A.2 Configuration space

A.2.1 System (R, Z,ϕ )


The coordinates (R,Z, ϕ) are defined on the space

0 R <
-∞≤ Z <
0 ϕ < 2π (A.60)

and is related to (x,y,z ) by

R = ∘ -------
  x2 + y2 (A.61)
Z = -z
ϕ = arctan(y∕x ) + πH(- x) [2π]

which is inverted to

x = R cosϕ (A.62)
y = R sinϕ
z = -Z

Position Vector

The position vector then becomes

      ^     ^
X = R R + Z Z

where we define a local orthonormal basis ( ^  ^ ^)
  R,Z, ϕ as

^R = cosϕ^x + sinϕ^y (A.64)
^Z = -^z (A.65)
^ϕ = ^R ×^Z = -sinϕ^x + cosϕy^ (A.66)

Covariant Basis

The covariant vector basis is defined in (A.1), which becomes here

eR = ∂X--
∂R = ^R (A.67)
eZ = ∂X--
∂Z = ^
Z (A.68)
eϕ = ∂X
∂ ϕ = R∂ ^R
∂ϕ = Rϕ^ (A.69)

so that we have the covariant basis

             (        )
(eR, eZ,eϕ) =  R^, ^Z,R ^ϕ

the scaling factors

(hR,hZ ,hϕ) = (1,1,R )

and the normalized tangent basis

             (      )
              ^  ^ ^
(e^R, ^eZ,^eϕ) =  R,Z, ϕ

Contravariant Basis

The Contravariant vector basis is defined in (A.9), which becomes here

eR = R = ^R (A.73)
eZ = Z = ^
Z (A.74)
eϕ = ϕ = ^ϕ
R (A.75)

The relations (A.10-A.11) are here readily verified. The normalized reciprocal basis is

(         )   (      )
  R   Z  ϕ      ^ ^ ^
 e^ ,^e ,^e   =  R, Z,ϕ

which here coincides with the normalized tangent basis, since both bases are orthogonal.

Metric Coefficients

They are defined in (A.12) and become here

gij = (           )
   1  0  0
(  0  1  0  )
   0  0  R2 (A.77)
gij = (             )
   1  0  0
(  0  1  0    )
   0  0  1∕R2

As a result

g = R

and the Jacobian is

J = R

Differential elements

dl(R) = dR (A.80)
dl(Z) = dZ (A.81)
dl(ϕ) = Rdϕ (A.82)

dS(R ) = RdZdϕ^R (A.83)
dS(Z ) = RdRdϕ^Z (A.84)
dS(ϕ) = dRdZ^ϕ (A.85)
d X = RdRdZd  ϕ

Christoffel Symbols

They are defined in (A.49) and are all zero here except

{         }   {          }
   ϕ              ϕ          1-ϕϕ ∂gϕϕ-  1-
   ϕ   R    =     R  ϕ     = 2g   ∂R   = R

{        }
   R            1-RR ∂gϕϕ-
   ϕ  ϕ     = - 2g   ∂R   = - R

Differential Operations


∇f  = ∂f-R^+  ∂f-^Z + 1-∂f-^ϕ
      ∂R      ∂Z     R ∂ϕ


              (      )       (     )        (     )
∇ ⋅A  = 1--∂-  RA  ⋅ ^R + -∂-  A ⋅Z^  + 1--∂- A ⋅ϕ^
        R ∂R             ∂Z            R ∂ϕ


(∇  × A ) ^R = -∂-
∂Z(     )
 A ⋅ϕ^-1-
∂ϕ(     )
 A ⋅Z^ (A.90)
(∇  × A ) ^
Z = -1
∂ϕ(    ^)
 A ⋅R-1-
∂R(      ^)
 RA  ⋅ϕ (A.91)
(∇  × A ) ^ϕ =  ∂
∂R(     )
 A ⋅Z^- ∂
∂Z(      )
  A ⋅ ^R (A.92)

A.2.2 System (r,θ,ϕ )


The coordinates (r,θ,ϕ) are defined from the origin (R ,Z )
  p  p on the space

0 r < (A.93)
0 θ < 2π

and is related to (R, Z,ϕ) by

r =   ---------------------
∘         2          2
  (R -  Rp) + (Z - Zp ) (A.94)
θ = arctan((Z - Zp)∕ (R  - Rp)) + πH(Rp - R) [2π]

which is inverted to

R = Rp + r cosθ (A.95)
Z = Zp + r sinθ (A.96)

Position Vector

The position vector then becomes

       ^      ^
X = Rp R + ZpZ + r^r

where we define a local orthonormal basis (   ^ ^)
  ^r,θ,ϕ as

^r = cosθR^ + sinθZ^ (A.98)
^θ = ^ϕ×^r = -sinθ^R + cosθ^Z (A.99)


^ϕ×^r = (      )
 ^R × Z^×(              )
 cosθR^+ sinθZ^ (A.100)
= [(              )   ]
  cosθR^+ sinθZ^  ⋅ ^R^Z -[(              )   ]
  cosθR^+  sinθ ^Z  ⋅ ^Z^R (A.101)
= cosθ^Z - sinθ^R (A.102)

Covariant Basis

The covariant vector basis is defined in (A.1), which becomes here

er = ∂X
∂r = ^r (A.103)
eθ = ∂X--
∂ θ = r∂-^r
∂ θ = r^θ (A.104)
eϕ = ∂X
∂-ϕ- = Rp∂ ^R
∂ϕ- + r∂^r
∂ϕ- = (Rp + r cosθ)∂R^
∂-ϕ = R^ϕ (A.105)

so that we have the covariant basis

             (        )
                 ^   ^
(er,eθ,eϕ) =  ^r,rθ,Rϕ

the scaling factors

(h  ,h  ,h  ) = (1,r,R )
  r  θ  ϕ

and the normalized tangent basis

            (     )
(e^,^e ,^e ) =  ^r,^θ, ^ϕ
 r  θ  ϕ

Contravariant Basis

The Contravariant vector basis is defined in (A.9), which becomes here

er = r = ^r (A.109)
eθ = θ = 1-
r^θ (A.110)
eϕ = ϕ = -^ϕ
R (A.111)

The relations (A.10-A.11) are here readily verified. The normalized reciprocal basis is

( r  θ  ϕ)   (  ^ ^)
 e^,^e ,^e   =  ^r,θ,ϕ

which here coincides with the normalized tangent basis, since both bases are orthogonal.

Metric Coefficients

They are defined in (A.12) and become here

gij = (            )
   1  0  0
(  0  r2 0   )
   0  0  R2 (A.113)
gij = (                )
   1  0     0
(  0  1∕r2  0    )
   0  0     1∕R2

As a result

     2  2
g = r R

and the Jacobian is

J = rR

Differential elements

dl(r) = dr (A.116)
dl(θ) = (A.117)
dl(ϕ) = Rdϕ (A.118)

dS(r) = rRdθdϕ^r (A.119)
dS(θ) = Rdrdϕ^
θ (A.120)
dS(ϕ) = rdrdθ^ϕ (A.121)
d X = rRdrd θdϕ

Christoffel Symbols

They are defined in (A.49) and are all zero here except

{         }   {        }
    θ            θ          1-θθ∂gθθ   1-
    θ  r    =    r  θ    =  2g   ∂r  = r

{        }
   r           1- rr ∂gθθ
   θ  θ    =  -2 g  ∂r  =  - r

{   ϕ     }   {   ϕ     }   1    ∂g      1
            =             = --gϕϕ--ϕϕ-= --cos θ
    ϕ  r          r  ϕ      2     ∂r    R

{         }
   r        = - 1grr∂gϕϕ-= - R cosθ
   ϕ   ϕ        2    ∂r

{        }   {         }
   ϕ       =     ϕ       =  1gϕϕ∂gϕϕ-= - -rsinθ
   ϕ  θ          θ  ϕ       2    ∂θ      R

{        }
   θ            1-θθ∂gϕϕ-  R-
   ϕ  ϕ    =  - 2g   ∂θ  =  r sinθ

Differential Operations


      ∂f     1∂f     1 ∂f
∇f  = ∂r-^r + r∂-θ ^θ + R-∂ϕϕ^


        -1--∂-           -1- ∂-(      ^)   1-∂--(   ^)
∇ ⋅A  = rR ∂r (rRA  ⋅^r)+ rR  ∂θ  RA ⋅ θ +  R ∂ϕ  A ⋅ϕ


(∇ × A ) ^r = 1--
∂θ(      )
 RA  ⋅ ^ϕ-1-
∂ϕ(     )
 A  ⋅ ^θ (A.131)
(∇ × A ) ^
θ = 1-
∂ϕ(A ⋅^r) --1
∂r(      ^)
  RA ⋅ϕ (A.132)
(∇ × A ) ^ϕ = 1
r ∂
∂r(      )
 rA ⋅θ^-1
r ∂
∂θ(A ⋅^r) (A.133)

A.2.3 System (ψ, s,ϕ)


The coordinates (ψ,s,ϕ), used to parametrize closed flux-surfaces, are defined from the origin (Rp, Zp) on the (closed) space

min(ψ0,ψa) ψ max(ψ0,ψa ) (A.134)
0 s smax (A.135)

and is related to (r,θ,ϕ) by

ψ = ψ(r,θ) (A.136)
s = s(r,θ)

which is inverted to

r = r(ψ, s)
θ = θ(ψ, s)

Note that ψ(r,θ) must be a monotonic function of r from ψ0 at the center (Rp, Zp) to ψa at the edge. It is the case for nested flux-surfaces.

We define a local orthonormal basis (      )
 ψ^, ^s, ^ϕ as

ψ = ∇-ψ--
|∇ ψ| (A.137)
^s = ϕ^×^ψ

The transformation from (   )
  ^r,θ^ to (    )
  ^ψ,^s is a rotation of angle α such that

(    )    (               )  (   )
   ^ψ   =    cosα  - sinα    ⋅  ^r
   ^s        sin α  cos α        ^θ

Position Vector

The position vector remains

       ^      ^
X = Rp R + ZpZ + r^r

Covariant Basis

The covariant vector basis is defined in (A.1), which becomes here

eψ = ∂X--
∂ψ =    |
∂ψ |s^r+ r   |
∂ψ |s =    |
∂ ψ|s^r+ r   |
∂ ψ|s^θ (A.140)
es = ∂X
∂s = ∂r||
∂sψ^r+ r∂^r||
∂sψ = ∂r ||
∂sψ^r+ r∂ θ||
∂sψ^θ (A.141)
eϕ = ∂X--
∂ ϕ = Rp∂ ^R
∂ϕ + r∂^r-
∂ϕ = (Rp + r cosθ)∂R^
∂ ϕ = R^
ϕ (A.142)

so that we have the covariant basis

            (                                      )
               ∂r||       ∂θ ||   ∂r||       ∂θ||
(eψ,es,eϕ) =   --|| ^r + r ---||θ^, --||  ^r + r--||  ^θ,R^ϕ
               ∂ψ s      ∂ψ s   ∂s ψ      ∂s ψ

the scaling factors

             ( ∘ ---------------∘ ---------------  )
                 ∂r ||2     ∂θ ||2    ∂r||2     ∂ θ||2
(hψ,hs,hϕ) = (   ---|| + r2 ---||,   --||  + r2---|| ,R)
                 ∂ψ  s     ∂ψ s    ∂s ψ     ∂s  ψ

and the normalized tangent basis

            (         |         |       [   |         |  ]   )
               1 [ ∂r |      ∂θ |  ]  1   ∂r|       ∂θ|
(^eψ,^es,^eϕ) =  h--  ∂ψ-|| ^r + r ∂ψ-|| ^θ ,h-  ∂s|| ^r + r ∂s|| θ^ , ^ϕ
               ψ      s          s     s     ψ         ψ

Contravariant Basis

The Contravariant vector basis is defined in (A.9), which becomes here

eψ = ψ = |∇ ψ |ψ ^ (A.146)
es = s = ^s (A.147)
eϕ = ϕ =  ^ϕ
R (A.148)

The relations (A.11) then give

eψ =   es × eϕ
e  ⋅e  × e =  ψ^
|∇ψ | (A.149)
es = --eϕ-×-eψ--
es ⋅eϕ × e ψ = ^s
eϕ =   eψ × es
e  ⋅e  × e = Rϕ^

so that we have the following tangent basis

             (  ψ^       )
(eψ,es,eϕ) =   ----,^s,R ^ϕ
               |∇ ψ |

the scaling factors

             (          )
(h ,h ,h ) =   -1--,1,R
  ψ  s  ϕ      |∇ ψ|

the normalized tangent basis

             (     )
(^e ,^e ,^e ) =  ^ψ,^s, ^ϕ
  ψ  s  ϕ

the reciprocal basis

             (            )
(        )              ^ϕ
 eψ,es,eϕ  =   |∇ ψ|ψ^, ^s,--

and the normalized reciprocal basis

(        )   (      )
 ^eψ,^es,^eϕ  =  ψ^, ^s, ^ϕ

which here coincides with the normalized tangent basis, since both bases are orthogonal.

By comparing (A.143) with (A.149), we also find that

∂ψ |s = cosα-
|∇ ψ| (A.155)
∂θ ||
∂ψs = - sinα
 r|∇ ψ | (A.156)
∂s|ψ = (^s ⋅^r) = sinα (A.157)
∂s|ψ = (   ^)
   r = cos-α-
 r (A.158)

Metric Coefficients

They are defined in (A.12) and become here

gij = (                  )
   1∕ |∇ ψ|2  0  0
(  0         1  0  )
   0         0  R2 (A.159)
gij = (      2           )
   |∇ψ |  0  0
(  0      1  0     )
   0      0  1∕R2

As a result

g = |∇ ψ |2

and the Jacobian is

J = -----
    |∇ ψ|

Differential elements

dl(ψ ) = -dψ--
|∇ψ | (A.162)
dl(s) = ds (A.163)
dl(ϕ ) = Rdϕ (A.164)

dS(ψ) = Rdsdϕ^ψ (A.165)
dS(s) =   R
|∇ψ |dψdϕ^s (A.166)
dS(ϕ) = --1--
|∇ψ |dψdsϕ^ (A.167)
 3       R
d X  = |∇ψ-|dψdsdϕ

Christoffel Symbols

They are defined in (A.49) and are here

Differential Operations


           ∂f     ∂f     1 ∂f
∇f  = |∇ψ |---^ψ + ---^s+  ----ϕ^
           ∂ψ     ∂s     R ∂ϕ


        |∇ ψ| ∂ (       )   |∇ψ |∂  (  R      )    1 ∂  (    )
∇ ⋅ A = --------  RA  ⋅ ^ψ + -------- -----A ⋅^s  +  ----- A ⋅ ^ϕ
          R  ∂ψ              R   ∂s  |∇ ψ|         R ∂ϕ


(∇ × A )  ^
ψ = -1
∂s(      ^)
 RA  ⋅ϕ-1-
∂ϕ(A  ⋅^s) (A.171)
(∇ × A ) ^s =  1
R ∂
∂ ϕ(     )
  A ⋅ ^ψ-|∇ ψ|
  R ∂
∂ψ(       )
  RA  ⋅ ^ϕ
(∇ × A ) ϕ^ = |∇ ψ| ∂
∂-ψ(A  ⋅^s) -|∇ ψ| ∂
∂s-(      )
  A ⋅ψ^

A.2.4 System (ψ, θ,ϕ)


The coordinates (ψ,θ,ϕ) are defined from the origin (Rp, Zp) on the space

min (ψ0, ψa) ≤ ψ < max (ψ0,ψa)

and is related to (r,θ,ϕ) by

ψ = ψ (r,θ)

which is inverted to

r = r (ψ, θ)

Note that ψ(r,θ) must be a monotonic function of r from ψ0 at the center (Rp, Zp) to ψa at the edge. It is the case for nested flux-surfaces.

Position Vector

The position vector then becomes

       ^      ^
X = Rp R + ZpZ + r (ψ,θ)^r

Covariant Basis

The covariant vector basis is defined in (A.1), which becomes here

eψ = ∂X--
∂ψ =    |
∂ψ |θ^r (A.173)
eθ = ∂X
∂ θ = ∂r||
∂θψ^r+ r∂ ^r
∂ θ = ∂r ||
∂ θψ^r+ r^θ (A.174)
eϕ = ∂X--
∂ ϕ = Rp∂ ^R
∂ϕ + r∂^r-
∂ϕ = (Rp + r cosθ)∂R^
∂ ϕ = R^
ϕ (A.175)

so that we have the covariant basis

            (                       )
               ∂r||    ∂r||
(eψ, eθ,eϕ) =  ---|| ^r, --|| ^r + r^θ,Rϕ^
              ∂ ψ θ   ∂θ ψ

the scaling factors

             (|   | | ∘ ---|------  )
              ||-∂r|| ||   ∂r-||2   2
(h ψ,hθ,hϕ) =  |∂ ψ| |,  ∂ θ| + r ,R
                   θ        ψ

and the normalized tangent basis

             (     [   |       ]   )
(^eψ,^eθ,^eϕ) =  ^r, 1-- ∂r||  ^r + r^θ , ^ϕ
                 hθ  ∂θ|ψ

Contravariant Basis

The Contravariant vector basis is defined in (A.9), which becomes here

eψ = ψ = |∇ ψ |ψ ^ (A.179)
eθ = θ = ^
r (A.180)
eϕ = ϕ = -^ϕ
R (A.181)

The relations (A.11) then give

eψ = --eθ ×-eϕ--
eψ ⋅eθ × eϕ = ----^r-----
|∇ ψ|cosα (A.182)
eθ =    ϕ   ψ
eθ ⋅eϕ × eψ =    ^
 ^θ ⋅^s =   ^
cosα (A.183)
eϕ = --eψ ×-eθ--
eϕ ⋅e ψ × eθ = R^ϕ (A.184)

since ^s =  ^
ϕ× ^
ψ , so that we have the following tangent basis

             (                   )
                   ^r      r^θ
(eψ,eθ,eϕ) =  |∇-ψ|cosα-,cosα-,R^ϕ

the scaling factors

             (                   )
(hψ, hθ,hϕ) =  ----1-----,-r--,R
               |∇ ψ|cosα  cosα

the normalized tangent basis

             (     )
(^e ,^e ,^e ) =  ^r,^θ, ^ϕ
  ψ  θ  ϕ

the reciprocal basis

              (            )
(         )            ^θ ϕ^
  eψ,eθ,eϕ  =   |∇ ψ|ψ^, -,--
                       r R

and the normalized reciprocal basis

(        )   (      )
 ^eψ,^eθ,^eϕ  =  ψ^, ^θ, ^ϕ

which here does not coincide with the normalized tangent basis, since both bases are not orthogonal.

By comparing (A.176) with (A.185), we also find that

∂-ψ||θ =      1
|∇-ψ|cosα- (A.190)
∂ θ|ψ = r┌ -----------
││  ---1---
∘  (^  )2 - 1
    θ ⋅^s = r tanα (A.191)

Metric Coefficients

They are defined in (A.12) and become here

     (                                             )
        1∕ [|∇ψ |cosα]2      rtan α∕[|∇ ψ |cos α] 0
gij = ( rtan α∕ [|∇ψ |cosα]  r2∕cos2α           0   )
        0                   0                  R2

or equivalently

      (  ∂r∕∂ψ |2θ          ∂r∕∂ ψ|θ ∂r∕∂θ |ψ 0   )
g  =  (  ∂r∕∂ψ | ∂r∕∂θ|   ∂r∕∂ θ|2 + r2     0   )
 ij            θ       ψ        ψ            2
        0                 0                R


     (  |∇ψ |2          - |∇ ψ |sinα ∕r  0    )
 ij  (                    2                )
g  =    - |∇ψ |sin α∕r  1∕r            0  2
        0              0              1∕R

As a result

         2 2
g = ---R--r----
    |∇ ψ |2cos2 α

and the Jacobian is

J = |∇ψ |cosα

Differential elements

dl(ψ) = ---d-ψ----
|∇ψ |cosα (A.196)
dl(θ) = --r--
cosα (A.197)
dl(ϕ) = Rdϕ (A.198)

dS(ψ ) = -Rr--
cosαdθdϕ ^
ψ (A.199)
dS(θ) =     R
|∇ ψ|cosαdψdϕ^θ (A.200)
dS(ϕ ) =     r
|∇ ψ|cosαdψdθϕ^ (A.201)
d3X =  ---Rr----dψd θdϕ
       |∇ ψ|cos α

Christoffel Symbols

They are defined in (A.49) and are here

Differential Operations


∇f = |∇ ψ| ∂f-ψ^+ 1-∂f-^θ +-1∂f-^ϕ
          ∂ψ     r ∂θ    R ∂ ϕ


                     (          )                (              )         (     )
∇ ⋅A  = |∇ψ-|cosα-∂--  -Rr-A  ⋅ ^ψ + |∇-ψ|cosα--∂-  ---R-----A ⋅θ^ +  1-∂-- A ⋅ϕ^
           Rr     ∂ψ   cosα             Rr    ∂θ   |∇ ψ|cos α         R ∂ϕ


(∇ × A ) ψ^ = cosα-
∂θ(      )
 RA  ⋅ ^ϕ--1
∂ ϕ(     )
  A ⋅ ^θ (A.205)
(∇ × A ) ^θ = 1-
∂ϕ(A ⋅^r) -|∇ψ-|cosα-
∂ψ(      )
 RA  ⋅ ^ϕ (A.206)
(∇ × A ) ^ϕ = |∇ψ-|cosα-
∂ψ(      )
  rA-⋅ ^θ
∂ θ(          )
  |∇ψ |cosα (A.207)