E.2 VERSATOR II and PLT plasmas

E.2.1 Equilibrium


Figure 7: Poloidal projection of the ray trajectory. The red curve corresponds to the slow mode and the blue curve corresponds to the fast mode. Numeric (upper plot) and analytic (lower plot) magnetic equilibrium. VERSATOR II. N0 = 5.0.


Figure 8: Poloidal projection of the ray trajectory. The red curve corresponds to the slow mode and the blue curve corresponds to the fast mode. Numeric (upper plot) and analytic (lower plot) magnetic equilibrium. PLT, N0 = 1.33.


Figure 9: Radial position of the ray trajectory as function of the toroidal angle (PLT). N = 1.33.


Figure 10: Poloidal position of the ray trajectory as function of the toroidal angle (PLT). N = 1.33.


Figure 11: Parallel refractive index or refraction along the ray trajectory as function of the toroidal angle (PLT). N = 1.33.


Figure 12: Perpendicular refractive index or refraction along the ray trajectory as function of the toroidal angle (PLT). N = 1.33.

Lower Hybrid heating and current drive simulations have been performed for the VERSATOR II and PLT tokamaks, which both have almost circular concentric magnetic flux surfaces [110]. For the sake of benchmarking, the Shafranov shift is neglected, and a plasma with exact circular concentric magnetic flux surfaces is considered with the following magnetic equilibrium parameters


and the following profiles




In the calculations, the scrape-off layer is not considered, since the specular reflection is enforced if needed on the last closed magnetic surface for the Lower Hybrid wave.

For both tokamaks, Zeff is uniform with Zeff = 4 for VERSATOR II and Zeff = 2 for PLT. The plasma is made of hydrogen ions for VERSATOR II and deuterium ions for PLT. For both machines, a fully stripped single impurity species is considered, using carbon ions with mc = 12, Zc = 6.

The magnetic equilibrium is characterized by a parabolic safety factor profile


The poloidal flux coordinate ψ is then


which leads to


In the simulations, qmin = 1, and qmax is obtained from Ampère’s law.

E.2.2 Wave initial conditions

For both tokamaks, the ray is launched in the slow mode from the position


with the spectral properties


The non-zero m0 arises from the fact that simulations in references [1] [10] use m0 = 0 in the scrape-off layer and not at ψ = ψa.

E.2.3 Results

The results are plotted in figures 7-12. A good agreement is found with references [1] and [10] despite differences in the magnetic equilibrium. An excellent agreement is found between numerical and analytical magnetic equilibrium for the case of VERSATOR II where the ray never approaches the plasma center.

The difference arises from a cumulative error that becomes more important when the ray approaches the plasma center. Yet the effect on the wave power and current deposition generally remains negligible.