3.2 Guiding-Center Drifts and Drift-Kinetic Equation

As shown in previous section, for axisymmetric plasmas, the electron drift kinetic equation may be expressed in the general form

∂f- + vgc ⋅∇f = C(f) + Q (f)+ E (f)

where f = f(p,ξ,ψ,θ,t) is the guiding-center distribution function.

In tokamaks, it can be shown that the guiding center velocity vgc may be decomposed into a fast parallel motion along the field lines, and a vertical drift velocity vD across the magnetic flux surfaces

vgc = v∥b + vD

From the general expression (2.36) of the magnetic field B,

B = I (ψ )∇ ϕ+  ∇ψ × ∇ ϕ

one obtains in the (ψ,s,ϕ) coordinates system,

     I (ψ)-^ |∇-ψ|
B =   R  ϕ -   R  ^s

As shown in Appendix A, the gradient in (ψ,s,ϕ ) coordinates is

∇  = ∇ ψ-∂- + ∇s ∂--+ ∇ ϕ-∂-= ∇ ψ -∂-+ ^s-∂-+  ϕ-∂--
        ∂ ψ      ∂s      ∂ϕ       ∂ψ    ∂s    R ∂ϕ

and recalling that the constants of the motion are the total energy (or momentum p) as defined in (2.16) and the magnetic moment μ as given by relation (2.17), following conservations laws

∂s  = 0

∂ [  2         ]
---p ∥ + 2μBme  = 0

are satisfied.

3.2.1 Drift Velocity from the Conservation of Canonical Momentum

The toroidal canonical momentum is also a constant of the motion because of axisymmetry. It is expressed as

Pϕ = R [γmevϕ + qeAϕ]

where Aϕ is the toroidal component of the vector potential. From the relation

B =  ∇ × A

and the expression (A.171) of a rotational in (ψ,s,ϕ) coordinates, we get

       [                       ]
B   =   -1-∂-(RA  ) - 1-∂--(A ) ψ^
        R ∂s     ϕ    R ∂ϕ   s
         [ 1 ∂         |∇ ψ| ∂       ]
       +  -----(A ψ)-  ------- (RA  ϕ) ^s
         [R ∂ ϕ         R  ∂ ψ   (     )]
       +  |∇ψ |-∂-(A ) - |∇ ψ | ∂- -A-ψ-   ^ϕ              (3.40)
               ∂ψ    s        ∂s  |∇ ψ|
A ψ  =  A ⋅ ψ                             (3.41)
As   =  A ⋅ ^s                             (3.42)
A ϕ  =  A ⋅ ^ϕ                             (3.43)

In axisymmetric plasma, this reduces to

       -1-∂-       ^
B   =  R ∂s (RA ϕ)ψ
         |∇ ψ |∂
       - --------(RA ϕ)^s
         [R   ∂ψ                 (     )]
       +  |∇ψ |-∂-(As) - |∇ ψ | ∂- -A-ψ-   ^ϕ              (3.44)
               ∂ψ             ∂s  |∇ ψ|
so that
B  = - |∇ψ-|-∂-(RA  )
  s     R   ∂ψ     ϕ

In addition, we know from expression (3.34) that

       |∇ ψ|
Bs = - -R---

so that be obtain

∂RA ϕ
------= 1

Because the toroidal canonical momentum is a constant of the motion, we have

vgc ⋅∇P ϕ = 0

which can be decomposed into

vgc ⋅∇ (Rγmev ϕ) + vgc ⋅∇ (qeRA ϕ) = 0

Using relation (A.169), we get

                     [                ^   ]
vgc ⋅∇ (qeRA ϕ) = vgc ⋅ ∇ ψ ∂-+ ^s-∂-+-ϕ-∂-  (qeRA ϕ )
                          ∂ψ    ∂s   R ∂ ϕ

which in axisymmetric systems gives

                      [                  ]
v   ⋅∇ (qA  ) = qv   ⋅ ∇ ψ∂RA--ϕ+  ^s∂RA-ϕ-
  gc      e ϕ     e gc       ∂ψ       ∂s

Since Bψ = 0, we have from relation (3.44) (RA ϕ)∕∂s = 0 and therefore, using expression (3.47),

vgc ⋅∇ (qeA ϕ) = qevgc ⋅∇ψ

The only velocity accross the flux-surfaces is the drift velocity we are looking for, so that we get, using relation (3.32)

vgc ⋅∇ (qeA ϕ) = qevD ⋅ ∇ψ

and the equation (3.49) becomes

qevD ⋅∇ ψ = - vgc ⋅∇ (Rγmev ϕ)

Assuming a priori that |  |
|v∥||vD |, a condition that holds in tokamaks, this equation reduces to

vD ⋅∇ ψ  =  - qe B B ⋅∇ (Rγmev ϕ)
         =  - Ω--B ⋅∇ (Rv ϕ)                        (3.55)
where we used that ∂γ∕∂s = 0 because of the conservation of energy.

The toroidal velocity is related to the parallel velocity by

     Bϕ      I (ψ)
vϕ = ---v∥ = ----v∥
     B       RB

so that

       I (ψ)
Rvϕ =  ----v∥

Since I(ψ ) is a flux function, it can be taken out of the gradient, so that

                        (   )
            v∥-           v∥
vD ⋅∇ ψ = - ΩeI (ψ)B ⋅∇   B

3.2.2 Drift Velocity from the Expression of Single Particle Drift

The guiding-center drift velocity due to the magnetic field gradient and curvature is

      1 (  2   v2⊥) B  × ∇B
vD = Ω--  v∥ + 2-- ---B2---

and its component perpendicular to the flux-surface can be written as

           1 (     v2 )  1
vD ⋅∇ ψ = ---  v2∥ +-⊥-  --2∇ ψ × B ⋅∇B
          Ωe        2   B

Inserting the expression (3.34) of the magnetic field, we find

             1 (      v2) |∇ ψ|[               ]
vD  ⋅∇ψ =  ----  v2∥ + -⊥- --2-- I (ψ)^s + |∇ ψ|ϕ^ ⋅∇B
            Ωe        2   B  R

Using (3.35), the equation (3.61) becomes

               (       2)      [                   ]
vD  ⋅∇ψ =  - 1-- v2+  v⊥- |∇-ψ| I (ψ) ∂B-+ |∇-ψ|∂B-
             Ωe   ∥   2    B2R        ∂s     R  ∂ ϕ

Under the assumption of axisymmetry, we are left with

               (        )
             1    2  v2⊥   |∇ψ |I (ψ) ∂B
vD ⋅∇ ψ = - Ω--  v∥ +-2-  ---B2R----∂s-

With the definition (2.17) of the magnetic moment μ, we rewrite

             1 |∇ ψ|I (ψ)(      μB ) ∂B
vD ⋅∇ ψ = - -------2----- v2∥ + ---  ---
            Ωe   B  R          me   ∂s

We have, using the conservation of magnetic momentum (3.36),

(         )                   (    )
  v2∥ + μB   ∂B-=  v2∥∂B- + B ∂-- μB-
       me   ∂s      ∂s      ∂s  me

Using the conservation of energy (3.37), we get

(     μB ) ∂B         ∂B      ∂ ( v2)
 v2∥ + ---  ---  =   v2∥--- - B --- -∥                   (3.66)
      me    ∂s        ∂s      ∂s   2
                        [  ∂v∥     ∂B ]
                =   - v∥ B ----- v∥---                 (3.67)
                           ∂s(   ) ∂s
                =   - v B2-∂- v∥                       (3.68)
                      ∥   ∂s   B
and finally, the equation (3.64) becomes
           v              (v )
vD ⋅∇ ψ =  -∥I (ψ ) |∇-ψ|-∂ -∥
           Ωe       R  ∂s  B

In addition,

B ⋅∇  =   I (ψ )∇ϕ ⋅∇ + ∇ ψ × ∇ ϕ ⋅∇
          I (ψ ) ∂    |∇ ψ| ∂
      =   ---------  -------                         (3.70)
            R  ∂ϕ     R  ∂s
and, using axisymmetry,
          |∇ ψ| ∂
B ⋅∇  = - -R--∂s-

so that we can rewrite (3.69) as

            v∥-         ( v∥)
vD ⋅∇ ψ = - ΩeI (ψ)B ⋅∇   B

expression which is the same as (3.58).

3.2.3 Case of Circular concentric flux-surfaces

In this case, ψ = ψ(r) and therefore

∇ ψ = ψ  (r) ^r


vDr = vD ⋅^r = vD-⋅∇-ψ-

which gives

        v∥I-(ψ)     ( v∥)
vDr = - Ωe  ψ′ B ⋅∇   B

In addition,

         |∇ ψ| ∂     |ψ′|∂
B ⋅∇ = - --------= - -------
           R  ∂s      R  ∂s

and, because

  ^   ^
^s⋅θ = ψ ⋅^r = σψ

we find

-∂-   σψ-∂-
∂s =  r ∂ θ


          ψ′ ∂
B ⋅∇ =  ---- ---
         Rr  ∂θ

so that finally

      v∥ I (ψ) ∂ ( v∥)  v∥ I (ψ) ∂ ( v∥)
vDr = Ω---Rr--∂θ- B-  = -r RB---∂θ- Ω-

When the toroidal field dominates, B I(ψ)∕R and

       v ∂  (v )
vDr ≃  -∥--- -∥
       r ∂θ  Ω

3.2.4 Steady-State Drift-Kinetic Equation

Using expressions (3.31), (3.32) and (3.58) or (3.72), we obtain in steady-state

          v            (v ) ∂f
v∥^b⋅∇f  - -∥-I (ψ) B ⋅∇ -∥  --- = C (f )+ Q (f)+ E (f)
          Ωe            B   ∂ ψ

which can be rewritten as

  ∂f-   v∥-    |∇-ψ|-∂-(v∥) ∂f-
vs∂s +  ΩeI (ψ )  R  ∂s  B   ∂ψ  = C (f )+ Q (f)+ E (f)


       (^   )
vs = v∥ b ⋅^s