST) 1 - ξ20ST      pS (0ξ0)dp
                -ξ0ST                                           pc

since the flux Sξ0(0) is a symmetric function of ξ0.

3.6.10 RF Wave induced cross-field transport

According to adjoint formalism developped by P. Helander [?], the flux surface averaged cross-field particle flux may be expressed as

           ⟨ I (ψ) ∫  (                )   ⟩
⟨Γ ⋅∇ ψ⟩ =   -----  p∥ ∇p  ⋅SRpF - νeDif0 d3p

where |I (ψ)| = RBT , and the Coulomb deflection frequency νDei is given by the relation

 ei                     erf(x)- G (x)
νD (ψ, p) = νe (ψ )Zeff (ψ )-----x3-----

with x = p∕√ --
  2 and

G (x) = erf(x)---xerf(x)-

Expression (3.445) is only valid in the non-relativistic limit, i.e. when βth1.

From the expression of the flux divergence p SpRF

                                (            )
∇   ⋅SRF =  1--∂-(p2SRF ) - 1-∂-  ∘1---ξ2SRF
  p   p     p2∂p     p      p∂ ξ          ξ

one obtains

                                  [                                  ]
∫         RF  3       ∫ ∞   ∫ +1     ∂ ( 2  RF)    2 ∂ (∘ ------ RF )
   p∥∇p ⋅Sp  d p = 2π     dp     ξ p ∂p-p S p   - p ∂ξ-   1 - ξ2Sξ     dξ
                       0     - 1


       ∫ ∞    ∫ +1    ∂  (∘ ------    )
   - 2π     dp     ξp2---   1-  ξ2SRFξ   dξ
       ∫ 0     -1(     ∂ξ             ∫                 )
         ∞   2   [ ∘  ----2-RF ]+1     +1 ∘ ----2- RF
=  - 2π  0  pdp   ξ   1- ξ Sξ   -1 -  -1    1- ξ Sξ  dξ
      ∫ ∞     ∫ +1 ∘ ------
=  2π     p2dp       1 - ξ2SRξF dξ
       0       - 1
      ∫ +1∘ ------  ∫ ∞   2 RF
=  2π       1 - ξ2dξ     pS ξ  dp                             (3.450)
       -1             0
  ∫ ∞    ∫ +1   ∂  (      )          ∫ +1    ∫ ∞   ∂  (      )
2π    dp      ξp--- p2SRpF  dξ  =   2π     ξdξ    p --- p2SRFp   dp
   0      -1    ∂p                   ∫- 1    (0    ∂p      ∫           )
                                       +1      [ 3 RF ]∞     ∞  2 RF
                               =   2π - 1 ξdξ   p Sp   0 -  0  p Sp  dp
                                       ∫ +1    ∫ ∞
                               =   - 2π    ξd ξ    p2SRpF dp            (3.451)
                                        -1      0
assuming that limp→∞p3SpRF = 0. It is important to recall that this condition is more stringent than the equivalent one for RF power calculation, where the condition limp→∞p2SpRF = 0 must hold.


∫                     (∫              ∫              ∫       ∫           )
          RF  3          +1 ∘ ----2-    ∞  2 RF        +1      ∞  2 RF
   p∥∇p ⋅Sp  d p = 2π   - 1   1- ξ dξ  0  p Sξ  dp -  -1 ξdξ  0  p Sp  dp

and finally

        (      RF    ei     ) 3
      p∥ ∇p ⋅S p  - νD (p)f0 d p
      ∫ +1∘  ------  ∫ ∞              ∫ +1    ∫ ∞    [            ]
=  2π        1- ξ2dξ     p2SRξF dp- 2 π     ξdξ    p2  SRpF + νeDipf0 dp(3.453)
       -1             0                - 1     0

Since ⟨Γ ⋅∇ ψ⟩ is a volume quantity, the flux surface averaged expression (3.445) may be then expressed as

⟨Γ ⋅∇ψ ⟩ = ⟨Γ ⋅∇ ψ⟩ - ⟨ Γ ⋅∇ ψ⟩
                  1           2


                   ∫                        ∫              ∫
            2πI-(ψ)  2π dθ---1---r-B0-(ψ) 1-  +1 ∘ ----2-    ∞  2 RF
⟨Γ ⋅∇ψ ⟩1 = ^q   qe   0  2π ||^  ||Rp   BP   B  -1    1- ξ dξ  0  p Sξ  dp
                           |ψ ⋅^r|

                   ∫ 2π                     ∫ +1    ∫ ∞
⟨Γ ⋅∇ ψ⟩  = 2π-I (ψ-)    dθ|--1-|-r-B0-(ψ)-1     ξdξ     p2[SRF  + νei(p)pf]dp
       2    ^q  qe   0   2π||^ψ ⋅^r||Rp   BP  B   -1      0      p      D

Expressions ⟨Γ ⋅∇ ψ⟩1 and ⟨Γ ⋅∇ ψ⟩2 must be expressed in terms of bounce-averaged quantities so that calculations may be performed numerically in the code. By permuting integrals,

                   ∫ ∞      ∫ 2π                     ∫ +1∘ ------
⟨Γ ⋅∇ψ ⟩1 = 2πI-(ψ)     p2dp     -dθ|-1--|-r-B0-(ψ)-1       1 - ξ2SRξF dξ
            ^q   qe   0       0  2 π||^ψ ⋅^r||Rp  BP   B   -1

and since ∘  ------
   1- ξ2SξRF is an even function of ξ for trapped electrons, it is equivalent to

                   ∫ ∞      ∫ 2π                     [  ∑   ]  ∫ +1∘ ------
⟨Γ ⋅∇ψ ⟩ = 2-πI-(ψ-)    p2dp     -dθ|-1--|-r-B0-(ψ)-1  1-             1 - ξ2SRF dξ
        1   ^q   qe  0        0  2π ||^ψ ⋅^r||Rp  BP   B   2 σ=±1    -1          ξ

Using ξdξ = Ψξ00 with the condition (3.270) on ξ0

|ξ0| ≥   1-  ---1---
            Ψ (ψ, θ)

we get that

∫         ∫                  (      ∘ -----------)
  +1        +1   Ψ-(ψ,θ)-ξ0               ---1---
     dξ =     dξ0    ξ     H   |ξ0|-   1 - Ψ (ψ,θ)
 - 1       -1

which is equivalent to

θmin(ψ,ξ0) ≤ θ ≤ θmax(ψ,ξ0)


               2πI (ψ)∫ ∞   2  ∫ 2π dθ  1    r B0 (ψ) 1
⟨Γ ⋅∇ ψ⟩1  =   ^q---q--     pdp     2-π||^---||R---B----B-
                    e   0       0     |ψ ⋅^r|  p   P
                [   ∑   ] ∫  +1∘ ------        (       ∘ -----------)
              ×   1-             1 - ξ2Ψ3∕2ξ0H   |ξ0|-    1- ---1---   SRF(d3ξ.4062)
                  2σ= ±1    -1        0    ξ                Ψ (ψ, θ)   ξ
so that, permuting the integrals over θ and ξ0, we find
                         ∫        ∫
              2π---I (ψ)-   ∞  2    +1    ∘ ----2-
⟨Γ ⋅∇ ψ⟩1  =   ^q qeB0 (ψ)     p dp     dξ0  1- ξ0
                [       ] ∫0       -1             (       )2
                  1-∑       θmax dθ|-1--|-r--B-ξ0   B0(ψ-)    3∕2 RF
              ×   2         θmin  2π|^ψ ⋅^r|Rp BP  ξ     B      Ψ   Sξ  (3.463)
                   σ=±1  T         |    |
                      ∫  ∞     ∫ +1    ∘ ------[      ]  ∫ θ
⟨Γ ⋅∇ψ ⟩ = 2-π--I (ψ-)     p2dp     dξ   1- ξ2  1-∑         max dθ-|-1-|-r--B- ξ0Ψ- 1∕2SRF
        1   ^q qeB0 (ψ)  0       -1    0      0  2         θmin  2π ||ψ^⋅^r||Rp BP  ξ        ξ
                                                  σ=±1 T

which is equivalent to

              ^q  I (ψ) ∫ ∞   2  ∫ +1  ∘ ----2-{  -1∕2 RF }
⟨Γ ⋅∇ ψ ⟩1 = 2π ^qq-B--(ψ)    p dp      λ  1- ξ0  Ψ    S ξ   dξ0
                e 0     0        -1

where we use the bounce-averaged definition

{          }      [   ∑  ]  ∫ θmax
 Ψ -1∕2SRF   = -1-  1-            -dθ|-1--|-r--B-ξ0Ψ -1∕2SRF
        ξ      λ ^q  2σ=±1    θmin 2 π||^ψ ⋅^r||Rp BP  ξ       ξ

Much in the same way,

⟨Γ ⋅∇ ψ⟩2 = ⟨Γ ⋅∇ ψ⟩21 + ⟨Γ ⋅∇ ψ⟩22


            2π I (ψ )∫ ∞ 2   ∫ 2πdθ   1   r  B0 (ψ )1 ∫ +1   RF
⟨Γ ⋅ ∇ψ ⟩21 =-^q--q---    p dp     2π-||^---||R---B----B-     ξSp  dξ
                 e   0        0     |ψ ⋅^r| p    P     - 1


                    ∫          ∫                        ∫
            2π-I (ψ-) ∞  ei 3    2π dθ|--1-|-r-B0-(ψ)-1   +1
⟨Γ ⋅∇ ψ ⟩22 =  ^q  qe   0  νD p dp 0   2π|^   |Rp   BP  B   -1 ξf0dξ
                                      |ψ ⋅^r|

Applying the same technique as for ⟨Γ ⋅∇ ψ ⟩1, using the fact that SpRF(ξ) = SpRF(- ξ) in the trapped region, one obtains

               2π I (ψ )∫ ∞     ∫ 2πdθ   1   r  B0 (ψ )1
⟨Γ ⋅∇ ψ⟩21 =   --------    p2dp     ---||----||-----------
                ^q  qe   0        0  2π |^ψ ⋅^r|Rp  BP   B
                 [      ]  ∫ +1      (       ∘ -----------)
               ×  1- ∑          Ψξ H   |ξ |-   1-  ---1---  SRF dξ  (3.470)
                  2         - 1   0      0         Ψ (ψ, θ)   p    0
                    σ=±1  T
               ^q  I (ψ )  ∫ ∞     ∫  +1     {  ξ         }
⟨Γ ⋅∇ ψ⟩21 = 2π----------    p2dp     λξ0σ  σ --Ψ- 1SRpF   dξ0
               ^q qeB0 (ψ)  0        -1         ξ0

since the integrand is odd in ξ0, and

{            }         [  ∑   ]  ∫ θmax                 (            )
 σ ξ-Ψ- 1SRF    =   -1- 1-             dθ-|-1--|r--B--ξ0  σ-ξΨ -1SRF
   ξ0     p         λ^q  2 σ=±1    θmin  2π ||^ψ ⋅ ^r||Rp BP ξ   ξ0      p
                       [      ]T
                     1  1 ∑      ∫ θmaxdθ   1   r  B0   RF
                =   λ^q- 2-             2π-||^---||R--B--σSp             (3.472)
                          σ=±1 T  θmin     |ψ ⋅ ^r| p P

In a similar way,

               2π I (ψ )∫ ∞ ei 3  ∫ 2π dθ   1   r B0 (ψ) 1
⟨Γ ⋅∇ψ ⟩22 =   -^q--q---    νD p dp     2π||^---||R----B---B-
                    e   0          0     |ψ ⋅^r|  p   P
                 [   ∑  ]  ∫ +1      (       ∘ -----------)
               ×  1-            Ψξ0H   |ξ0|-    1- ---1---   fdξ   (3.473)
                  2 σ=±1    -1                    Ψ (ψ, θ)
and since f0 is constant on a flux surface ψ,
f0(ψ,θ,p,ξ) = f0 (ψ, p,ξ0)

and an even function in ξ0 for trapped electrons, one obtains

               ^q  I (ψ)  ∫ ∞  ei 3  ∫ +1    (0)   {  ξ  - 1}
⟨Γ ⋅∇ ψ⟩22 = 2π^q-qB--(ψ-)    νD p dp     ξ0f0 λσ  σ ξ-Ψ     dξ0
                  e 0     0          - 1             0


               ^q  I (ψ )  ∫ ∞  ei 3  ∫ +1    (0)--
⟨Γ ⋅∇ ψ⟩22 = 2π^q-qB--(ψ)-    νD pdp      ξ0f0  λ1,- 1,0dξ0
                  e 0     0          -1

Finally, it is necessary to evaluate σ{           }
 σξξΨ -1SRpF
   0 and {          }
 Ψ -1∕2SRFξ from the quasilinear diffusion coefficients. Starting from the conservative form of the wave-induced fluxes in momentum space

                           ∘ ------
  RF         RF ∂f0-    RF --1---ξ2∂f0-
S p   =   - Dpp  ∂p + D pξ    p     ∂ξ                (3.477)
                           ∘ -----2
SRF   =   - DRF ∂f0-+ DRF  --1---ξ-∂f0-               (3.478)
  ξ          ξp  ∂p     ξξ    p     ∂ξ
and using the fact that f0 is constant on a flux surface ψ,
 {             }         {                }     {            ∘ -----2    }
σ  σ ξ-Ψ-1SRF     =   - σ σ ξ-Ψ -1DRF ∂f0-  + σ  σ ξ-Ψ- 1DRF --1---ξ-∂f0-
     ξ0      p               ξ0     pp  ∂p          ξ0     pξ     p    ∂ξ
                         {            }    (0)   ∘ -----2{  2          }    (0)
                  =   - σ σ ξ-Ψ -1DRF   ∂f-0- + --1---ξ0  ξ-Ψ -3∕2DRF   ∂f(03.479)
                            ξ0     pp     ∂p       p      ξ20       pξ    ∂ξ0
                    {              }   {           ∘ ------   }
{  -1∕2 RF }           RF   -1∕2∂f0-       RF  -1∕2--1---ξ2∂f0-
  Ψ    Sξ     =   -  D ξp Ψ     ∂p   +   D ξξ Ψ        p     ∂ξ
                                         ∘ ------ {             }
                    {  RF   -1∕2} ∂f-(00)   --1---ξ02    -ξ  -1  RF   ∂f(00)
              =   -  D ξp Ψ       ∂p   +    p    σ  σξ0Ψ   D ξξ    ∂ξ0(3.480)

Using diffusion coefficients (4.233-4.236) defined in Sec. 4.3,

DppRF = n=-∞+ b(1 - ξ2)D b,nRF(p,ξ) (3.481)
DRF = n=-∞+ b -∘ ------
  1 - ξ2
----ξ---[     2   nΩ ]
  1- ξ -  ω--
           bDb,nRF(p,ξ) (3.482)
DξpRF = n=-∞+ b -∘ ------
    ξ[            ]
  1- ξ2 - nΩ-
          ωbDb,nRF(p,ξ) (3.483)
DξξRF = n=-∞+ b1
ξ[         nΩ ]
 1 - ξ2 - ---
          ωb2D b,nRF(p,ξ) (3.484)

one obtains

 {   ξ         }       +∑∞  ∑    {          ξ             }
σ  σ--Ψ -1DRFpp    =            σ  (1- ξ2)σ--Ψ -1DRFb,n (p,ξ)
    ξ0                n=-∞  b             ξ0
                       +∑∞  ∑           {             }
                  =           (1 - ξ20)σ   σ ξ-DRFb,n (p,ξ)          (3.485)
                      n=-∞  b             ξ0
{             }               {   ∘ ------        [           ]          }
  ξ2  -3∕2 RF         +∑ ∞  ∑      --1--ξ2-ξ2 - 3∕2      2   nΩ-   RF
  ξ2Ψ     Dpξ     =             -    ξ    ξ2Ψ      1- ξ  - ωb  D b,n (p,ξ)
   0                 n= -∞  b   ∘ ------   0
                      +∑ ∞  ∑      1 - ξ2[        n Ω0]  {   ξ          }
                  =           - -------0 1 - ξ20 -----  σ  σ --DRbF,n (p,ξ) (3.486)
                     n= -∞  b      ξ0             ωb        ξ0
{          }       +∑ ∞  ∑  {   ∘1---ξ2-[        nΩ ]               }
 DRFξp Ψ -1∕2   =             - -------- 1- ξ2 - ---  Ψ-1∕2DRFb,n (p,ξ)
                  n=- ∞  b        ξ             ωb
                   +∑ ∞  ∑    ∘ -----2[            ]  {               }
               =           - --1---ξ0 1 - ξ2- n-Ω0  σ  σξ0 ΨDRF  (p,ξ)(3.487)
                  n=- ∞  b      ξ0         0   ωb        ξ    b,n
and finally
                                  {                                  }
 {   ξ  -1   RF }       +∑ ∞  ∑       1 [     2   nΩ ]2 ξ  -1  RF
σ  σξ-Ψ   D ξξ      =           σ  σ ξ2 1 - ξ -  ω--  ξ-Ψ   D b,n (p,ξ)
     0                 n=- ∞  b                   b    0
                        +∑ ∞  ∑   1 [        nΩ  ]2  {  ξ            }
                    =           -2  1- ξ20 - ---0  σ   σ-0ΨDRFb,n (p,ξ) (3.488)
                       n=- ∞  b ξ0           ωb        ξ
where Ω0 = ΩΨ is the cyclotron frequency taken at the minimum B value. An interesting result is that σ{ -ξ  -1 RF }
 σξ0Ψ   Sp depends only from ^
Db,nRF(0)D(p,ξ0) already defined for the wave-induced bootstrap current in Sec.4.3, while {          }
  Ψ- 1∕2SRF
         ξ depends from a quantity that is very similar to D^b,nRF(0)F(p,ξ0). Using definitions
^Db,nRF(0)D(p,ξ 0) = σ{             }
 σ ξ-DRF (p,ξ)
   ξ0  b,n (3.489)
^Db,nRF(0)F(p,ξ 0) = σ{          ξ0         }
 σ (Ψ - 1) --DRbF,n (p,ξ)
           ξ (3.490)

one obtains finally

 {             }    + ∞
     ξ- -1  RF      ∑    ∑       2 ^ RF(0)D         ^RF (0)
σ  σ ξ0 Ψ  D pp   =          (1- ξ0)D b,n   (p,ξ0) = D pp
                   n=- ∞  b

{  2          }     +∑∞  ∑    ∘ -----2 [            ]
  ξ2Ψ -3∕2DRpFξ   =           ---1---ξ0  1- ξ20 - nΩ0- D^RFb,n(0)D (p,ξ0) = ^DRFpξ (0)
  ξ0               n=-∞  b      ξ0              ωb


{          }       +∑∞  ∑     ∘1---ξ2-[        nΩ  ] (                 {  ξ          })
 DRFξp Ψ- 1∕2   =            - ------0- 1-  ξ02- ---0   D^RFb,n(0)F(p,ξ0)+ σ   σ-0DRFb,n(p,ξ)
                  n=- ∞  b      ξ0              ωb                        ξ
                  ^ RF(0)   ^RF,1(0)
              =   D ξp   + D ξp                                                  (3.493)
 {              }       +∑ ∞  ∑     [            ]2(                  {             })
σ  σ ξ-Ψ-1D ξξRF    =           -1  1-  ξ02- nΩ0-    ^DRF (0)F(p,ξ0)+ σ  σ ξ0DRFb,n(p,ξ)
     ξ0                 n= -∞  b ξ20           ωb       b,n                ξ
                         RF (0)    RF,1(0)
                    =  D^ξξ   + D^ξξ                                            (3.494)
                     ∘ ------[             ]  {             }
  RF,1(0)    +∑∞  ∑    --1---ξ20      2   nΩ0-      ξ0  RF
^D ξp     =          -    ξ     1 - ξ0 -  ω   σ  σ ξ D b,n(p,ξ)
           n=-∞  b       0               b


            +∑∞  ∑   1 [         nΩ  ]2  {  ξ         }
^DRFξ,ξ1 (0) =          -2 1 - ξ20 - --0-  σ  σ 0-DRbF,n (p,ξ)
           n=-∞  b  ξ0          ωb         ξ

The bounce-averaged quasilinear diffusion coefficient σ{  ξ0- RF     }
 σ ξ D b,n (p,ξ) may be easily deduced from calculations of the RF wave-induced bootstrap current

  {  ξ0  RF     }       γpTe 1 rθbB θbξ30--RF,θb
σ  σ ξ-Db,n (p,ξ)   =   p|ξ|λ-^qR----θbξ3D b,n,0 ×
                         0      pB P  θb          [     ]
                                                  1 ∑       (        θ  ) || b,(n)||2
                      H  (θb - θmin)H (θmax - θb)σ 2-      σδ  Nb∥ - N ∥bres |Θ(k3,θ.4b9|7)
                                                     σ  T
using notations defined in Sec. 4.3.

3.6.11 Non-thermal bremsstrahlung

Several other moments of the electron distribution function may be calculated, mainly for diagnosing purposes of the plasma performances. In most cases, the local value of the distribution function f must be determined not only at different plasma radius, but also at various poloidal positions. In that case, the problem is 4 - D, since its shape is function also of the poloidal position on a given flux surface ψ. A good example is the calculation of the non-thermal bremsstrahlung [?], which requires the exact shape of the distribution function f at each plasma position along the lines-of-sight, as well as the local angle between the magnetic field line direction ^s and the direction of observation d^.

The number of counts NE0 that is recorded by a photon detection system in the energy range E0 ± ΔE between times tmin and tmax is given by the integral

      ∫       ∫
        tmax    E0+ ΔE dNE-(t,E)-
NE0 =  tmin dt E0- ΔE    dtdE   dE

where dNE(t)∕dtdE is the measured photon energy spectrum. Its relation to the effective photon energy spectrum dNk(t)∕dkdt emitted by the plasma in the direction of the detector may be expressed as

dN   (t,E )   ∫ ∞                          dN  (t,k )
---E------ =     ηA (k )(1- ηD (k))G (k,E) ---k-----dk
   dtdE       0                             dtdk

where G(k,E ) is the normalized instrumental response function,

∫ ∞
    G (k, E)dk = 1

which gives the overall broadening of the energy spectrum, ηA(k) the fraction of photons that transmitted rather than being absorbed by various objects along the line-of-sight between the plasma and the detector, and finally, 1 - ηD(k) the fraction that are effectively stopped inside the active part of the photon detector. For most detection systems, G(k,E ) is a complicated function, that is usualy determined experimentaly with monoenergetic photon sources. It incorporates the photoelectric conversion process that may be usualy modeled by a Gaussian shape around the photon energy k whose half-width depends of the type of detector, and the Compton scattering by electrons, which can be approximately described by a Fermi-like function2.

Since the plasma is an extended source of photons, all contributions inside the volume ΔV viewing the detector with a solid angle ΔΩ must be added

                                (          )
            ∫        ∫      dNk  t,k,X,^b⋅ ^d
dNk-(t,k)=        dV        ----------------d Ω
  dtdk       ΔV(k)    Δ Ω(k)    dtdkdV dΩ

taking into account that photon plasma emissivity depends not only of the plasma position X (inhomogeneity) but also of the angle ^bd^between the directions of the magnetic field line ^b X and the line-of-sight ^
dat X (anisotropy that results from relativistic effects). In principle, both ΔV (k) and ΔΩ(k) are functions of the photon energy, because of the partial transparency of the collimating aperture with k. However, the design of the diaphragm is usualy optimized so that this effect can be neglected.

In the limit where the aperture of the diaphragm is small, so that variation of the photon emissivity transverse to the line-of-sight may be neglected in the field of observation, dNk(t,k)∕dtdk may be approximated by the simple sum

                        (          )
dNk  (t,k)   ∫ lmax    dnk t,k,X, ^b⋅d^
---dtdk-- ≃       GD ----dtdkdΩ------dl

where Lc = lc max - lc min is the chord length in the plasma, and GD is a geometrical factor that is independent of the position lc along the line-of-sight3. Here, nk = dNk∕dV is the photon density. By definition, the determination of dNk(t,k)∕dtdk requires to evaluate X and ^ι X ^das a function of l for a given magnetic equilibrium. Since magnetic flux surfaces are nested in tokamaks inside the separatrix, the calculation requires the determination of ψ(lc), θ(lc) and ^b^d= cosθd(lc).

In the appropriate range of energy, the photon density energy spectrum results from the bremsstrahlung process only4. It is the sum of two contributions, one arising from electron-ion interactions, the other resulting from electron self-collisions

    (          )           (              )       (          )
dnk  t,k,X, ^b⋅ ^d   ∑   dneki t,k,X, ^b⋅d^,Zs     dneke t,k,X, ^b⋅d^
-----dtdkdΩ------=     -------dtdkd-Ω------- + -----dtdkdΩ------

which are related to the respective bremsstrahlung differential cross-sections ei/dtdkdΩ and ee∕dtdkdΩ by the relations

  ei(       ^  ^   )          ∫ ∫∫         (    ^      )
dnk--t,k,X,-b⋅d,Zs--                 3 dσei-k,p,k-⋅ ^p,Zs-
       dtdkd Ω        = ns(t,ψ)      d p     dtdkd Ω      vf (t,X, P)

    (           )                       (        )
  ee        ^  ^           ∫ ∫∫               ^
dnk---t,k,X,-b⋅d-- = n (t,ψ)      d3pdσee--k,p,k ⋅ ^p-vf (t,X, P)
     dtdkdΩ          e                  dtdkdΩ

where Zs is the number of protons for the impurity of type s5, whose density on the flux surface ψ at time t is ns(t,ψ). The velovity v is the velocity of test partcles, in accordance with the definition of the cross-sections. Here cosχ = ^k^p is the cosine of the angle between directions of the incident electron of momentum p and the emitted photon of energy k. If one defines the angles ξ = cosθe = ^
b^p and cosθd = ^
b ^
d , the angle relation between χ, θe and θd is

cosχ = cosθe cos θd + sinθesinθdcos φ

as shown in Fig. 3.2.


Figure 3.2: Directions of incident electron and emitted photon with respect to the local magnetic field direction

It is possible to take advantage of the azimuthal symmetry of the distribution function around the field line direction as well as the relations between angles χ, θe and θd using projection on Legendre polynomials, in order to reduce the required number of integrations. The numerical accuracy for the determination of dnk∕dtdkdΩ may be then greatly enhanced, while the computational time strongly reduced. Let define the series for a function h(x)

        ∞  (       )
        ∑        1-   (m )
h (x) =      m + 2   h   Pm (x)

where coefficients h(m)

       ∫ +1
h(m) =     h (x)Pm (x) dx

and Pm is the Legendre polynomial of degree m.

Applying the Legendre polynomial series to differential cross-sections ei∕dtdkdΩ and ee∕dtdkdΩ and to f(t,X, p,ξ),

     (             )
dneik  t,k, X,^b ⋅ ^d,Zs
       dtdkdΩ = ns(t,ψ) 0vp2dp 02π -1+1×
m=0 m=0(       )
  m + 2-(       )
   ′   1
 m  +  2-dσ(emi)(k,p,Zs )
f(m ′)(t,X,p )P m(cosχ)Pm(ξ) (3.509)


                          (            )
  (m)           ∫ +1 dσ(m)  k,p,^k ⋅p^,Zs    (    )
dσei-(k,p,Zs)-=      --ei---------------Pm   ^k ⋅ ^p d(cosχ )
   dtdkdΩ        - 1       dtdkdΩ


 (m′)            +1
f    (t,X, p) =  -1 f (t,X, p,ξ)Pm ′ (ξ)dξ

one obtains

    (             )
dnei t,k,X,^b ⋅ ^d,Zs
      dtdkdΩ = ns(t,ψ ) 0vp2dp m=0 m=0(      )
  m + 1-
      2(       )
 m ′ + 1
dσ(m)(k,p,Z )
   dtdkdΩf  ′
(m )(t,X, p)×
02π -1+1dξP m(cosχ )Pm(ξ) (3.512)

Using the well known sum relation for the Legendre polynomials that holds for angle relation between χ, θe and θd,

                                n=∑m  (m---n)! n          n
Pm  (cos χ) = Pm (cos θd)Pm (ξ)+ 2     (m + n)!Pm (cosθd)Pm (ξ)cos(nφ )

where Pmn(x) is the associated Legendre function of degree m and order n, expression (3.512) becomes

    (             )
dnei t,k,X,^b ⋅ ^d,Z
      dtdkdΩ = ns(t,ψ ) 0vp2dp m=0 m=0(      )
  m + 1-
      2(       )
 m ′ + 1
   dtdkdΩf(m ′)(t,X, p) 02π×
-1+1P m(cosθd)Pm(ξ)Pm(ξ) (3.514)


 ∫ 2π   ∫ +1 n∑=m (m - n )!
2    d φ         --------Pmn(cosθd)P nm (ξ) cos(nφ)dξ = 0
  0      - 1 n=1 (m + n )!

after permutation of integrals over ξ and φ. Using finally the orthogonality relation

∫ +1                     δ   ′
     Pm (x)Pm ′ (x)dx =---mm---
 -1                    m +  1∕2

where δmm is the Kronecker symbol, one obtains the simple relation

     (             )
dneik  t,k,X,^b ⋅ ^d,Zs
-------dtdkdΩ------- = 2πns(t,ψ) 0vp2dp m=0(     1)
 m  + 2-×
   dtdkdΩf(m )(t,X, p)P m(^  ^)
 b⋅d (3.517)


    (              )
dneki t,k,X, ^b⋅d^,Zs
       dtdkd Ω = 2πns(t,ψ) m=0(     1)
 m +  --
Pm(    )
  ^b⋅ ^d 0vp2dσ(m )(k, p,Zs )
--eidtdkd-Ω----f(m)(t,X,p)dp (3.518)

A similar expression may be obtained for the e-e bremsstrahlung, and the total bremsstrahlung is then

    (          )
dnk  t,k,X,^b ⋅ ^d   ∑∞  (     1)  (m)             (    )
-----------------=       m + -- IB  (t,X, p,k)Pm  ^b ⋅ ^d
     dtdkdΩ        m=0       2

where the bremsstrahlung function IB(m)(t,X, p,k) is

IB(m)(t,X,p,k) = 2π 0vp2f(m)(t,X, p)[
 ∑           dσ(emi)(k,p,Zs)-
     ns(t,X)    dtdkdΩ
+ne (t,X)   dtdkd Ωdp (3.520)

and the densitites ns(t,X ) = ns(t,ψ) and ne(t,X ) = ne(t,ψ) are considered to be uniform on a magnetic flux surface ψ.

With this formulation, bremsstrahlung emission may be determined for any direction of observation with the same numerical accuracy. Indeed, the projection of the distribution function and the differential cross-sections over the Legendre polynomial basis is equivalent to determine their value for all azimuthal directions. It is then only necessary to select the interesting direction that is given by the local ^bd^value, which depends of the local instrumental arrangement, but also of the magnetic equilibrium. This formulation is particularly convenient when the instrument is made of different chords with different orientations. It is not only important for tangential observation of the plasma, but also for perpendicular ones, since ^
b ^
devolves with ψ as a consequence of the local magnetic shear. Moreover, this method offer the advantage to evaluate ei(m )(k, p,Zs)∕dtdkdΩ and ee(m)(k,p,Zs )∕dtdkdΩ only once for various distribution functions, a procedure which may save considerably computer time consumption when the distribution function and the plasma equilibrium, i.e. ^b^devolves with the time t.

From expression (3.519), it is also possible to extract interesting local quantities about the bremsstrahlung, like the mean radiation level in all directions of the configuration space dnk4π(t,k,X )∕dtdkdΩ

   dtdkdΩ = -1-
4π dnk-(t,k,X,-cosθd)
=  1
4π- 0π d -ππ sinθ dddnk(t,k,X, cosθd)
-----dtdkdΩ------ (3.521)
= 1-
2 -11 ddnk(t,k,X,-ξd)
   dtdkdΩ (3.522)
= 1-
2 m=0(      )
  m + 2IB(m )(t,X, p,k) -11 dPm(ξd) (3.523)

and since P0(x ) = 1, using the orthogonality relation (3.516), one obtains

dn4π(t,k,X )   1
--k---------=  -I(Bm=0)(t,X, p,k )
  dtdkdΩ       2

Much in the same way, the local anisotropy of the photon emission RB(t,k,X ) may be evaluated from the ratio between the forward emission corresponding to cosθd = 1 and the perpendicular one corresponding to cosθd = 0.

The determination of IB(m)(t,X, p,k) requires to evaluate the projection of the electron distribution function given by the electron drift kinetic equation, at all X positions.6 Since the magnetic configuration is a toroidaly symmetric, only the radial ψ and poloidal θ positions are necessary, and therefore f(t,X, p,ξ) = f(t,ψ,θ,p,ξ). Since f(m )(t,X, p) is a linear function of f(t,ψ,θ,p,ξ), it may be split into the three contributions, namely

f(m)(t,X, p) = f 0(m)(t,X, p) + f 1(m)(t,X, p)
= f0(m)(t,X, p) +  ^
f (m)(t,X, p) + g(m)(t,X, p) (3.525)

where f0(m )(t,X, p) are the Legendre coefficients for the zero order distribution function f0, while f1(m )(t,X, p) correspond to the first order distribution function f1.

Like for other moments of the distribution function, starting from the angular relation

      ∘ -------------------
ξ0 = σ  1 - ---1--- (1 - ξ2)
            Ψ (ψ,θ)

and using the relation ξdξ = Ψ(ψ,θ)ξ00, one obtains for the zero order distribution function f0(0)

f0(m )(t,X, p) = -1+1f 0(t,ψ, θ,p,ξ)Pm(ξ)
= Ψ(ψ, θ) -1+1f 0(0)(t,ψ,p,ξ0)ξ
H(      ∘ -----------)
  |ξ0|-   1 - Ψ-(ψ,θ)Pm(ξ)0 (3.527)

since f0 is constant along a magnetic field line, i.e. f0(t,ψ, θ,p,ξ) = f0(0)(t,ψ, p,ξ0). Here the Heaviside function H indicates that only electrons who reach the poloidal position θ must be considered. By expanding part of the integrand in (3.527) as a series of Legendre polynomials, according to the relation

    (      ∘ -----------)          ∞∑  (       )
ξ0H   |ξ0|-   1 - ---1---  Pl (ξ ) =      m ′ + 1 c(mm′)(ψ,θ)Pm ′ (ξ0)
ξ                Ψ (ψ,θ)          m ′=0       2


             ∫ +1     (      ∘            )
c(mm′)(ψ,θ) =     ξ0 H  |ξ0|-   1 - ---1---  Pm (ξ)Pm ′ (ξ0)dξ0
              -1  ξ                Ψ (ψ,θ)

one obtains finaly

                       ∞  (       )           ∫
  (m )                 ∑       ′  1-  (m′)       +1  (0)
f0   (t,X, p) = Ψ (ψ, θ) ′    m  + 2  cm   (ψ, θ) -1  f0 (t,ψ,p,ξ0)Pm ′ (ξ0)dξ0
                      m =0


                      ∑∞  (       )                ′
f(0m)(t,X,p) = Ψ (ψ,θ)      m ′ + 1  c(mm ′)(ψ,θ)f (00)(m )(t,ψ,p)
                     m ′=0       2


 (0)(m′)         ∫  +1 (0)
f0     (t,ψ, p) =     f0  (t,ψ, p,ξ0) Pm′ (ξ0)dξ0

For the first order distribution function, f1 = f^+ g, since g is constant is constant along a field line, its contribution is the same as for f0. Because ^f has an explicit dependence upon θ, which is given by relation (3.280),

^f (m)(t,X,p ) = -1+1^f  (t,ψ,θ,p,ξ)P m(ξ)
= -1+1^f (0)(t,ψ,p,ξ0)H(      ∘  -----------)
  |ξ0|-    1- ---1---
             Ψ (ψ, θ)Pm(ξ)0


  (      ∘             )          ∞∑   (        )
H   |ξ0|-    1- ---1---   Pm (ξ) =      m′ + 1∕2 ^c(mm ′)(ψ, θ)Pm ′(ξ0)
               Ψ (ψ,θ )          m ′=0


                    (      ∘ -----------)
 (m′)        ∫ +1                   1
^cm   (ψ,θ) =     H   |ξ0|-   1-  Ψ-(ψ,-θ)  Pm (ξ)Pm ′ (ξ0) dξ0

then expression (3.533) becomes

               ∞∑   (       )          ∫ +1
^f(m)(t,X, p) =      m ′ + 1 ^c(m′)(ψ,θ)     ^f(0)(t,ψ, p,ξ0) Pm′ (ξ0)dξ0
              m ′=0       2   m          -1


 (0)(m′)         ∫  +1 (0)
^f      (t,ψ, p) =     ^f   (t,ψ, p,ξ0) Pm′ (ξ0)dξ0

one obtains finaly

               ∑∞  (       )
f^(m )(t,X, p) =       m′ + 1- ^c(m ′)(ψ, θ) ^f(0)(m′)(t,ψ, p)
               m′=0       2   m

It is interesting to notice that the determination of the f(m)(t,X, p) does not require the explicit evaluation of the distribution function f(t,X, p,ξ) at all poloidal positions, and only its value at Bmin is needed for the 4 - D problem that is represented by the bremsstrahlung. This result which is a direct consequence of the weak collisional or “banana” regime, is very important for the numerical evaluation. Indeed, all the physics of the trapped-passing electrons is incorporated in the coefficients f(m )(t,X, p), while the contribution arising from magnetic field line helicity is independently described by cosθd = ^
d .