The collision operator used in the calculations may be expressed as1
| (4.1) |
where ∑ s ∑ s′C describe interactions between electrons and ions of species s in the ionization state s′ and C is the self-collision contribution, as discussed in Ref. [?]. For the electron-ion collisions, it is considered that fss′ is a Maxwellian distribution function, the corresponding temperature being Tss′. In the application of the code here foreseen, including RF heating and current drive, collisions dominate thermal particles, and therefore the distribution function f may be expanded about the Maxwellian fM according to the relation
| (4.2) |
The self-collision operator C may be consequently approximated by its linearized form
| (4.3) |
where the the relation C = 0 has been used, and terms of order δf2 have been ignored. It can be shown that the operator C may be computed as C and expressed in a conservative form
| (4.4) |
where component Sp and Sξ of the flux Sp are
In the standard notations used in Ref. [?]
| (4.7) |
| (4.8) |
The term C requires is specific treatment. By expanding f as a sum of Legendre harmonics according to the relation
| (4.9) |
| (4.10) |
one obtains
| (4.11) |
By definition, f ≃ fM and, since P0 = 1,
The first non-zero term in the series is then kept, so that
| (4.12) |
since P1 = ξ. By construction the linearized electron-electron collision operator conserves momentum, but not energy, so there is no need to introduce an energy loss term in the kinetic equation. Since f is an integral of f, the term C introduce a non-linear dependence in the Fokker-Planck or drift kinetic equation. However, even if it is crucial for the current drive problem, including the determination of the boostrap current level, this non-linearity remains weak, so that the rate of convergence towards the solution of the kinetic equation is not significantly affected, even if this term is treated explicitely, regarding the time scheme. For the calculations, the notation used in Ref. [?] is considered, and
In the code, it is possible to choose different collision models for simulations. Most of them have been implemented for benchmarking, the only realistic one being the Belaiev-Budker relativistic collision operator.
In the calculations, the Belaiev-Budker collision operator is used for weakly relativistic plasmas. This operator ranges from non-relativistic to fully relativistic limits and is therefore very well suited for studying the heating and current drive problems. Its recent formulation in terms of Rosenbluth-like potential has open the possibility to use it in numerical calculations (Ref.[?]). Following the work done in Ref. [?] , normalized coefficients Aee, Fee and Btee are
| (4.14) |
| (4.15) |
| (4.16) |
| (4.17) |
| (4.18) |
| (4.19) |
| (4.20) |
When relativistic corrections are neglected, 1 - γζ∕z ≈ 0, expressions derived from usual Rosenbluth potentials are recovered [?], and
| (4.21) |
| (4.22) |
| (4.23) |
since p = v in this limit. The expression of F11,nr for a Maxwellian background is
| (4.24) |
can then be evaluated analyticaly using the coordinate transformation uψ = v∕,
| (4.25) |
and by integrating by parts
| (4.26) |
one obtains
| (4.27) |
| (4.28) |
| (4.29) |
and for Aee,nr it comes
| (4.30) |
expressions which correspond to the Maxwellian limit discussed later in this section. The high velocity limit corresponds to the condition uψ ≫ 1, and in this case, since limuψ→∞Erf = 1, it comes readily
| (4.31) |
| (4.32) |
which both are well known relations.
Much in the same way, the expression of coefficient Btee for pitch-angle scattering is
| (4.33) |
| (4.34) |
| (4.35) |
| (4.36) |
| (4.37) |
| (4.38) |
| (4.39) |
| (4.40) |
| (4.41) |
| (4.42) |
| (4.43) |
| (4.44) |
| (4.45) |
| (4.46) |
| (4.47) |
| (4.48) |
| (4.49) |
| (4.50) |
and fMis the weakly relativistic normalized Maxwellian distribution function given in Sec.6.3.5.
The first order Legendre correction of the collision operator is expressed as
= f + 1 + p2 | (4.51) |
| (4.52) |
| (4.53) |
The set of coefficients 1 is
| (4.54) |
| (4.55) |
| (4.56) |
| (4.57) |
| (4.58) |
| (4.59) |
| (4.60) |
| (4.61) |
| (4.62) |
| (4.63) |
and the coefficients 2 are
| (4.64) |
| (4.65) |
| (4.66) |
| (4.67) |
| (4.68) |
| (4.69) |
| (4.70) |
| (4.71) |
| (4.72) |
The relativistic Maxwellian limit corresponds to that case where the first order Legendre correction for momentum conservation is neglected, but nevertheless using the Beliaev-Budker formulation for coefficients Aee, Fee and Btee. This is an academic case that allows only fruitful comparison with some theorerical works for code benchmarking.
The non-relativistic collision operator with a Maxwellian background is extensively discussed in Ref. [?]. It is an interesting model, since analytical evaluation of the collision integrals may be performed. Its validity is restricted to the limit γ - 1 ≪ 1, where γ is the Lorentz factor defined is Sec.6.3.4. In that case v = p is the unit system here employed. Using the standard notations
| (4.73) |
| (4.74) |
| (4.75) |
| (4.76) |
| (4.77) |
is the well know error function defined in Refs [?] and [?] , and its derivative
| (4.78) |
The relation
| (4.79) |
which ensures that the Maxwellian is the correct solution when collisions is the only physical process. In that limit, self-collisions are neglected.
Though the high velocity limit uψ ≫ 1 corresponds to a restricted range of applications regarding the full electron-electron collision operator, it can contribute usefuly to comparisons with some theoretical calculations. Starting from expressions given in Ref. [?],
| (4.80) |
| (4.81) |
| (4.82) |
With these definitions, the ratio
| (4.83) |
is well recovered. In that limit, self-collisions are neglected.
This case corresponds to the limit where only pitch-angle scattering of electrons on massive ions with Tss′ = 0, with large Zss′. Consequently, large simplifications may be performed, and
| (4.84) |
This simple model is very interesting since analytical expressions may be obtained in this limit, which allow accurate code benchmarking, especially for the bootstrap current problem in arbitrary magnetic configuration. Obviously, self-collisions are neglected by definition.
The growth rate of runaway electrons by a large constant electric field is often studied using the ultra-relativistic model as derived by C. Møller in the early 1930’s [?]. In this limit, since the ratio of the friction term Feeto the diffusion one Aee scales like v as indicated in 4.79 , the contribution of the diffusion Aee is simply neglected in the limit v → c. Hence,
| (4.85) |
| (4.86) |
For the pitch-angle term, the term is simply
| (4.87) |
It is important to recall that the term βth† arises from the definition of the normalization for p as discussed in Sec.6.3.4. It can be observed that the Møller collision model is equivalent for e-e interactions to the high-velocity limit of the e-e standard collision operator, neglecting all terms of the order of v-3. Therefore, the model may have analytical solutions since the partial derivative in p of the collision operator is of the first order. However, as -vAee∕Fee≠Te high numerical instabilities are found in the code. This model is equivalent to Te = 0 which is obviously not consistent with the initial assumptions. Therefore, in order to ensure a correct numerical stability, the expression 4.80 for Aee is used with the Møller model. It has been cross-checked that this does not change the final results.
Since ions mass is much larger than electron ones, their dynamics is almost non-relativistic. Consequently, electron-ion collisions may be described in this limit considering a Maxwellian ion background. Expressions for arbirary type of ions is also given in Ref. [?] and their validities are also restricted to the limit γ - 1 ≪ 1, where γ is the Lorentz factor defined is Sec.6.3.4. . In that case v = p is the unit system here employed. Using the standard notations
| (4.88) |
| (4.89) |
| (4.90) |
| (4.91) |
Here, vth,ss′† is the thermal velocity of species s in ionization state s′, while Erf(x) and Erf′(x) have the same expressions as for the electron-electron collision term. For a single ion species s fully ionized, the ratio
| (4.92) |
which means that the electron population is thermalized to the ion temperature Ts. The quantities lnΛe∕ss′† and lnΛe∕e† are the reference Coulomb logarithms defined in Sec. 6.3.4.
For most current drive studies like for the Lower Hybrid wave where the resonance condition is far from the thermal bulk, it is reasonable to consider the high velocity limit of the electron-ion collision operator. Corresponding coefficients Aei, Fei and Btei are
| (4.93) |
| (4.94) |
| (4.95) |
where the double sum ∑ s ∑ s′ takes into account of all ions species s in ionization state s′. Here, nss′ is the normalized ion density at ψ, as introduced in Sec. 6.3.1, and ms is the ion rest mass normalized to the electron rest mass me. Coefficients for the electron-ion collisions given in Ref.[?] are well recovered. Like for the Maxwellian limit,
| (4.96) |
which means that the electron population is thermalized to the ion temperature Ts, when a single ion species s is considered.
Since only pitch-angle electron scattering on massive ions with Tss′ = 0, with large Zss′ is considered in this model, by definition
| (4.97) |
| (4.98) |
The solutions of the Fokker-Planck and the drift kinetic equations is independent in this limit of the Btei value. Here the standard value 1∕2 is chosen as used in several publications for analytical calculations.
A simplified term is used where
| (4.99) |
since ion contribution is almost negligible as compared to electrons and
| (4.100) |
by combining the high-velocity limit expression 4.95, and the momentum dependence given in Ref. [?].
In the Fokker-Planck equation, the diffusion and convection elements are bounce-averaged according to the expressions (3.189)-(3.194), which gives, using (4.7)-(4.8),
Here, coefficients A, Bt and F are determined at the location where B = B0 on the magnetic flux surface. However, since A, Bt and F are only functions of the density and temperature that are flux surface quantities as shown in Sec. 4.1.1, their respective values are consequently independent of the poloidal position and therefore, A = A, Bt = Bt and F = F. The bounce coefficient λ2,-1,0 is defined as (2.66)
| (4.113) |
For reference to the litterature ([?]), note that we could also perform the following transformation
| (4.115) |
The evaluation of Δb for circular concentric flux surfaces in given in Appendix ??.
Concerning the term that ensures momentum conservation in the collision operator, one must evaluate
| (4.116) |
Making the substitution Ψξ0dξ0 = ξdξ in the integral f0 = ∫ -1+1ξf0dξ, one obtains
| (4.117) |
where the limits of integration come from the relation ξ = σ. Since f0 is symmetric in the region of the phase space ξ0 ∈which corresponds to trapped orbits,
| (4.118) |
one get
Expression of λ1,1,0 This coefficient is expressed as
| (4.122) |
Since the integral is odd in σ, the sum over trapped particles vanishes, λ1,1,0 = 0 for trapped electrons, and λ1,1,0 = λ1,1,0P ≠0 for circulating ones. Hence
Case of circular concentric flux-surfaces In this case, ϵ = r∕Rp, ⋅ = 1 and since the ratio B∕BP is a function of r only
| (4.125) |
can be performed analytically, as shown in Appendix ??, and
| (4.126) |
Moreover, in this limit, λ1,1,0P = λ1,-1,2P , as shown in Sec.4.2.2.
In the first order drift kinetic equation, the diffusion and convection flux elements related to are bounce-averaged according to the expressions (3.218)-(3.223), which gives, using (4.7)-(4.8),
The following bounce coefficients are defined (2.66)
We also have the following relation, by expanding ξ2
| (4.134) |
Concerning the term that ensures momentum conservation in the collision operator, one must evaluate
| (4.135) |
Making like for the Fokker-Planck term the substitution Ψξ0dξ0 = ξdξ in the integral = ∫ -1+1ξ dξ, one obtains
= | ∫ -1-Ψξ 0 dξ0 | |||||
+ ∫ +1Ψξ 0 dξ0 | (4.136) |
which becomes
| (4.137) |
| (4.138) |
since fM and are independent of θ. It is therefore necessary to evaluate
Note that in the case of circular concentric flux-surfaces, we can find analytical expressions for the bounce coefficients
| (4.145) |
| (4.147) |
where J2m is expressed in terms of complete elliptic integrals of the first and second kind, and m is given by the recurrence relation m = m-1 with 0 = 1,
| (4.148) |
Here χm is defined in Appendix ??. The series expansion is converging less rapidly than for λ0,0,0 = λ, therefore, at least first three terms have to be kept for accurate calculations, so that the truncated expression is
| (4.149) |