5.2 Runge-Kutta differential equation solver

Relations (??-??) form a system of first order coupled differential equations. Knowing the initial wave characteristics (kψ0,m0, n0) at the position (ψ0,θ0,ϕ0) , the problem is to evaluate (k ,m, n)
  ψ and (ψ, θ,ϕ) at all values of the time parameter t.

There are several algorithms for solving this initial value problem, minimizing propagation of the numerical error. One of the most popular is the Runge-Kutta algorithm which belongs to the Euler-Cauchy algorithm family3. The procedure consists in solving the differential equations of the type y(x) = f(x, y(x)) by an iterative method, with the recurrence rule


and the initial condition y0 = y(x0).

A solution of the following form is seeked


so that no numerical derivatives need to be calculated. From a Taylor series expansion of y(x) up to the second order, one obtains



A similar expansion gives


Thus, up to the 2nd order, φ becomes


so that

In order to obtain a second order accurate calculation, the coefficients must satisfy the relations


which implies


The solution is finally


where the case α = 12 corresponds to the Eun’s algorithm, while α = 1 is corresponding to the modified Euler’s algorithm.

A second order Runge-Kutta algorithm then corresponds to the following procedure,


The parameter α is chosen depending upon the studied problem, and parameter h, which must be small, may be adjusted at each iteration step, as function of the local curvature of the ray path. This is the adaptative Runge-Kutta method, widely used for solving this type of problem.

This procedure, which has been highlighted for order 2, may be expanded in a similar manner to higher orders. Detailed calculations can be found in the literature [11].

In the ray-tracing code, a sixth order adaptative Runge-Kutta integration method is used. The numerical accuracy obtained with this method is very satisfactory, and the condition |D | 10-10 is usually obtained along the ray path, despite a sudden increase in |D | sometimes observed near the cold/fast wave mode conversion.