A.1 General Case (u1,u2,u3)

We consider the curvilinear coordinate system (u1,u2,u3).

A.1.1 Vector Algebra

Covariant (Tangent) Basis

The covariant, or tangent vector basis (e1,e2,e3)is defined as

ei = ∂ui-

where the ei are tangent to the curvilinear lines. They can be normalized by

^ei = h-

where we introduce the scale factors

    ||∂X  ||
hi = ||--i||

Contravariant (reciprocal) Basis

The gradient f of a function f being defined by the differential

df = ∇f  ⋅dX

we apply to ui which gives

dui = ∇ui ⋅dX

By chain rule, we have

     ∂X    j       j
dX = ∂ujdu  = ejdu

so that

  i     i      j
du = ∇u  ⋅ejdu

which implies

∇ui ⋅e = δi
      j   j

thus defining two reciprocal basis (   i  )
 ∇u ,ej of vectors. The reciprocal basis vectors are also called contravariant, and noted

  i     i
e  ≡ ∇u

These vectors are perpendicular to the surfaces of constant ui.

From the properties of reciprocal basis, we can calculate a vector from the three vectors of the reciprocal basis, such that

ei = ui = --ej-×-ek-
ei ⋅ej × ek (A.10)
ei = ∂X--
∂ui =    j    k
ei ⋅ej × ek (A.11)

Metric Coefficients

They are defined as

gij = ei ej (A.12)
gij = ei ej

With the differential vector given in (A.6), we show that the differential arc length along a curve is

           √ -------  ∘ ---------
dl = |dX |=   dX ⋅dX  =   gijduiduj

In addition, we have the relations

ei = gijej (A.14)
ei = gije j

We also show that

[gij] = [  ]
 gij-1 (A.15)
[ ij]
g = [gij]-1 (A.16)

so that, defining

g = det[gij]

we find

         [  ]
g-1 = det gij


We define the Jacobian

                     (  ∂x ∕∂u1  ∂x∕∂u2   ∂x∕∂u3 )
J ≡ --∂(x,y,z)- = det(  ∂y ∕∂u1  ∂y∕∂u2   ∂y∕∂u3 )
    ∂(u1,u2,u3)               1        2       3
                        ∂z∕ ∂u   ∂z∕∂u    ∂z∕∂u

which gives

     ∂X   ∂X    ∂X
J =  --1-⋅--2-× ---3 = e1 ⋅e2 × e3
     ∂u   ∂u    ∂u

and the reciprocal Jacobian

                      (    1        1       1    )
     ∂(u1,u2,u3)         ∂u ∕∂x  ∂u  ∕∂y  ∂u ∕∂z
J ≡  -∂(x,y,z)--=  det(  ∂u2∕∂x  ∂u2 ∕∂y  ∂u2∕∂z )
                         ∂u3∕∂x  ∂u3 ∕∂y  ∂u3∕∂z

which gives

       1     2     3    1   2   3
J =  ∇u  ⋅∇u  × ∇u   = e ⋅e  × e

We can show that

      - 1
J  = J

and the relations (A.10-A.11) become

ei = 1-
J(ej × ek) (A.24)
ei = J(       )
  ej × ek (A.25)


g = J 2

Vector Identities


A = (A ⋅ei)ei = A iei (A.27)
A = (    i)
 A ⋅ee i = Aie i (A.28)

we find

A ⋅B  = gijAiBj  = gijAiBj

so that

          ∘ -------   ∘ --------
A = |A | =  gijAiAj  =   gijAiAj

We also find

          i j               i   j
A × B =  A B ei × ej = AiBje × e

which gives

                 i j   εijk
(A  × B)k = εijkJ A B  = -J--AiBj

Note that from (A.14),

Ai = gijAj (A.33)
Ai = gijA j (A.34)

Differential elements

differential length along ui

dl(i) = |dX (i)| = hdui = √g-dui
                  i        ii


        ||   j     k||   i
dl(i) = J|∇u  ×  ∇u |du

differential area in surface of constant ui Using

                                     j  k
dS (i) = |dX (j)× dX (k)| = |ej × ek |du du

which becomes

        ∘ -----------
dS (i) =   g  g  - g2 dujduk
           jj kk    jk


         ||   i||  j  k
dS (i) = J ∇u   du du

so that

             j  k   i
dS (i) = ąJ du du ∇u

differential volume element

d3X =dX  (1)⋅dX (2) × dX (3) = J du1du2du3

Vector Differentiation
      ∂A    k
dA  = ∂uk-du

∂uk = (     )
  ∂ukje j Akje j (A.43)
= (     )
  ∂ukjej A j,kej (A.44)


Akj =    j
∂uk + Ai{        }
  ∂uk (A.45)
Aj,k = ∂Aj
∂u + Ai{ ∂ei    }
  ∂u (A.46)


δAj = (dA )j = ∂Aj-
∂ukduk + Ai{        }
  ∂ei-  j
  ∂uk ⋅eduk (A.47)
= dAj + {        }
  ∂eik ⋅ej
  ∂uAiduk (A.48)

It can be shown that the Christoffel Symbol of the second kind is

{       }    {        }        [                  ]
 -∂ei⋅ej   ≡    j       = 1-gjn ∂gni + ∂gnk-- ∂gik
 ∂uk            i  k      2      ∂uk    ∂ui   ∂un

so that

Akj =   j
∂uk + {         }
    i kAi (A.50)
Aj,k = ∂A
∂u -{   i     }

    j  kAi (A.51)

Note that since

∂ei-= ∂ek-
∂uk   ∂ui

we have

{         }   {        }
    j            j
    i k     =    k  i


The operator can be decomposed in the curvilinear coordinates as

       i-∂--   i-∂--
∇ = ∇u  ∂ui = e ∂ui

We then find the following differential operations:

Gradient It follows simply that

         i ∂f-  ∂f--i
∇f  = ∇u  ∂ui = ∂uie

so that

(∇f )i = (∇f ⋅ei) = ∂ui-

Divergence It can be shown that the divergence is expressed as

        1--∂-(   i)
∇ ⋅A  = J ∂ui J A

Curl It becomes, a compact notations,

∇ × A  =  J  ∂ui ek

or is extended as

              (           )
        k   1  ∂Aj    ∂Ai
(∇ × A ) =  J- -∂ui - ∂uj-

A.1.2 Tensor Algebra