


function [equil_magnetic,prho,pspsin,pspsinT,pp,li] = equil_magnetic_helmex77_yp(xpoint,Bt,Ip,ppsi,pj,ptot,ntheta,nit,display_opt,id_path,path_path)


   Create a magnetic equilibrium structure for C3PO/LUKE using HELENA code
   (mex file version)

   by Y. Peysson (CEA/DSM/IRFM,yves.peysson@cea.fr) and J. Decker


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [equil_magnetic,prho,pspsin,pspsinT,pp,li] = equil_magnetic_helmex77_yp(xpoint,Bt,Ip,ppsi,pj,ptot,ntheta,nit,display_opt,id_path,path_path)
0002 %
0003 %   Create a magnetic equilibrium structure for C3PO/LUKE using HELENA code
0004 %   (mex file version)
0005 %
0006 %   by Y. Peysson (CEA/DSM/IRFM,yves.peysson@cea.fr) and J. Decker
0007 %   (CEA/DSM/IRFM,joan.decker@cea.fr)
0008 %
0009 if nargin < 7,
0010    error('Not enough input arguments in equil_magnetic_helmex77_yp.')
0011 elseif nargin == 7,
0012    nit = 20;
0013    display_opt = 0;
0014    id_path = '';
0015    path_path = '';
0016 elseif nargin == 8,
0017    display_opt = 0;
0018    id_path = '';
0019    path_path = '';
0020 elseif nargin == 9,
0021    id_path = '';
0022    path_path = '';
0023 elseif nargin == 10,
0024    path_path = '';
0025 end 
0026 %
0027 dkepath = load_structures_yp('dkepath',id_path,path_path);
0028 %
0029 [R_in,Z_in] = sep4helmex_yp(xpoint,ntheta);
0030 %
0031 % For the input to HELENA
0032 %
0033 ap_in = xpoint(9);
0034 Rp_in = xpoint(10);
0035 Zp_in = xpoint(11);
0036 %
0037 Bt_in = Bt;
0038 Ip_in = Ip;
0039 %
0040 ppsi_in = ppsi;
0041 ptot_in = ptot;
0042 pj_in = pj; 
0043 %
0044 [equil_magnetic,prho,pspsin,pspsinT,pp,li] = build_helmex_equil_yp(nit,ppsi_in,ptot_in,pj_in,Rp_in,Zp_in,Bt_in,Ip_in*1e6,ap_in,R_in,Z_in,ntheta,display_opt);
0045 %

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