


function [Zbremdiag] = bremdiag_dke_yp(Zbremplasma,hxr,hxrparam,dt)


 R5-X2 - Calculation of the bremsstrahlung emission as measured by the HXR diagnostic taking into account of the detector's response function.

Calculates the bremsstrahlung emission as measured by the HXR diagnostic
taking into account of the detector's response function. 
Call first the function bremchord_dke_yp.m for calculating "vschords" used in line integration
Then call bremsstrahlung_dke_yp.m for calculating "brem_bd_out" used in the convolution

       - Zbremplasma.kphot: photon energies (keV) [1,nk] (given by bremsstrahlung_dke_yp.m)
       - Zbremplasma.brem_bd_out: Plasma photon number per unit energy (keV) and time (s) for each chord [nchord,nk] (given by bremsstrahlung_dke_yp.m)
       - hxr: Bremsstrahlung structure
       - hxrparam : Bremsstrahlung calculation and display parameter structure
       - dt: integration time step (s) [1,1]

       - Zbremdiag: Diagnostic convolved bremstrahlung spectrum data structure
          * Zbremdiag.kinterp: Photon energy spectrum grid for response function calculations (kphotmin:kphotmax) [1,1000]
          * Zbremdiag.gkEinterp_out: Detector x-ray response function {nchord}
          * Zbremdiag.kfit: Discrete pulse energy spectrum (keV) [1,nkfit]
          * Zbremdiag.dkfit: Discrete pulse energy spectrum step width (keV) [1,nkfit]
          * Zbremdiag.brem_bd_plasma: Plasma photon number per unit energy (keV) and time (s) for each chord [nchord,nkfit]
          * Zbremdiag.brem_bd_diag: Pulse number per unit energy (keV) and time (s) for each chord [nchord,nkfit]
          * Zbremdiag.tphot_plasma: Plasma photon temperature (keV) [1,nchord]
          * Zbremdiag.afit_plasma: A(k=0) [s^-1]','k.dN_phot/dk.dt = A.exp(-k/T_phot)@k=0 [50-110 keV] [1,nchord]
          * Zbremdiag.tphot_plasma_exp: Pulse photon temperature (keV) [1,nchord]
          * Zbremdiag.afit_plasma_exp: A*(E=0) [s-1]','E.dN_pulse/dE.dt.eta_E = A.exp(-E/T_phot*)@E=0 [50-110 keV] [1,nchord]
          * Zbremdiag.meanabsx: Mean stopping efficiency [1,nchord]
 by Joan Decker (CEA/IRFM, and Yves Peysson(CEA/IRFM,


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function  [Zbremdiag] = bremdiag_dke_yp(Zbremplasma,hxr,hxrparam,dt)
0002 %
0003 % R5-X2 - Calculation of the bremsstrahlung emission as measured by the HXR diagnostic taking into account of the detector's response function.
0004 %
0005 %Calculates the bremsstrahlung emission as measured by the HXR diagnostic
0006 %taking into account of the detector's response function.
0007 %Call first the function bremchord_dke_yp.m for calculating "vschords" used in line integration
0008 %Then call bremsstrahlung_dke_yp.m for calculating "brem_bd_out" used in the convolution
0009 %
0010 %   INPUTS:
0011 %
0012 %       - Zbremplasma.kphot: photon energies (keV) [1,nk] (given by bremsstrahlung_dke_yp.m)
0013 %       - Zbremplasma.brem_bd_out: Plasma photon number per unit energy (keV) and time (s) for each chord [nchord,nk] (given by bremsstrahlung_dke_yp.m)
0014 %       - hxr: Bremsstrahlung structure
0015 %       - hxrparam : Bremsstrahlung calculation and display parameter structure
0016 %       - dt: integration time step (s) [1,1]
0017 %
0018 %   OUTPUTS:
0019 %
0020 %       - Zbremdiag: Diagnostic convolved bremstrahlung spectrum data structure
0021 %          * Zbremdiag.kinterp: Photon energy spectrum grid for response function calculations (kphotmin:kphotmax) [1,1000]
0022 %          * Zbremdiag.gkEinterp_out: Detector x-ray response function {nchord}
0023 %          * Zbremdiag.kfit: Discrete pulse energy spectrum (keV) [1,nkfit]
0024 %          * Zbremdiag.dkfit: Discrete pulse energy spectrum step width (keV) [1,nkfit]
0025 %          * Zbremdiag.brem_bd_plasma: Plasma photon number per unit energy (keV) and time (s) for each chord [nchord,nkfit]
0026 %          * Zbremdiag.brem_bd_diag: Pulse number per unit energy (keV) and time (s) for each chord [nchord,nkfit]
0027 %          * Zbremdiag.tphot_plasma: Plasma photon temperature (keV) [1,nchord]
0028 %          * Zbremdiag.afit_plasma: A(k=0) [s^-1]','k.dN_phot/dk.dt = A.exp(-k/T_phot)@k=0 [50-110 keV] [1,nchord]
0029 %          * Zbremdiag.tphot_plasma_exp: Pulse photon temperature (keV) [1,nchord]
0030 %          * Zbremdiag.afit_plasma_exp: A*(E=0) [s-1]','E.dN_pulse/dE.dt.eta_E = A.exp(-E/T_phot*)@E=0 [50-110 keV] [1,nchord]
0031 %          * Zbremdiag.meanabsx: Mean stopping efficiency [1,nchord]
0032 %
0033 % by Joan Decker (CEA/IRFM, and Yves Peysson(CEA/IRFM,
0034 %
0035 if nargin < 4,
0036     error('Not enough arguments in bremshtrahlung_dke_yp')
0037 end
0038 %
0039 method = 'cubic';
0040 %
0041 kphot = Zbremplasma.kphot;
0042 brem_bd_in = Zbremplasma.brem_bd_out;
0043 %
0044 kphotmin = min(kphot);%hxr.kdiag_hxr(1,1);
0045 kphotmax = max(kphot);%hxr.kdiag_hxr(2,end-1);
0046 %
0047 % kfit = (hxr.kdiag_hxr(1,1:end-1) + hxr.kdiag_hxr(2,1:end-1))/2;%Measured photon energy spectrum (keV) [1,k]
0048 % kfit_S = [3*kphot(1) - kphot(2),kphot(1:end-1) + kphot(2:end),3*kphot(end) - kphot(end-1)]/2;
0049 % kfit = kphot;%Measured photon energy spectrum (keV) [1,k]
0050 %
0051 % kfit = hxr.kfit;%Measured photon energy spectrum (keV) [1,k]
0052 % kfit_S = [3*kfit(1) - kfit(2),kfit(1:end-1) + kfit(2:end),3*kfit(end) - kfit(end-1)]/2;
0053 %
0054 kfit_S = hxr.kfit;%Measured photon energy spectrum (keV) [1,k]
0055 kfit = (kfit_S(1:end-1) + kfit_S(2:end))/2;
0056 %
0057 % ikfitmin = find(kfit >= hxr.kdiag_hxr(1,end),1,'first');
0058 % ikfitmax = find(kfit <= hxr.kdiag_hxr(2,end),1,'last');
0059 ikfitmin = find(kfit >= hxrparam.kmin,1,'first');
0060 ikfitmax = find(kfit <= hxrparam.kmax,1,'last');
0061 %kfitmin = kfit(ikfitmin);
0062 %kfitmax = kfit(ikfitmax);
0063 % dkfit = hxr.kdiag_hxr(2,1:end-1) - hxr.kdiag_hxr(1,1:end-1);%Channel width of the measured photon energy spectrum (keV) [1,k]
0064 dkfit = diff(kfit_S);%Channel width of the measured photon energy spectrum (keV) [1,k]
0065 nkfit = length(dkfit);
0066 %
0067 kinterp = linspace(kphotmin,kphotmax,1001);%Uniform grid only
0068 dkinterp = kinterp(2) - kinterp(1);
0069 brem_bd_interp = interp1(kphot,brem_bd_in.',kinterp,method).';
0070 %
0071 if size(brem_bd_in,1) == 1,
0072     brem_bd_interp = brem_bd_interp.';
0073 end
0074 %
0075 for ik = 1:nkfit,
0076     brem_bd_plasma(:,ik) = sum(brem_bd_interp(:,find(kinterp >= kfit_S(ik),1,'first'):find(kinterp < kfit_S(ik+1),1,'last')).').'*dkinterp;%number of photons in energy channel ik per unit time
0077 end
0078 brem_bd_plasma = abs(brem_bd_plasma);
0079 %
0080 for ic = 1:size(brem_bd_plasma,1),    
0081    [Tph,eTph,A,eA,Q] = tphfit_dke_yp(kfit(ikfitmin:ikfitmax)',dt*brem_bd_plasma(ic,ikfitmin:ikfitmax)',sqrt(dt*brem_bd_plasma(ic,ikfitmin:ikfitmax))');
0082     tphot_plasma(ic) = Tph;
0083     etphot_plasma(ic) = eTph;
0084     afit_plasma(ic) = A;
0085     eafit_plasma(ic) = eA;
0086     Q_plasma(ic) = Q;
0087 end
0088 %
0089 %wbrem_bd_plasma = brem_bd_plasma.*repmat(kfit,[size(brem_bd_plasma,1),1])./repmat(dkfit,[size(brem_bd_plasma,1),1]);% per keV but taking into account of the channel energy width
0090 %for ic = 1:size(brem_bd_plasma,1),
0091 %    pfit = polyfit(kfit(ikfitmin:ikfitmax),log(wbrem_bd_plasma(ic,ikfitmin:ikfitmax)),1);
0092 %    tphot_plasma(ic) = -1/pfit(1);
0093 %    afit_plasma(ic) = exp(pfit(2));
0094 %end
0095 %
0096 % Convolution with detector response
0097 %
0098 kd = hxr.kd_hxr;%reference energies for the photofraction [m,p]
0099 phf = hxr.phf_hxr;%photofraction determined using the "MCDET.f" Monte-carlo hard x-ray absorption code at energies kd [m,p]
0100 res = hxr.res_hxr;%fit parameters of the energy resolution of the detectors [m,2]
0101 ef = hxr.ef_hxr;%thickness of the vacuum window (mm) [1,m]
0102 tf = hxr.tf_hxr;%type of material for the vacuum window (Al ou Be) [1,m]
0103 ea = hxr.ea_hxr;%thickness of the absorber (mm) [1,m]
0104 ta = hxr.ta_hxr;%type of material for the absorber (Al,Fe,Ge,Be ou Pb) [1,m]
0105 ec = hxr.ec_hxr;%thickness of the detector shield (mm) [1,m]
0106 tc = hxr.tc_hxr;%type of material for the detector shield (Al ou Be) [1,m]
0107 ed = hxr.ed_hxr;%thickness of the detector (mm) [1,m]
0108 td = hxr.td_hxr;%type of material for the detector (BGO,CsI,NaI,Ge or CdTe) [1,m]
0109 %
0110 meanabsx = zeros(size(brem_bd_plasma));%Mean attenuation per channel
0111 brem_bd_diag_interp = zeros(size(brem_bd_interp));
0112 brem_bd_diag = zeros(size(brem_bd_plasma));
0113 %
0114 for ic = 1:size(brem_bd_interp,1),
0115     if ic == 1,
0116         gkEinterp1 = dresp_dke_yp(res(ic,:),phf(ic,:),kd(ic,:),kinterp);        
0117         normgkEinterp1 = trapz(kinterp,gkEinterp1');%To enforce that the norm is unity
0118         gkEinterp = gkEinterp1;%(gkEinterp1'./(normgkEinterp1(:)*ones(1,length(kinterp)))')';
0119 %        plot(kinterp,trapz(kinterp,gkEinterp1') + gkEinterp1(:,1)'*kinterp(1));%test of the norm
0120 %       plot(kinterp,trapz(kinterp,gkEinterp'));%test of the norm
0121 %
0122         absxinterp = absx_dke_yp(kinterp,0,0,ef(ic),tf(ic,:),ea(ic),ta(ic,:),ec(ic),tc(ic,:),ed(ic),td(ic,:));%Air contribution is neglected (k > 10 keV only)
0123         Tabsxinterp = repmat(absxinterp(:),[1,size(brem_bd_interp,2)]);
0124     else
0125         if (kd(ic-1) ~= kd(ic)) | (res(ic-1) ~= res(ic)) | (phf(ic-1) ~= phf(ic))
0126             gkEinterp1 = dresp_dke_yp(res(ic,:),phf(ic,:),kd(ic,:),ic,kinterp);%Recalculated only when detector type has changed concerning the response function
0127             normgkEinterp1 = trapz(kinterp,gkEinterp1');%To enforce that the norm is unity
0128             gkEinterp = (gkEinterp1'./(normgkEinterp1(:)*ones(1,length(kinterp)))')';
0129         end
0130 %
0131         if (ef(ic-1) ~= ef(ic)) | (tf(ic-1) ~= tf(ic)) | (ea(ic-1) ~= ea(ic)) | (ta(ic-1) ~= ta(ic)) | (ec(ic-1) ~= ec(ic)) | (tc(ic-1) ~= tc(ic)) | (ed(ic-1) ~= ed(ic)) | (td(ic-1) ~= td(ic))
0132             absxinterp = absx_dke_yp(kinterp,0,0,ef(ic),tf(ic,:),ea(ic),ta(ic,:),ec(ic),tc(ic,:),ed(ic),td(ic,:));%Air contribution is neglected (k > 10 keV only)
0133             Tabsxinterp = repmat(absxinterp(:),[1,size(brem_bd_interp,2)]);
0134         end        
0135     end
0136 %
0137     gkEinterp_out{ic} = gkEinterp;%For display of the response function
0138 %
0139     brem_bd_diag_interp(ic,:) = (((gkEinterp'.*Tabsxinterp')*dkinterp*(brem_bd_interp(ic,:))'))'; 
0140 %    brem_bd_diag_interp(ic,:) = (fix(((eye(size(gkEinterp')).*Tabsxinterp)*(brem_bd_interp(ic,:))')))';%detector response neglected
0141 %
0142     for ik = 1:nkfit,
0143         meanabsx(ic,ik) = sum(absxinterp(min(find(kinterp >= kfit_S(ik))):max(find(kinterp < kfit_S(ik+1))))')'/length(absxinterp(min(find(kinterp >= kfit_S(ik))):max(find(kinterp < kfit_S(ik+1)))).');
0144     end
0145 %
0146     for ik = 1:nkfit,
0147         brem_bd_diag(ic,ik) = sum(brem_bd_diag_interp(ic,min(find(kinterp >= kfit_S(ik))):max(find(kinterp < kfit_S(ik+1)))).').'*dkinterp;%number of pulses in energy channel ik per unit time
0148     end
0149 %
0150     brem_bd_diag = abs(brem_bd_diag);
0151 %
0152     [Tph,eTph,A,eA,Q] = tphfit_dke_yp(kfit(ikfitmin:ikfitmax)',dt*brem_bd_diag(ic,ikfitmin:ikfitmax)',sqrt(dt*brem_bd_diag(ic,ikfitmin:ikfitmax))');
0153     if Tph <=0, %Remove negative or null values
0154        Tph = NaN;
0155        eTph = NaN;
0156        A = NaN;
0157        eA = NaN;
0158        Q = NaN;
0159     end
0160 %
0161     tphot_plasma_exp(ic) = Tph;
0162     etphot_plasma_exp(ic) = eTph;
0163     afit_plasma_exp(ic) = A;
0164     eafit_plasma_exp(ic) = eA;
0165     Q_plasma_exp(ic) = Q;
0167 %    wbrem_bd_plasma_exp(ic,:) = brem_bd_diag(ic,:).*kfit./dkfit./meanabsx(ic,:);% per keV but taking into account of the channel energy width and mean attenuation per channel
0168 %    pfit = polyfit(kfit(ikfitmin:ikfitmax),log(wbrem_bd_plasma_exp(ic,ikfitmin:ikfitmax)),1);
0169 %    tphot_plasma_exp(ic) = -1/pfit(1);
0170 %    afit_plasma_exp(ic) = exp(pfit(2));
0171 %    if tphot_plasma_exp(ic) <=0, %Remove negative or null values
0172 %        tphot_plasma_exp(ic) = NaN;
0173 %        afit_plasma_exp(ic) = NaN;
0174 %    end
0175 %
0176     info_dke_yp(2,['Convolution with detector''s response function for chord #',int2str(ic),'/',int2str(size(brem_bd_interp,1)),' done']);        
0177 end
0178 %
0179 Zbremdiag.kinterp = kinterp;
0180 Zbremdiag.gkEinterp_out = gkEinterp_out;
0181 Zbremdiag.kfit = kfit;
0182 Zbremdiag.dkfit = dkfit;
0183 Zbremdiag.brem_bd_plasma = brem_bd_plasma;
0184 Zbremdiag.brem_bd_diag = brem_bd_diag;
0185 Zbremdiag.tphot_plasma = tphot_plasma;
0186 Zbremdiag.etphot_plasma = etphot_plasma;
0187 Zbremdiag.afit_plasma = afit_plasma;
0188 Zbremdiag.eafit_plasma = eafit_plasma;
0189 Zbremdiag.Q_plasma = Q_plasma;
0190 Zbremdiag.tphot_plasma_exp = tphot_plasma_exp;
0191 Zbremdiag.etphot_plasma_exp = etphot_plasma_exp;
0192 Zbremdiag.afit_plasma_exp = afit_plasma_exp;
0193 Zbremdiag.eafit_plasma_exp = eafit_plasma_exp;
0194 Zbremdiag.Q_plasma_exp = Q_plasma_exp;
0195 Zbremdiag.meanabsx = meanabsx;
0196 Zbremdiag.dt = dt;

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