


function equil = imake_equil_jd(dkepath,basestr,signs,external,workdir,opt_gui,select)


 This function interactively builds the equilibrium structure


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function equil = imake_equil_jd(dkepath,basestr,signs,external,workdir,opt_gui,select)
0002 %
0003 % This function interactively builds the equilibrium structure
0004 %
0005 if nargin < 7,
0006     select = struct;
0007 end
0008 %
0009 if nargin < 6,
0010     opt_gui = true;
0011 end
0012 %
0013 if nargin < 5,
0014     workdir = pwd;
0015 end
0016 %
0017 if nargin < 4,
0018     external = '';
0019 end
0020 %
0021 if nargin < 3,
0022     signs = '';
0023 end
0024 %
0025 if ~isfield(select,'style'),
0026 = struct;
0027 end
0028 %
0029 = 420;
0030 %
0031 eqdsk_path = './';
0032 %
0033 equil = '';
0034 Zaxis = 0;
0035 Zeff = NaN;
0036 %
0037 e_opt = 0;
0038 f_opt = 0;
0039 type = NaN;
0040 %
0042 %
0043 disp(' ')
0044 disp('*********** MAGNETIC EQUILIBRIUM ***********')
0045 disp(' ')
0046 %
0047 if isfield(select,'i_opt'),
0048     i_opt = select.i_opt;
0049 elseif isfield(external,'magnetic'),% magnetic equilibrium from external database?
0050     %
0051     titletext = 'For the MAGNETIC equilibrium :';      
0052     s = {'Use data loaded from the external database',...
0053          'Use data from an existing equilibrium file',...
0054          'Build the magnetic equilibrium data locally'};
0055     %
0056     i_opt = iselect_jd(s,titletext,opt_gui,,1) - 1;
0057     %
0058 else
0059     %
0060     titletext = 'For the MAGNETIC equilibrium :';      
0061     s = {'Use data from an existing equilibrium file',...
0062               'Build the magnetic equilibrium data locally'};
0063     %
0064     i_opt = iselect_jd(s,titletext,opt_gui,,1);
0065     %
0066 end
0067 %
0068 if i_opt == 0, % use data from from external database
0069     %
0070     shotnum = external.shotnum;
0071     shotime = external.shotime;
0072     if ischar(shotime),
0073         shotimestr = shotime;
0074         shotime = str2double(shotimestr);
0075     else
0076         shotimestr = num2str(shotime,'%6.4f');
0077     end
0078     %
0079     if strcmp(basestr,'TCV') || strcmp(basestr,'EAST') || strcmp(basestr,'HL2A') || strcmp(basestr,'CMOD'),
0080         %
0081         if isfield(external.magnetic,'eqdsk'),
0082             %
0083             eqdsk = external.magnetic.eqdsk;
0084             %
0085         elseif isfield(external.magnetic,'eqdsk_path') && isfield(external.magnetic,'eqdsk_file')
0086             %
0087             eqdsk_path = external.magnetic.eqdsk_path;
0088             eqdsk_file = external.magnetic.eqdsk_file;
0089             %
0090             if ~exist(eqdsk_path,'dir'),
0091                 disp(['WARNING : The directory ',eqdsk_path,' does not exist. local directory enforced.'])
0092                 eqdsk_path = './';
0093             end
0094             if ~exist([eqdsk_path,eqdsk_file],'file'),
0095                 error(['The file ',eqdsk_path,eqdsk_file,' does not exist. Aborted.'])
0096             end
0097             %
0098             eqdsk = fileread([eqdsk_path,eqdsk_file]);
0099             %
0100         end
0101         %
0102         e_opt = -1;% eqdsk equilibrium
0103         %
0104     elseif strcmp(basestr,'TS'),
0105         %
0106         equil_magnetic_data = external.magnetic;
0107         %
0108     elseif strcmp(basestr,'COMPASS'),
0109         %
0110         equil_magnetic_data = external.magnetic;
0111         %
0112         eqdsk.nnx = length(external.magnetic.efit.R);
0113         eqdsk.nny = length(external.magnetic.efit.Z);
0114         eqdsk.nnr = length(external.magnetic.efit.psi_n);
0116 = external.magnetic.efit.R(end) - external.magnetic.efit.R(1);% horizontal full-width of the rectangle on which poloidal flux values are given
0117         eqdsk.ybox = abs(external.magnetic.efit.Z(end) - external.magnetic.efit.Z(1));% vertical full-width of the rectangle on which poloidal flux values are given
0118         eqdsk.Rv = external.magnetic.efit.R_geom_axis;% nominal major radius of the torus
0119         eqdsk.Rmin = external.magnetic.efit.R(1);% major radius of the inner edge of the box of rectangular grid
0120         eqdsk.Zv = 0;% vertical shift of the rectangular box midplane
0121         %
0122         eqdsk.Rp = external.magnetic.efit.R_mag_axis;% major radius of magnetic axis
0123         eqdsk.Zp = external.magnetic.efit.Z_mag_axis;% vertical height of magnetic axis
0124         eqdsk.psip = external.magnetic.efit.psi_mag_axis;% poloidal flux function value at the magnetic axis
0125         eqdsk.psia = external.magnetic.efit.psi_lcfs;% poloidal flux function value at the last closed flux surface (touching the limiter or the separatrix)
0126         eqdsk.Bv = external.magnetic.efit.B_vac_R_geom*external.magnetic.efit.R_geom_axis/external.magnetic.efit.R_mag_axis;% vacuum toroidal magnetic field at radmaj
0127         %
0128         eqdsk.Ip = external.magnetic.efit.Ip;% toroidal current
0129         %
0130         eqdsk.rF = external.magnetic.efit.RBphi.';% R*BPHI  at nnr equispaced points in psi from psimag to psilim.
0131         eqdsk.rp = external.magnetic.efit.p_stat;% pressure values at the same points
0132         eqdsk.rFdFdpsi = external.magnetic.efit.FFprime;% ffpsiar_prime, [i.e., d f/d (psi)] at the same points
0133         eqdsk.rdpdpsi = external.magnetic.efit.pprime_static;% p_prime [i.e., d prar/d (psi)] at the same points
0134         %
0135         eqdsk.xypsi = external.magnetic.efit.psi_RZ;% psi values on the nnr * nnz equispaced grid
0136         %
0137         eqdsk.rq = external.magnetic.efit.q.'; % safety factor q on the equispaced psi grid
0138         %
0139         e_opt = -1;% efit equilibrium
0140         %
0141     elseif strcmp(basestr,'JET'),
0142         %
0143         equil_magnetic_data = external.magnetic;
0144         %
0145         e_opt = -3;% standard rz -> pt transformation needed
0146         %
0147     elseif strcmp(basestr,'AUG'),
0148         %
0149         equil_magnetic_data = external.magnetic;
0150         %
0151         e_opt = -4;% standard rz -> pt transformation needed
0152         %
0153     else
0154         %
0155         disp('-----> function not yet implemented for this machine.')
0156         return
0157     end
0158     %
0159 elseif i_opt == 1, % use data from an existing equilibrium file
0160     %
0161     d_opt = input_dke_yp('Format of the magnetic equilibrium data, 0 (eqdsk), 1 (itm), (2) (AMR): ',0,{0,1,2},'Invalid option');
0162     %
0163     if d_opt == 0,% EQSDK from data file
0164         %
0165         % EQSDK file
0166         %
0167         [eqdsk_file,eqdsk_path] = igetfile_jd(opt_gui,{'eqdsk*.*';'EQDSK*.*';'*.*'},'Please select the EQDSK file',workdir);
0168         %
0169         if eqdsk_file == 0,
0170             disp('-----> No eqdsk file selected.')            
0171             return
0172         end
0173         %
0174         eqdsk = fileread([eqdsk_path,eqdsk_file]);
0175         %
0176         it = strfind(eqdsk_file,'t');
0177         %
0178         if (~isempty(strfind(eqdsk_file,'EQDSK.')) || ~isempty(strfind(eqdsk_file,'eqdsk.'))) && ~isempty(it),
0179             shotnum = eqdsk_file(7:it-1);
0180             shotimestr = eqdsk_file(it+1:end);
0181         else
0182             shotnum = '0';
0183             shotimestr = '0';
0184         end
0185         %
0186         shotnum_new = input(['Please provide the shot number [',shotnum,'] : '],'s');
0187         if ~isempty(shotnum_new),
0188             shotnum = shotnum_new;
0189         elseif isempty(shotnum),
0190             shotnum = '0';
0191         end
0192         %
0193         shotime_new = input(['Please provide the shot time [',shotimestr,'] : '],'s');
0194         if ~isempty(shotime_new),
0195             shotimestr = shotime_new;
0196         elseif isempty(shotimestr),
0197             shotimestr = '0';
0198         end
0199         %
0200         shotime = str2double(shotimestr);
0201         %
0202         e_opt = -1;% eqdsk equilibrium
0203         %
0204     elseif d_opt == 1,% load ITM
0205         %
0206         disp('-----> loading of ITM equilibrium not yet implemented.')
0207         return
0208         %
0209     elseif d_opt == 2,% load AMR
0210         %
0211         % AMR equilibrium psi file
0212         %
0213         [amr_psi_file,amr_psi_path] = igetfile_jd(opt_gui,{'m_profs_*_Psi.dat';'*.*'},'Please select the AMR equilibrium file containing the Psi vector',workdir);
0214         %
0215         if amr_psi_file == 0,
0216             disp('-----> No AMR equilibrium file selected.')
0217             return
0218         end
0219         %
0220         if (strcmp(amr_psi_file(1:8),'m_profs_')),
0221             it1 = 8 + strfind(amr_psi_file(9:end),'_');
0222             shotnum = amr_psi_file(9:it1(1)-1);
0223             it2 = it1(1) + strfind(amr_psi_file(it1+1:end),'_');
0224             shotimestr = amr_psi_file(it1(1)+1:it2(1)-1);
0225         else
0226             disp('-----> The AMR equilibrium file selected is not valid.')
0227             return
0228         end
0229         %
0230         e_opt = -2;% AMR equilibrium
0231         n_opt = 0;
0232         %
0233         shotime = str2double(shotimestr);
0234         %
0235     end
0236     %
0237 end
0238 %
0239 if e_opt == 0,% equilibrium code to be specified
0240     %
0241     e_opt = input_dke_yp('Select magnetic equilibrium solver, 0 (analytic circular concentric), 1 (helena) : ',0,{0,1},'Invalid option');   
0242     %
0243 end
0244 %
0245 if i_opt == 2, % equilibrium data specified by user
0246     %
0247     [equil_magnetic_data,shotnum,shotimestr] = imake_equil_ideal(e_opt);
0248     %
0249     shotime = str2double(shotimestr);
0250     %
0251 end
0252 %
0254 %
0255 disp(' ')
0256 disp('*********** EQUILIBRIUM PROFILES ***********')
0257 disp(' ')
0258 %
0259 if e_opt ~= -2,
0260     if isfield(select,'i_opt'),
0261         i_opt = select.i_opt;
0262     elseif isfield(external,'prof'),% magnetic equilibrium from external database?
0263         %
0264         titletext = 'For the equilibrium PROFILES:';      
0265         s = {'Use data loaded from the external database',...
0266              'Use data from an existing equilibrium profiles file',...
0267              'Build the equilibrium profiles data locally'};
0268         %
0269         i_opt = iselect_jd(s,titletext,opt_gui,,1) - 1;
0270         %
0271     else
0272         %
0273         titletext = 'For the equilibrium PROFILES:';      
0274         s = {'Use data from an existing equilibrium profiles file',...
0275              'Build the equilibrium profiles data locally'};
0276         %
0277         i_opt = iselect_jd(s,titletext,opt_gui,,1);
0278         %
0279     end
0280     %
0281     if i_opt == 0, % use data from from external database
0282         %
0283         equil_prof_data =;
0284         %
0285         if strcmp(basestr,'TCV'),
0286             %
0287             if isfield(equil_prof_data,'shot'),
0288                 type = 1;% TCV collect_parameters_for_luke data format
0289             else
0290                 type = -2;% TCV MultiTimes database function
0291                 %
0292                 datamod.Zaxis = equil_prof_data.zaxis;
0293                 Ip = - equil_prof_data.ip;
0294                 signs.Bt = - equil_prof_data.btsign;
0295                 signs.Ip = - equil_prof_data.ipsign;
0296                 %
0297                 profname = rmfield(equil_prof_data,{'zaxis','ip','btsign','ipsign'});
0298                 %
0299             end
0300             %
0301             n_opt = 0;
0302             %
0303         elseif strcmp(basestr,'TS'),
0304             %
0305             n_opt = -1;% ideal equilibrium profiles
0306             %
0307         elseif strcmp(basestr,'JET'),
0308             %
0309             if isempty(equil_prof_data.pne) || isempty(equil_prof_data.pTe),% fits are necessary
0310                 %
0311                 f_opt = 1;% experimental profiles must be fitted
0312                 n_opt = -1;% ideal equilibrium profiles
0313                 %
0314             else % fits exist, save data for equil_prof_jd
0315                 %
0316                 type = 1.2;
0317                 n_opt = 0;
0318                 %
0319             end
0320         elseif strcmp(basestr,'EAST') || strcmp(basestr,'HL2A'),
0321             %
0322             type = 1.4;%EAST or HL2A data format
0323             n_opt = 0;
0324             %
0325         elseif strcmp(basestr,'COMPASS'),
0326             %
0327             type = 1.6;%COMPASS data format
0328             n_opt = 0;
0329             %
0330         elseif strcmp(basestr,'AUG'),
0331             %
0332             type = -2;
0333             profname = equil_prof_data;
0334             n_opt = 0;
0335             %
0336             if isfield(equil_prof_data,'Ip')
0337                 Ip = equil_prof_data.Ip;
0338             end
0339             %
0340             signs = struct;
0341         else
0342             %
0343             disp('-----> function not yet implemented for this machine.')
0344             return
0345         end
0346         %
0347     elseif i_opt == 1, % use data from an existing equilibrium file
0348         %
0349         n_opt = input_dke_yp(['Option for equilibrium profiles file : \n',...
0350             '0 (existing data file)\n',...
0351             '1 (ART profiles)\n',...
0352             '2 (TORAY profiles)\n',...
0353             '3 (EVE profiles)\n'],...
0354             0,{0,1,2,3},'Invalid selection');
0355         %
0356         [data_file,data_path] = igetfile_jd(opt_gui,'*.*',['Please select the data file for shot ',shotnum,' at time ',shotimestr,' :'],eqdsk_path);
0357         %
0358         if data_file == 0,
0359             return
0360         end
0361         %
0362         profname = [data_path,data_file];
0363         %
0364         if n_opt == 0,
0365             %
0366             if strcmp(basestr,'TCV'),% TCV profile data file
0367                 %
0368                 type = 1;
0369                 %
0370                 equil_prof_data = load([data_path,data_file],'shot','rho','ne','te','ti','zeff','zaxis','btsign','ipsign','Ip');
0371                 %
0372             elseif strcmp(basestr,'TS'),% TS profile data file
0373                 %
0374                 type = -1;
0375                 %
0376             elseif strcmp(basestr,'ITER'),% ITER Astra profile data
0377                 %
0378                 type = 0.2;
0379                 %
0380             elseif strcmp(basestr,'EAST') || strcmp(basestr,'HL2A'),% EAST or HL2A profile data
0381                 %
0382                 type = 1.4;
0383                 %
0384             elseif strcmp(basestr,'COMPASS'),% COMPASS profile data
0385                 %
0386                 type = 1.6;
0387                 %
0388             else
0389                 disp(['-----> profiles data files not treated yet for :',basestr]);
0390                 return 
0391             end
0392             %
0393         elseif n_opt == 1,% profiles from ART output
0394             %
0395             type = 1;
0396             %
0397             load([data_path,data_file],'ARTsimprof');
0398             %
0399             equil_prof_data.rho =';
0400    ='*1e20;
0401             equil_prof_data.te =';
0402             equil_prof_data.ti = NaN;
0403             %
0404             equil_prof_data.zeff = NaN;
0405             equil_prof_data.zaxis = NaN;
0406             %
0407             equil_prof_data.shot = str2num(data_file(4:8));
0408             %
0409         elseif n_opt == 2,% profiles from TORAY output
0410             %
0411             disp('-----> profiles data files not treated yet for TORAY output');
0412             return             
0413             %
0414         elseif n_opt == 3,% EVE profiles
0415             %
0416             type = 1.3;
0417             %
0418         end
0419         %
0420     elseif i_opt == 2, % equilibrium profiles data specified by user
0421         %
0422         equil_prof_data = imake_equil_ideal;
0423         %
0424         n_opt = -1;% ideal equilibrium profiles
0425         %
0426     end
0427 end
0428 %
0429 % ************** BUILT EQUILIBRIUM *****************
0430 %
0431 shotid = [basestr,'_',shotnum,'_',shotimestr];
0432 %
0433 if ~isfield(select,'idequil') || ~select.idequil 
0434     id_equil = input(['Please provide a name for the equilibrium file [',shotid,'] : '],'s');
0435 else
0436     id_equil = '';
0437 end
0438 %
0439 if isempty(id_equil),
0440     id_equil = shotid;
0441 end
0442 %
0443 if (~isfield(select,'disp') || ~select.disp) && strcmp(input_dke_yp('Do you want to display the equilibrium','n',{'y','n'},'',[1,1]),'y'),
0444     display_mode = 2;
0445 else
0446     display_mode = 1;
0447 end
0448 %
0449 if (~isfield(select,'print') || ~select.print)
0450     p_opt = input_dke_yp('Option for equilibrium figures? -1 (nothing), 0 (print), 1 (print and save), 2 (save)',-1,-1:2,'',[1,1]);
0451 else
0452     p_opt = -1;
0453 end
0454 %
0455 dispname = '';
0456 savename = id_equil;
0457 %
0458 if type == 1 && n_opt <= 1,
0459     %
0460     ishot = find(equil_prof_data.shot == str2num(shotnum));
0461     %
0462     if isempty(ishot),
0463         disp(['-----> Profiles data not found for shot :',shotnum]);
0464         return
0465     end
0466     %
0467     if length(ishot) > 1,
0468         disp(['-----> WARNING : Several entries are found for shot :',shotnum,', first entry selected']);
0469         ishot = ishot(1);
0470     end
0471     %
0472     prho = equil_prof_data.rho(ishot,:);
0473     pne =,:);
0474     pTe = equil_prof_data.te(ishot,:);
0475     %
0476     datamod.Zaxis = equil_prof_data.zaxis(ishot);
0477     %
0478     if any(isnan(equil_prof_data.ti(ishot,:))), 
0479         datamod.TeTiratio = 6;
0480     end
0481     %
0482     if isscalar(equil_prof_data.zeff(ishot,:)),
0483         if ~isnan(equil_prof_data.zeff(ishot,:)),
0484             datamod.Zeff = equil_prof_data.zeff(ishot,:);
0485         else
0486             datamod.Zeff = 3;
0487         end
0488     end
0489     %
0490     if isfield(equil_prof_data,'Ip') 
0491         datamod.Ip = - equil_prof_data.Ip(ishot)/1e6;
0492     else
0493         datamod.Ip = NaN;
0494     end
0495     %
0496     s = struct;
0497     %
0498 = 0;
0499 = 0;
0500 = 0;    
0501 = 0;    
0502     %
0503     datamod = imod_struct_jd(datamod,'',1,opt_gui,s,;
0504     %
0505     if isfield(datamod,'TeTiratio')%constant Te/Ti ratio
0506         pTi = pTe/datamod.TeTiratio;
0507     else
0508         pTi = equil_prof_data.ti(ishot,:);
0509     end
0510     %
0511     if isfield(datamod,'Zeff'),%uniform profile
0512         pZeff = datamod.Zeff*ones(size(prho));
0513     else
0514         pZeff = equil_prof_data.zeff(ishot,:);
0515     end
0516     %
0517     Ip = datamod.Ip*1e6;
0518     %
0519     profname = [id_equil,'.prof'];        
0520     %
0521     % sign management as most equilibrium codes do not account for these.
0522     %
0523     if ~isstruct(signs) 
0524         if exist('btsign','var') && exist('ipsign','var'),% note that TCV conventions are opposite to LUKE conventions
0525             signs.Bt = - btsign;
0526             signs.Ip = - ipsign;
0527         end
0528         %
0529         if isfield(equil_prof_data,'btsign') && isfield(equil_prof_data,'ipsign'),% note that TCV conventions are opposite to LUKE conventions
0530             signs.Bt = - equil_prof_data.btsign;
0531             signs.Ip = - equil_prof_data.ipsign;
0532         end        
0533     end
0534     %
0535     save(profname,'prho','pne','pTe','pTi','pZeff','-mat');
0536     %
0537 elseif type == 1.2 && n_opt == 0,
0538     %
0539     Zeff = equil_prof_data.Zeff;
0540     pspsin = sqrt(equil_prof_data.psin);
0541     pne = equil_prof_data.pne;
0542     pTe = equil_prof_data.pTe/1e3;% eV-> keV
0543     %
0544     TeTi = input_dke_yp('No data on Ti was found. Please provide an estimated value for Te/Ti',1,'','',[1,1]);
0545     %
0546     pTi = pTe/TeTi;
0547     %
0548     profname = [id_equil,'.prof'];        
0549     %
0550     save(profname,'pspsin','pne','pTe','pTi','Zeff','-mat');          
0551     %
0552 elseif type == 1.4 && n_opt == 0,%EAST or HL2A
0553     %
0554     profname = [id_equil,'.prof'];
0555     %
0556     Zeff = equil_prof_data.species.Zeff;
0557     TeTi = equil_prof_data.TeTi;
0558     frac_H = equil_prof_data.species.frac_H;
0559     frac_D = equil_prof_data.species.frac_D;
0560     Zimp = equil_prof_data.species.Zimp;
0561     Aimp = equil_prof_data.species.Aimp;
0562     %
0563     if isfield(external,'thomson') == 1 & isfield(equil_prof_data,'rho') == 1,
0564         thomson_mode = input_dke_yp('Do you want to calculate Te and ne profiles from raw Thomson scattering measurements','n',{'y','n'},'',[1,1]);
0565     elseif isfield(external,'thomson') == 1 & isfield(equil_prof_data,'rho') == 0,
0566         thomson_mode = 1;
0567     elseif isfield(external,'thomson') == 0 & isfield(equil_prof_data,'rho') == 1,
0568         thomson_mode = 0;
0569     end
0570     %
0571     if thomson_mode == 1
0572         save(profname,'frac_H','frac_D','Zimp','Aimp','Zeff','-mat');
0573     else
0574         prho = equil_prof_data.rho;
0575         pne =;
0576         pTe = equil_prof_data.Te;
0577         pTi = pTe/TeTi;
0578         %
0579         save(profname,'prho','pne','pTe','pTi','frac_H','frac_D','Zimp','Aimp','Zeff','-mat');
0580         %
0581     end
0582     %
0583     % sign management as most equilibrium codes do not account for these.
0584     %
0585     if ~isstruct(signs) 
0586         if isfield(external,'jbdirections'),
0587             if strcmp(external.jbdirections.Ip,'clockwise')
0588                 signs.Ip = 1;
0589             else
0590                 signs.Ip = -1;
0591             end
0592             %
0593             if strcmp(external.jbdirections.Bt,'clockwise')
0594                 signs.Bt = 1;
0595             else
0596                 signs.Bt = -1;
0597             end
0598         end
0599     end
0600     %
0601 elseif type == 1.6 && n_opt == 0,%COMPASS
0602     %
0603     profname = [id_equil,'.prof'];
0604     %
0605     pspsin = equil_prof_data.pspsin;
0606     pne = equil_prof_data.pne.';
0607     pTe = equil_prof_data.pTe.';
0608     pTi = equil_prof_data.pTi.';
0609     Zeff = equil_prof_data.Zeff;
0610     zZi = equil_prof_data.zZi;
0611     zmi = equil_prof_data.zmi;
0612     fi =;
0613     %
0614     save(profname,'pspsin','pne','pTe','pTi','Zeff','zZi','zmi','fi','-mat');
0615     %
0616 end
0617 %
0618 if e_opt >= 0 || (e_opt <= -2 && e_opt >= -3),
0619     %
0620     np = input_dke_yp('Number of equilibrium radial points',101,1:2:1001,'np must be an odd number',[1,1]);
0621     %
0622     nt = input_dke_yp('Number of equilibrium poloidal points',65,3:2:1001,'nt must be an odd number',[1,1]);
0623     %
0624 end
0625 %
0626 if e_opt >= 0,
0627     %
0628     % Create ideal magnetic equilibrium
0629     %
0630     equil_magnetic.Rp = equil_magnetic_data.Rp;
0631     equil_magnetic.Zp = equil_magnetic_data.Zp;
0632     %
0633     [mpsin,equil_magnetic.psi_apRp,equil_magnetic.theta,equil_magnetic.ptx,equil_magnetic.pty,equil_magnetic.ptBx,equil_magnetic.ptBy,equil_magnetic.ptBPHI,mBpp,mq_Rpap,mj,mmag,Ip_test,mrho,mspsin,mspsinT] = ...
0634         idealequilcyl_yp(equil_magnetic_data.ap,equil_magnetic_data.Rp,equil_magnetic_data.Zp,equil_magnetic_data.Bt,equil_magnetic_data.Ip,equil_magnetic_data.qmin_Rpap,equil_magnetic_data.eq,equil_magnetic_data.qopt,np,nt);%Cylindrical magnetic equilibrium
0635     %
0636 elseif e_opt == -1,% (R,Z) to (psi,theta) conversion specific to eqdsk
0637     %
0638     if isfield(select,'busyhandle'),
0639         set(select.busyhandle,'Visible','on');drawnow;
0640     end
0641     [equil_magnetic,mrho,mspsin,mspsinT,mp_magnetic] = equil_magnetic_EFIT_jd(eqdsk,display_mode,p_opt,dispname,savename);
0642     %
0643     if isfield(select,'busyhandle'),
0644         set(select.busyhandle,'Visible','off');drawnow;
0645     end
0646     %
0647     [np,nt] = size(equil_magnetic.ptx);
0648     %
0649     % Correction for the equilibrium offset
0650     %
0651     if ~exist('datamod','var'),
0652         Zp_offset = iselect_jd({},'Vertical equilibrium offset (vacuum)',opt_gui,,Zaxis,'edit');
0653         if isempty(Zp_offset) || ~isnumeric(Zp_offset),
0654             Zp_offset = Zaxis;
0655         end
0656         equil_magnetic.Zp = equil_magnetic.Zp + Zp_offset;
0657         %
0658     else
0659         equil_magnetic.Zp = datamod.Zaxis;
0660     end
0661     %
0662 elseif e_opt == -2,% AMR equilibrium
0663     %
0664     [equil_magnetic,equil_prof] = make_equil_AMR_jd(amr_psi_path,shotnum,shotimestr,display_mode,p_opt,dispname,savename,np,nt);
0665     %
0666 elseif e_opt == -3,% standard rz -> pt transformation needed
0667     %
0668     [equil_magnetic,mrho,mspsin,mspsinT] = equil_magnetic_rz2pt_jd(equil_magnetic_data,display_mode,p_opt,dispname,savename,np,nt);
0669     %
0670 elseif e_opt == -4,% standard rz -> pt transformation needed
0671     %
0672     [equil_magnetic,mrho,mspsin] = equil_magnetic_AUG_jd(equil_magnetic_data);
0673     mspsinT = [];
0674     %
0675 end
0676 %
0677 if f_opt == 1,% experimental profiles must be fitted
0678     %
0679     equil_prof_data = fitprof_ideal_jd(equil_prof_data);
0680     %
0681 end
0682 %
0683 if n_opt == -1,% Create ideal equilibrium profiles
0684     %
0685     [equil_prof_data.prho,equil_prof.pTe,equil_prof.pne,equil_prof.pzTi,equil_prof.pzni,equil_prof.zZi,equil_prof.zmi,,equil_prof_data.pkin] = ...
0686         idealprof_yp(equil_prof_data.Zi,equil_prof_data.mi,,equil_prof_data.Te0,equil_prof_data.Tea,equil_prof_data.eTe1,equil_prof_data.eTe2,equil_prof_data.ne0,equil_prof_data.nea,equil_prof_data.ene1,equil_prof_data.ene2,equil_prof_data.Ti0,equil_prof_data.Tia,equil_prof_data.eTi1,equil_prof_data.eTi2,equil_prof_data.Zeff0,equil_prof_data.Zeffa,equil_prof_data.eZeff,equil_prof_data.xZeff,np);%Profiles
0687     %
0688 end
0689 %
0690 if e_opt == 1,
0691     %
0692     % Use Helena to create an equilibrium
0693     %
0694     mj_min = min(mj); 
0695     if mj_min < 0,%pj must be non-negative. Only the shape is considered and Ip for the total plasma current
0696         mj = mj - mj_min;
0697     end
0698     %
0699     [equil_magnetic,mrho,mspsin,mspsinT,mp_magnetic] = equil_magnetic_helmex77_yp(equil_magnetic_data.ap,equil_magnetic_data.Rp,equil_magnetic_data.Zp,equil_magnetic_data.xpoint,equil_magnetic_data.Bt,equil_magnetic_data.Ip,equil_magnetic.psi_apRp*equil_magnetic_data.Rp/equil_magnetic_data.ap,mj,equil_prof_data.pkin,nt,display_mode);
0700     %
0701 end
0702 %
0703 if n_opt >= 0 &&  e_opt ~= -2,
0704     %
0705     if strcmp(basestr,'EAST') & (thomson_mode == 1 | thomson_mode == 'y')
0706         %
0707         R_hcn = 1.9;%Major radius of the HCN diagnostic for line-averaged density measurements;
0708         [equil_magnetic_nete,ne_lav] = EAST_thomson_scattering_Tene_fit(equil_magnetic,,,,,,,R_hcn,display_mode-1);%Add Te and ne profiles from Thomson scattering
0709         %
0710         disp('--> Te and ne profiles determined from raw Thomson scattering measurements.');
0711         %
0712         prho = mrho;
0713         pTe = equil_magnetic_nete.pTe';
0714         pne = equil_magnetic_nete.pne';
0715         %
0716         pTi = pTe/TeTi;
0717         %
0718         save([savename,'.prof'],'prho','pne','pTe','pTi','ne_lav','-append');
0719         %
0720     end
0721     %
0722     equil_prof = equil_prof_jd(profname,type,mrho,mspsin,mspsinT,display_mode,p_opt,dispname,savename,Zeff);
0723     %
0724     if exist('ne_lav')
0725         equil_prof.ne_lav = ne_lav;
0726     else
0727         equil_prof.ne_lav = '';
0728     end
0729     %
0730 end
0731 %
0732 if exist('mp_magnetic','var'),
0733     %
0734     if (~isfield(select,'comp') || ~select.comp) && strcmp(input_dke_yp('Do you want to compare the pressure profiles','n',{'y','n'},'',[1,1]),'y'),
0735         %
0736         % Verify consistency on pressure between profiles and EFIT
0737         %
0738         qe = pc_dke_yp;
0739         %
0740         mp_profiles = (equil_prof.pTe.*equil_prof.pne + sum(equil_prof.pzTi.*equil_prof.pzni,1))*qe*1e3;%pressure from Tene data
0741         %
0742         figure(14),clf
0743         %
0744         graph1D_jd(mrho,mp_profiles/1e5,0,0,'r/a','p (Bar)','',NaN,[0,1],NaN,'-','none','b',2,20,gca,0.9,0.7,0.7);
0745         graph1D_jd(mrho,mp_magnetic/1e5,0,0,'','','',{'T_en_e + T_in_i','Equilibrium code'},[0,1],NaN,'-','none','r',2);
0746         set(gca,'XTick',0:0.2:1);
0747         print_jd(p_opt,[savename,'_p_comp']);
0748     end
0749     %
0750 end
0751 %
0752 % sign management as most equilibrium codes do not account for these.
0753 %
0754 if ~isstruct(signs),
0755     s_opt = input_dke_yp('Do you want to impose the signs of Bt and Ip [y/n]','n',{'y','n'});
0756     %
0757     if strcmp(s_opt,'y'),
0758         signs.Bt = input_dke_yp('Signs of Bt (positive if clockwise from top)',sign(equil_magnetic.ptBPHI(1,1)),{-1,1});
0759         signs.Ip = input_dke_yp('Signs of Ip (positive if clockwise from top)',sign(equil_magnetic.psi_apRp(end)),{-1,1});
0760     else
0761         signs = struct;
0762     end
0763 end
0764 if ~isfield(signs,'Ip'),
0765     signs.Ip = sign(equil_magnetic.psi_apRp(end));
0766 end
0767 if ~isfield(signs,'Bt'),
0768     signs.Bt = sign(equil_magnetic.ptBPHI(1,1));
0769 end
0770 %
0771 if signs.Ip*equil_magnetic.psi_apRp(end) < 0,
0772     equil_magnetic.psi_apRp = -equil_magnetic.psi_apRp;
0773     equil_magnetic.ptBx = -equil_magnetic.ptBx;
0774     equil_magnetic.ptBy = -equil_magnetic.ptBy;
0775 end
0776 %
0777 if signs.Bt*equil_magnetic.ptBPHI(1,1) < 0,
0778     equil_magnetic.ptBPHI = -equil_magnetic.ptBPHI;
0779 end
0780 %
0781 % EQUIL structure
0782 %
0783 equil = conc_struct_jd(equil_magnetic,equil_prof);
0784 %
0785 equil.signs = signs;
0786 = id_equil;
0787 equil.tokamak = basestr;
0788 equil.shotnum = shotnum;
0789 equil.shotime = shotime;
0790 %
0791 if exist('Ip','var'),
0792     equil.ip = Ip;
0793 else
0794     equil.ip = NaN;
0795 end
0796 %
0797 if e_opt == -1 && exist('eqdsk_file','var'),
0798 = [eqdsk_path,eqdsk_file];
0799 elseif e_opt == -2,
0800 = amr_psi_path;
0801 end
0802 %
0803 %
0804 if (~isfield(select,'consist') || ~select.consist) && strcmp(input_dke_yp('Do you want to check the equilibrium consistency','n',{'y','n'},'',[1,1]),'y'),
0805     equil = equilconsistency_yp(equil,'',1);
0806 end
0807 %
0808 = {...
0809     ['Plasma major radius (m)               : ',num2str(equil.Rp)],...
0810     ['Plasma vertical position (m)          : ',num2str(equil.Zp)],...
0811     ['Plasma minor radius (m)               : ',num2str(equil.ptx(end,1))],...
0812     ['Magnetic field on axis (T)            : ',num2str(equil.ptBPHI(1,1))],...
0813     ['Poloidal flux on LCFS (W)             : ',num2str(equil.psi_apRp(end)*2*pi*equil.Rp/equil.ptx(end,1))],...
0814     ['Plasma current (MA)                   : ',num2str(equil.ip/1e6)],...
0815     ['Central electron temperature (keV)    : ',num2str(equil.pTe(1))],...
0816     ['Central electron density (10^19 m^-3) : ',num2str(equil.pne(1)/1e19)]};
0817 %

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