1The Fokker-Planck collision operator is here considered, corresponding to small angle scattering. For very energetic electrons, i.e. when namely the kinetic energy exceed the Coulomb logarithm ln Λ = ln (λD∕b) , large deflections must be taken into account. Here λD is the Debye length. Indeed, the impact parameter b = re∕βth2, which measures the mean effective distance between two colliding particles is always very large as compared to the classical electron radius re, since βth 1. However, for very energetic electrons, the impact parameter may reach b = re, when electrons become highly relativistic. Consequently, since the potential energy is close to the kinetic energy, π∕2 deflections may occur much more frequently. Since this effect is beyond the Fokker-Planck approximation and only concerns a small fraction of the total number of electrons in the plasma, it is described by a source term SR which becomes significative for electrons which runaway when the Ohmic electric field is large, like in the ramp-up phase or during a disruption.