2.4 Linear wave equation

Combining the last two equations in (??) with (??) leads to the linear wave equation




is the permittivity tensor,


is the susceptibility tensor and I is the unit tensor.

Introducing the index of refraction


the wave equation becomes


or equivalently


where D(N, ω)


is the dispersion tensor. The susceptibility X is the sum of contributions from all species


In the case where the distribution function of the species s is a Maxwellian, Xs depends upon the following non-dimensional parameters : the refractive index N, the thermal velocity normalized to the speed of light βTs = vTs∕c where vTs = ∘ --------
  kTs ∕ms, and the ratios ωps = ωps∕ω and ωcs = ωcs∕ω of the plasma frequency ωps = ∘  -----------
    s and the cyclotron frequency ωcs = qsB0∕ms to the wave frequency ω. Therefore the dispersion tensor may be expressed in the general form
