3.3 Small drift approximation

We recall the electron drift kinetic equation may be expressed as

  ∂f    v      |∇ψ |∂  (v ) ∂f
vs--- + -∥I (ψ )------- -∥  --- = C(f) + Q (f)+ E (f)
  ∂s    Ω       R   ∂s  B   ∂ψ

Each of these terms corresponds to a time evolution, and is therefore associated with a time-scale:

3.3.1 Small Drift Ordering

In the small drift expansion δd 1, where the small parameter is defined by relation (3.92)

f = f + f  + ⋅⋅⋅
     0   1

the first order equation is

vs∂s  = C (f0) + Q (f0)+ E (f0)

which is usually referred to as the Fokker-Planck equation.

The second order equation is

   ∂f    v      |∇ ψ| ∂ (v  ) ∂f
vs --1+  -∥I (ψ)-------- -∥  ---0=  C(f1)+ Q (f1)+ E (f1)
   ∂s    Ωe       R  ∂s  B    ∂ψ

which is referred to as the electron Drift Kinetic equation.