Chapter 8

The determination of the current density profile is a crucial issue for next step tokamaks like ITER, since it may directly modify plasma performances. Up to now, most of the tools where designed for simplified magnetic configuration, or using crude physical assumptions that consequently reduce considerably the confidence in the results. Accurate and realistic kinetic calculations for the electron population in magnetized plasmas where therefore an important step towards a consistent modeling of the current drive process.

For this purpose, a completely new numerical solver has been designed which contains most of the salient features of the physics in hot plasmas, where the weak collision regime holds: relativistic collision operator, bounce-averaging for trapped and passing particles, arbitrary magnetic configuration, first order neoclassical corrections. A special attention has been paid to derive in a rigorous and consistent manner all the equations, in particular for the interplay between inductive, non-inductive and bootstrap currents. The conservative nature of the equations has been the guideline in this work, especially to have a clear derivation of radial transport equation for the fast electron population in arbitrary magnetic configuration when bounce averaging is concerned.

The numerical part has been derived with the same spirit, keeping a systematic approach for all types of operators in the discretization technique. This point is especially important for a consistent evaluation of the current drive efficiency, a key parameter in order to evaluate performances of the method used for driving current. In particular, the formalism is general so that arbitrary type of mechanismes may be incorporated for possible synergistic effect. As for the analytical part, a detail analysis of the conservative nature of the numerical code has been performed. A clear and comprehensive discussion of all the aspects is presented, which is crucial for a reliable numerical tool. It is shown that the both for the zero- and first-order equations, the numerical solver is naturally conservative, in the sense that no need of arbitrary external source or normalization factor is necessary in order to compensate possible hidden numerical particle leaks which are the consequence of an incorrect discrete projection of the equations on the numerical grids. This reference work is critical in order to make the code transparent for possible further evolutions.

Advanced numerical matrix factorization techniques have shown that considerable savings may be expected, not only for storage purposes but also for the time duration needed in determining the steady-state current drive solution on the collision and fast electron transport time scales. The pionneering work performed initially for the 2 -D problem in velocity space in a fully implicit manner (reverse time scheme that is inconditionnaly stable with respect to the integration time step)([?],[?] and [?]) has been fully extended to the 3 -D case ([?]), including the complexity arising from the radial dependence of the trapped-passing boundary for bounce-averaged equations. With the incomplete LU technique ([?]), it has been possible to converge in few iterations towards the steady-state current drive solution on standard computers, taking advantage of the high sparcity of the Fokker-Planck and electron drift kinetic equation matrices. This tool is therefore fully designed to be incorporated in a chain of codes, for realistic self-consistent calculations, in which plasma magnetic equilibrium, wave propagation and absorption, energy and particle transport must be evaluating as a function of time and space ([?]). In is important to notice that special attention has been paid to the delicate problem of coupling the kinetic solver with ray-tracing. This amazing feat has been made easily possible with the use of the compact MatLab numerical environment for solving the huge linear system of equations ([?]).

Furthermore, numerous moments of the electron distribution function are evaluated like the RF power, magnetic ripple and runaway losses, fast electron bremsstrahlung and trapped fraction. Moreover, the code may also be used for specific physical studies which imply time evolution, and a standard Crank-Nicholson time-scheme has been also incorporated. In the same spirit, simplified collision models may be used, like the Lorentz operator, for which analytical expressions may be easily derived. This point is crucial for an effective benchmarking, even in a complex magnetic topology, like for ITER.

At this stage, the code may be considered as mature for the initial goal that was considered. Several additional benchmarking must be certainly done in order to enhance the realibility on several quantities, but most of the resultats obtained by the code are already robust. The domain of stabitility related to the drop tolerance parameter for the approximate matrix factorization technique needs also refined estimates for optimizing the numerical method.

Several enhancement of the code may be easily foreseen in a near future. In the framework, one of the most important issue is to use a correct quasilinear diffusion operator for the wave-particle interaction. Indeed, like for most kinetic solvers available today, the code use the well known Kennel-Engelman-Lerche expression that is derived for plane waves in homogenous plasmas. Regarding the assumptions, it is necessary to use a more precise quasilinear diffusion operator that is decuded from the Hamiltonian theory in toroidal configuration ([?]). This requires further analytical developments, using the appropriate coordinate system, where the effective banana width of the particle is fully taken into account. In this framework, the description of the wave-induced particle transport becomes natural, and the code in its present conservative form fully allows this kind of description that may play a fundamental role for the RF power absorption, but also for thermal particle pinch in steady-state conditions ([?]). Furthermore, once the bounce-averaging is replaced by trajectory-averaging, it is natural to extend the code for multiple ion dynamics. In that case, parallel processing may be foreseen for each species, in order to optimize calculations.

Finally, an ultimate though important evolution for the code may concern non-linear problems. So far, the collision operator is linearized for a Maxwellian bulk, that is a reasonable assumption in most tokamak conditions today. However, some experimental evidences that the bulk could be non-Maxwellian in presence of strong electron cyclotron heating and current drive suggest that non-linear effects could take place. This may be also the case in reactor conditions when α-particle population is damping on the electrons. In that case, the neoclassical theory for non-Maxwellian distribution must be previously revisited before any numerical implementation.

Besides the development of modern tools that is effectively described in this document and will be useful for a detailed understanding of the current drive in tokamak, this work has allowed to highlight the subtile interplay between physics and numerics. This is an good example of what should be performed for advanced realistic simulations of complex dynamical systems. It enables to draw in a very clear manner paths for refined studies, based on robust formalisms that takes into account in a rigorous way the physics principles. The method here presented has therefore broad potential applications for other challenging physics domains, like for the numerical determination of the full-wave problem when very short wavelengths must be considered as compared to the machine size and the gradient lengths.