D.3 Electron Cyclotron Current Drive

The cold plasma description is usually a good approximation to determine the ECW properties, as long as we stay away from the upper-hybrid resonance, where mode-conversion to EBW occurs. However, even in the cold plasma model, the polarizations are usually mixed for oblique propagation, and no simple analytical formulation is possible. Still, it is possible to find limit cases (small FLR effects, small N) for which a simple analytical derivation is possible.

D.3.1 Polarization

In the case of mostly perpendicular propagation, where ||  ||
N ∥1, the two modes are the quasi-X and quasi-O modes.

The polarization is mostly right-hand circular for X and parallel linear for O. The only exception is for the X mode near the first harmonic n = 1 where eb,-X 0. For this reason, the first-harmonic is almost transparent to the X-mode and this resonance is usually not considered. Moreover, this harmonic can only be reached from the high field side, because of the right-hand cut-off. From now, we consider only the X mode with n 2.

D.3.2 Determination of Θkb,EC

Small FLR limit

Electron Cyclotron Current Drive (ECCD) results from momentum exchange from the EC wave to the plasma through electron cyclotron damping at some harmonic n. For a ray b, considering a given harmonic n, the coefficient (4.308) is

  b,n    1                    1                    p∥
Θ k =  √--eb,+e- iαJn- 1(zb)+ √--eb,- e+iαJn+1 (zb)+ ---eb,∥Jn (zb)
         2                    2                  p⊥

where zb = kbvΩ.

Since the resonance condition is ωb - kbv- nΩ = 0 and

Ω =  qeB- = - ωce<  0
     γme      γ

the only harmonics to be considered for electrons are for

n ≤ - 1

Applying the substitution

n = - n ≥ 1

and renaming nn 0, we get

Θkb,ECn = -1-
√2--eb,+e-J -n-1(zb) + -1-
√2--eb,-e+J -n+1(zb) + p∥-
=  1
  2eb,+e-(- 1)n+1J n+1(zb) +  1
  2eb,-e+(- 1)n-1J n-1(zb)
+ -p∥
p⊥eb,(- 1)nJ n(z)
  b (D.111)

We have

     kb⊥v⊥-        -p⊥--ωb
zb =   Ω    = - Nb ⊥mec ωce

Using ωb ~ ce, we get an estimation for |zb|

|zb| ~ nNb ⊥ p⊥-βTe

Typically, for ECCD in tokamaks, we have

Nb⊥ ≲ 1,βT e ≲ 0.1

and most electrons of concern have

-⊥--≤ 3

so that for low harmonics, the condition |zb|1 is satisfied. In other words, the Larmor radius remains small compared to the perpendicular wavelength. This condition is consistent with the conditions of the cold plasma description of the EC waves. From now on, we assume |zb|1, which is the : limit of small FLR effects.

In this case, for n 0, the following approximate expression can be used

        1-( z)n
Jn(z) ≃ n!  2

and we have

Θkb,ECn eb,+-
√ 2e-(- 1)n+1---1----
(n + 1)!( zb)
  2n+1 + eb,--
 √2e+(- 1)n-1---1----
(n - 1)!(zb)
  +  p∥
p⊥eb, 1
 2n (D.117)

X-mode, n 2

Because eb,- is the dominant polarization component and |zb|1, the second term in the sum in (D.117) is largely dominant. We obtain

               eb,-    1   ( 1     p⊥  ωb)n -1
Θb,kEC-Xn≃  e+iα √----------- -Nb ⊥-------
                 2 (n - 1)!  2    mec ωce

O-mode, n 1

For the O-mode, things are more complicated. However, if |   |
|N ∥|1, eb, is much larger than eb,-. The last term in (D.117) is dominant if

|   |       || ||
||eb,-||≪  √1--p∥--
|eb,∥|     2 mec

which is satisfied for resonant electrons as long as the temperature is not too low. In that case, we have

                   (             )
 b,EC -On   -p∥   -1  1-    p⊥--ωb- n
Θk      ≃ p⊥ eb,∥n!  2 Nb⊥ mec ωce

D.3.3 Determination of ΦbEC in the low density limit.

The vector Φb describes the relation between the energy flux and the electric field. In the cold plasma description, it is given by (4.287).

ΦbP = Re [Nb - (Nb ⋅eb)eb]

In general, both terms must be kept. However, where the density is low

ωpe ≪  ωb

the ECW is mostly electromagnetic and mostly keeps its free-space characteristics. In that case,

Nb 1 (D.123)
N  ⋅e
  Nb 1 (D.124)

so that

ΦECb ≃  ^Nb

D.3.4 EC Diffusion Coefficient

General expression with small FLR, ||   ||
 N ∥1 and ωpe ωb - or EM - approximations

The normalized bounce-averaged diffusion coefficient for the Fokker-Planck equation is given by (4.331)

Db,nEC(0)(p,ξ 0) = γpTe-
λ^q rθb
B θb
  bΨθbDb,n,0EC,θb ×
H(θ - θ   )
  b   minH(θ    - θ )
  max    b[     ]
    σT δ(           )
  N  - N θb
   b∥    ∥res|     |
| k,θb |2 (D.126)


Db,n,0EC,θb = --1---
rθbR θb---1---
me lnΛ--1---
ωbω2pe  l+1∕2
 |Φb|Pb,inc (D.127)
Nresθb =  1
βTe pTe
p ξθb(    nΨ θ ωce,0)
 γ - ----b----
        ωb (D.128)

where we used the substitution nn as in (D.111).

Within the small FLR, ||N  ||
   ∥1 and ωpe ωb - or electromagnetic - approximations, we have obtained the following expressions for the ECW properties (D.118), ( D.120), (D.125)

Θkb,EC-Xn e+e√b,--
(n- 1)!           -----------
(        ∘    (     2)        )
( 1-N   p--Ψθb-1---ξ0----ωb---)
  2  b⊥      mec      Ψ θbωce,0n-1 (D.129)
Θkb,EC-On ∘----ξθb------
  Ψ θ (1- ξ2)
    b      0eb,-1
n!(       ∘ -----------        )
       p  Ψ θ (1- ξ2)
( 1Nb ⊥------b-----0----ωb---)
  2         mec       Ψθbωce,0n (D.130)
ΦbEC ^Nb (D.131)

so that

||ΦEC || ≃ 1

In addition, within these approximations, the polarizations take the following limit expressions:

|eb,- | ≃-2-for the X mode (n ≥ 2)
     |  2|
     |eb,∥| ≃ 1 for the O mode


Simplified expression for ECCD in the case of circular concentric flux-surfaces

We consider the limit of a tokamak with circular flux-surfaces. In that case, we have the following identities

     ||    ||
     |^ψ ⋅ ^r| = 1
^q = r--B--=  rθbBθ--
    Rp BP    Rp BPb

and the QL diffusion coefficients for ECCD (D.126) can therefore be written as
DbEC-Xn(0)(p,ξ 0) = γpTe-
λ  2
ξ2θbΨθbDb,n,0EC,θb -----1-----
4[(n-  1)!]2
× (  p )
  pTe2(n-1)( 1 - ξ2)
   Ψ θb(n- 1)( 1         ωb )
  -Nb ⊥βT e-----
  2        ωce,02(n- 1)
× H(θb - θmin)H(θmax - θb)   1
      ∥[     ]
 1 ∑
    σT exp[  (            ) ]
 -  N ∥res - Nb ∥,0 2
          ∥ (D.136)

DbEC-On(0)(p,ξ 0) = γpTe-
λ    2
 1 - ξ20Db,n,0EC,θb -1--
× (    )
  pTe2n(     2 )
   Ψ θbn(             )
  1Nb⊥ βTe-ωb--
  2       ωce,02n
× H(θb - θmin)H(θmax - θb)   1
 π ΔN ∥[     ]
 1 ∑
 2  σT exp[                 ]
 - (N ∥res - Nb ∥,0)2
       ΔN  ∥ (D.137)


Db,n,0EC,θb = -1---
me lnΛ--1---
ωbω2pefinc,bl+12P b,inc (D.138)
Nresθb = -1--
pξθb(             )
 γ - nΨ-θbωce,0
        ωb (D.139)

and where we assume a gaussian power spectrum as in (4.355).

In order to compare with ECCD operators found in the litterature, we redefine the EC constant factors such that

DbEC-Xn(0)(p,ξ 0) = γpT-e
p |ξ0|(    )
  pTe2(n-1) 2
ξθbDb,0,newEC-Xn,θb (1 - ξ2)(n-1)
   Ψ (nθb-2)1-
H(θ  - θ  )
  b    minH(θ   - θ )
  max   b[     ]
 2  σT exp[  (            )2]
 ---N-∥res --Nb∥,0-
       ΔN ∥2 (D.140)


Db,0,newEC-Xn,θb =    1
      ∥     1
4 [(n - 1)!]( 1         ωb )
  2Nb ⊥βT eω----
            ce,02(n- 1)D b,n,0EC,θb (D.141)
= -1---
me lnΛ--1---
 π ΔN ∥-----1-----
4 [(n - 1)!]2(             )
 1-N  β   -ωb--
 2  b⊥  Teωce,02(n- 1)f inc,bl+12P b,inc (D.142)


DbEC-On(0)(p,ξ 0) = γp
p |ξ0|(  p )
  pTe2nξ2 (1 - ξ2)n-1
     Ψ θbDb,0,newEC-On,θb 1
H(θb - θmin)H(θmax - θb)[1 ∑  ]
 2  σT exp[- (N    - N    )2]
       ΔN ∥ (D.143)


Db,0,newEC-On,θb = √--1----
 π ΔN ∥--1-
[n!]2(             )
  1N   β  -ωb--
  2  b⊥  Teωce,02nD b,n,0EC,θb (D.144)
= -1---
me lnΛ--1-2-
ωbω pe√--1----
 π ΔN ∥-1-2
[n!](              )
  1Nb⊥ βTe-ωb--
  2       ωce,02nf inc,bl+12P b,inc (D.145)

The two most common ECCD scenarios in experiments are the ones with the largest diffusion coefficient: X2 and O1. For these case, we find

DbEC-X2(0)(p,ξ 0) = γpT e
p |ξ0|(  p )
  pTe2  (      )
ξ20 1 - ξ20
    ξθbDb,0,newEC-X2,θb 1
H(θb - θmin)H(θmax - θb)[      ]
  1 ∑
  2  σT exp[  (            ) ]
 -  N ∥res - Nb∥,0 2
       ΔN ∥ (D.146)


                                      (             )
-EC -X2,θb   --1-----1-----1------1---1-  1-      -ωb-- 2 l+1∕2
Db,0,new   = rR θ me lnΛ ωbω2 √ πΔN  ∥4   2Nb⊥ βTeωce,0   finc,b Pb,inc
               b          pe


DbEC-O1(0)(p,ξ 0) = γpT-e
p |ξ0|(    )
  pTe2  2
Ψ θbDb,0,newEC-O1,θb 1-
H(θb - θmin)H(θmax - θb)[   ∑  ]
  2  σT exp[  (            )2]
 ---N-∥res --Nb∥,0-
       ΔN ∥2 (D.148)


--EC-O1,θ      1    1      1     1    ( 1        ω   )2
D b,0,new b = ---------------2-√-------  -Nb ⊥βTe---b-  fil+n1c,∕b2Pb,inc
            rR θb me ln Λ ωbωpe  πΔN  ∥  2       ωce,0