

script which interface LUKE data to


This is a script file.


 script which interface LUKE data to 

 Y. Peysson, CEA/IRFM ( and J.-F. Artaud CEA/IRFM (


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 % script which interface LUKE data to
0002 %
0003 % Y. Peysson, CEA/IRFM ( and J.-F. Artaud CEA/IRFM (
0004 %
0005 load('LUKE_DATA_EAST_054439_005100_C3PO_antenna_4p60Ghz_ne7e17_TAIL_st_ct_Nmax_0_n_5_P_0.5_opt_1+1i_VLOOP_0p19V.mat');
0006 %
0007 mksa = output.mksa;
0008 equil = equilconsistency_yp(equil,'');%for calculating missing quantities
0009 %
0010 profil.xli = ; % Lao coordinate (r/a) [1 * n_rho]
0011 profil.Raxe = ; % magnetic axis of each flux surface (m) [n_time * n_rho]
0012 profil.epsi = ; % inverse aspect ratio (a(x) / Raxe(x)) of each flux surface (m) [n_time * n_rho]
0013 profil.fdia = ; % diamagnetic function (R*B_T in T.m)   [n_time * n_rho]
0014 profil.qjli = ; % safety factor  [n_time * n_rho]
0015 profil.nep = equil.pne; % electron density (m^-3) [n_time * n_rho]
0016 profil.tep = equil.pTe;% electron temperature (eV) [n_time * n_rho]
0017 profil.rmx = ;% toroidal flux coordinate (sqrt(phi_tor/pi/B0) in m) [n_time * 21]
0018 profil.spr = ;% dS/dxli surface element (m^2) [n_time * 21]
0019 profil.vpr = ;% dV/dxli surface element (m^3) [n_time * 21]
0020 profil.zeff = (equil.zZi.^2*equil.pzni)./equil.pne;% effective charge [n_time * 21]
0021 profil.epar = ohm.epsi*mksa.Edreicer_ref;% parallel electrique field (V/m) [n_time * 21]
0022 %
0023 cons.temps =;% time slices vector [n_time * 1] (just a reference here)
0024 cons.ip = equi.ip*1e6;% plasma current (A) [n_time * 1]
0025 %
0026 option.gaz = find(equil.pzni(:,1) == max(equil.pzni(:,1)));% 1 -> H, 2 -> D , 3 -> DT & 4 -> He
0027 option.fupshift = 1;% factor applied to kinetic resonance position: n_par_Landau = fupshift * 6.5 / sqrt(Te); default = 1
0028 %
0029 jj = 1;
0030 %
0031 for iw = 1:length(waves)
0032     launch = waves{iw}.rayinit.launch;
0033     %
0034     if strcmp(launch.type,'LH'),
0035         cons.plh = sum(launch.bPlhtot);% LH input power (W) [n_time * 1]
0036         option.freqlh = launch.omega_rf/2/pi/1e9;% Lower Hybrid frequency (GHz)
0037         option.etalh = ;% launcher directivity defined as the fraction of total LH power in the co-current peak
0038         option.npar0 = abs(launch.bNpar0(find(abs(launch.bPlhtot) == max(abs(launch.bPlhtot)))));% launched parallel refractive index of LH at antennafind(
0039         option.wlh = abs(launch.bdNpar0(find(abs(launch.bPlhtot) == max(abs(launch.bPlhtot)))));% wlh is the width of LH antenna active part (m)
0040         option.npar_neg = ;% parallel refractive index of negative peak in the spectrum at the launcher; if = 0, used npar_neg = -npar0
0041         %
0042         [time,plh_tot,ilh,x,plh,jlh,efficiency] = external_call_metis_lh_model(cons,profil,option);
0043         %
0044         jj = jj + 1;
0045     end
0046 %
0047 end
0048 %
0049 % display results
0050 %

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