


This is a script file.



This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 permission = test_permissions_yp;
0002 %
0003 if ~permission 
0004     disp('Please move the script to a local folder where you have write permission before to run it')
0005     return;
0006 end
0007 %
0008 id_simul = 'LH_karney_rippleon';%Simulation ID
0009 path_simul = '';%if nothing is specified, the working directory is first used and then MatLab is looking in all the path
0010 %
0011 id_dkeparam = 'NONUNIFORM10010020';%For DKE code parameters
0012 path_dkeparam = '';%if nothing is specified, the working directory is first used and then MatLab is looking in all the path
0013 %
0014 id_equil = 'TScirc_peak';%For plasma equilibrium
0015 path_equil = '';%if nothing is specified, the working directory is first used and then MatLab is looking in all the path
0016 %
0017 id_display = 'PARTIAL_VISUAL';%For output code display
0018 path_display = '';%if nothing is specified, the working directory is first used and then MatLab is looking in all the path
0019 %
0020 id_hxr = 'TS99';%For HXR diagnostic configuration
0021 path_hxr = '';%if nothing is specified, the working directory is first used and then MatLab is looking in all the path
0022 %
0023 [equil,dkedisplay,hxr,hxrparam,dkeparam] = load_structures_yp('equil',id_equil,path_equil,'dkedisplay',id_display,path_display,'hxr',id_hxr,path_hxr,'dkeparam',id_dkeparam,path_dkeparam);
0024 load([path_simul,'DKE_RESULTS_',id_equil,'_',id_simul,'.mat']);
0025 %
0026 dt = 1;%integration time step (s)
0027 %
0028 [Zbremchord,equilHXR] = bremchord_dke_yp(dkeparam,dkedisplay,equil,radialDKE,Zcurr,hxr,hxrparam);
0029 [Zbremplasma] = bremsstrahlung_dke_yp(dkeparam,dkedisplay,equilHXR,radialDKE,mksa,momentumDKE,dke_out,Zbremchord,hxr,hxrparam);
0030 [Zbremdiag] = bremdiag_dke_yp(Zbremplasma,hxr,hxrparam,dt);
0031 %
0032 %For display HXR
0033 %
0034 bremchorddisplay_dke_yp(equilHXR,Zbremchord,42);
0035 bremlocaldisplay_dke_yp(dkeparam,dkedisplay,equilHXR,momentumDKE,radialDKE,dke_out,mksa,Zbremchord,Zbremplasma,0.3,180,70);
0036 bremdiagdisplay_dke_yp(hxr,Zbremchord,Zbremplasma,Zbremdiag,42,50);
0037 %
0038 eval(['save ',path_simul,'HXR_RESULTS_',id_equil,'_',id_simul,'_',id_hxr,'.mat Zbremchord Zbremplasma Zbremdiag equilHXR']);
0039 info_dke_yp(2,['Data saved in ',path_simul,'DKE_RESULTS_',id_equil,'_',id_simul,'_',id_hxr,'.mat']);

Community support and wiki are available on Redmine. Last update: 18-Apr-2019.