4.3 Radio frequency waves

The volume-averaged quasilinear diffusion operator for radiofrequency waves in an infinite uniform plasma was first developped by Kennel and Engelmann [?]. The relativistic treatment was performed by Lerche [?], who proposes the following operator

Q(f ) = -  2
(2π )3 limV →∞1-
V n=-∞∫ ∫∫d3k (4.188)
[(            [      1  (k∥v∥    ) ]    )
   P*∥E *k,∥Jn +  P *⊥ - --- ---* - 1   E *k,⊥
                     p⊥   ω
--------i------ (                  )
⋅[n Ω + k v - ω]  Ek,∥JnP∥ + Ek,⊥P⊥  f
        ∥ ∥


P = -∂--
ωv ⊥(               )
 v  -∂--- v -∂--
  ⊥ ∂p∥    ∥∂p⊥ (4.189)
P =  ∂
∂p⊥ + k
ω(    ∂        ∂ )
  v⊥----- v∥----
    ∂p ∥    ∂p ⊥ (4.190)
Ek, = -1--
√ 2(      iα            - iα     )
 Ek,- e Jn+1 + Ek,+e   Jn -1 (4.191)

The electric field is assumed to be monochromatic at the frequency ω, and is decomposed into its Fourier components

         ∫∫ ∫  d3k
E (x, t) =      ----3eik⋅x- iωtEk (k)
              (2π )

which are projected on the rotating field frame

Ek,± = 1√--
 2(Ek,x ± iEk,y) (4.193)
Ek, = Ek,z (4.194)

The wave vector is expressed in cylindrical coordinates as

kx = kcosα (4.195)
ky = ksinα
kz = k

and the argument of the Bessel functions is kvΩ. The relativistic cyclotron frequency is

Ω =  γm--

4.3.1 Conservative formulation of the RF wave operator

In order to incorporate the RF wave physics in the Fokker-Planck or Drift Kinetic solvers, the operator (4.188) must be cast in a conservative form.

Spherical coordinates representation

The transformation from cylindrical to spherical momentum derivatives is given by

∂p∥ = ∂p--
∂p + ∂ξ--
∂ξ (4.197)
∂p⊥ = ∂p--
∂p + -∂ξ-
∂ξ (4.198)


p = ∘ -------
  p2∥ + p2⊥ (4.199)
ξ =     p
  p2∥ + p2⊥ (4.200)

one obtains

∂p ∥ = ξ (4.201)
∂p ⊥ = ∘1----ξ2 (4.202)
∂p ∥ = 1 - ξ2
  p (4.203)
   ⊥ = - ∘ ------
ξ  1- ξ2
---p----- (4.204)

Hence rewritting (4.189-4.190) in cylindrical coordinates using (4.197-4.198)

P = ξ∂
∂p- + 1
p-(            )
      2   nΩ
 1 - ξ -  ω--∂
∂ξ- (4.205)
P = ∘1---ξ2--∂-
∂p -∘ ------
   pξ(         )
 ξ2 - k∥v∥
∂ ξ (4.206)

In order to permute derivatives and the integral in expression (4.188) and obtain a conservative formulation, one must express both P and P in terms of the derivatives associated with the divergence of a flux: 1∕p2(∂∕∂p)p2 and -1∕p(∂∕∂ ξ).


ξ ∂
∂p =  1
∂pp2ξ -2ξ
 p (4.207)
∘ -----2
  1 - ξ-∂-
∂p = -1
∂pp2∘ -----2
  1 - ξ - ∘ ------
   p (4.208)


p-(            )
      2   nΩ
  1- ξ  - -ω- ∂
∂ξ- = -1
∂ξ-(              )
        2   nΩ
  - 1+ ξ  + -ω- + 2ξ
-p- (4.209)
-∘ ------
   pξ(          )
  ξ2 - k∥v∥
∂ξ = -1-
∂ξ∘ ------
    ξ(          )
  ξ2 - k∥v∥
+ -1-
p⊥( k v     )
  -∥-∥ - 1
   ω +  ∘ -----2
    p (4.210)

the operators in (4.188) can be expressed in a divergence form

P = 1-
∂pp2ξ -1-
∂ξ(             )
 - 1 + ξ2 + n-Ω
            ω (4.211)
P- 1
p ⊥( k∥v∥    )
  ---- - 1
   ω = 1
p ∂
∂pp2∘ ------
  1-  ξ2 -1
    ξ(     k∥v∥)
 ξ2 - ----
       ω (4.212)

so that (4.188) can be rewritten as

              RF     1--∂-( 2  RF)   1-∂-(∘ -----2 RF )
Q (f) = - ∇ ⋅S   = - p2∂p  p Sp   +  p∂ξ    1 - ξ Sξ


SpRF = limV →∞  e2
(2π) 1
V- n=-∞∫∫∫d3k[(   *      ∘ ------ *  )
   ξEk,∥Jn +   1 - ξ2Ek,⊥
        i       (                  )
⋅[n-Ω-+-k-v---ω-] Ek,∥JnP∥ + Ek,⊥P ⊥ f
        ∥ ∥ (4.214)

SξRF = limV →∞  2
(2 π)31-
V n=-∞∫ ∫∫d3k
[(         (            )            (         )     )
   ∘--- 1--  1-  ξ2 - nΩ  E * Jn + 1- ξ2 - k∥v∥  E *
     1 - ξ2          ω *    k,∥     ξ        ω*    k,⊥
⋅[------i------] (E  J  P + E    P  )f
  nΩ + k∥v∥ - ω    k,∥ n ∥    k,⊥  ⊥ (4.215)

Considering the above expressions of the fluxes and the operators (4.205-4.206), RF-induced fluxes are purely diffusive, and therefore they are expressed as

 RF      RF
S   = - D   ⋅∇pf


      (   RF     RF )
DRF =    DpRpF   DpξRF
         Dξp   Dξξ

Hence, using the expression of the gradient in spherical coordinates,

SpRF = -DppRF∂f
∂p- + DRF∘ ------
  1 - ξ2
∂ξ- (4.218)
SξRF = -DξpRF∂f-
∂p + DξξRF∘ ------
∂ξ (4.219)


DppRF = -limV →∞   2
V n=-∞∫∫ ∫d3k[(                      )
   ξE*  J + ∘1----ξ2E *
     k,∥ n            k,⊥
                (          ∘ ------    )]
⋅[------i------] ξE   Jn +   1 - ξ2Ek,⊥
  nΩ + k∥v∥ - ω     k,∥ (4.220)
DRF = limV →∞   2
V n=-∞∫∫ ∫d3k[(         ∘  ------   )
  ξE*k,∥Jn +   1- ξ2E *k,⊥
        i       (    1    (         nΩ )          1(      k v )     ) ]
⋅[-------------]  ∘-------  1- ξ2 - ---  Ek,∥Jn - -- ξ2 - -∥-∥  Ek,⊥
  nΩ + k∥v∥ - ω     1 - ξ2           ω            ξ        ω (4.221)
DξpRF = -limV →∞   2
V n=-∞∫∫ ∫d3k
[(         (            )           (     k v  )     )
   ∘---1---  1- ξ2 - nΩ-  E*k,∥Jn + 1- ξ2 ---∥∥  E *k,⊥
     1-  ξ2          ω*            ξ       ω *
                (              ∘  -----)]
⋅[------i------] Ek,∥Jn ξ + Ek,⊥  1- ξ2
  nΩ + k∥v∥ - ω (4.222)
DξξRF = limV →∞   2
V n=-∞∫∫ ∫d3k
[(                                                   )
     - 1   (         nΩ )          1(     k v  )
   ∘-------  1- ξ2 - -*-  E*k,∥Jn + -- ξ2 ---∥∥*  E *k,⊥
     1-  ξ2          ω             ξ       ω
        i       (    1    (         nΩ )          1(      k v )     ) ]
⋅[-------------]  ∘-------  1- ξ2 - ---  Ek,∥Jn - -- ξ2 - -∥-∥  Ek,⊥
  nΩ + k∥v∥ - ω     1 - ξ2           ω            ξ        ω (4.223)

In the limit of a resonant diffusion,

       1              (             )
[nΩ-+-k-v----ω] →  iπ δ ω - k∥v∥ - nΩ
       ∥ ∥

and using the resonance condition

k∥v∥ = ω - n Ω

RF diffusion coefficients may be expressed in a simple form

DppRF = n=-∞(     2)
 1 - ξD nRF(p,ξ) (4.226)
DRF = n=-∞-∘ ------
  1- ξ2
   ξ(         nΩ )
 1 - ξ2 - ---
          ωDnRF(p,ξ) (4.227)
DξpRF = n=-∞-∘ ------
   ξ(            )
      2   nΩ-
 1 - ξ -  ωDnRF(p,ξ) (4.228)
DξξRF = n=-∞ 1
ξ(        n Ω)
 1 - ξ2 ----
          ω2D nRF(p,ξ) (4.229)

where we define a diffusion coefficient

                                                |                     |
                 πe2 ∫∫∫   d3k  (             ) ||          ξ          ||2
DRFn (p,ξ) =  lim  ----     ----3δ ω - k∥v∥ - nΩ  ||Ek,⊥ +  ∘-----2Ek,∥Jn ||
            V→ ∞  V       (2π)                            1- ξ

Using (4.191), we can define

Dk(n) = e2||                (      )                   (      )
|√1-Ek,+e- iαJn -1  k⊥v⊥-  + √1-Ek,- e+iαJn+1  k⊥v⊥-
|  2                Ω         2                Ω
           (      )|
  p∥-       k-⊥v⊥  |
+ p Ek,∥Jn    Ω    ||
   ⊥2 (4.231)

so that (4.230) becomes

  RF             π ∫   d3k   (n)
D n (p,ξ) = Vli→m∞ V-   (2π)3D k δ(ω - k∥v∥ - nΩ )

If rays are gathered in RF beams of different frequencies ωb, diffusion coefficients are sums of each contribution ower all hamonics n , leading to the expression

DppRF = n=-∞+ b(1 - ξ2)D b,nRF(p,ξ) (4.233)
DRF = n=-∞+ b -∘ ------
    ξ[           ]
 1- ξ2 - nΩ-
         ωbDb,nRF(p,ξ) (4.234)
DξpRF = n=-∞+ b -∘1----ξ2
    ξ[        nΩ ]
 1- ξ2 - ---
         ωbDb,nRF(p,ξ) (4.235)
DξξRF = n=-∞+ b1-
ξ2[            ]
      2   nΩ-
 1 - ξ -  ωb2D b,nRF(p,ξ) (4.236)


  RF             π ∫   d3k   b,(n)
D n,b(p,ξ) = Vli→m∞ V-   (2π)3D k  δ(ωb - k∥v∥ - nΩ )

and Dkb,(n) accounts for the polarization and the intensity of the RF wave. It is given by

Dkb,(n) = e2||1                (k  v  )    1               ( k  v  )
||√--Ek,b,+e-iαJn-1  -b⊥-⊥-  + √--Ek,b,- e+iαJn+1  -b⊥-⊥-
  2                  Ω         2                  Ω
            (       )|
  p∥-         kb⊥v⊥- ||
+ p⊥ Ek,b,∥Jn    Ω    |2 (4.238)

Cylindrical coordinates representation

The Fokker-Planck equation is usually solved numerically in spherical coordinates, because of the spherical symmetry of the collisional operator. Therefore, in this coordinate system, the numerical problem is well-conditionned, ensuring stable convergence towards the solution. However, in many case the RF quasilinear operator has a more cylindrical symmetry, and it could be useful to derive its expression in this coordinate system, in order to get a more physical insight of the wave-particle interaction. Starting from the general expression of the flux divergence in cylindrical coordinates,

         1---∂-          -∂--(  )
∇p ⋅S =  p⊥∂p ⊥ (p⊥S ⊥) + ∂p   S∥

and taking into account of the diffusive nature of the wave-particle interaction,

                     ( D     D    )  (  ∂f∕∂p   )
SRF = - DRF ⋅∇f  = -     ⊥⊥    ⊥∥   ⋅         ⊥
                       D ∥⊥   D∥∥       ∂f∕ ∂p∥

where the cylindrical tensor elements are related to the spherical ones by

(       )   (   (    2)    ∘ -----2     ∘ ----2-       2     )  (       )
  D ⊥⊥      |   ∘1--ξ---  ξ (1 - ξ)    ξ  1- ξ      ∘ ξ------|     Dpp
||  D⊥ ∥ ||   |  ξ∘ 1---ξ2  -  1-  ξ2     ( ξ2   )  - ξ∘ 1--ξ2-|  ||  Dp ξ ||
(  D∥⊥  ) = |(  ξ  1 - ξ2      ξ2      -  1 - ξ2   - ξ  1- ξ2 |) ⋅(  D ξp )
   D ∥∥            ξ2      - ξ∘1---ξ2  - ξ∘1---ξ2   (1 - ξ2)        D ξξ

Applying this transformation, one obtains,

D⊥⊥RF = n=-∞+ b[    ]
   b2D b,nRF(p,ξ) (4.242)
D⊥∥RF = n=-∞+ b∘ ------
 ωb[       ]
 1-  nΩ-
     ωbDb,nRF(p,ξ) (4.243)
D∥⊥RF = n=-∞+ b∘ -----2
 ωb[       ]
 1-  nΩ-
     ωbDb,nRF(p,ξ) (4.244)
D∥∥RF = n=-∞+ b(1---ξ2)
   ξ2[       ]
 1 - ω
       b2D b,nRF(p,ξ) (4.245)

For n = 0 (which corresponds to the Lower Hybrid wave) the quasilinear diffusion is strictly along the parallel direction (i.e. magnetic field line). Also, at a cyclotron harmonic, where ωb = nΩ, the diffusion is only perpendicular, when relativistic corrections are not considered.

4.3.2 RF Diffusion coefficient for a Plane Wave

4.3.3 Integration in k-space

The quasilinear diffusion coefficient (4.230), describing the interaction of the electrons with a given beam b at an harmonic n, is rewritten as

                e2π ∫∫ ∫  d3k        |    |2  (             )
DRbF,n (p,ξ) =  lim  ----     ----3 |Ebk |2 ||Θb,k(n)|| δ  ωb - k∥v∥ - nΩ
           V→ ∞  V       (2π)


Θkb,(n) = √1--
  2ebk,+e-J n-1(      )
    Ω + √1--
  2ebk,-e+J n+1(     )
+ p∥-
p⊥ebk,Jn(      )
    Ω (4.247)

Here, the polarization vector in Fourier space

ebk = -----

is introduced, whose components in the rotating field frame are

ebk,+ = Ebk,+-
 |Ebk | = Ebk,x-+-iEbk,y-
  √2-|E  |
        bk (4.249)
ebk,- = Ebk,--
 |Ebk | = Ebk√,x---iEbk,y-
ebk, = Ebk,∥
   bk = Ebk,z

The electric field associated with a given ray is described by a plane wave, with given frequency ωb and wave number kb:

Eb(x,t) = Re[             ]
 Eb0ei(kb⋅x-ωbt) = Re[  ]
 ^Eb (4.250)
= 1-
2[                              ]
 Eb0ei(kb⋅x-ωbt) + E*b0e-i(kb⋅x- ωbt) (4.251)

so that

Ebk(k,t) ∫∫ ∫d3xe-ikxE b(x,t)
= 1-
2[         ∫ ∫∫                       ∫∫ ∫            ]
 Eb0e -iωbt     d3xei(kb- k)⋅x + E *b0eiωbt    d3xei(kb+k)⋅x
= 1-
2[    - iωbt             * iωbt         ]
 Eb0e     δ(kb - k )+ E b0e  δ(kb + k) (4.252)

The electric field is the sum of two contributions with different frequencies

Ebk+(k ) = 1-
2Eb0δ(kb - k) with ω = ωb (4.253)
Ebk-(k ) = 1-
2Eb0*δ(k  + k)
  b with ω = -ωb (4.254)

Therefore the QL diffusion tensor (4.217) is the sum of these two contributions:

 RF     RF+     RF-
D   = D     + D

associated with the diffusion coefficients

Db,nRF+(p,ξ) = lim V →∞e2π-
 V∫ ∫∫-d3k-
(2π)3|             |
||1-           ||
|2Eb0 δ(kb - k )|2|| b+,n||
|Θ k  |2δ(             )
 ωb - k∥v∥ - nΩ (4.256)
Db,nRF-(p,ξ) = lim V →∞ 2
 V∫ ∫∫  3
(2π)3|             |
||1E * δ(k + k )||
|2  b0   b    |2|    |
||Θb -,n||
  k2δ(- ω - k v - n Ω)
    b   ∥ ∥

with, using (4.247)

Θkb+,(n) = √1-
 2eb+k,+e-J n-1(      )
    Ω + √1--
  2eb+k,-e+J n+1(     )
+ p∥
p⊥eb+k,Jn( k⊥v⊥ )
    Ω (4.257)
Θkb-,(n) = √1-
 2eb-k,+e-J n-1(      )
    Ω + √1--
  2eb-k,-e+J n+1(     )
+ p∥
p⊥eb-k,Jn( k⊥v⊥ )

The polarization components (4.249) are

eb+k,+ = E    + iE
    2 |Eb0| = eb0,+ (4.258)
eb+k,- = Eb0,x --iEb0,y-
  √2--|Eb0| = eb0,-
eb+k, = E
|Eb0| = eb0,


eb-k,+ = E *b0,x + iE*b0,y
    2 |Eb0| = eb0,-* (4.259)
eb-k,- =   *      *
E-b0,x --iEb0,y
  √ 2 |Eb0| = eb0,+*
eb-k, = E *
|Eb0| = eb0,*

Expressing the condition k = ±kb from the first delta function in (4.256), we find

Db,nRF+(p,ξ) = lim V →∞e2π-
|v ∥|∫∫ ∫-d3k-
(2π )3|Eb0 |2δ2(kb - k)|     |
| b+,n|
|Θk   |2δ(              )
       ωb --nΩ-
 kb∥ -    v∥ (4.260)
Db,nRF-(p,ξ) = lim V →∞e2π-
|v ∥|∫∫ ∫-d3k-
(2π )3  *
|E b0|2δ2(kb + k)|     |
| b-,n|
|Θk   |2δ(              )
       ωb +-nΩ-
 kb∥ -    v∥

with now (4.257) being

Θkb+,(n) = -1-
√2eb0,+e-b Jn-1(       )
    Ω + -1--
√ 2eb0,-e+b Jn+1(      )
+ p
p⊥eb0,Jn( k  v )
    Ω (4.261)
Θkb-,(n) = -1-
√2-eb0,-*e-i(αb+π)J n-1(      )
    Ω + 1--
√2-eb0,+*e+i(αb+π)J n+1(      )
+ p
p⊥eb0,*J n(k   v )
= --1-
√2--eb0,-*e-b Jn-1(      )
√2-eb0,+*e+b Jn+1(       )
+ p
p⊥eb0,*J n(      )
   Ω (4.262)

where we used the fact that kb is transformed into -kb by changing kb to -kb and αb to αb + π.

Using the properties of the Bessel functions, and defining n = -n,

Jn+1 = (- 1)n+1J n-1 (4.263)
Jn-1 = (- 1)n-1J n+1
Jn = (- 1)nJ n

so that (4.262) becomes

Θkb-,(n) = (- 1)n[                 (       )                    (       )
 √1-e*  e- iαbJ ′    kb⊥v⊥-  + √1-e*  e+iαbJ ′    kb⊥v⊥-
   2 b0,-      n +1    Ω         2 b0,+      n -1    Ω
  p∥        (k   v ) ]
+ ---e*b0,∥Jn′ --b⊥--⊥
  p⊥           Ω (4.264)
= (- 1)n(      ′)
   k* (4.265)

and the diffusion coefficients become

Db,nRF+(p,ξ) = lim V →∞ 2
|v∥||     |
  k2|E  |
  b02δ(              )
 k   - ωb --nΩ-
   b∥      v∥∫∫ ∫  3
(2π)3δ2(k  - k)
  b (4.266)
Db,nRF-(p,ξ) = lim V →∞ 2
|v∥||     |
  k2|E  |
  b02δ(            ′  )
  k  - ωb---n-Ω
   b∥     v∥∫∫ ∫  3
(2π)3δ2(k  + k)

Using Parseval’s theorem,

limV →∞-1
V∫∫ ∫-d3k-
(2π )3δ2(kb - k) = limV →∞1-
V∫ ∫∫d3x = 1
limV →∞-1
V∫∫ ∫  3
(2π )3δ2(kb + k) = limV →∞1-
V∫ ∫∫d3x = 1 (4.267)

one obtains

Db,nRF+(p,ξ) = e2π|1|-
|v∥|     2
  4|     |
| b,(n)|
|Θk   |2δ(              )
  kb∥ -   v∥ (4.268)
Db,nRF-(p,ξ) = e2π|1|-
|v∥|     2
  4|     |
  k2δ(            ′ )
 k  -  ωb --n-Ω
  b∥      v∥ (4.269)

In the expression (4.234-4.236) for DRF- tensor elements, we subsitute

[     2   nΩ ]   [     2  n ′Ω ]
 1-  ξ - --ω-  =  1 - ξ - -ω--
            b               b

Then, by redefining nn in the sum over all harmonics for DRF-, we can combine the two contributions of DRF+ and DRF-, and finally we obtain an expression with one diffusion coefficient:

Db,nRF(p,ξ) = e2π|1|-
|v∥|     2
  2|     |
| b,(n)|
|Θk   |2δ(              )
  kb∥ -   v∥
= e2π|1|-
|v∥|     2
  2|     |
ωbδ(N  -  N   )
  b∥    ∥res (4.271)

with (4.261)

                         (      )                   (       )           (       )
 b,(n)   -1-     -iαb      kb⊥v⊥-   -1-      +iαb      kb⊥v⊥-   p∥-        kb⊥v⊥-
Θk    = √2-eb0,+e    Jn-1    Ω     +√2--eb0,- e   Jn+1     Ω    + p⊥ eb0,∥Jn    Ω

Nb = kb∥c
 ωb (4.273)
Nres =  c
 ∥(    nΩ )
 1 - ω--
= -1--
βT epTe-
p∥(          )
  γ - n′ωce
       ωb (4.274)


Ω = qeB-
γme = - ωce
 γ with ωce = eB-
me (4.275)
n = -n (4.276)
βTe = pTe-
mec = vT-e
  c = ∘  -----
   mec2 (4.277)

4.3.4 Incident Energy Flow Density

Relation to the Electric Field

The time-averaged energy flow density in the beam is in general given by

sb = Pb + Tb


     1-  [ ^    ^*]
Pb = 2 Re Eb × H b

is the flow of the electromagnetic energy or Poynting vector, and

       ϵ ω     ∂K ℍ
Tb = - -0-b^E*b ⋅-----⋅ ^Eb
        4       ∂k

is the kinetic energy flow density where K is the Hermitian part of the dielectric tensor.

E^b is the complex form of the electric field (4.250)

^        ikb⋅x-iωbt
Eb = Eb0e

and the magnetic field H^b is given by

     k  × ^E     N  × ^E
^Hb = --b---b =  -b----b-
       μ0ωb       μ0c

using the relation Nb = kbωb∕c.

The energy flow density (4.278) can be formally rewritten as

sb = ϵ0c|Eb0|2Φb

where Φb is a non dimensional vector defined as

Φb = ΦbP + ΦbT


               [        ]
       -μ0c--   ^    ^ *
ΦbP =  |Eb0 |2Re  Eb × H b


        1  * ∂K ℍ
ΦbT = - 2-eb ⋅-∂N-⋅eb

Using (4.282), we obtain

ΦbP = Re[e × (N  × e*)]
  b     b   b
= Re               *
[Nb - (Nb ⋅eb)eb] (4.287)

In vacuum, Φb = ^k , unit vector in the direction of propagation, and ΦbT = 0. Here,

eb = |Eb0|

is the polarization vector. The incident power flux on a flux-surface is therefore given by

                |     |
-      ϵ0c     2|    ^|
sbinc =  2 |Eb0| |Φb ⋅ψ|

where  ^
ψ is the local vector normal to the flux-surface.

Relation to the ray trajectories

The energy flows in the direction of the group velocity, noted ^g

^g =  Φb--
 b   |Φb |

In ray-tracing calculations, this is the direction of the ray trajectories, which are parametrized by (ψb (s),θb(s),ϕb(s)) where s is the distance along the ray. Therefore ^g b can be determined from ray-tracing calculations or any other wave propagation model, and we have

-     ϵ0c     2    ||     ||
sbinc =-2- |Eb0| |Φb||^gb ⋅ψ^|

In DKE calculations, flux-surfaces are discretized on a grid ψl+12 and have a finite volume (). In consequence, the factor |    |
||^g ⋅ ^ψ||
  b must be ”integrated” along the ray trajectory within this volume. We therefore define an incidence factor

  l+1∕2      1   ∫ ψl+1∕2±Δ ψl+1∕2∕2
finc,b =  --θb---                 ds
         Δll+1∕2 ψl+1∕2∓Δ ψl+1∕2∕2

where the ± sign accounts for the fact that the ray may be locally directed either inward or outward, and where Δll+12θb is the local thickness of the flux-surface.

  θb      Δ-ψl+1∕2-  ---Δ-ψl+1∕2---
Δll+1∕2 = |∇ ψ|θb   = R θb  B θb
              l+1 ∕2     l+1∕2  P,l+1∕2

The factor finc,bl+12 can be numerically calculated from the equilibrium and ray-tracing data. In the limit of an infinitely thin flux-surface, we have

 l+1∕2   ||   ^||-1
finc,b  →  |^gb ⋅ψ|

We therefore substitute

-     ϵ c       |Φ  |
sbinc =-0- |Eb0|2 -l+1b∕2-
       2        finc,b

4.3.5 Narrow Beam Approximation

Let consider a ray which crosses the flux surface at the respective poloidal locations θb. Here, it is assumed that all electrons interact with the beam, whatever its toroidal location, because of the axisymmetry. Therefore, calculations are only valid for circulating electrons, except for those localized on low n order rational q-surfaces, since their trajectories are exactly periodic in configuration space. Consequently, either they may never crosses the beam or if they cross it, the quasilinear assumption might likely fail, since some correlations could remain between two momentum kicks. However, the total weight of these electrons is marginal, and their contribution to RF power absorption and current generation is simply neglected. It is important to recal that trapped particle interaction with RF wave is not addressed in this code for similar arguments. For all particles whose trajectory is periodic, a specific treatment of the quasilinear interaction is necessary, which is at this stage beyond the scope of this development.

If we assume that the extension of the beam power on the flux-surface is very small in the poloidal directions, we can approximate

-      Pb,inc
sbinc ≃  Ab  δ (θ - θb)

This assumption is in contradication with the plane-wave decomposition of the RF beam, since plane waves are essentially present in the entire configuration space. However, it is assumed that plane waves interfere destructively everywhere except in the beam region, which can be limited to a narrow poloidal and toroidal extention. By definition, Ab is determined so that Pb,inc is the total incident power on the flux-surface

    dSs   =  P
       binc    b,inc

which gives in the system (ψ, θ,ϕ) , using (A.199)

    ∫ 2π   ∫ 2π   rR
1 =     dϕ      --||----||δ(θ - θb) dθ
     0      0   Ab|^ψ ⋅^r|


Ab = ||^---||
     |ψ ⋅^r|

and the incident power flux is simply

             |   |
s    = Pb,inc ||ψ^⋅^r||δ (θ - θ )
 binc   2πrR              b

Using (4.295) and (4.300),

    2            |   |  l+1∕2
|Eb0|--= -1---1-- ||ψ^⋅^r|| finc,b-δ (θ - θ )P
  2     ϵ0c2πrR        |Φb |       b  b,inc

For concentric circular flux surfaces, ψ^ = ^r , then ||   ||
|ψ^⋅^r| = 1. We obtain

     2               fl+1∕2
|Eb0|-=  -1---1----Ψ--inc,b-δ(θ - θb) Pb, inc
  2      ϵ0c2πrRp Ψp  |Φb|

where Ψp(r) = Ψp(r,π∕2) = 1 + ϵ.

4.3.6 Normalized Diffusion Coefficient

The diffusion coefficient is usually normalized to the collisional diffusion coefficient νepTe2, thus defining

--RF        DRFb,n(p,ξ)
D b,n(p,ξ) ≡   νep2


νe = 4πϵ2m2-v3-
        0  e Te

Using (4.271) and (4.301), the diffusion coefficient (4.303) becomes

--          --   |     |2 γp   (           )
DRFb,n(p,ξ) = DRFb,n,0||Θb,k(n)|| ---Teδ Nb ∥ - N ∥res 2πδ (θ - θb)


Db,n,0RF = --1--
vT eπ--
4π2rR||^   ||
|ψ ⋅^r| l+1∕2
= -1-
me lnΛ--1---
    pe||^  ||
|ψ ⋅^r| l+1 ∕2
 |Φb |Pb,inc (4.306)

where ωpe is the electron plasma frequency

      ∘ -2---
ωpe =   e-ne-

We also recall the expressions (4.272), (4.274) and (4.284-4.287)

                         (      )                   (       )           (       )
 b,(n)   -1--    -iαb      kb⊥v⊥-   -1--     +iαb      kb⊥v⊥-   p∥-        kb⊥v⊥-
Θk    = √ 2eb0,+e    Jn-1    Ω     +√ 2 eb0,- e   Jn+1     Ω    + p⊥ eb0,∥Jn    Ω

          (        )           (         )
        c       nΩ      1  pTe      n′ωce
N ∥res = v-  1 - ω--  = β----p-- γ - -ω---
         ∥       b       Te  ∥         b

Φb = ΦbP + ΦbT (4.310)
ΦbP = Re               *
[Nb - (Nb ⋅eb)eb] (4.311)
ΦbT = -1
2-eb*∂K ℍ
∂N--- eb (4.312)

For concentric circular flux surfaces,

DRF   =  -1--Ψ----1------1--finc,b-Pb,inc
  b,n,0   rRp Ψp me ln Λ ωbω2pe |Φb|

4.3.7 Bounce Averaged Fokker-Planck Equation

In the Fokker-Planck equation, the diffusion and convection elements are bounce-averaged according to the expressions (3.189) and (3.194), which gives, using (4.233-4.236)

DppRF(0) = {  +∑∞  ∑                  }
          (1- ξ2)DRF (p,ξ)
  n=-∞  b          b,n (4.314)
DRF(0) = σ{        +∞        ∘ ------[           ]         }
  --σξ-- ∑   ∑     --1--ξ2-     2   nΩ-   RF
  √ Ψξ0          -    ξ     1- ξ  - ωb   Db,n (p,ξ)
        n=-∞  b
DξpRF(0) = σ{                  ∘ ------[           ]         }
  --σξ-- +∑∞  ∑     --1--ξ2-     2   nΩ-   RF
  √ Ψξ           -    ξ     1- ξ  - ω    Db,n (p,ξ)
      0 n=-∞  b                       b
DξξRF(0) = {                                        }
   ξ2  +∑∞  ∑   1 [         nΩ ]2
  --2-         -2  1- ξ2 - ---  DRFb,n(p,ξ)
  Ψξ0 n=-∞   b ξ           ωb

where ()

         [     ]
       1   1∑     ∫ θmax dθ  1    r  B ξ0
{O } = λ^q- 2-            2π||----||R--B---ξ O
             σ   T θmin    |^ψ ⋅^r|  p  P

Since 1 - ξ2 = Ψ(      )
 1 - ξ20,

DppRF(0) = n=-∞+ b(1 - ξ02)D b,nRF(0)(p,ξ 0) (4.316)
DRF(0) = n=-∞+ b -∘ ------
  1- ξ20
   0[    2   nΩ0 ]
 1- ξ0 - -ω--
           bDb,nRF(0)(p,ξ 0)
DξpRF(0) = n=-∞+ b -∘ ------
  ξ0[            ]
     2   nΩ0-
 1- ξ0 -  ωbDb,nRF(0)(p,ξ 0)
DξξRF(0) = n=-∞+ b1
ξ0[        nΩ  ]
 1- ξ20 - ---0
          ωb2D b,nRF(0)(p,ξ 0)


              {           }
DRFb,n(0)(p,ξ0) = ΨDRFb,n(p,ξ)

and Ω0 is the cyclotron frequency taken at the minimum B value, according to the relation

Ω0 = eB0- = - ωce,0-= Ω-
     γme       γ     Ψ


ω    = eB0-
 ce,0    me

Therefore, only the bounce averaged diffusion coefficient Db,nRF(0)(p,ξ0) has to be calculated for the different types of RF waves, keeping the same formalism. It is determined by inserting expression (4.305) into (4.317),

--            {  --    |     |2       (          )           }
DRbF,n (0)(p,ξ0) =   ΨDRFb,n,0 ||Θb,k(n)|| γpTeδ  N∥b - N ∥res 2π δ(θ - θb)

which gives

                    {                                          }
--RF(0)        γpTe-  ξ0- --RF  || b,(n)||2             (          )
D b,n  (p,ξ0) = p|ξ0|  ξ ΨD b,n,0|Θk   | 2πδ(θ - θb) δ Nb∥ - N∥res

We perform the poloidal integration

{ ξ0  --RF  || b,(n)||2             (          )}
  --ΨD b,n,0|Θk   | 2πδ(θ - θb) δ Nb∥ - N∥res
= -1-
λ ^q [     ]
    σT θminθmax --1---
||^   ||
|ψ ⋅^r|-r-
ξ2ΨDb,n,0RF|| b,(n)||
|Θ k  |2δ(θ - θb)δ(           )
 Nb ∥ - N ∥res (4.322)
= -1-
λ ^q rθb
Rp  θb
B θbP 2
ξ2θbΨθbDb,n,0RF,θb H(θb - θmin)H(θmax - θb)[  ∑  ]
  2 σT δ(          )
 Nb∥ - N θb
        ∥res|     |
     b2 (4.323)


^ψ θb = ψ^ (ψ,θb) (4.324)
rθb = r(ψ,θb) (4.325)
Rθb = R(ψ, θb) (4.326)
Bθb = B(ψ, θb) (4.327)
BP θb = BP (ψ,θb) (4.328)
Ψθb = B-(ψ,-θb)
 B0(ψ ) =  θ
B0 (4.329)
ξθb = ξ(ψ,θb,ξ0) = σ∘ --------(----2)
  1 - Ψ θb 1 - ξ0 (4.330)

and where H(x) is the usual Heaviside step function


Db,nRF(0)(p,ξ 0) = γpT-e
p |ξ0|-1-
λ^q rθb
θbΨθbDb,n,0RF,θb ×
H(θb - θmin)H(θmax - θb)[     ]
    σT δ(        θb)
 Nb∥ - N ∥res||  b,(n)||
|Θ k,θb|2 (4.331)

where we define, using (4.308), (4.309) and (4.306),

 b,(n)   -1-     -iαb     ( θb)   -1-     +iαb     ( θb)  ------ξθb------      ( θb)
Θk,θb = √2-eb0,+e    Jn-1  zb  + √2-eb0,- e   Jn+1  zb  + ∘ ----(----2) eb0,∥Jn  zb
                                                          Ψ θb 1- ξ0

               (      ′       )
N θb  = -1--pTe-  γ - n-Ψ-θbωce,0
 ∥res   βT epξθb         ωb

--          1     1      1  fl+1∕2
DRFb,,n,θ0b= ------ ----------2--inc,b-Pb,inc
         rθbR θb me ln Λ ωbωpe |Φb|


zbθb = kb⊥v θb
= -Nb-ωb
mec∘ -------
  1 - ξ2
= -Nb ωb
ωce,0 p
   Ψ θb (4.335)

4.3.8 Bounce Averaged Drift-Kinetic Equation

In the Drift Kinetic equation, the diffusion and convection elements are bounce-averaged according to the expressions (3.218) and (3.223), which gives, using (4.233-4.236)

DppRF(0) = σ{                             }
  σ-ξ- +∑∞  ∑        2  RF
  Ψξ0         (1 - ξ )D b,n (p,ξ)
      n=-∞  b (4.336)
^DRF(0) = {                  ∘ ------                       }
    ξ2   +∑ ∞  ∑      1-  ξ2[     2  n Ω]   RF
  -3∕2-2-        - -------- 1 - ξ - ---  D b,n(p,ξ)
  Ψ   ξ0n=- ∞  b      ξ              ωb
^DξpRF(0) = {   ξ2   +∑ ∞  ∑    ∘1----ξ2[        n Ω]          }
  -3∕2-2-        - -------- 1 - ξ2 ----  DRFb,n(p,ξ)
  Ψ   ξ0n=- ∞  b      ξ              ωb
^DξξRF(0) = σ{    3  +∑∞  ∑     [            ]2         }
  σ-ξ--         1- 1 - ξ2 - nΩ-  DRFb,n(p,ξ)
  Ψ2ξ30 n=-∞  b  ξ2          ωb


^FpRF(0) = ∘1----ξ2
  p ξ0{                                                  }
  (Ψ - 1)  +∑∞  ∑    ∘1----ξ2[         nΩ ]
  ---3∕2-         - --------  1- ξ2 - --- DRFb,n(p,ξ)
    Ψ     n=-∞  b       ξ             ωb (4.337)
^FξRF(0) = ∘ -----2
  p ξ03σ{            +∑∞  ∑     [           ]2          }
  σξ(Ψ---1)-         1- 1 - ξ2 - n-Ω  DRFb,n(p,ξ)
    ξ0Ψ2    n=-∞  b  ξ2          ωb


         [     ]
       1   1∑     ∫ θmax dθ  1    r  B ξ
{O } = --- --            --|----|-------0O
       λ^q  2 σ   T θmin  2π||^ψ ⋅^r||Rp BP  ξ

Since 1 - ξ2 = Ψ(      )
 1 - ξ20 and Ω = ΨΩ0,

D^ppRF(0) = n=-∞+ b(1 - ξ02)^D b,nRF(0)D(p,ξ 0) (4.339)
D^RF(0) = n=-∞+ b -∘ ------
  1 - ξ20
    0[     2   nΩ0 ]
  1- ξ0 - -ω--
            bD^b,nRF(0)D(p,ξ 0) (4.340)
DξpRF(0) = n=-∞+ b -∘ ------
   ξ0[             ]
      2   nΩ0-
  1- ξ0 -  ωb ^
Db,nRF(0)D(p,ξ 0) (4.341)
D^ξξRF(0) = n=-∞+ b1
ξ0[         nΩ  ]
 1 - ξ20 - --0-
          ωb2^D b,nRF(0)D(p,ξ 0) (4.342)

FpRF(0) = ∘ ------
   pξ30 n=-∞+ b -∘ ------
   ξ0[             ]
      2   nΩ0-
  1- ξ0 -  ωb ^
Db,nRF(0)F(p,ξ 0) (4.343)
^FξRF(0) = ∘ -----2
   pξ30 n=-∞+ b1-
ξ20[             ]
 1 - ξ20 - nΩ0-
          ωb2^D b,nRF(0)F(p,ξ 0)


^Db,nRF(0)D(p,ξ 0) = σ{             }
 σ ξ-DRF (p,ξ)
   ξ0  b,n (4.344)
^Db,nRF(0)F(p,ξ 0) = σ{          ξ0         }
 σ (Ψ - 1) --DRbF,n (p,ξ)

and Ω0 is the cyclotron frequency taken at the minumum B value, as defined for the Fokker-Planck equation. Therefore, only the two bounce averaged diffusion coefficient ^Db,nRF(0))D(p,ξ0) and ^Db,nRF(0)F(p,ξ0) have to be calculated for the different types of RF waves, keeping also the same formalism. It is important to recall that only |ξ0| = σξ0 can be put outside the {} corresponding of the bounce-averaging integral.

These coefficient are determined by inserting expression (4.305) into (4.317),

^Db,nRF(0)D(p,ξ 0) = σ{                                               }
   ξ --RF  || b,(n)||2 γpTe (           )
  σξ-D b,n,0 |Θ k  |  p|ξ| δ Nb ∥ - N ∥res 2πδ (θ - θb)
    0 (4.345)
^Db,nRF(0)F(p,ξ 0) = σ{                 |     |                              }
  σ(Ψ - 1) ξ0-DRF  ||Θb,(n)||2 γpT-eδ(Nb∥ - N∥res) 2πδ(θ - θb)
           ξ  b,n,0   k     p|ξ |

which gives

^Db,nRF(0)D(p,ξ 0) = γpT-e
p |ξ0|σ{       |     |                         }
 σDRF   ||Θb,(n)||22πδ(θ - θ )δ(N   - N   )
    b,n,0  k              b     b∥     ∥res (4.346)
^Db,nRF(0)F(p,ξ 0) = γp
p |ξ0|σ{         ξ2--RF  |     |2             (          )}
 σ (Ψ - 1)-02D b,n,0||Θbk,(n)|| 2πδ(θ - θb) δ Nb∥ - N∥res

We perform the poloidal integration

σ{                                        }
   --RF  || b,(n)||2             (          )
  σD b,n,0|Θ k   | 2πδ(θ - θb)δ  Nb∥ - N∥res
= 1--
λ^q σ[     ]
    σT θminθmax |-1-|-
|^  |
|ψ ⋅^r|-r-
ξσDb,n,0RF|| b,(n)||
|Θ k   |2δ(θ - θb)δ(          )
Nb ∥ - N ∥res
= 1
λ^q r
RpB θb
B Pbξ
ξθbDb,n,0RF,θb H(θb - θmin)H(θmax - θb)σ[     ]
 1 ∑
 2  σT σδ(           )
 Nb ∥ - N θ∥bres|     |
||Θb,k(,nθb)||2 (4.347)

σ{           2      |     |                         }
  σ (Ψ  - 1) ξ0DRF  ||Θb,(n)||2 2πδ(θ - θ) δ(N   - N   )
           ξ2  b,n,0  k              b     b∥    ∥res
= 1--
λ^q σ[  ∑  ]
 2  σT θminθmax |-1-|-
||^ψ ⋅r^||r--
BP(Ψ - 1) 3
×|     |
||Θbk,(n)||2δ(θ - θb)δ(          )
 Nb∥ - N ∥res
= 1--
λ^q rθb-
 P(       )
  Ψθb - 1ξ30-
  bDb,n,0RF,θb H(θ  - θ  )
 b    minH(θ   - θ )
  max   b
× σ[     ]
    σT σδ(          )
 Nb∥ - N∥res|     |
|  b,(n)|
|Θ k,θb|2 (4.348)

where H(x) is the usual Heaviside step function and Db,n,0RF,θb is given by (4.331).

Therefore, we find

D^b,nRF(0)D(p,ξ 0) = γpT-e
p |ξ0|-1-
λ^q rθb-
Rp θb
ξθbDb,n,0RF,θb × (4.349)
H(θb - θmin)H(θmax - θb)σ[  ∑  ]
 2  σT σδ(           )
 Nb ∥ - N θ∥bres|     |

D^b,nRF(0)F(p,ξ 0) = γpT-e
p |ξ0|-1-
λ^q rθb-
 P(       )
  Ψθb - 1-ξ03
  bDb,n,0RF,θb × (4.350)
H(θ - θ   )
  b   minH(θ    - θ )
 max    bσ[     ]
    σT σδ(           )
 N   - N θb
   b∥    ∥res|     |
| k,θb |2

4.3.9 Modeling of RF Waves

The quasilinear diffusion coefficients (4.331), (4.349) and (4.350) describe the interaction between electrons and a discrete set (b) of RF plane waves (4.250) with frequencies ωb. In addition, we can linearly superpose a discrete set of plane waves with the same frequency but different parallel wave number k because of the linearity of the QL operator (4.188) in k. This set of plane waves is typically represented by rays. Each ray is characterized by: the wave frequency ωb, the poloidal location θb, the index of refraction Nb, the polarization vector eb and the power flow Φb. In general, the ray propagation path (r ,θ)
  b b and the evolution of the index of refraction Nb are determined by ray-tracing (RT) calculations. When the wave properties are determined by RT calculations, the launched power spectrum in k is typically decomposed in an array of rays with different poloidal launching angle and/or k power spectrum. This distribution depends on the antenna and other launching parameters. The evolution of each ray is determined separately, by the RT code, and the contributions of each ray to wave-particle interaction are separately accounted for in the sum over b in (4.233-4.236). The separation of these contributions is justified if their k power spectrums do not overlap.

We do not address the RT problem in this work. Therefore, we assume that the path θb(ψ ) and the parallel index of refraction Nb are determined either by coupling of DKE to a RT code, or by any other propagation model. RT calculations require to calculate the dispersion tensor and solve the dispersion relation, and therefore they can provide input for the remaining wave properties (Nb ⊥,eb,Φb). However, these properties can also be determined by solving locally the wave equation, once ψ,θb and N are known. Keeping the calculation of (Nb ⊥,eb,Φb) within DKE allows us to use a more advanced model - such as the fully relativistic dispersion solver R2D2 - for the evaluation of these important wave properties. A numerical code is required to solve the wave equation, and evaluate the diffusion coefficient (4.331) in the general case. However, it is possible to obtain analytic expressions in some cases, assuming that the waves can be treated in the cold plasma limit. The calculation of Db,nRF(0)(p,ξ0) in the cold plasma model is performed in Appendix D. In addition, simplified expression and the comparison with operators used in the litterature are given for lower-hybrid (LH) and electron-cyclotron (EC) waves in appendices D.2 and D.3 respectively.

Note that the cold plasma model, if used in the RT calculations, does not account for the wave-particle interaction and the power absorption from the rays. The power absorbed from each ray and deposited on electrons can be evaluated if a hot plasma model is used, but even then, the calculation is not consistent with DKE because quasilinear effects are not accounted for. In order to have a consistency between RT and DKE calculations, the power absorption calculated by DKE must be inserted back in the RT calculations. In the case where rays turn back toward the edge (as it can happen in LHCD), iterations between RT and DKE calculations are necessary to ensure self-consistency.

Modeling of RF k spectrum

We consider two different models for the k spectrum of a given ray.

Square power spectrum in k Here, the power spectrum of a given ray is taken as being constant in N between two limits Nb min and Nb max. Therefore, we operate the following transformation

 (           )   --1---  (              )   (               )
δ N ∥ - N ∥res,b → ΔN    H  N∥res,b - Nb∥min H  Nb∥max - Nb∥res,b


ΔN   =  N      - N
   b∥    b∥max    b∥min

In this case, the RT calculations and wave equation are solved for the central value.

       Nb ∥max + Nb∥min
Nb∥,0 =----------------

which is a good approximation only when

--b-∥-≪ 1

For simplification and benchmarking purposes, in LHCD, one can consider only one ray with a square spectrum. Then, the limits Nb min and Nb max are respectively given by the accessibility condition and the condition for strong linear Laudau damping.

Gaussian power spectrum in k The power spectrum of a given ray can be assumed to have a Gaussian dependence on N, centered around a value Nb,0 and with a Gaussian width ΔNb. Then, we operate the transformation

                             [   (           )2 ]
δ (N   - N    ) → √---1----exp  ---N∥res --Nb∥,0-
    b∥    ∥res      πΔNb ∥            ΔN 2b∥

In this case too, the RT calculations and wave equation are solved for the central value Nb,0, which is a good approximation only when

ΔbN ∥
------≪ 1

For simplification and benchmarking purposes, in ECCD, one can consider only one ray with a Gaussian spectrum. Then, the wave properties Nb,0 and ΔNb are determined by the beam characteristics, as described in 4.3.9.

Beam size and power spectrum

If we consider a Gaussian beam of waist d, of negligible diffraction angle, and of negligible dispersion, such that the wave vector is in the direction of the beam, and N 1, we get that by the properties of Fourier transform, the width ΔN is related to the beam waist d as

       N ⊥ c
ΔN ∥ = -------
        N  ωd

This conditions are approximately satisfied for EC beamsif the density is low (ωpe ω).

Then, and we can verify that for a beam waist of a few centimeters (d = 5 cm, f = 110 GHz, N0.2 ΔN0.01), the condition (4.356) is satisfied, and there is no nead to decompose the beam spectrum into many rays.