A.3 Momentum Space

We consider a cartesian momentum space in coordinates (px,py,pz) along axes (^x,^y,^z). The vector position is momentum space is written

P = px ^x+ py^y + pz^z

We consider the two following curvilinear systems:

A.3.1 System (       )


The coordinates (        )
 p∥,p⊥,φ are defined on the space

-∞≤ p < (A.209)
0 p < (A.210)
0 φ < 2π (A.211)

and is related to (px,py,pz) by

p = pz (A.212)
p = ∘  -------
   p2x + p2y
φ = arctan(py∕px) + πH(- px) [2π]

which is inverted to

px = pcosφ (A.213)
py = psinφ
pz = p

Position Vector

The position vector in momentum space then becomes

P  = p⊥⊥^+ p ∥^∥

where we define a local orthonormal basis (       )
  ^∥, ^⊥, ^φ as

^∥ = ^z (A.215)
⊥ = cosφ^x + sinφ^y (A.216)
^φ = ^p ×^p = -sinφ^x + cosφy^ (A.217)

Covariant Basis

The covariant vector basis is defined in (A.1), which becomes here

e = -∂P-
∂p ∥ = ^∥ (A.218)
e =  ∂P
   ⊥ = ^⊥ (A.219)
eφ = ∂P-
 ∂φ = p∂^⊥-
∂φ = p^φ (A.220)

so that we have the covariant basis

              (        )
(         )    ^ ^
 e ∥,e⊥, eφ =   ∥,⊥,p⊥ ^φ

the scaling factors

(h ,h ,h  ) = (1,1,p )
  ∥  ⊥  φ          ⊥

and the normalized tangent basis

             (      )
(^e ,^e ,^e ) =  ^∥, ^⊥,φ^
  ∥  ⊥  φ

Contravariant Basis

The Contravariant vector basis is defined in (A.9), which becomes here

e = p = ^∥ (A.224)
e = p = ^⊥ (A.225)
eφ = φ = φ^
p⊥ (A.226)

The relations (A.10-A.11) are here readily verified. The normalized reciprocal basis is

(        )   (      )
 ^e∥,^e⊥,^eφ  =  ^∥, ^⊥, ^φ

which here coincides with the normalized tangent basis, since both bases are orthogonal.

Metric Coefficients

They are defined in (A.12) and become here

gij = (           )
   1  0  0
(  0  1  0  )
   0  0  p2
          ⊥ (A.228)
gij = (             )
   1  0  0
(  0  1  0    )
   0  0  1∕p2⊥

As a result

g = p⊥

and the Jacobian is

J = p⊥

Differential elements

dl(  )
 p∥ = dp (A.231)
dl(p⊥) = dp (A.232)
dl(φ) = p (A.233)

dS(  )
 p∥ = pdp^∥ (A.234)
dS(p⊥) = pdp^
⊥ (A.235)
dS(φ) = dpdp^φ (A.236)
d X  = p⊥dp ∥dp⊥dφ

Christoffel Symbols

They are defined in (A.49) and are all zero here except

{          }    {          }
    φ              φ            1-φφ∂g-φφ   -1-
    p⊥  R     =    R   p⊥    =  2g   ∂p⊥  = p⊥

{         }
   p⊥           1- RR ∂gφφ-
   φ   φ    =  -2 g   ∂p⊥  = - p⊥

Differential Operations


       ∂f      ∂f      1 ∂f
∇pf =  ---^∥ + ----^⊥ + ------^φ
       ∂p∥    ∂p⊥     p⊥ ∂φ


             (     )          (       )
∇   ⋅A = -∂-- A  ⋅^∥ +  1---∂-- p A  ⋅ ^⊥ + -1--∂-(A  ⋅ ^φ)
  p      ∂p ∥          p⊥ ∂p⊥   ⊥         p⊥ ∂ φ


(∇p × A ) ^∥ = -1-
∂p⊥(p⊥A ⋅φ^) --1-
∂ φ(      )
  A ⋅ ^⊥ (A.241)
(∇p × A ) ^
⊥ = -1-
∂φ(   ^ )
 A ⋅∥--∂--
∂p∥ (A ⋅φ^) (A.242)
(∇p × A ) ^φ = -∂--
∂p∥(     )
 A ⋅ ^⊥--∂--
∂p⊥(     )
 A  ⋅^∥ (A.243)

A.3.2 System (p,ξ,φ )


The coordinates (p,ξ,φ) are defined on the space

0 p < (A.244)
- 1 ξ < 1 (A.245)
0 φ < 2π (A.246)

and is related to (px,py,pz) by

p = ∘  ------------
   p2x + p2y + p2z (A.247)
ξ =      p
  p2x + p2y + p2z (A.248)
φ = arctan(py∕px) + πH(- px) [2π]

which is inverted to

px = p∘ ------
  1 - ξ2 cosφ (A.249)
py = p∘1----ξ2 sinφ
pz =

Note that we have the following transformation from (p ,p )
  ∥  ⊥ to (p,ξ)

p = ∘ -------
  p2∥ + p2⊥ (A.250)
ξ =     p
  p2∥ + p2⊥

which is inverted to

p = (A.251)
p = p∘ ------
  1 - ξ2

Position Vector

The position vector in momentum space then becomes

P =  p^p

where we define a local orthonormal basis (   ^  )
  ^p,ξ, ^φ as

^p = ∘ ------
  1 - ξ2(cosφ^x + sin φ^y) + ξ^z (A.253)
^ξ = ^φ×^p = ξ(cosφ^x + sinφy^) -∘ ------
  1-  ξ2z^ (A.254)
^φ = -sinφ^x + cosφy^ (A.255)

Covariant Basis

The covariant vector basis is defined in (A.1), which becomes here

ep = ∂P-
 ∂p = ^p (A.256)
eξ = ∂P-
 ∂ξ = p∂^p-
∂ξ = ----p----
∘ ----2-
  1- ξ^
ξ (A.257)
eφ = ∂P-
 ∂φ = p∂^p-
∂φ = p  ------
∘ 1 - ξ2^φ (A.258)

so that we have the covariant basis

            (                         )
(        )           p       ∘ ------
 ep,eξ,e φ =   ^p,- ∘------2^ξ,p  1- ξ2φ^
                    1-  ξ

the scaling factors

             (                      )
(h ,h ,h ) =  1,- ∘---p---,p∘1----ξ2
  p  ξ  φ           1 - ξ2

and the normalized tangent basis

             (     )
(^e ,^e ,^e ) =  ^p, ^ξ, ^φ
  p  ξ  φ

Contravariant Basis

The Contravariant vector basis is defined in (A.9), which becomes here

ep = p = ∂p-
∂P = ^p (A.262)
eξ = ξ = ∂ξ-
∂P = -∘ ------
   p ^
ξ (A.263)
eφ = φ = ∂ φ
∂P =     1
p  1 - ξ2^φ (A.264)

The relations (A.10-A.11) are here readily verified. The reciprocal basis is

             (     ∘ ------            )
( p  ξ  φ)         --1---ξ2^ ----1----
 e ,e ,e   =   ^p,-    p    ξ,p∘1----ξ2 ^φ

and the normalized reciprocal basis is

( p  ξ  φ)   (      )
 ^e ,^e ,^e   =  ^p, ^ξ,φ^

which here coincides with the normalized tangent basis, since both bases are orthogonal.

Metric Coefficients

They are defined in (A.12) and become here

gij = (                            )
   1  0  (     )  0
(  0  p2∕ 1- ξ2   0  (     ) )
   0  0           p2 1 - ξ2 (A.267)
gij = (                                )
   1  0(    2)  2  0
(  0   1- ξ  ∕p   0  [  (     )] )
   0  0           1∕  p2 1- ξ2

As a result

g = p4

and the Jacobian is

J =  p2

Differential elements

dl(p) = dp (A.270)
dl(ξ) = ∘--p----
  1- ξ2 (A.271)
dl(φ ) = p∘ ------
  1- ξ2 (A.272)

dS(p) = p2dξdφ^p (A.273)
dS(ξ) = -p∘ -----2
  1 - ξdpdφ^
ξ (A.274)
dS(φ ) = ∘--p----
  1 - ξ2dpdξ^φ (A.275)
d3X = p2dpd ξdφ

Christoffel Symbols

They are defined in (A.49) and are all zero here except

Differential Operations


             ∘ ------
       ∂f      1 - ξ2∂f         1    ∂f
∇pf =  ∂p-^p- ----p----∂ξ ^ξ +-∘------2∂φ-^φ
                            p  1 - ξ


                             (             )
∇  ⋅A =  1--∂-(p2A ⋅p^) - 1-∂-- ∘1---ξ2A  ⋅ ^ξ + -∘-1-----∂--(A ⋅ ^φ)
 p       p2∂p            p ∂ξ                  p  1- ξ2 ∂φ


(∇  × A) ^p = 1-
∂ξ( ∘ ------    )
    1- ξ2A ⋅ ^φ + -∘--1----
p  1 - ξ2-∂-
∂φ(     )
 A  ⋅ ^ξ (A.279)
(∇  × A) ^ξ = 1
∂p- (pA ⋅ ^φ) -   1
p  1- ξ∂
∂φ-(A ⋅ ^p)
(∇  × A) ^φ = -1-
∂p(     ^)
 pA  ⋅ξ-∘ ------
  ∂ ξ