2.6 Weak damping approximation

Assuming that ω and N are given real quantities, (??) generally leads to a complex N = Nr + iNi. Meanwhile, the dispersion tensor D can be generally decomposed as D = DH + iDA where DH = (D + D)2 and DA = (D - D)2i are the hermitian and antihermitian parts of D, respectively. In this work, the weak damping approximation is considered, which is valid if |DijA|≪|DijH|. In that case, it can be shown [12] that |Ni|≪|Nr| and Nr can be determined from solving the approximate wave equation


with dispersion relation


In this approximation, the time-averaged densities of energy flow S and dissipated power P can be obtained from


Note that the imaginary part of the wave vector can be calculated using


which yields the ray damping. From here on in this paper, k and N will refer to the zero-order, real solution of (??), and the dispersion relation D to the hermitian part DH.