3.2 Ray equations

Ray equations in a plasma slowly varying in space and time are defined by the condition (??) D(X, t,k,ω ) = 0 along the ray trajectory. Therefore, at all points along the ray trajectory, the condition


must be satisfied. Let define τ a dimensionless parameter, which is a measure of distance along the trajectory. Then (??) can be rewritten as


where =dXdτ, k˙ =dkdτ, =dt∕dτ and ˙ω = dω∕dτ. The wave vector k is expressed in coordinates that are canonically conjugate to those of the position vector X


where {...} is Poisson bracket, δij is the Kronecker delta symbol, Xi and kj are the coordinate of X and k respectively. The frequency ω and the time t being also canonically conjugate, the relations


result from the Hamiltonian nature of D, and Eq. ?? is automatically satisfied. These four equations are therefore the ray equations. From the first and the third equations,


meaning that the ray is directed along the group velocity vg and thus indicates the direction of energy flow since vgS [13]. In a constant plasma D∕∂t = 0 and ω is a constant of the ray dynamics. The time t is considered as the evolution parameter of the ray and the two remaining equations are


which are the usual forms found in the literature. However, one may also keep the simple form


if the determination of the group velocity from D∕∂ω is not required. This reduces the number of derivative to calculate.

We define Y the 8-dimension vector that represents the phase-space coordinates


The ray equations (??-??) require to evaluate the derivatives of the dispersion relation (??) with respect to the coordinates of Y, explicitly


Since Xs = Xs(             --  -- )
  N⊥, N∥,βT s,ωps,ωcs,

In this equation the derivatives of the susceptibility tensor depend upon the plasma dispersion model (i.e. cold, kinetic, etc) while the derivatives with respect to Y are function of the equilibrium and the coordinate system.