8An alternative expression of Zeff is also found in the litterature, which arises from the definition of the electron-ion collision time τss. Indeed, since

τess′ ~ n-′Z2-q4ln-Λ--′
       ss  ss′ e   ess

for each species in the plasma, where ln Λess is the Coulomb logarithm for species s in the ionization state s, the mean electron collision time τe is given by the relation

1   ∑   1     4∑  ∑         2
τe =  ′τess′ ∝ qe   ′ nss′(ψ)Zss′lnΛess′
    ss          s s

which leads to introduce a pseudo-effective charge Zeff as

1      4
τe ∝ neqeZeff lnΛee

so that

Zeff = ∑ ∑  nss′Z2ss′lnΛ† ′∕(neln Λee)
       s  s′          ess

which differs from the well known standard expression. However, it can be shown from Coulomb collision theory that the Landau operator scales like O(1∕Zeff), as indicated in Ref.[?]. It is therefore reasonable to neglect differences between ln Λess ln Λee and consequently both definitions of the effective charge merges within this assumption.