

Script that runs all benchmarks in one pass. May take few hours. Prior to


This is a script file.


Script that runs all benchmarks in one pass. May take few hours. Prior to
run this script, all the *.mat files in the ~/Project_DKE/Database
directory must be created.

 by Yves Peysson (CEA/DRFC, and Joan Decker (CEA-DRFC,

 ---------------------- ITER Scen 4 LHCD ------------------


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 %Script that runs all benchmarks in one pass. May take few hours. Prior to
0002 %run this script, all the *.mat files in the ~/Project_DKE/Database
0003 %directory must be created.
0004 %
0005 % by Yves Peysson (CEA/DRFC, and Joan Decker (CEA-DRFC,
0006 %
0007 % ---------------------- ITER Scen 4 LHCD ------------------
0008 %
0009 forcerun = 0;%(1) Force all simulations even if they have already been done and overwrite existing results
0010 cd(['ITER',filesep,'Scen4',filesep,'EQUIL']);
0011 if exist('EQUIL_ITER_Scen4.mat','file') == 0 || forcerun,
0012     make_equil_ITER_Scen4
0013 else
0014     info_dke_yp(2,'Magnetic equilibrium calculations for ITER/Scen4 skipped because already done !')      
0015 end
0016 cd ../../..
0017 %
0018 forcerun = 0;%(1) Force all simulations even if they have already been done and overwrite existing results
0019 cd(['ITER',filesep,'Scen4']);
0020 if exist('LUKE_RESULTS_ITER_Scen4_C3PO_f5_N2_dN0.2.mat','file') == 0 || forcerun,
0021     rundke_ITER_Scen4_C3PO_f5_N2_dN0p2
0022 else
0023     info_dke_yp(2,'LUKE calculations for ITER/Scen4 skipped because already done !')      
0024 end
0025 cd ../..
0026 %
0027 % ---------------------- ITER Scen 2 ECCD ------------------
0028 %
0029 forcerun = 0;%(1) Force all simulations even if they have already been done and overwrite existing results
0030 cd(['ITER',filesep,'Scen2']);
0031 if exist('LAUNCH_NTM_32.mat','file') == 0 || forcerun,
0032     make_launch_ITER_Scen2_C3PO_EC
0033 else
0034     info_dke_yp(2,'Launch structure calculations for ITER/Scen2 skipped because already done !')      
0035 end
0036 cd ../..
0037 %
0038 forcerun = 0;%(1) Force all simulations even if they have already been done and overwrite existing results
0039 cd(['ITER',filesep,'Scen2']);
0040 if exist('LUKE_RESULTS_ITER_Scen2_200103121816_430_129_C3PO_NTM_32.mat','file') == 0 || forcerun,
0041     rundke_ITER_Scen2_C3PO_EC
0042 else
0043     info_dke_yp(2,'LUKE calculations for ITER/Scen2 skipped because already done !')      
0044 end
0045 cd ../..
0046 %
0047 % ---------------------- TS 32299 -----------------------
0048 %
0049 forcerun = 0;%(1) Force all simulations even if they have already been done and overwrite existing results
0050 cd(['TS',filesep,'32299']);
0051 if exist('WAVE/C3PO/WAVE_TS_32299_100.0117_TS_Coupleur_C1.mat','file') == 0 ||...
0052         exist('WAVE/C3PO/WAVE_TS_32299_100.0117_TS_Coupleur_C2.mat','file') == 0 || forcerun,
0053     run_cronos_C3PO;
0054 else
0055     info_dke_yp(2,'C3PO calculations for TS/32299 skipped because already done !')      
0056 end
0057 cd ../..
0058 %
0059 forcerun = 0;%(1) Force all simulations even if they have already been done and overwrite existing results
0060 cd(['TS',filesep,'32299']);
0061 if exist('DKE_RESULTS_TS_32299_100.0117_alpha_0_Dr0_0.mat','file') == 0 || forcerun,
0062     run_cronos_starwars;
0063 else
0064     info_dke_yp(2,'LUKE calculations for TS/32299 skipped because already done !')      
0065 end
0066 cd ../..
0067 %

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