4.2 Ohmic electric field

The generation of Ohmic current is based on the concept of transformer, where the plasma torus is the secondary circuit. An electric field is induced by the temporal variation ∂ψ∕∂t of the poloidal flux generated by the primary circuit. The induced current density is then calculated by Ohm’s law, J = σΩE, where σΩ is the electric conductivity calculated by accounting for the Coulomb interaction between the strongly magnetized components of the plasma. Using Faraday’s law,

∂B- = - ∇ × E

We consider the surface S(ψ, θ) which is a truncated cone delimited by two circles being C1, the magnetic axis, and C2(ψ, θ), the toroidal line at position (ψ,θ). Applying the integral formula to Faraday’s law, we have

∫ ∫                 ∫ ∫                    ∮
        dS ⋅ ∂B-= -         dS ⋅∇  × E = -       dl ⋅E
   S(ψ,θ)     ∂t        S(ψ,θ)                C(ψ,θ)

The poloidal flux is given by

       ∫∫                 ∫∫
    -1-                -1-
ψ = 2π         dSBP  = 2π         dS ⋅B
         S(ψ,θ)              S(ψ,θ)

so that we get

          ∮           ∮
2π∂t   =    C dl⋅E -   C (ψ,θ)dl⋅E                         (4.152)
          ∫ 21π          2∫  2π
       =       R dϕE   -      R (ψ,θ)dϕE  (ψ, θ)          (4.153)
            0   p    ϕ0    0             ϕ
where Rp is the major radius on axis and Eϕp is the electric field on axis. Using axisymmetry, this becomes
∂ψ-=  R E   - R (ψ,θ)E  (ψ,θ)
∂t     p  ϕp           ϕ

and therefore

RE ϕ = RpE ϕp - ∂t

and REϕ is only a function of ψ. We can therefore rewrite

Eϕ (ψ,θ) = Eϕ0-R-

where R0 is the major radius taken at the the poloidal position θ0 where the magnetic field B is minimum on a flux-surface.By definition,

E ∥0(ψ) = E∥ (ψ, θ0)

The electric field along the field line can then be obtained by projection, which gives

     (^  ^)      BT-
E ∥ = b ⋅ϕ  Eϕ =  B E ϕ

so that we get

 B       B0     R0
B--E ∥ = B---E∥0-R-
  T       T 0

and then

E ∥ = BT--B0-R0-E∥0(ψ) = 1-R-0E ∥0 (ψ )
      BT0 B  R           Ψ R2

with Ψ = B∕B0 as defined in Sec. 2.2.1.

4.2.1 Conservative Form for the Ohmic Electric Field Operator

The effect of the electric fied E can be expressed in a conservative form as E(f0) = p SE, where the flux in momentum space is easily expressed in cylindrical coordinates (      )
 p ,p⊥
  ∥ as

          (      )
  E          SEp∥
S (p∥,p⊥) =    SE


S p∥  =   qeE∥f0                           (4.162)
SEp   =   0                                (4.163)
where qe is the electronic charge.

The transformation from cylindrical to spherical coordinates is given by

  E      - 1 E
S (p,ξ) = R   S(p∥,p⊥)

where R is the rotational matrix

     (             ∘ ------)
       ξ         -   1- ξ2
R  =   ∘ -----2
         1 - ξ   ξ

Using R-1 = tR we find

SE   =  ξSE                                  (4.165)
  p       ∘p∥------
SEξ  =  -   1 - ξ2SEp                         (4.166)
and SE countains a convective part only
 E    E
S  = Fpf0


FE  =   q ξE
 p       e ∘∥------
FEξ  =   - qe  1 - ξ2E∥

4.2.2 Bounce Averaged Fokker-Planck Equation

In the Fokker-Planck equation, the diffusion and convection elements are bounce-averaged according to the expressions (3.189)-(3.194), which gives, using (4.167),

DEp(0) = 0

and the convection components

           {     }
F Ep(0) =    qeξE∥                                   (4.169)
              {  σξ    ∘ ------  }
F Eξ(0) =   - σ  √----qe  1 - ξ2E∥                   (4.170)

Since the poloidal dependence of the electric field on a flux-surface is given by ()

             1    R2
E∥(ψ, θ) =------- -02E∥0(ψ)
          Ψ (ψ, θ)R

we find

F Ep(0)  =   λ1,--1,2qeξ0E∥0(ψ)                         (4.172)
            -λ      ∘ ------
  E(0)       λ1,-1,2         2
F ξ    =   -   λ   qe 1 - ξ0E ∥0 (ψ )                 (4.173)
where we defined the bounce averaged coefficient (2.66)
            {             2}
λ-     = λσ  σ ξ----1---R-0
 1,-1,2         ξ0Ψ (ψ,θ)R2

Expression of λ1,-1,2

The coefficient λ1,-1,2, which is known as s* in the old notation found in the litterature ([?]), is expressed as

           [     ]
--       σ   1∑     ∫ θmaxdθ   1    r B      1    R2
λ1,-1,2 = --  --           ---||----||------σ------- -02-
         q^  2 σ  T  θmin 2π |^ψ ⋅^r|Rp BP  Ψ (ψ, θ)R

Since the integral is odd in σ, the sum over trapped particles vanishes, and we have

--       ||
λ1,-1,2 = || 0P      for trapped  particles
           λ1,- 1,2  for passing particles

 P          1∫ 2π dθ   1   r  B     1   R20
λ1,-1,2  =   ^q-    2π-||^--||R--B-- Ψ-(ψ,-θ)R2-
              0      |ψ ⋅^r|  p  P
            1R  ∫ 2π dθ   1   r B  R
        =   ---0     ---|---|----0 -0-
            ^qRp  0   2π ||ψ^⋅^r||R BP  R
                    ∫ 2π
        =   1R0--B0-     dθ-|-1-|-rBT-0 R0-
            ^qRp BT 0 0   2π ||ψ^⋅^r||R  BP  R
            1R0--B0-  2π dθ---1---r-BT
        =   ^qRp BT 0 0   2π ||^  ||R BP
                            |ψ ⋅^r|
            qR0  B0
        =   ^qR--B---                                    (4.177)
               p  T0

Case of circular concentric flux-surfaces

Since in the case of circular concentric flux-surfaces, we have

^q  =   r--B--                                 (4.178)
       Rp BP
       r  B  ∫ 2π dθR
q  =   ----T-     ----p                       (4.179)
       Rp BP  0   2π R
so that
  P      ∫ 2π dθR0    ∫ 2π dθ   1+ ϵ
λ 1,-1,2 =      2π-R- =      2π1-+-ϵcosθ
          0            0

This integral can then be performed analytically, as shown in Sec. ??, at formula (??), which gives

        ∘ -----
 P         1+-ϵ-
λ1,-1,2 =   1- ϵ

4.2.3 Bounce Averaged Drift Kinetic Equation

In the first order Drift-Kinetic equation, the diffusion and convection flux elements related to ^
f are bounce-averaged according to the expressions (3.218)-(3.223), which gives, using (4.167),

^ E(0)
D p   = 0

and the convection components

            {          }
^E(0)          -ξ--
Fp    =   σ  σ Ψξ0qeξE ∥                           (4.183)
            {    2    ∘ ------  }
^FE(0) =   -   --ξ---qe  1- ξ2E ∥                   (4.184)
 ξ            Ψ3∕2ξ20

Since the poloidal dependence of the electric field on a flux-surface is given by relation (4.160)

          ---1--- R20-
E∥(ψ, θ) = Ψ (ψ, θ)R2 E∥0(ψ)

we find

           λ2,- 2,2
F^Ep(0)  =   ------qeξ0E∥0(ψ)                         (4.186)
            -λ      ∘ ------
F^E(0)  =   -λ2,-2,2 qe 1 - ξ2E ∥0 (ψ )
  ξ            λ           0
where we defined the bounce averaged coefficient (2.66)
--        {  2     2}
λ2,-2,2 = λ  ξ--1-R-0
            ξ20Ψ2 R2