Chapter 1

The determination of the electron distribution function has a crucial importance in the tokamak plasma physics, since the toroidal current density profile that is mainly driven by electrons is intimately linked to the magnetic equilibrium and confinement performances [?]. Therefore, accurate and realistic calculations must be carried out, with the additional requirement of an optimized numerical approach, in order to reduce as much as possible both memory storage and computer time consumptions. The latter point is especially important, since kinetic calculations must be incorporated in a chain of codes for self-consistent determination of all plasma properties [?].

In this document, an extensive presentation of the fast solver for the linearized electron drift kinetic is presented. This is a completely new tool based on previous numerical developments [?], that is designed for realistic calculations of the electron distribution function in the plasma region where the weak collision banana regime holds. It incorporates the major physical ingredients that must be taken into account for describing the corresponding physics in a fusion reactor, namely relativistic corrections, trapped particle effects, arbitrary magnetic equilibrium for high βp regimes. For this purpose, both zero and first order kinetic equations with respect to the small drift approximation are solved, which allows to determine self-consistently boostrap current with any type of external current source (RF, Ohmic,...) at any point of the momentum space, and not only at the trapped-passing boundary as done in a previous attempt [?]. Basically, the code gives access to the neoclassical physics dominated by collisions between charged particles, for non-Maxwellian electron distribution functions. Therefore, it is particularly well suited for accurate current drive estimates in advanced tokamak regimes, including ITER, where locally, bootstrap current may strongly interplay with external current sources (ITB, edge pedestal in H-mode…)

Besides these physical properties, the code offer also the possibility to incorporate any type of fast electron radial transport (collision, turbulence or wave induced), which may be a key ingredient for the local control of plasma properties [?]. Written in a fully conservative form, the code naturally conserve the electron density, but also momentum for the current drive problem, keeping first order term of the Legendre polynomial expansion of the Beliaev-Budker collision operator [?]. As usual, several useful moments of the electron distribution function are calculated, namely the current density, the absorbed power, the fraction of trapped electrons, the magnetic ripple losses [?] and the bremsstrahlung emission [?].

Advanced numerical techniques have been used, so that memory storage requirement can be strongly reduced, while keeping fast convergence rate. For this purpose the electron Drift Kinetic equation is solved by the standard finite difference technique, which has proven so far to be the fastest numerical approach among all possible alternative techniques. Furthermore, this method is particularly well suited when large discontinuities of the diffusion or convection rates have to be considered, a case that occurs frequently when kinetic and ray-tracing calculations are coupled.

Since in most cases, the steady-state solution is seeked with respect to the largest time scale (collision or fast electron radial transport)1, the appropriate technique is the well known upwind time differencing, corresponding to the fully implicit time scheme, whose characteristic is to be almost unconditionally stable with respect to the time step value Δt. Nevertheless, the code offers also the possibility to investigate time dependent problems, with the usual Crank-Nicholson time differencing, which enables accurate time evolution.

The bounce-averaged Drift Kinetic equation is basically a 3 - D problem, 2 - D in momentum space (slowing down, pitch-angle) et 1 -D in configuration space (radial dimension). Up to now, in order to reduce memory storage requirements, the numerical time scheme was based on the operator splitting technique, where both momentum and spatial dynamics evolved separately. If this approach turns out to be very fruitful, it has the drawback to slow down considerably the convergence towards the steady state solution, since only small time steps may be used for numericaly stable convergence. Therefore, the advantage to use fully implicit time scheme for each sub-space in hindered by this strong limitation, especially when radial transport of fast electrons must be taken into account. In order to avoid this problem, a fully implicit time scheme is considered, where both momentum and spatial dynamics are simultaneaously considered, so that no limitation occurs on the time step, which may be several order of magnitude larger than the collision reference time. However, this method requires a new technique for matrix inversion, in order to keep memory storage at an acceptable level. Indeed, with usual mesh sizes, the standard LU matrix factorization techniques does not hold anymore since matrices requirement may reach several giga-Bytes. An alternative approach is therefore absolutely necessary.

This critical point has been addressed by using advanced inversion techniques, based on incomplete LU factorization with drop tolerance. Since most of the off-diagonal coefficients of the matrices L and U are very small, one may take advantage to remove them so that the sparsity of the matrices can be greatly enhanced. Memory storage requirements can be therefore reduced drastically by one or two orders of magnitude with this pruning method, depending upon the initial matrix preconditioning, while only coefficients that are relevant of the physics problem here addressed are kept. Furthermore, computer time consumption can be also reduced, since the number of non-zero coefficients is considerably reduced. This method is similar to the strongly implicit method used for factorizing nine diagonal matrices [?], except that in this case, no restriction takes place regarding the number of diagonals. However, to take full benefit of this approach, the non-zero elements of the matrix which is inverted must lie predominantly along diagonals. Therefore, it may be applied for solving the zero and first order bounce-averaged Fokker-Planck equations, whose structures are well suited for this purpose, though coefficients arrangement can be complex, owing to the radial dependence of the internal trapped-passing boundary in momentum space, especialy when transport in configuration space has to be considered.

This approach has been very successfuly implemented for the electron Drift Kinetic problem in tokamaks, using the MatLab language, which provides a built-in function for incomplete LU factorization with drop tolerance, and several very efficient iterative inversion tools, like the Conjugate Gradient Squared method for solving the system of linear equations. It is important to recall that this method is also available in FORTRAN programming language2, under the package name SPARSEKIT that has also parallel processing capabilities [?]. Moreover, the very compact MatLab programming syntax allows to design the code structure in an original way, using multidimensional objects that describe simultaneously momentum and configuration space dynamics, but also wave-particle interaction. This makes the code particularly robust and easy to maintain.

In the document, the physics and numerics issues of the code are detailed, and an extensive discussion of the underlying assumptions is presented. A specific attention is paid to derive matrix coefficients in a fully consistent manner, a crucial issue especially for an accurate and robust estimate of the current drive efficiency for the various methods used in tokamaks. Some examples are shown to illustrate code performances, though still numerous possibilities remain to be investigated but are beyond the purpose of this document.

Aside from present day code capabilities, it is important to notice that the new numerical approach, here used, gives access to new physics domains that have never been studied accurately like wave-induce radial transport [?]. Furthermore, since the algorithm used is fast and stable, possible extensions to 4 - D problems may be foreseen like in the plateau collision regime (current drive at the very plasma edge), as well as studies of the difficult problem of electrons that are locally trapped at different spatial positions, like in stellarator. In addition the code may be extended quite in a straightforward manner to the multi-species problem, taking into account for example of the non-linear damping of the α-particles produced by fusion reactions on the electron population. However, the ion physics requires to perform orbit-averaging instead of bounce-averaging, because of the large banana width of some particles, a challenging issue for kinetic solver based on a finite difference technique. Such a requirement is crucial for describing torque induced by waves. Nevertheless, beside this difficulty, the code is already fully designed to take benefit from parallel processing, if the dynamics of various species must be studied. In particular, non-uniform momentum and pitch-angle grids are already implemented, so that refined calculations can be performed for the ions at low velocity, while accurate ones up to relativistic energies may be considered for the electrons.