

LUKE - Test the consistency of the of a toroidal MHD equilibrium in a file


function [] = test_equilconsistency_yp(filein,equilformat)


 LUKE - Test the consistency of the of a toroidal MHD equilibrium in a file

 Test the consistency of the of a toroidal MHD equilibrium in a file


    - filename: name of the file that contains the toroidal MHD equilibrium
    - equilformat: file format of toroidal MHD equilibrium (LUKE, EQDSK, EFIT, ACCOME, HELENA, CHEASE, etc)



 By Yves Peysson (CEA-DRFC, yves.peysson@cea.fr) and Joan Decker (CEA-DRFC, joan.decker@cea.fr)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [] = test_equilconsistency_yp(filein,equilformat)
0002 % LUKE - Test the consistency of the of a toroidal MHD equilibrium in a file
0003 %
0004 % Test the consistency of the of a toroidal MHD equilibrium in a file
0005 %
0006 % INPUT
0007 %
0008 %    - filename: name of the file that contains the toroidal MHD equilibrium
0009 %    - equilformat: file format of toroidal MHD equilibrium (LUKE, EQDSK, EFIT, ACCOME, HELENA, CHEASE, etc)
0010 %
0011 % OUTPUT:
0012 %
0013 %    -
0014 %
0015 % By Yves Peysson (CEA-DRFC, yves.peysson@cea.fr) and Joan Decker (CEA-DRFC, joan.decker@cea.fr)
0016 %
0017 close all
0018 %
0019 if nargin <= 0,
0020     filein = input_dke_yp('Enter the file name (with extension) of the toroidal MHD equilibrium','');
0021 end
0022 %
0023 if nargin <= 1,
0024     equilformat = input_dke_yp('Enter the file format of the toroidal MHD equilibrium ','LUKE, EQDSK, EFIT, ACCOME,...');
0025 end
0026 %
0027 [filepath,filename,fileext] = fileparts(filein);
0028 %
0029 %
0030 if strcmp(equilformat,'LUKE'),
0031     %
0032     data = importdata(filein);%load data from filein into the workspace
0033     %
0034     if ~isfield(data,'psi_apRp'),%LUKE format.
0035         error(['The file ',filename,fileext,' does not contains an equil structure (LUKE equilibrium format)']);
0036     else
0037         equil = data;
0038     end   
0039 elseif strcmp(equilformat,'EFIT') || strcmp(equilformat,'EQDSK'),
0040     %
0041     if strcmp(fileext,'.mat'),
0042         equil = equil_EFIT_jd(filename,1,2,-1);       
0043     else
0044         flag1 = 0;
0045         flag2 = 0;
0046         type = 0;
0047         %
0048         if strcmp(fileext,'efit') == 0,
0049             unix(['cp ',filename,fileext,' ',filename,'.efit']);
0050             filein_tmp1 = [filename,'.efit']; 
0051             flag1 = 1;
0052         end
0053         %
0054         if exist([filename,'_kinetic_profiles.mat'],'file')
0055             type = 1.5;
0056             flag2 = 1;
0057             unix(['cp ',filename,'_kinetic_profiles.mat',' ',filename,'.prof']);
0058             filein_tmp2 = [filename,'.prof'];   
0059         end
0060         %
0061         equil = equil_EFIT_jd(filename,type,2,-1);%
0062         %
0063         if flag1,unix(['rm -f ',filein_tmp1]);end
0064         if flag2,unix(['rm -f ',filein_tmp2]);end
0065     end
0066     %
0067 elseif strcmp(equilformat,'ACCOME'),
0068     %
0069     if isempty(fileext)
0070         data1 = importdata([filename,'.bfield']);%load data from filein into the workspace
0071         data2 = importdata([filename,'.params']);%load data from filein into the workspace
0072     elseif strcmp(fileext,'.bfield')
0073         data1 = importdata(filein);%load data from filein into the workspace
0074         %
0075         if exist([filename,'.params'],'file'),
0076             data2 = importdata([filename,'.params']);%load data from filein into the workspace
0077         end
0078     elseif strcmp(fileext,'.params')
0079         if exist([filename,'.bfield'],'file'),
0080             data1 = importdata([filename,'.bfield']);%load data from filein into the workspace
0081         end
0082         %
0083         data2 = importdata(filein);%load data from filein into the workspace
0084     end
0085     %
0086     [equil_magnetic,prho,psin] = equil_magnetic_ACCOME_yp(filename,0,-1,filename,filename);
0087     %
0088     equil_prof = equil_prof_ACCOME_yp(filename,NaN,[],psin,0,-1,filename,filename,NaN);
0089     %
0090     equil = conc_struct_jd(equil_magnetic,equil_prof);
0091     %
0092     equil.id = filename;
0093     %
0094     save(['EQUIL_',filename,'.mat'],'equil');
0095 else
0096     error('Unknown toroidal MHD equilibrium file format');
0097 end
0098 %
0099 disp('Calculation of the equilibrium consistency (wait few seconds).');    
0100 %
0101 [equil,gradpthermalsgradrho,gradpmagsgradrho,gradpkinsgradrho,jparz_fsav,jparz_ohm_fsav] = equilconsistency_yp(equil,'',1);

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