5.1 Bounce integrals

The numerical calculation of bounce coefficients requires an integration over θ which can be expressed symbolically as

          ∫ θmaxdθ
I (ψ, ξ0) =      ---F (ψ,θ,ξ0;BR, BZ,B ϕ,R,Z )
           θmin 2π

where BR,BZ,Bϕ,R,Z are functions of (ψ, θ). They are given on a uniform grid of Nθ points in θ

θj =--2πj--,j = 0,1,⋅⋅⋅,N θ - 1
    N θ - 1

Domain of Integration It is very important to account for the entire bounce path of the particle, including in particular the tip of banana orbits near θT min and θT max. The contribution of these banana tips is often larger than the = 2π∕(Nθ - 1) accuracy level, because F(θ ) can become very large near the turning points. This is true for example in the calculation of λ, since F(θ) ~ 1∕ξ and ξ 0 at the turning points. It is therefore crucial to perform the integration up to θT min and θT max. However, these boundaries are defined by (2.28) and (2.29)

                       B0 (ψ )
B (ψ,θT ) = Bb (ψ,ξ0) =----2-
                       1- ξ0

which in general do not coincide with a grid points. In order to calculate θT , we impose that the values of the data BR,BZ,Bϕ,R,Z in θT be obtained by linear interpolation, while the value of B(ψ,θT ) is obtained from (2.30).

We consider the magnetic field Bb(ψ,ξ )
    0 at the turning point θT min to be located between the two (consecutive) values B1(ψ, θ1) and B2(ψ,θ2) on the (ψ,θ) grid. These values are determined from the three components issued by the equilibrium code simply by

              ∘  ---------------------------------
B  (ψ,θ )  =     B2 (ψ,θ )+ B2 (ψ, θ) + B2 (ψ,θ )            (5.4)
  1    1      ∘  -R-----1-----Z-----1----ϕ-----1--
B  (ψ,θ )  =     B2 (ψ,θ )+ B2 (ψ, θ) + B2 (ψ,θ )            (5.5)
  2    2          R     2     Z     2    ϕ     2

We choose to define the values of BR, BZ and Bϕ at the location θT by linear interpolation:

B  (ψ,θ ) = B  +  (θT---θ1)(B   - B  )
  i    T     i1   (θ2 - θ1)  i2    i1

where i = R,Z,ϕ. Then, the location θT of the turning point can be calculated by requiring that the relation

                      ∘ ----------------------------------
                          2           2           2
Bb(ψ, ξ0) = B (ψ,θT) =   B R(ψ,θT )+ B Z (ψ,θT )+ B ϕ(ψ,θT)

be satisfied. This implies

B2 (ψ, θ )+ B2 (ψ, θ )+ B2 (ψ,θ  ) = B2 (ψ,ξ )
  R    T      Z     T     ϕ    T      b    0

and then

 ∑    [      (θT - θ1)           ]2
       Bi1 + ---------(Bi2 - Bi1)  - B2b (ψ, ξ0) = 0
i=R,Z,ϕ       (θ2 - θ1)


    (θT - θ1)
α = -(θ----θ-)
      2    1

we find

⌊                  ⌋       ⌊                     ⌋
⌈  ∑    (B  - B  )2⌉ α2 + 2⌈  ∑    B  (B   - B  )⌉α +   ∑    B2 - B2 (ψ,ξ ) = 0
          i2    i1                  i1   i2    i1              i1    b    0
  i=R,Z,ϕ                     i=R,Z,ϕ                   i=R,Z,ϕ

which solves as

      ∘ -∑--------------------[∑-------------][∑----------]-  ∑
    ±   [  iBi1(Bi2 - Bi1)]2 -    i(Bi2 - Bi1)2   iB2i1 - B2b  -   iBi1(Bi2 - Bi1)
α = ------------------------------∑--------------------------------------------
                                     i(Bi2 - Bi1)2

We have

    ┌ -------------------------------------------------------------
    │ [                 ]2   [               ][                  ]
    │∘  ∑   B  (B  -  B  )  -  ∑   (B   - B  )2   ∑  B2 - B2 (ψ, ξ)
            i1   i2    i1            i2    i1         i1    b     0
    ∘ ---i---------------------i-----------------i-----------
               (BR1BR2  + BZ1BZ2  + Bϕ1B ϕ2)2 - B21B22
=      + [B2 + B2 - 2(BR2BR1  + BZ2BZ1  + B ϕ2Bϕ1)]B2 (ψ,ξ0)
    ∘ -----2-----1--------------------               b
=     (Y - B2 )2 - (B2 - B2 )(B2 - B2 )                             (5.13)
             b       b    1    b    2
Y = BR1BR2  + BZ1BZ2  + B ϕ1Bϕ2

so that

       ∘ (-------)2--(--------)(--------)
     ±----Y---B2b-----B2b --B21-B2b --B22-+-B21---Y
αb =                 B2 +  B2 - 2Y
                       1    2

and finally

                    ∘ --------------------------------
                      (     2)2   ( 2     2) ( 2     2)     2
θ  = θ + (θ  - θ ) ±---Y---Bb------Bb---B1---Bb---B2--+-B-1 --Y-
 T    1    2    1                 B21 + B22 - 2Y

We must choose (numerically) the solution that gives 0 αb 1. Note that if the magnetic fields in points 1 and 2 are equal, we have Y = B12 = B22 = Bb2.

Numerical Integration Once the two turning points have been added to the θ grid, now noted ^
θ j, j = 0,1,2,⋅⋅⋅Nθ + 1, we define the half grid

     (         )
       ^θ   + ^θ
θ- = ---k+1----k--,k = 0,1,2,⋅⋅⋅N
 k        2                     θ

and calculate the discrete function

       (  --                        )
Fk = F  ψ,θk,ξ0;BRk, BZk, Bϕk,Rk, Zk

where BRk,BZk,Bϕk,Rk,Zk have been calculated on the grid θk by linear interpolation, and the step k, defined by

---   ^      ^
dθk = θk+1 - θk,k = 0,1,2,⋅⋅⋅N θ

so that the integral becomes

             N∑θ ---
I (ψ,ξ0) = 1-   dθkFk
          2π k=0