

Script for running LUKE


This is a script file.


 Script for running LUKE

 This script is automatically generated by irunluke_jd.
 by J. Decker ( and Y. Peysson (


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 % Script for running LUKE
0002 %
0003 % This script is automatically generated by irunluke_jd.
0004 % by J. Decker ( and Y. Peysson (
0005 %
0006 clear all
0007 clear mex
0008 clear functions
0009 close all
0010 warning('off','all')
0011 pause(1)
0012 %
0013 % remote computing parameters
0014 %
0015 remnum = 0;% remote profile number. Use 0 for local sequential calculations
0016 remtimout = 0;% timeout for remote calculations, in minutes. Use (0) to return later and check results by running this script again
0017 rempause = 1;% pause between job checks (in minutes) (only for remtimout > 0)
0018 remstart = 0;% (1) start new simulation; (0) check older simulation (only for remtimout = 0)
0019 remdebugmode = 0;% debug mode (0) off (1) on
0020 remclean = 2;% clean job files/folders : both on remote and local (2), only on remote (1) or not at all (0)
0021 %
0022 % distributed computing parameters
0023 %
0024 mdce_mode_coll_dke_jd = 0;% mdce mode for wave_solver_yp : (0) none (1) jobs (2) dcluke (3) parfor (-remnum) remote on profile remnum
0025 mdce_mode_eecoll_dke_yp = 0;% mdce mode for wave_solver_yp : (0) none (1) jobs (2) dcluke (3) parfor (-remnum) remote on profile remnum
0026 mdce_mode_rfdiff_dke_jd = 0;% mdce mode for rfdiff_dke_jd  : (0) none (1) jobs (2) dcluke (3) parfor (-remnum) remote on profile remnum
0027 mdce_mode_wave_solver_yp = 0;% mdce mode for wave_solver_yp : (0) none (1) jobs (2) dcluke (3) parfor (-remnum) remote on profile remnum
0028 mdce_mode_main_C3PO_jd = 0;% mdce mode for main_C3PO_jd : (0) none (1) jobs (2) dcluke (3) parfor (-remnum) remote on profile remnum
0029 %
0030 % backup & save options
0031 %
0032 = 0;% (1): save LUKE_RESULTS or return error (0): return results or error
0033 opt.fields = NaN;% selected fields in returned lukestructs. Use NaN for all fields
0034 opt.backup = 0;% (1) save fluctuation time steps (0) do not save
0035 opt.waves = 0;% (1) save waves at each time step (0) do not save
0036 %
0037 % *********************** Specify LUKE structures *****************************
0038 %
0039 locid_simul = '';%Simulation ID
0040 path_simul = '';%if nothing is specified, the working directory is first used and then MatLab is looking in all the path
0041 %
0042 id_dkepath = '';%For all paths used by DKE solver
0043 path_dkepath = '';%if nothing is specified, the working directory is first used and then MatLab is looking in all the path
0044 %
0045 id_equil = 'ITER_Scen2_200103121816_430_129';%For plasma equilibrium
0046 path_equil = 'EQUIL/';%if nothing is specified, the working directory is first used and then MatLab is looking in all the path
0047 %
0048 id_dkeparam = 'EC_RT';%For DKE code parameters
0049 path_dkeparam = '';%if nothing is specified, the working directory is first used and then MatLab is looking in all the path
0050 %
0051 id_rtparam = 'EC';%For C3PO code parameters
0052 path_rtparam = '';%if nothing is specified, the working directory is first used and then MatLab is looking in all the path
0053 %
0054 id_dkedisplay = 'NO_DISPLAY';%For output code display
0055 path_dkedisplay = '';%if nothing is specified, the working directory is first used and then MatLab is looking in all the path
0056 %
0057 ids_launch =  {'NTM_32'};%For RF waves contribution (put all the type of waves needed)
0058 paths_launch = {''};%if nothing is specified, the working directory is first used and then MatLab is looking in all the path
0059 %
0060 %************************************************************************************************************************************
0061 %
0063 %
0064 % LAUNCH parameters
0065 %
0066 P_L = 1e-3;% [MW] linear limit
0067 %
0068 % C3PO parameters
0069 %
0070 %   C3PO Equilibrium parameters
0071 %
0072 fitparam.nharm = 32;%default value has since been changed to 64
0073 %
0074 %     C3PO ray-tracing parameters
0075 %
0076 rayparam.tau_lim = 20;%value of optical depth beyond which the wave is considered absorbed
0077 rayparam.kextra = 50;%extra points if QL absorption is delayed
0078 %
0079 %   C3PO Wave parameters
0080 %
0081 waveparam.mmode = -1;% cold plasma mode (1) m (-1) p, (slow/fast LH wave: -1/+1, O/X mode: -1/+1) :1
0082 waveparam.nchi = 4;%Number of angular positions for beamlets
0083 waveparam.n_rf_list = 1:2;% harmonic numbers to be considered
0084 %
0085 %   C3PO Display parameters
0086 %
0087 C3POdisplay = struct;
0088 %
0089 %     C3PO computing parameters
0090 %
0091 C3POparam.clustermode.main_C3PO_jd.scheduler.mode = 0;%MatLab distributed computing environment disabled (0), enabled with the dedicated toolbox (1), enabled with a private method (2) for the function coll_dke_jd.m (MDC toolbox must be installed for option 1)
0092 %
0093 %************************************************************************************************************************************
0094 %
0095 [dkepath,equil,dkeparam,rtparam,dkedisplay,launchs] = load_structures_yp('dkepath',id_dkepath,path_dkepath,'equil',id_equil,path_equil,'dkeparam',id_dkeparam,path_dkeparam,'rtparam',id_rtparam,path_rtparam,'dkedisplay',id_dkedisplay,path_dkedisplay,'launchs',ids_launch,paths_launch);
0096 %
0097 %************************************************************************************************************************************
0098 %
0099 dkeparam.clustermode.coll_dke_jd.scheduler.mode = mdce_mode_coll_dke_jd;%MatLab distributed computing environment disabled (0), enabled with the dedicated toolbox (1), enabled with a private method (2) for the function coll_dke_jd.m (MDC toolbox must be installed for option 1)
0100 dkeparam.clustermode.eecoll_dke_yp.scheduler.mode = mdce_mode_eecoll_dke_yp;%MatLab distributed computing environment disabled (0), enabled with the dedicated toolbox (1), enabled with a private method (2) for the function coll_dke_jd.m (MDC toolbox must be installed for option 1)
0101 dkeparam.clustermode.wave_solver_yp.scheduler.mode = mdce_mode_wave_solver_yp;%MatLab distributed computing environment disabled (0), enabled with the dedicated toolbox (1), enabled with a private method (2) for the function coll_dke_jd.m (MDC toolbox must be installed for option 1)
0102 dkeparam.clustermode.rfdiff_dke_jd.scheduler.mode = mdce_mode_rfdiff_dke_jd;%MatLab distributed computing environment disabled (0), enabled with the dedicated toolbox (1), enabled with a private method (2) for the function coll_dke_jd.m (MDC toolbox must be installed for option 1)
0103 %
0104 % wavestruct
0105 %
0106 launch = launchs{1};
0107 launch.yP_L = P_L*1e6;
0108 %
0109 fitparam = conc_struct_jd(rtparam.fitparam,fitparam);
0110 rayparam = conc_struct_jd(rtparam.rayparam,rayparam);
0111 waveparam = conc_struct_jd(rtparam.waveparam,waveparam);
0112 C3POdisplay = conc_struct_jd(rtparam.C3POdisplay,C3POdisplay);
0113 C3POparam = conc_struct_jd(rtparam.C3POparam,C3POparam);
0114 %
0115 wavestruct.wavesolver = 'C3PO';
0116 wavestruct.launch = launch;
0117 = [wavestruct.wavesolver,'_',];
0118 wavestruct.fitequilparam = fitparam;
0119 wavestruct.rayparam = rayparam;
0120 wavestruct.waveparam = waveparam;
0121 wavestruct.raydisplay = C3POdisplay;
0122 wavestruct.C3POparam = C3POparam;
0123 %
0124 wavestructs = {wavestruct};
0125 %
0126 %************************************************************************************************************************************
0127 %
0128 = make_luke_simulid_jd(equil,'','','','',wavestructs,locid_simul);
0129 simul.path = path_simul;
0130 %
0131 %************************************************************************************************************************************
0132 %
0133 filename = [simul.path,'LUKE_RESULTS_',,'.mat'];
0134 %
0135 if remtimout == 0 && remstart == 0 && exist(filename,'file') && input_dke_yp('Do you want to check, import or reload results (y/n) ','y') == 'y',% load existing simulation
0136     %
0137     load(filename,'lukestructs');
0138     %
0139 else% new simulation
0140     %
0141     lukestructs.simul = simul;
0142     lukestructs.equil = equil;
0143     lukestructs.dkeparam = dkeparam;
0144     lukestructs.dkedisplay = dkedisplay;
0145     lukestructs.wavestructs = wavestructs;
0146     lukestructs.opt = opt;
0147     %
0148 end
0149 %
0150 dkepath.remnum = remnum;
0151 dkepath.remtimout = remtimout;
0152 dkepath.rempause = rempause;
0153 dkepath.debugmode = remdebugmode;
0154 dkepath.clean = remclean;
0155 %
0156 lukestructs = run_lukert(lukestructs,dkepath);
0157 %
0158 %************************************************************************************************************************************
0159 %
0160 % ---------------------------------------------- Save LUKE or job results ----------------------------------------------
0161 %
0162 % if remnum > 0 && remtimout == 0, only the job infos are saved in
0163 % filename. In this case, run the script again to check/load results
0164 %
0165 save(filename);
0166 info_dke_yp(2,['LUKE Results saved in ',filename]);
0167 %
0168 % process results if available
0169 %
0170 if isfield(lukestructs,'output'),
0171     opt.ir_display = 0;
0172     opt.rho = 'g';
0173     opt.peakmode = 0;
0174     opt.peak = 'n';
0175     opt.wave = 'n';
0176     opt.spec = 0;
0177     opt.diaryname = ['res_',,'.log'];
0178     %
0179     proc_luke_jd(lukestructs.output,opt);
0180 end
0181 %

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