6.3 Normalization and definitions

6.3.1 Temperature, density and effective charge

In order to use parameters without dimensions in the calculations, all of them are normalized to reference values. Here temperature and densities correspond to flux surface-averaged values, though the usual bracket notation is not introduce, for sake on simplicity.

Normalized temperatures, are defined by the relations

--               †
T-e(ψ) = Te(ψ )∕Te
T ss′ (ψ ) = Tss′ (ψ)∕Te†

where the subscripts e stands for electrons and ss for ion species s in the ionization state s, whose charge is Zssqe. Here, both Te(ψ) and Te have defined units, while Te is the reference value for the normalization. According to this rule, the normalized densities are defined in the same way

{ --               †
  ne (ψ) = ne(ψ)∕n e †
  nss′ (ψ) = nss′ (ψ )∕ne

and in order to ensure that all quantities are less than unity from the plasma center to the edge, references values are given by the condition

   T†e = max (Te (ψ ),Tss′ (ψ ))
   ne = max (ne(ψ ),nss′ (ψ ))

for 0 ψ ψmax.

In principle, ion densities nss(ψ) are obtained from a particle transport code transport code. However, when the plasma is made of two types of ions which are fully ionized (low Z limit), a simple model may be used in order to determine densities ns(ψ ) with s = {1,2}, knowing electron density ne(ψ) and effective charge Zeff(ψ ) profiles. Using the standard definition of Zeff as defined in Ref. [?]8,

Z    (ψ )  =  ∑   ∑  nss′ (ψ)Z-ss′                      (6.39)
  eff          s   ′ nss′ (ψ)Zss′
                 s ∑   ∑
          =  ---1--       nss′ (ψ)Z2ss′                (6.40)
             ne (ψ)  s  s′
taking into account of the local electro-neutrality, ne(ψ ) = s snss(ψ )Zss, one obtains in this simple case a system of two equations with two unknowns,
  n1 (ψ)Z21 + n2 (ψ)Z22 = ne (ψ)Zeff (ψ)
  n1 (ψ)Z1 + n2 (ψ )Z2 = ne (ψ )


               (Z    (ψ)- Z  )
n1 (ψ ) = ne (ψ)--eff--------2--
                Z1(Z1 - Z2 )

               (Z1 - Zeff (ψ))
n2 (ψ ) = ne (ψ)-Z-(Z----Z--)--
                 2   1    2

and using the normalization rule,

               (Z    (ψ)- Z  )
n1 (ψ ) = ne (ψ)--eff--------2--
                Z1(Z1 - Z2 )

n2 (ψ ) = ne (ψ) (Z1---Zeff-(ψ))-
                Z2(Z1 - Z2 )

since by definition Zeff(ψ) has no units.

In the calculations, one may also consider several isotopes, since ion inertia play a significant role for the collision operator. Hence,

         ∑    m
nss′ (ψ ) =   nss′ (ψ)


--       ∑   -m
nss′ (ψ ) =   nss′ (ψ)

where the masses of isotope m of ion species ss are mssm. In the calculations

--m      m
m ss′ = m ss′∕me

where me is the electron rest mass.

6.3.2 Coulomb Logarithm

The electron-electron Coulomb logarithm lnΛee is defined as the logarithm of the ratio of the maximum to the minimum impact parameters of the Coulomb collision, Λee = bmax∕bmin. Due to screening effect at long distance, bmax = λD, where λD is the Debye length, while bmin is of the order of the Landau scattering length, as discussed in Ref. [?]. Therefore

                              [  -3]
lnΛee(ψ ) = 31.3- 0.5 log(ne (ψ ) m    )+ log(Te(ψ)[eV ])


   †                  †[  -3]        †
lnΛee = 31.3- 0.5log(ne m    )+ log(Te [eV ])

6.3.3 Time

Regarding time ordering which is considered in the derivation of the drift kinetic equation and the dominant role played by collisions for the electron momentum distribution function build-up, it is natural to scale time evolution to a reference electron-electron collision frequency νe according to the relation

t = t∕τc†= tν†e

There is arbitrariness in the choice of νe, since one can use different definition. The relativistic electron-electron collision frequency is used in the code as given in Ref. [?], instead of the usual thermal one discussed in Ref.[?] and Ref.[?] , since its expression is more simple9,

       4 †    †         2
ν† = -qeneln-Λee-=  4πcren †ln Λ†
 e   4πε20m2ec3β†t3h     β†t3h  e   ee

Here ε0 = 8.854187818 × 10-12 (F∕m ) is the free space permeability, c = 299792458 (km ∕s) the speed of light, qe = -1.60217733 × 10-19 (C ) the electric charge of the electron, me = 9.1093897 × 10-31 (Kg ) the electron rest mass, and lnΛee is the usual reference electron-electron thermal Coulomb logarithm [?] taken at Te and ne with

     ∘ -----
 †       T†e    √ ---
βth =    m-c2-=   Θ†

where mec2 = 510.99905 (keV )is the electron rest mass energy. In expression 6.52, the classical electron radius re has been introduced, which is given by

re =----qe---
    4π ε0mec2

6.3.4 Momentum, velocity, and kinetic energy

In the calculations, the momentum p in relativistic units (mec) is normalized to the thermal reference value pth = mevth,

--     †
p = p∕pth

and consequently

 †          †      †
pth∕mec ≈ vth∕c = βth

since thermal electrons are only weakly relativistic. The well known relativistic Lorentz correction factor γ is then simply given by the relation

    ∘ ------  ∘ ----†2----
γ =   p2 + 1 =  p2β th + 1

and in the non-relativistic limit, i.e. when p2βth2 1, γ 1.

Since in relativistic units, the total energy is linked to the relativistic momentum according to the expression,

(Ec + 1) = γ

it is straightforward to expression the kinetic energy Ec as a function of p in units of electron rest mass energy mec2

          (∘ ---------    )
Ec = mec2   p2-β †2th + 1- 1

Finally, concerning the normalization of the electron velocity v, one has

v∕c  =   p∕(γmec )
     =   pp†th∕ (γmec)
     =   pβth∕γ                               (6.60)
and using v = v∕vth, it comes
--†      --†
vvth∕c = pβth∕ γ


--  --
v = p∕γ


 †       †
vth∕c = βth

6.3.5 Maxwellian electron momentum distribution

The relativistic Maxwellian fM used in the calculations has the following dependence in p

                [     p2   ]        [  γ - 1]
fM (ψ, p) ∝ α exp - --------- = α exp - -----
                   (1 + γ)Θ               Θ

where Θ = Te(ψ )∕mec2 and γ2 = p2 + 1. By definition, fM is normalized to the local density ne(ψ), and the parameter α is then given by the integral

    ∫ ∞       [       ]
4πα     p2exp  - γ --1 dp = ne(ψ )
     0            Θ

Recalling that γdγ = pdp,

α =  4πexp-(Θ-1)Ξ--(Θ--1)-


   (   )   ∫ ∞  ∘ ------    [       ]
Ξp  Θ-1  =     γ  γ2 - 1 exp  - γΘ- 1 dγ

By integrating by parts,

  (    )       - 1∫ ∞ (      )      [       ]
Ξp Θ -1   =   Θ---     γ2 - 1 3∕2 exp - γΘ -1 dγ
               3   1    (    )
              4(3∕2)!K2  Θ -1
          =   3-√-π----Θ--1---                             (6.68)
and using relations (n - 1∕2)! = √ --
  π(2n- 1)!!2n and n!! = 1.3.....n for positive odd n values, one obtains readily
               (   )
   (    )   K2  Θ- 1
Ξp  Θ -1 =  -----1---

and finally

                      ne(ψ )            [  γ - 1 ]
fM (ψ,p)  =   -----------1--------1-exp  - -----
              4πΘ exp(Θ   )K2 ([Θ   )]        Θ
          =   ---ne-(ψ-)----exp - γ-                         (6.70)
              4πΘK2  (Θ -1)       Θ

For Θ 1, using the large argument asymptotic development of K2(  -1)
 Θ∘ ----
  π∕2√ --
  Θexp(-Θ-1) + O( - 3∕2)
 Θ, the usual expression

                          [       ]
              -ne-(ψ)-       γ---1
fM  (ψ, p) ≃   [2πΘ ]3∕2 exp -  Θ
                          [      2    ]
          =   -ne-(ψ)-exp  - ---p-----                 (6.71)
              [2πΘ ]3∕2       (1+ γ) Θ
is well recovered. This expression is only valid providing that γ - 1 1. Therefore, the condition
p2β†2≪  1

must be fulfiled. Since p may be as large as 30 in calculations, in order to correctly describe momentum dynamics of the fastest electrons, it results that

β † = Θ †2 ≪ 1∕30


T †≪  511∘ 1∕30 ≈ 100keV

Usually, this condition is well satisfied even in the core of tokamak plasmas, where Te never exceeds 20keV. In normalized units,

                             [                  ]
                ne(ψ)n †e              p2β†2
fM (ψ, p) =   ---------3∕2-exp - ---------th----†2
              [2πΘ (ψ)]         (1 + γ)T e(ψ)βth
                  ne(ψ )n†e        [       p2      ]
          =   [-----------]3∕2 exp - -------------           (6.75)
               2πT e(ψ)β †2th           (1+ γ )Te(ψ )
since βth = ∘ --------
  T†e∕mec2. Then, it turns out that
             †--           † --
fM (ψ,p) = -nef M (ψ, p) = ne-fM (ψ,p)
           β†t3h            p†3th

since pth = βth, with

--             ne(ψ )       [       p2      ]
fM  (ψ, p) ≈ [--------]3∕2 exp - -------------
            2π Te(ψ )          (1+ γ )Te(ψ )

which may be expressed in an alternative form, useful for calculating interpolation between full and half-grids,

                            [           ]
--             ne(ψ)             γ - 1
fM (ψ,p) ≈ [--------]3∕2 exp - -------†2-
            2πT e(ψ)           Te(ψ )βth

One can then cross-check that

   ∫       ∫                           † ∫      ∫
2 π  +1 dξ   +∞ p2f   (ψ, p)dp = 2πp†3n-e   +1dξ   + ∞ p2f- (ψ,p)dp-= n †n-= n
    - 1   0 0      M               thβ†3  -1   0  0      M             e e    e

the local density is well recovered.

6.3.6 Poloidal flux coordinate

For the poloidal flux coordinate, the normalized value is

ψ = ψ ∕ψa

where ψa is the value at the plasma edge, corresponding usually to the last closed magnetic flux surface, as given by the equilibrium code. Usually, it is taken so that 0 ψ 1 from the center to the plasma edge. For

6.3.7 Drift kinetic coefficient

The first order drift kinetic equation requires to calculate f^ (0) defined as

      v  I (ψ)   (0)
^f(0) = -∥0-0---∂f-0-
        Ωe0    ∂ ψ

where by definition BT0(ψ ) = |I0(ψ )|∕R0 and Ωe0 = -|e|B0
 γme is the electron Larmor frequency, all quantities being determined at the poloidal location where the magnetic field B is minimum, as discussed in Sec. 3.5.5. Since

--†      --†
vvth∕c = pβth∕ γ

one obtains in normalized units

-(0)        γme    B   ∂f(0)
^f    =   vξ0----R0 -T-0--0--
             qe    B0   ∂ψ --
         --†   γme BT 0R0 ∂f (00)
     =   vvthξ0-q---B--ψ---∂ψ--
                 e   0   a --
         -- cme- † BT-0R0-∂f(00)
     =   pξ0 qe βthB0  ψa  ∂ψ-                     (6.83)


-(0)         -(0)
f^  = pξ0C^0 ∂f0--


^    cme- † BT-0R0-
C0 =  qe βth B0 ψa

For circular concentric flux surfaces, since ∂∕∂ψ = (1∕∇ ψ)∂∕∂r and ψ = RBP , it turns out that

^f(0) = vξ γme-BT-0-1-∂f0-
          qe BP 0B0  ∂r

and naturaly

^     cme- † -q- 1--
C(0) ≈ qe βthapϵ B0

where the safety factor q is approximated by its cylindrical expression q = rBT
RBP-, ap the plasma minor radius, and ϵ = r∕Rp the inverse aspect ratio.

6.3.8 Momentum convection and diffusion

From the conservative form of the Fokker-Planck equation in momentum space

∂f (0)    ∂ (    )
--0-- ∝ --- Sp(0)
  ∂t    ∂p


  (0)      (0)∂f0(0)    (0)(0)
S p ∝  - D p ∂p  +  Fp f0

Introducing normalized coordinates, it turns out that

  -(0)              (    (0)  -(0)      --  )
∂-f0-  ∝   --1--∂-- - D-p-∂-f0- + F(p0)f (00)
  ∂t       ν†ep†th ∂p     p†th   ∂p
              (    (0)  -(0)     (0)    )
       =   ∂-- - -Dp--∂-f0- + F-p--f(0)
           ∂p    ν†ep†t2h ∂ p    ν†ep†th 0
              (       -(0)         )
       =   ∂-- - D(0)∂f0--+ F-(0)f(0)                     (6.90)
           ∂p-    p   ∂p-     p  0
where normalized diffusive and convective coefficients are
D-(0)  =  D (0p)∕D †                           (6.91)
--p(0)            p
F p   =  F (0)p∕F †p                           (6.92)
D †p  =  ν†ep†t2h                             (6.93)
  †      † †
F p  =  νepth                             (6.94)

For the case of the Ohmic electric field, this normalization leads to introduce naturaly the Dreicer field

  †    ††
E  = νepth∕qe

the electric field being normalized according to the relation

E-  = E  ∕E †
  ∥0     ∥0

6.3.9 Radial convection and diffusion

From the conservative form of the Fokker-Planck equation in configuration space

∂f0(0)    ∂ (        (0))
--∂t- ∝ ∂ψ-  |∇ ψ|0Sψ


  (0)      (0)      ∂f0(0)    (0) (0)
S ψ ∝  - D ψ |∇ ψ|0 ∂ψ +  Fψ f0

Introducing normalized coordinates, it turns out that

 --(0)              (         )
∂f-0-  ∝   -1---∂-- |∇ ψ |0S (ψ0)
 ∂ t       ν†eψa∂ ψ
                   (  (0)       -(0)               )
       =   -1---∂--( Dψ--|∇ψ |2 ∂f0--+ |∇ ψ| F(0)f-(0))
           ν†eψa∂ ψ   ψa      0  ∂ψ         0 ψ   0
              (                                 )
           ∂    D (0)       ∂f(0)        F (0)--(0)
       =   ---( -†ψ--|∇ ψ |20 --0--+ |∇ψ |0 -†ψ-f 0 )             (6.99)
           ∂ψ   νeψ2a        ∂ψ          νeψa
--(0)       (0)   †
D ψ   =  D ψ ∕D ψ                          (6.100)
F-(0)  =  F (0)∕F †                          (6.101)
  ψ        ψ    ψ
D †  =  ν †ψ2                             (6.102)
  ψ      e  a
F †ψ  =  νe†ψa                             (6.103)

However, since it is more convenient to handle diffusion and convection coefficients that scale in m2∕s and m∕s respectively, one must introduce new reference values for the diffusion and convection coefficients. Let

  †*       † 2
D ψ  =   νeap                            (6.104)
F †*  =   ν†ap                            (6.105)
  ψ       e
the reference diffusion and convection, where ap is the plasma minor radius as defined in Sec.2.1. The relation is

D(0) =   α D (0)∕D †*                         (6.106)
-ψ        D  ψ    ψ
F(ψ0) =   αFF (0)∕F †*                         (6.107)
             ψ    ψ
α   =   D†*∕D †=  a2∕ψ2                       (6.108)
 D       ψ    ψ    p  a
αF  =   F†ψ*∕F †ψ = ap∕ψa                       (6.109)

6.3.10 Fluxes

In momentum space,

S (0p)  ∝  - D (0p)--0--+ F (p0)f(00)
                ∂p    --
           --(0)   n†e ∂f(00)  --(0)   n †e-(0)
      =  - D p D†p -†3--†---+ F p F †p-†3f0
               (  pth p)th∂ p         p(th   )
           --(0)  ν†en†e  ∂f-(0)   -(0)  ν†en†e  -(0)
      =  - D p   --†2-- ---0- + Fp    --†2-- f0
                  pth     ∂p           pth
         (  †  †) (  --   -(0)  --  -- )
      =    νen†2e   - D(p0)∂f0--+ F (0p)f(00)                  (6.110)
            pth           ∂p
S (0p)=  S(p0)S †p


 †   ν†en†e-
Sp =  p†2

and with these definitions,

--      --   --(0)   -- --
S (0p)∝  -D (0p)∂f-0-+  F(p0)f(00)
             ∂ p

A similar procedure is applied for dynamics in configuration space,

                    ∂f (0)
S(ψ0) ∝   - D (0ψ)ψ|∇ ψ|0--0- + F(ψ0)f0(0)
                     ∂ψ      --
          --(0)  † n †e      ∂ f(0)     (0) † n†e -(0)
     =   -D ψψD ψψ-†3|∇ ψ|0---0--+ F ψ Fψ -†3-f0
              (   pth   )  ψa ∂ψ          pth(        )
          --(0)   n†e            ∂f-(0)         n†e       -(0)
     =   -D ψψ  -†3ν†eψa   |∇ ψ|0---0- + F(ψ0)  -†3-ν†eψa  f0
                pth             ∂ ψ          pth
         (  †     ) (  --         -(0)      --  )
     =     neνe†ψa    - D (0ψ)ψ|∇ ψ|0 ∂f0-+ F (ψ0)f(00)               (6.113)
           p†3th                     ∂ψ
S (0)=  S(ψ0)S †
  ψ        ψ


Sψ†=  -e†3-ν†eψa

and with these definitions,

--(0)    --(0)      ∂f-0-   -(0)-(0)
S ψ ∝  -D ψψ|∇ ψ|0 ∂ψ-  + Fψ f 0

6.3.11 Current density

The local current density at the minimum B value on the flux surface is given by the relation

             ∫      ∫ +1
J(0) ∝   2πqe   p2dp     ξ0vf(00)dξ0
             ∫       - 1∫
                -p3-     +1   (0)
     =   2πqe   γme dp  -1 ξ0f0  dξ0
                   † ∫  -3  ∫ +1
     =   2π qep†4-ne    p-dp-    ξ f(0)dξ               (6.117)
            me thβ †3    γ    - 1  0 0   0
J(0) = J (0)∕J†


J† = -qep† n†
     me  th e

With this definition

-(0)     ∫  p3 -∫ +1   -(0)
J   ∝ 2π    γ-dp     ξ0f0 dξ0
                 - 1

6.3.12 Power density

The power density is deduced from the integral

 (0)        ∫ +1   ∫ ∞   p3  (0)
P    ∝   2π     dξ0     γm--Sp dp
             -1    ∫ 0     e∫   --
           p†t4h ν†en†e- +1      ∞ p3 -(0) --
     =   2πme  p†2  - 1 dξ0 0   γ Sp dp               (6.121)
and defining
-(0)    (0)   †
P   = P   ∕P

one has

      ν†ep†3n †e
P † = ---th---

With this definition

         ∫ +1    ∫ ∞ -3
P(0) ∝ 2π     dξ     p- S-(0)dp
          -1    0 0   γ  p

6.3.13 Electron runaway rate

The electron runaway rate ΓR(0) is given by the relation

 (0)          ∫ +1  (0)
ΓR   ∝  2 πp2     Sp dξ0
              - 1   ∫
           -2 †2ν†en†e- +1 -(0)
     =  2 πp pth p†2  - 1 Sp d ξ0                   (6.125)

Therefore, normalized expression is

-(0)   (0)  †
ΓR  = ΓR ∕ ΓR


 †    † †
ΓR = νene

so that

--        ∫ +1 --
Γ (0R) ∝ 2πp2    S(p0)dξ0

The consistency of the normalized units may be benchmarked by the approximate relation between the total current and the bulk current, the difference coming from the electron runaway tail. For small ΓR, the runaway distribution is independent of v, so that it may be approximated by the simple expression f0(0)(        )
 v∥ ≫ vth(γ∕E )δ(p⊥). By integrating the current integral vf0(0) out to pmax, one obtains

                       (   (0))
 (0)         (0)   --1-  Γ-R-   2
J   (vmax ) ≈ Jbulk + 2me  E ∥0  pmax

and in normalized units,

--             --           ( -(0) †)
J(0) (vmax) J† ≈ J(0) J† + -1--  ΓR--ΓR- p †2p2max
                bulk     2me   E ∥0E†    th

so that

--          --       1  p†2Γ †( Γ-(0))
J(0)(vmax ) ≈ J (0bu)lk +--- -th†-R†- --R-  p2max
                   2me  E J    E ∥0

According to their respective expression,

--p†2thΓ †R-   ------p†th2νe†n-†e-----
m  E †J † = m  -qe-p†n †ν †p† ∕q  = 1
  e    th     eme  th  ee th  e

which demonstrates the overall consistency of the normalization of the different quantities calculated by the code.

The bounce-averaged avalanche source term SR(0) given by relation 3.418, is simply proportional to ⟨n  ⟩
  RV νelnΛee. Therefore

  (0)   ⟨nR⟩V-νe-n†eν†e-
S R ∝   lnΛ--- lnΛ †
            ee     ee

where lnΛee = lnΛeelnΛee, and the ratio is

 n†eν†e    n†e2cr2
----†-=  --†3-e
ln Λee    βth

6.3.14 Electron magnetic ripple loss rate

By definition, the electron magnetic ripple loss rate ΓST (0) is given by a relation relation similar to ΓR(0), except that integrals of fluxes are calculated for different boundaries. Therefore, the normalized expression is simply given by the relation

Γ (S0T)= Γ (0S)T∕Γ †ST


Γ †ST = Γ †R = νe†n †e

6.3.15 Units

In the code, the following units are used

Quantity      Units
Temperature   keV
Density       m -3
Time          s
Frequency     s