1 The Maxwellian distribution function

The thermal distribution function is expressed in its general relativistic form


where Θ(ψ ) = Te(ψ)∕mec2 is the ratio of the local electron temperature Te(ψ) to the electron rest mass energy mec2 while the relativistic Lorentz correction factor is defined as γ2 = p2 + 1. Here, ξ is the cosine of the pitch angle. By symmetry, the Maxwellian distribution function is independant of ξ. By definition, fM is normalized to unity in the interval p [0,pmin[, where pmin is a given upper cut-off limit for the Maxwellian. The parameter αM is then given by the integral


Recalling that γdγ = pdp,




By integrating by parts

and in the limit pmin +,
where K2(z) is the modified Bessel function of order 2.

For Θ 1, using the large argument asymptotic development


the usual expression keeping the first in the expansion

is well recovered and

In the LUKE code, the momentum p here expressed in relativistic units mec is normalized to the thermal reference value pth = mevth,


and consequently


since thermal electrons are only weakly relativistic. The well known relativistic Lorentz correction factor γ is then simply given by the relation


and in the non-relativistic limit, i.e. the condition p2βth2 1 or γ 1 holds.

Since in relativistic units, the total energy is linked to the relativistic momentum by the expression,


it is straightforward to express the kinetic energy Ec as a function of p in units of electron rest mass energy mec2


Finally, concerning the normalization of the electron velocity v, one has

and using v = v∕vth, it comes





Consequently, the non-relativistic expression of fM is only valid when γ 1, or in an equivalent form


Since p may be as large as 30 in numerical calculations, in order to correctly describe momentum dynamics of the fastest electrons, it results that




since βth = ∘ --------
  T†∕m c2
   e   e and Θ = Te∕mec2. Therefore, in a thermonuclear plasma, one must always consider the relativistic form of the Maxwellian distribution function. In addition, considering the asymptotic limit of K2 for large arguments (??), the condition is



which is always satisfied, since Te never exceeds a few ten keV in tokamak plasmas. This means that the approximate formulation of f is fully valid.

In normalized units,

using the relation Θ = ΘΘ, with Θ = Te. Then, it turns out that

since pth = βth, with


and the modified normalisation coefficient becomes


The Maxwellian distribution function be expressed in an alternative form, useful for calculating interpolation between full and half-grids,


One can then easily cross-check that


is well recovered.