

LUKE - Test the consistency of the interpolated magnetic equilibrium


function [equil,gradpthermalsgradrho,gradpmagsgradrho,gradpkinsgradrho,jparz_fsav,jparz_ohm_fsav] = equilconsistency_yp(equil,equil_fit,display_mode,prho,mtheta)


 LUKE - Test the consistency of the interpolated magnetic equilibrium

 Test the consistency of the interpolated magnetic equilibrium


    - equil_in: numerical magnetic equilibrium structure
    - equil_fit: interpolated magnetic equilibrium structure
    - display_mode: display the results
       (default display_mode = 0)
    - prho: number of radial points
       (default prho = max(101,length(equil.psi_apRp)))
    - mtheta: number of poloidal points
       (default mtheta = max(105,length(equil.theta)))


    - equil: equilibrium with few additional fields like ip, li consistent with the magnetic field configuration
    - gradpthermalsgradrho: module of the thermal pressure gradient (from density and temperature profiles) 
    - gradpmagsgradrho: module of the magnetic pressure gradient (from B-field) 
    - gradpkinsgradrho: module of the kinetic pressure gradient (from the external equilibrium data) 
    - jparz_fsav: axial component of the parallel current density 
    - jparz_fsav_ohmic: axial component of the parallel current density (Ohmic term, proportional to Te^3/2)

 By Yves Peysson (CEA-DRFC, yves.peysson@cea.fr) and Joan Decker (CEA-DRFC, joan.decker@cea.fr)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [equil,gradpthermalsgradrho,gradpmagsgradrho,gradpkinsgradrho,jparz_fsav,jparz_ohm_fsav] = equilconsistency_yp(equil,equil_fit,display_mode,prho,mtheta)
0002 % LUKE - Test the consistency of the interpolated magnetic equilibrium
0003 %
0004 % Test the consistency of the interpolated magnetic equilibrium
0005 %
0006 % INPUT
0007 %
0008 %    - equil_in: numerical magnetic equilibrium structure
0009 %    - equil_fit: interpolated magnetic equilibrium structure
0010 %    - display_mode: display the results
0011 %       (default display_mode = 0)
0012 %    - prho: number of radial points
0013 %       (default prho = max(101,length(equil.psi_apRp)))
0014 %    - mtheta: number of poloidal points
0015 %       (default mtheta = max(105,length(equil.theta)))
0016 %
0017 % OUTPUT:
0018 %
0019 %    - equil: equilibrium with few additional fields like ip, li consistent with the magnetic field configuration
0020 %    - gradpthermalsgradrho: module of the thermal pressure gradient (from density and temperature profiles)
0021 %    - gradpmagsgradrho: module of the magnetic pressure gradient (from B-field)
0022 %    - gradpkinsgradrho: module of the kinetic pressure gradient (from the external equilibrium data)
0023 %    - jparz_fsav: axial component of the parallel current density
0024 %    - jparz_fsav_ohmic: axial component of the parallel current density (Ohmic term, proportional to Te^3/2)
0025 %
0026 % By Yves Peysson (CEA-DRFC, yves.peysson@cea.fr) and Joan Decker (CEA-DRFC, joan.decker@cea.fr)
0027 %
0028 if nargin == 1,
0029     if isfield(equil,'equil_fit'),
0030         equil_fit = equil.equil_fit;
0031     else
0032         info_dke_yp(2,['Vectorized form of the magnetic equilibrium ',equil.id,' is being calculated...'],0);
0033         equil_fit = fitequil_yp(equil);
0034         info_dke_yp(2,'    ...done',0);
0035     end
0036     %
0037     display_mode = 0;%no display
0038     prho = max(101,length(equil.psi_apRp));
0039     mtheta = max(105,length(equil.theta));
0040 end
0041 %
0042 if nargin == 2,
0043     display_mode = 0;%no display
0044     prho = max(101,length(equil.psi_apRp));
0045     mtheta = max(105,length(equil.theta));
0046 end
0047 %
0048 if nargin == 3,
0049     prho = max(101,length(equil.psi_apRp));
0050     mtheta = max(105,length(equil.theta));
0051 end
0052 %
0053 if nargin == 4,
0054     mtheta = max(105,length(equil.theta));
0055 end
0056 %
0057 rho = linspace(0.01,1,prho);
0058 drho = rho(2)-rho(1);
0059 %
0060 theta = linspace(0,2*pi,mtheta);
0061 dtheta = theta(2)-theta(1);
0062 %
0063 if isempty(equil_fit),    
0064     if isfield(equil,'equil_fit'),
0065         equil_fit = equil.equil_fit;
0066     else
0067         info_dke_yp(2,['Vectorized form of the magnetic equilibrium ',equil.id,' is being calculated...'],0);
0068         equil_fit = fitequil_yp(equil);
0069         info_dke_yp(2,'    ...done',0);
0070         equil.equil_fit = equil_fit;
0071     end
0072 end
0073 %
0074 equilval = equilval_yp(equil_fit,rho,theta);
0075 %
0076 Te = equilval.Te;
0077 dTedrho = equilval.dTedrho;
0078 d2Tedrho2 = equilval.d2Tedrho2;
0079 %
0080 ne = equilval.ne;
0081 dnedrho = equilval.dnedrho;
0082 d2nedrho2 = equilval.d2nedrho2;
0083 %
0084 zTi = equilval.zTi;
0085 dzTidrho = equilval.dzTidrho;
0086 d2zTidrho2 = equilval.d2zTidrho2;
0087 %
0088 zni = equilval.zni;
0089 dznidrho = equilval.dznidrho;
0090 d2znidrho2 = equilval.d2znidrho2;
0091 %
0092 x = equilval.x;
0093 dxdtheta = equilval.dxdtheta;
0094 d2xdtheta2 = equilval.d2xdtheta2;
0095 dxdrho = equilval.dxdrho;
0096 d2xdthetadrho = equilval.d2xdthetadrho;
0097 %
0098 y = equilval.y;
0099 dydtheta = equilval.dydtheta;
0100 d2ydtheta2 = equilval.d2ydtheta2;
0101 dydrho = equilval.dydrho;
0102 d2ydthetadrho = equilval.d2ydthetadrho;
0103 %
0104 r = equilval.r;
0105 drdtheta = equilval.drdtheta;
0106 drdrho = equilval.drdrho;
0107 %
0108 salpha = equilval.salpha;
0109 dsalphadtheta = equilval.dsalphadtheta;
0110 dsalphadrho = equilval.dsalphadrho;
0111 %
0112 calpha = equilval.calpha;
0113 dcalphadtheta = equilval.dcalphadtheta;
0114 dcalphadrho = equilval.dcalphadrho;
0115 %
0116 Bx = equilval.Bx;
0117 dBxdtheta = equilval.dBxdtheta;
0118 d2Bxdtheta2 = equilval.d2Bxdtheta2;
0119 dBxdrho = equilval.dBxdrho;
0120 d2Bxdthetadrho = equilval.d2Bxdthetadrho;
0121 %
0122 By = equilval.By;
0123 dBydtheta = equilval.dBydtheta;
0124 d2Bydtheta2 = equilval.d2Bydtheta2;
0125 dBydrho = equilval.dBydrho;
0126 d2Bydthetadrho = equilval.d2Bydthetadrho;
0127 %
0128 Bz = equilval.Bz;
0129 dBzdtheta = equilval.dBzdtheta;
0130 d2Bzdtheta2 = equilval.d2Bzdtheta2;
0131 dBzdrho = equilval.dBzdrho;
0132 d2Bzdthetadrho = equilval.d2Bzdthetadrho;
0133 %
0134 BP = equilval.BP;
0135 dBPdtheta = equilval.dBPdtheta;
0136 dBPdrho = equilval.dBPdrho;
0137 %
0138 B = equilval.B;
0139 dBdtheta = equilval.dBdtheta;
0140 dBdrho = equilval.dBdrho;
0141 %
0142 gradrho = equilval.gradrho;
0143 dgradrhodtheta = equilval.dgradrhodtheta;
0144 dgradrhodrho = equilval.dgradrhodrho;
0145 %
0146 Upsilon = equilval.Upsilon;
0147 dUpsilondrho = equilval.dUpsilondrho;
0148 dUpsilondtheta = equilval.dUpsilondtheta;
0149 %
0150 psin = equilval.psin;
0151 dpsindrho = equilval.dpsindrho;
0152 dxstardpsin = equilval.dxstardpsin;
0153 ddxstardpsindrho = equilval.ddxstardpsindrho;
0154 %
0155 [qe,me,mp,mn,e0,mu0,re,mc2,clum,alpha,kB] = pc_dke_yp;
0156 %
0157 if isfield(equil,'eqdsk')
0158     equil.eqdsk.prho = psi2rho_jd(equil,equil.eqdsk.psin,'spline');
0159     equil.eqdsk.gradpkinsgradrho = gradient(equil.eqdsk.pp)./gradient(equil.eqdsk.prho);
0160 end
0161 %
0162 jparz_fsav = zeros(prho,1);
0163 jparz_ohm_fsav = zeros(prho,1);
0164 jperpz_fsav = zeros(prho,1);
0165 %
0166 Ip = 0;
0167 Ip_ohm = 0;
0168 %
0169 S = zeros(prho,1);
0170 Surf = 0;
0171 %
0172 if ~isempty(zni) && ~isempty(zTi) && ~isempty(Te) && ~isempty(ne')
0173     pthermal_ion = sum(zTi.*zni,2);
0174     dpthermal_iondrho = sum(zTi.*dznidrho + dzTidrho.*zni,2);
0175     %
0176     pthermal = (Te.*ne  + pthermal_ion)*qe*1000;%T converted from eV to J
0177     gradpthermalsgradrho = (Te.*dnedrho + dTedrho.*ne + dpthermal_iondrho)*qe*1000;%T converted from eV to J
0178 else
0179     pthermal_ion = NaN;
0180     dpthermal_iondrho = NaN;
0181     pthermal = NaN;
0182     gradpthermalsgradrho = NaN;
0183 end   
0184 %
0185 a1 = drdrho.*BP./calpha + r.*dBPdrho./calpha - r.*BP.*dcalphadrho./calpha./calpha;%d(rBp/cosalpha)/drho
0186 a2 = dsalphadtheta./Upsilon./calpha - salpha.*dcalphadtheta./Upsilon./calpha./calpha - salpha.*dUpsilondtheta./calpha./Upsilon./Upsilon;%d(sinalpha/Upsilon/cosalpha)/dtheta
0187 a4 = dUpsilondrho.*Bz + Upsilon.*dBzdrho;%d(Upsilon*Bt)/drho
0188 %
0189 b1 = -a1.*BP.*calpha./r;
0190 b2 = a2.*BP.*BP.*Upsilon.*calpha./r./gradrho;
0191 b4 = -a4.*Bz./Upsilon;
0192 %
0193 c1 = a1.*Bz.*gradrho.*calpha./r./B;
0194 c2 = -a2.*BP.*Upsilon.*calpha.*Bz./r./B;  
0195 c4 =  -a4.*BP.*gradrho./Upsilon./B;
0196 %
0197 d1 = a1.*gradrho.*calpha./r;
0198 d2 = -a2.*BP.*Upsilon.*calpha./r;
0199 %
0200 e1 = a1.*BP.*BP.*gradrho.*calpha./r./B./B;
0201 e2 = -a2.*BP.*BP.*BP.*Upsilon.*calpha./r./B./B;
0202 e4 = a4.*BP.*Bz.*gradrho./Upsilon./B./B;
0203 %
0204 gradpmagsgradrho = (b1 + b2 + b4)./mu0;
0205 %
0206 jz = (d1 + d2)./mu0;
0207 %
0208 jpar = (c1 + c2 + c4)./mu0;
0209 jparz = jpar.*Bz./B;
0210 %
0211 jperpz = (e1 + e2 + e4)./mu0;
0212 %
0213 S = sum(r./Upsilon./BP./calpha.*dtheta,2);
0214 Surf = sum(sum(abs(r./gradrho./calpha)*dtheta*drho));
0215 %
0216 jz_fsav = sum(jz.*r./Upsilon./BP./calpha.*dtheta,2)./S;
0217 jparz_fsav = sum(jparz.*r./Upsilon./BP./calpha.*dtheta,2)./S;
0218 jperpz_fsav = sum(jperpz.*r./Upsilon./BP./calpha.*dtheta,2)./S;
0219 %
0220 Ip_z = sum(sum(jz.*r.*dtheta*drho./gradrho./calpha));
0221 Ip_z_fsav = abs(equil.psi_apRp(end))*sum(jz_fsav.*S./dxstardpsin(:)*drho);
0222 %
0223 Ip_parperpz = sum(sum((jparz + jperpz).*r.*dtheta*drho./gradrho./calpha));
0224 Ip_parperpz_fsav = abs(equil.psi_apRp(end))*sum((jparz_fsav + jperpz_fsav).*S./dxstardpsin(:)*drho);
0225 %
0226 F = Bz.*(x + equil.Rp);%RBz
0227 dFdpsi = (dBzdrho.*(x + equil.Rp) + Bz.*dxdrho).*(dxstardpsin(:)*ones(1,mtheta))/equil.psi_apRp(end)*equil.Rp;
0228 FdFdpsi = F.*dFdpsi;
0229 %
0230 if isfield(equil,'eqdsk')
0231     %
0232     equilDKE = equilibrium_jd(equil,equil.eqdsk.psin,0,'spline');
0233     %
0234     rhoP = interp1([0,equilDKE.xrho,1],[0,equilDKE.xrhoP,1],rho);
0235     rhoT = interp1([0,equilDKE.xrho,1],[0,equilDKE.xrhoT,1],rho);
0236     rhoV = interp1([0,equilDKE.xrho,1],[0,equilDKE.xrhoV,1],rho);
0237     %
0238     xq = qfactors_dke_yp(1,equilDKE.Rp,equilDKE.ap,equilDKE.Xx,equilDKE.Xy,equilDKE.XBx,equilDKE.XBy,equilDKE.XBphi,equilDKE.xx0,equilDKE.xB0,equilDKE.xBT0,equilDKE.xBp0);
0239     %
0240     q = equilDKE.ap/equilDKE.Rp*interp1(equilDKE.xrho,xq,rho);
0241     %
0242     pF_eqdsk = spline(equil.eqdsk.prho,equil.eqdsk.pF,rho)'*ones(1,length(theta));%
0243     pFdFdpsi_eqdsk = spline(equil.eqdsk.prho,equil.eqdsk.pFdFdpsi,rho)'*ones(1,length(theta));%
0244     figure,plot(rho,pFdFdpsi_eqdsk,'r',rho,FdFdpsi/3.5,'b')
0245     %
0246     pp_eqdsk = spline(equil.eqdsk.prho,equil.eqdsk.pp,rho)'*ones(1,length(theta));%
0247     pdpdpsi_eqdsk = spline(equil.eqdsk.prho,equil.eqdsk.pdpdpsi,rho)'*ones(1,length(theta));%
0248     pdpdpsi_eqdsk1 = gradient(equil.eqdsk.pp)./gradient(equil.eqdsk.psin)*abs(equil.eqdsk.psia);%
0249    % figure,plot(rho,pdpdpsi_eqdsk,'r',rho,pdpdpsi_eqdsk1,'b');
0250     %
0251     gradpkinsgradrho = equil.eqdsk.gradpkinsgradrho;
0255 %%%keyboard
0256     jz_eqdsk = Upsilon.*pdpdpsi_eqdsk*equilDKE.Rp + pFdFdpsi_eqdsk./Upsilon/equilDKE.Rp;%
0257     %jpar_eqdsk = pdFdpsi_eqdsk.*B - mu0.*pF_eqdsk.*pdpdpsi_eqdsk.*B;%
0258     %
0259     if isfield( equil.eqdsk,'Ip'),
0260         Ip_eqdsk = equil.eqdsk.Ip;
0261     end
0262 else
0263     gradpkinsgradrho = [];
0264     jphi_eqdsk = [];
0265     Ip_eqdsk = [];
0266 end
0267 %
0268 for j = 1:6,
0269     jparz_fsav_cyl(:,j) = j*abs(Ip_z)*(1 - rho(:).^2).^(j-1)/pi/equil_fit.ap/equil_fit.ap/1e6;
0270 end
0271 %
0272 Surf_cyl = pi*equil_fit.ap*equil_fit.ap;
0273 %
0274 if ~isempty(zni) && ~isempty(zTi) && ~isempty(Te) && ~isempty(ne),
0275     jparz_ohm = (Te*ones(1,mtheta)).^1.5;
0276     Ip_parz_ohm= sum(sum(jparz_ohm.*r.*dtheta*drho./gradrho./calpha));
0277     %
0278     jparz_ohm_fsav = sum(jparz_ohm.*r./Upsilon./BP./calpha.*dtheta,2)./S;
0279     Ip_parz_ohm_fsav = abs(equil.psi_apRp(end))*sum(jparz_ohm_fsav.*S./dxstardpsin(:)*drho);
0280     %
0281     jparz_ohm_fsav = abs(jparz_ohm_fsav*Ip_parperpz_fsav/Ip_parz_ohm_fsav./S).*sign(jparz_fsav);
0282 else
0283     jparz_ohm = NaN;
0284     jparz_ohm_fsav = NaN;
0285     Ip_parz_ohm_fsav = NaN;
0286 end
0287 %
0288 L = sum(r(end,:).*dtheta./calpha(end,:));
0289 LB = sum(r(end,:).*dtheta.*BP(end,:)./calpha(end,:));
0290 %
0291 Ip_contour = LB/mu0;
0292 %
0293 VB2 = sum(sum(r.*Upsilon.*drho.*dtheta.*BP.*BP./gradrho./calpha));
0294 V = sum(sum(r.*Upsilon.*drho.*dtheta./gradrho./calpha));
0295 %
0296 XTe = Te(:)*ones(1,mtheta);
0297 VTe = sum(sum(r.*Upsilon.*drho.*dtheta.*XTe./gradrho./calpha));
0298 Te_vol = VTe/V;%Te volumic
0299 %
0300 Xne = ne(:)*ones(1,mtheta);
0301 Vne = sum(sum(r.*Upsilon.*drho.*dtheta.*Xne./gradrho./calpha));
0302 ne_vol = Vne/V;%Te volumic
0303 %
0304 for iz = 1:length(equil.zZi)
0305     XTi = zTi(:,iz)*ones(1,mtheta);
0306     VTi = sum(sum(r.*Upsilon.*drho.*dtheta.*XTi./gradrho./calpha));
0307     zTi_vol(iz) = VTi/V;%Ti volumic
0308     %
0309     Xni = zni(:,iz)*ones(1,mtheta);
0310     Vni = sum(sum(r.*Upsilon.*drho.*dtheta.*Xni./gradrho./calpha));
0311     zni_vol(iz) = Vni/V;%ni volumic
0312 end
0313 %
0314 li = L*L*VB2/LB/LB/V;
0315 %
0316 [pshift,pelong,ptrian,pli] = equilmoments_jd(equil.theta,equil.ptx,equil.pty,mtheta);
0317 %
0318 disp(['Plasma current, Ip(from j_z) = ',num2str(Ip_z/1e6),' (MA)']);
0319 disp(['Plasma current, Ip(from j_z_fsav) = ',num2str(Ip_z_fsav/1e6),' (MA)']);
0320 disp(['Plasma current, Ip(from j_par_z + j_perp_z) = ',num2str(Ip_parperpz/1e6),' (MA)']);
0321 disp(['Plasma current, Ip(from j_par_z_fsav + j_perp_z_fsav) = ',num2str(Ip_parperpz_fsav/1e6),' (MA)']);
0322 disp(['Plasma current, Ip(from contour) = ',num2str(Ip_contour/1e6),' (MA)']);
0323 if ~isempty(Ip_eqdsk),
0324     disp(['Plasma current, Ip(eqdsk) = ',num2str(Ip_eqdsk/1e6),' (MA)']);
0325 end
0326 disp('-------------------------------------------------------------')
0327 disp(['Normalized internal inductance, li = ',num2str(li)]);
0328 disp('-------------------------------------------------------------')
0329 disp(['Shafranov shift = ',num2str(pshift(end))]);
0330 disp(['Plasma elongation = ',num2str(pelong(end))]);
0331 disp(['Plasma triangularity = ',num2str(ptrian(end))]);
0332 %
0333 if equil.psi_apRp(end)*equil.ptBy(end,1) < 0,
0334     disp('******** WARNING : equilibrium signs not self-consistent ********')
0335     if equil.psi_apRp(end) > 0,
0336         disp('******** Poloidal magnetic flux corresponds to positive plasma current (clockwise when tokamak viewed from the top) ********')
0337         disp('******** Poloidal magnetic field direction is clockwise corresponding to a negative plasma current (counter-clockwise when tokamak viewed from the top) ********')
0338     else 
0339         disp('******** Poloidal magnetic flux corresponds to negative plasma current (counter-clockwise when tokamak viewed from the top) ********')
0340         disp('******** Poloidal magnetic field direction is counter-clockwise corresponding to a positive plasma current (clockwise when tokamak viewed from the top) ********')
0341     end
0342     %
0343     disp('******** The problem must be fixed before any C3PO/LUKE simulation ********')
0344     disp('')
0345     opt_gui = input_dke_yp('Do you want to fix the problem ? (yes:1,no:0)',0,[0,1]) == 1;
0346     if opt_gui == 1,
0347         opt_gui1 = input_dke_yp('Is the plasma current clockwise (1) or anticlockwise (-1) when tokamak viewed from the top ?',1,[-1,1]) == 1;
0348         if opt_gui1 == 1,% Ip > 0
0349             if equil.psi_apRp(end) > 0
0350                 equil.ptBx = - equil.ptBx;
0351                 equil.ptBy = - equil.ptBy;
0352             else
0353                 equil.psi_apRp = -1*equil.psi_apRp;
0354             end
0355         elseif opt_gui1 == -1,% Ip < 0
0356              if equil.psi_apRp(end) > 0
0357                  equil.psi_apRp = -1*equil.psi_apRp;
0358             else
0359                 equil.ptBx = - equil.ptBx;
0360                 equil.ptBy = - equil.ptBy;
0361              end
0362         end
0363         %
0364     end
0365 end
0366 %
0367 if equil.psi_apRp(end) > 0,% Ip > 0
0368     disp('-------> Poloidal magnetic field is self-consistent with Ip positive (clockwise when tokamak viewed from the top)')
0369 elseif equil.psi_apRp(end) < 0% Ip < 0
0370     disp('-------> Poloidal magnetic field is self-consistent with Ip negative (counter-clockwise when tokamak viewed from the top)')
0371 end
0372 %
0373 if equil.ptBPHI(1,1) > 0
0374     disp('-------> Toroidal magnetic field is positive (clockwise when tokamak viewed from the top)')
0375 else
0376     disp('-------> Toroidal magnetic field is negative (counter-clockwise when tokamak viewed from the top)')
0377     end
0378 %
0379 if display_mode == 2,
0380     %
0381     figure('Name','Pressure gradient'),clf
0382     if isfield(equil,'eqdsk')
0383         if ~isnan(jparz_ohm_fsav),
0384             leg = {'Thermal','Kinetic','Magnetic','Location','SouthWest'};
0385         else
0386             leg = {'Kinetic','Magnetic','Location','SouthWest'};
0387         end
0388     else
0389         if ~isnan(jparz_ohm_fsav),
0390             leg = {'Thermal','Magnetic','Location','SouthWest'};
0391         else
0392             leg = {'Magnetic','Location','SouthWest'};
0393         end
0394     end
0395     if ~isnan(jparz_ohm_fsav),
0396         [ax] = graph1D_jd(rho,gradpthermalsgradrho(:,1),0,0,'\rho','\nablap\cdot\psi/|\nabla\rho|',strrep(equil.id,'_','-'),NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','none','r',2);drawnow
0397     end
0398     if isfield(equil,'eqdsk')
0399         [ax] = graph1D_jd(equil.eqdsk.prho,equil.eqdsk.gradpkinsgradrho,0,0,'\rho','\nablap\cdot\psi/|\nabla\rho|',strrep(equil.id,'_','-'),NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','none','g',1);
0400         [ax] = graph1D_jd(rho,gradpmagsgradrho,0,0,'\rho','\nablap\cdot\psi/|\nabla\rho|',[strrep(equil.id,'_','-'),', \theta\in[0:\pi/',int2str((mtheta-1)/2),':2\pi]'],NaN,NaN,NaN,'--','none','b',2);
0401         if ~isnan(jparz_ohm_fsav),
0402             [ax] = graph1D_jd(rho,gradpthermalsgradrho(:,1),0,0,'\rho','\nablap\cdot\psi/|\nabla\rho|',strrep(equil.id,'_','-'),NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','none','r',2);drawnow
0403         end
0404         [ax] = graph1D_jd(equil.eqdsk.prho,equil.eqdsk.gradpkinsgradrho,0,0,'\rho','\nablap\cdot\psi/|\nabla\rho|',strrep(equil.id,'_','-'),leg,NaN,NaN,'-','none','g',1);
0405     else
0406         [ax] = graph1D_jd(rho,gradpmagsgradrho,0,0,'\rho','\nablap\cdot\psi/|\nabla\rho|',strrep(equil.id,'_','-'),NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','none','b',2);drawnow
0407         if ~isnan(jparz_ohm_fsav),
0408             [ax] = graph1D_jd(rho,gradpthermalsgradrho(:,1),0,0,'\rho','\nablap\cdot\psi/|\nabla\rho|',strrep(equil.id,'_','-'),leg,NaN,NaN,'-','none','r',2);drawnow
0409         end
0410     end
0411     print_jd(2,['Pressure_gradient_',equil.id]);
0412     %
0413     figure('Name','Axial current density'),clf
0414     [ax] = graph1D_jd(rho,jz/1e6,0,0,'\rho','j_{||z} (MA/m^{2})',[strrep(equil.id,'_','-'),', \theta\in[0:\pi/',int2str((mtheta-1)/2),':2\pi], I_{p} = ',num2str(Ip_z/1e6),' (MA), li = ',num2str(li)],NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','none','r',2);drawnow
0415     [ax] = graph1D_jd(rho,jz_fsav/1e6,0,0,'\rho','j_{||z} (MA/m^{2})',[strrep(equil.id,'_','-'),', \theta\in[0:\pi/',int2str((mtheta-1)/2),':2\pi]'],NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','none','b',1);drawnow
0416     if isfield(equil,'eqdsk'),
0417         %[ax] = graph1D_jd(equil.eqdsk.prho,jz_eqdsk/1e6,0,0,'\rho','j_{||z} (MA/m^{2})',[strrep(equil.id,'_','-'),', \theta\in[0:\pi/',int2str((mtheta-1)/2),':2\pi], I_{p} = ',num2str(Ip/1e6),' (MA), li = ',num2str(li)],NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','none','g',2);drawnow
0418     end
0419     %
0420     leg = {'j_{z}','<j_{z}>','<j_{z}>_{(eqdsk)}','Location','NorthEast'};
0421     axf = axis(ax);
0422     text(0.1,axf(3)+(axf(4)-axf(3))/10, ['I_p = ',num2str(Ip_z/1e6),' (MA)'], 'Color', 'b','FontSize',18);
0423     text(0.1,axf(3)+2*(axf(4)-axf(3))/10, ['l_i = ',num2str(li),], 'Color', 'b','FontSize',18);
0424     print_jd(2,['Axial_current_density_',equil.id]);
0425     %
0426     figure('Name','Axial component of the parallel current density'),clf
0427     [ax] = graph1D_jd(rho,jparz/1e6,0,0,'\rho','j_{||z} (MA/m^{2})',[strrep(equil.id,'_','-'),', \theta\in[0:\pi/',int2str((mtheta-1)/2),':2\pi], I_{p} = ',num2str(Ip_z/1e6),' (MA), li = ',num2str(li)],NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','none','r',2);drawnow
0428     [ax] = graph1D_jd(rho,jparz_fsav/1e6,0,0,'\rho','j_{||z} (MA/m^{2})',[strrep(equil.id,'_','-'),', \theta\in[0:\pi/',int2str((mtheta-1)/2),':2\pi]'],NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','none','b',1);drawnow
0429     if isfield(equil,'eqdsk'),
0430         %[ax] = graph1D_jd(equil.eqdsk.prho,jparz_eqdsk/1e6,0,0,'\rho','j_{||z} (MA/m^{2})',[strrep(equil.id,'_','-'),', \theta\in[0:\pi/',int2str((mtheta-1)/2),':2\pi], I_{p} = ',num2str(Ip/1e6),' (MA), li = ',num2str(li)],NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','none','g',2);drawnow
0431     end
0432     %
0433     leg = {'j_{||z}','<j_{||z}>','Location','NorthEast'};
0434     axf = axis(ax);
0435     text(0.1,axf(3)+(axf(4)-axf(3))/10, ['I_p = ',num2str(Ip_parperpz/1e6),' (MA)'], 'Color', 'b','FontSize',18);
0436     text(0.1,axf(3)+2*(axf(4)-axf(3))/10, ['l_i = ',num2str(li),], 'Color', 'b','FontSize',18);
0437     print_jd(2,['Parallel_z_current_density_',equil.id]);
0438     %
0439     figure('Name','Axial component of the perpendicular current density'),clf
0440     [ax] = graph1D_jd(rho,jperpz/1e6,0,0,'\rho','j_{||z} (MA/m^{2})',[strrep(equil.id,'_','-'),', \theta\in[0:\pi/',int2str((mtheta-1)/2),':2\pi], I_{p} = ',num2str(Ip_z/1e6),' (MA), li = ',num2str(li)],NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','none','r',2);drawnow
0441     [ax] = graph1D_jd(rho,jperpz_fsav/1e6,0,0,'\rho','j_{||z} (MA/m^{2})',[strrep(equil.id,'_','-'),', \theta\in[0:\pi/',int2str((mtheta-1)/2),':2\pi]'],NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','none','b',1);drawnow
0442     %
0443     leg = {'j_{perpz}','<j_{perpz}>','Location','NorthEast'};
0444     axf = axis(ax);
0445     text(0.1,axf(3)+(axf(4)-axf(3))/10, ['I_p = ',num2str(Ip_parperpz/1e6),' (MA)'], 'Color', 'b','FontSize',18);
0446     text(0.1,axf(3)+2*(axf(4)-axf(3))/10, ['l_i = ',num2str(li),], 'Color', 'b','FontSize',18);
0447     print_jd(2,['Perpendicular_z_current_density_',equil.id]);
0448     %
0449     if isfield(equil,'eqdsk'),
0450         %
0451         figure('Name','Safety factor'),clf
0452         leg = {'Magnetic','EQDSK','Location','NorthEast'};
0453         if isinf(equilDKE.Rp),
0454             [ax] = graph1D_jd(equil.eqdsk.prho,equil.eqdsk.pq*equilDKE.Rp/equilDKE.ap,0,0,'\rho','q(\rho)*R_p/a_p',strrep(equil.id,'_','-'),NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','none','r',2);drawnow
0455             [ax] = graph1D_jd(equil.eqdsk.prho(2:end),xq,0,0,'\rho','q(\rho)*R_p/a_p',strrep(equil.id,'_','-'),leg,NaN,NaN,'-','none','b',1);drawnow
0456         else
0457             [ax] = graph1D_jd(equil.eqdsk.prho,equil.eqdsk.pq,0,0,'\rho','q(\rho)',strrep(equil.id,'_','-'),NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','none','r',2);drawnow
0458             [ax] = graph1D_jd(equil.eqdsk.prho(2:end),xq*equilDKE.ap/equilDKE.Rp,0,0,'\rho','q(\rho)',strrep(equil.id,'_','-'),leg,NaN,NaN,'-','none','b',1);drawnow
0459         end
0460         axf = axis(ax);
0461         text(0.1,axf(3)+9*(axf(4)-axf(3))/10, ['I_p = ',num2str(Ip_z/1e6),' (MA)'], 'Color', 'b','FontSize',18);
0462         text(0.1,axf(3)+8*(axf(4)-axf(3))/10, ['l_i = ',num2str(li),], 'Color', 'b','FontSize',18);  
0463         print_jd(2,['Safety_factor_',equil.id]);
0464         %
0465         figure('Name','Current flux function'),clf
0466         %
0467         if ~isinf(equilDKE.Rp),
0468             [ax] = graph1D_jd(rho,pF_eqdsk(:,1),0,0,'\rho','F(\psi)=RB_{\phi} [mT]',strrep(equil.id,'_','-'),NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','none','r',2);drawnow
0469             [ax] = graph1D_jd(rho,F(:,1),0,0,'\rho','F(\psi)=RB_{\phi} [mT]',strrep(equil.id,'_','-'),leg,NaN,NaN,'-','none','b',1);drawnow
0470             leg = {'EQDSK','Magnetic','Location','NorthEast'};
0471             [ax] = graph1D_jd(rho,pF_eqdsk(:,2:end),0,0,'\rho','F(\psi)=RB_{\phi} [mT]',strrep(equil.id,'_','-'),NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','none','r',2);drawnow
0472             [ax] = graph1D_jd(rho,F(:,2:end),0,0,'\rho','F(\psi)=RB_{\phi} [mT]',strrep(equil.id,'_','-'),leg,NaN,NaN,'-','none','b',1);drawnow
0473         end
0474         axf = axis(ax);
0475         text(0.1,axf(3)+9*(axf(4)-axf(3))/10, ['I_p = ',num2str(Ip_z/1e6),' (MA)'], 'Color', 'b','FontSize',18);
0476         text(0.1,axf(3)+8*(axf(4)-axf(3))/10, ['l_i = ',num2str(li),], 'Color', 'b','FontSize',18);  
0477         print_jd(2,['Current_flux_function_',equil.id]);
0478         %
0479         figure('Name','Flux derivative of the current flux function'),clf
0480         leg = {'Magnetic','EQDSK','Location','NorthEast'};
0481         %
0482         if ~isinf(equilDKE.Rp),
0483             [ax] = graph1D_jd(rho,pFdFdpsi_eqdsk,0,0,'\rho','q(\rho)',strrep(equil.id,'_','-'),NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','none','r',2);drawnow
0484             [ax] = graph1D_jd(rho,dFdpsi,0,0,'\rho','F(\psi)',strrep(equil.id,'_','-'),leg,NaN,NaN,'-','none','b',1);drawnow
0485         end
0486         axf = axis(ax);
0487         text(0.1,axf(3)+9*(axf(4)-axf(3))/10, ['I_p = ',num2str(Ip_z/1e6),' (MA)'], 'Color', 'b','FontSize',18);
0488         text(0.1,axf(3)+8*(axf(4)-axf(3))/10, ['l_i = ',num2str(li),], 'Color', 'b','FontSize',18);  
0489         print_jd(2,['Flux_derivative _urrent_flux_function_',equil.id]);
0490         %
0492     end
0493     %
0494     if ~isnan(jparz_ohm_fsav),
0495         %
0496         figure('Name','Current density and li'),clf 
0497         [ax] = graph1D_jd(rho,jparz_fsav/1e6/max(abs(jparz_fsav/1e6)),0,0,'\rho','j_{||z}/max(j_{||z})',[strrep(equil.id,'_','-'),', \theta\in[0:\pi/',int2str((mtheta-1)/2),':2\pi]'],NaN,NaN,NaN,'-','none','b',2);drawnow
0498         [ax] = graph1D_jd(rho,jparz_ohm_fsav/1e6,0,0,'\rho','j_{||z}/max(j_{||z})',[strrep(equil.id,'_','-'),', \theta\in[0:\pi/',int2str((mtheta-1)/2),':2\pi]'],leg,NaN,NaN,'-','none','g',1);drawnow
0499         %
0500         leg = {['<j_{||z}>, l_i=',num2str(li)],'<j_{||z}>_{Ohm}','Location','NorthEast'};
0501         %
0502         for j = 1:6,
0503             [ax] = graph1D_jd(rho,jparz_fsav_cyl(:,j)/max(abs(jparz_fsav_cyl(:,j))),0,0,'\rho','j_{||z}/max(j_{||z})',[strrep(equil.id,'_','-'),', \theta\in[0:\pi/',int2str((mtheta-1)/2),':2\pi], I_{p} = ',num2str(Ip/1e6),' (MA), li = ',num2str(li)],leg,NaN,NaN,'--','none','r',1);drawnow
0504         end
0505         %
0506         text(0.02,0.52, '<j_{||z}>_{circ.} ~ (1-\rho^2)^n', 'Color', 'r','FontSize',18);
0507         text(0.02,0.44, ['n = 5, l_i = ',num2str(1.80)], 'Color', 'r','FontSize',18);
0508         text(0.02,0.36, ['n = 4, l_i = ',num2str(1.67)], 'Color', 'r','FontSize',18);
0509         text(0.02,0.28, ['n = 3, l_i = ',num2str(1.45)], 'Color', 'r','FontSize',18);
0510         text(0.02,0.20, ['n = 2, l_i = ',num2str(1.21)], 'Color', 'r','FontSize',18);
0511         text(0.02,0.12, ['n = 1, l_i = ',num2str(0.91)], 'Color', 'r','FontSize',18);
0512         text(0.02,0.04, ['n = 0, l_i = ',num2str(0.5)], 'Color', 'r','FontSize',18);
0513         %
0514         print_jd(2,['Current_density_li_',equil.id]);
0515     end
0516     %
0517     disp(['Normalized surface Sn = ',num2str(Surf/Surf_cyl)])
0518     %
0519 end
0520 %
0521 equil.ip = Ip_z/1e6;
0522 equil.li = li;
0523 equil.shafranov_shift = pshift(end);
0524 equil.elongation = pelong(end);
0525 equil.triangularity = ptrian(end);
0526 equil.Te_vol = Te_vol;
0527 equil.ne_vol = ne_vol;
0528 equil.zTi_vol = zTi_vol;
0529 equil.zni_vol = zni_vol;
0530 %
0531 equil.consistency.rho = rho;
0532 equil.consistency.jparz_fsav = jparz_fsav;
0533 equil.consistency.jparz_fsav_cyl = jparz_fsav_cyl;
0534 equil.consistency.Te = Te;
0535 equil.consistency.ne = ne;
0536 %
0537 if isfield(equil,'eqdsk')
0538     equil.consistency.rhoP = rhoP;
0539     equil.consistency.rhoT = rhoT;
0540     equil.consistency.rhoV = rhoV;
0541     %
0542     equil.consistency.q = q;
0543 end
0544 %

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