2 The non-maxwellian tail

The tail part of the distribution function can be expressed in the simple form

where H(x) is the usual Heaviside function while Θf, Θb and Θ are respectively the parallel forward, backward and perpendicular pseudo-temperatures normalized to mec2. They are considered as pseudo-temperatures, since they do not correspond to a thermodynamic equilibrium for which the electron temperature Te has a true physical meaning, i.e. the mean thermal velocity. They are introduced as simple parameters to characterize the lack of symmetry around a given direction. Here, the parallel component is expressed as

where ˆb is the unitary vector on the magnetic field line. Conversely, p is defined as p2 = p2 + p2. The distribution function f3T is also normalized to unity. Let pmin being the momentum value corresponding to the intersection of f3T with fM, and pmax, the upper limit above which it is zero.


The presence of the Heaviside functions makes the calculation of the coefficient α3T non trivial. In the limits limpmin0f3T and limpmax+f3T, the parallel and perpendicular dynamics are decoupled, and an analytical expression may be derived. Indeed, In this case,

and a simple integration gives



Therefore, it is straightforward to find that


and for the Maxwellian case Θf = Θb = Θ = Θ, one recovers well the relation


Considering the reference to the thermal value pth , defining p = ppth and p = ppth, as well as for the temperatures, one finds

using the identity for the Heaviside function

and the fact that pth > 0. The modified normalized coefficient is immediately
