E.4 Reverse field pinch plasma

E.4.1 Equilibrium


Figure 15: Poloidal projection of the ray trajectory in the slow mode (RFP).


Figure 16: Toroidal projection of the ray trajectory in the slow mode (RFP).


Figure 17: Parallel refractive index or refraction along the ray trajectory (RFP).


Figure 18: Dispersion relation along the ray trajectory (RFP).

In Reverse Field Pinch, the plasma evolves to a quasi-stationary magnetic equilibrium close to the force free minimum energy states described by Taylor [17]. The fully relaxed Taylor states are characterized by




constant throughout the plasma. A usual simplified approach is to consider a circular concentric toroidal plasma such that


with the following equilibrium parameters7


From Eq. ??, considering a constant λ value,

which leads to two coupled equations

Inserting Eq.?? into Eq.?? in order to eliminate Bθ, one finds the equation for Bϕ


which can be developed as


Assuming a low inverse aspect ratio limit, and neglecting all terms higher than (ap∕Rp)2,




which is a Bessel equation whose solution is


Reporting this equation in Eq.??, and using the derivative identity for Bessel functions of order m,


one finds


From the determination of Bϕ and Bθ, it turns finally out that (∇ ×  B) r = 0, and therefore Eq.?? is well satisfied.

For the ray-tracing calculations, the magnetic equilibrium is chosen so that λap = ^
λ = 2.2. From these definition, up to the same order, the safety factor is


For the cold plasma model, the electron density profile is




while the main plasma gas is Deuterium. Calculations are performed with a uniform effective charge Zeff = 2, using the fully stripped single impurity model, with Carbon.

E.4.2 Wave initial conditions

The ray is launched in the slow mode from the position


with the spectral properties


It is worth noting that since at the plasma edge of a RFP, magnetic field lines are almost in the poloidal direction, the toroidal wave number n0 must be zero, instead of m0 usually used for tokamaks, where edge magnetic field lines are almost aligned toroidally. Because of the axisymmetry, n remains equal to zero along the ray propagation. Nevertheless, rays may propagate toroidally.

E.4.3 Results

The results are shown in figures 15-18. A strong poloidal upshift is observed as the LH wave propagates, and as found by previous publications, the ray does a spiral around the magnetic axis. Even if the magnetic equilibrium strongly differs from the usual tokamak one, the dispersion relation is well fulfilled along the ray path.