

FSCREATE Create Fourier Series Function.


function [FSfun,Kn]=fscreate(varargin)


FSCREATE Create Fourier Series Function.
 [FSfun,Kn] = FSCREATE(...) creates a function handle FSfun containing the
 complex exponential Fourier Series created from its input arguments. The
 optional output Kn is a row vector containing the complex exponential
 Fourier Series coefficients: Kn = [K(-N) ... K(0) ... K(N)]

 FSfun = FSCREATE(t,f,N,TYPE) computes the Fourier Series of a signal
 tabulated in the real-valued data vectors t and f.
 t is a monotonically increasing time vector with the signal period being
 T = t(end)-t(1). f(1)=f(end) is required.
 N is the number of harmonics. If N is empty or not given, N = 64.
 TYPE is a string describing the signal type described by the data t and f.
 If TYPE is not given or if TYPE = 'foh' (First Order Hold), the Fourier
 Series coefficients are computed by assuming that the input data is
 piecewise linear between the data points.
 If TYPE = 'zoh' (Zero Order Hold), the Fourier Series coefficients are
 computed by assuming that the input data is piecewise constant between
 the data points.
 The FFT is not used, so no aliasing occurs.

 FSfun = FSCREATE(WAVE,T,N,P) returns the Fourier Series of known
 waveforms. WAVE is a character string identifying the desired waveform,
 T is the period, and N is the number of harmonics computed. If N is empty
 or not given, N = 64. P is a vector of optional parameters required for
 some waveforms. See below for waveforms and parameters.

 FSfun = FSCREATE(Kn,T) creates a Fourier Series function using the Fourier
 series vector Kn and period T. Kn is a row vector of the complex
 exponential Fourier series coefficients Kn = [K(-N) ... K(0) ... K(N)]
 where K(n) is the n-th term, e.g., K(0) is the DC term, and N is the
 number of harmonics.

 FSfun2 = FSCREATE(FSfun,'Op',P) performs the operation specified by the
 string 'Op' on the Fourier Series function handle FSfun, returning a new
 Fourier series function handle. P is a parameter needed for some 'Op'.

 Operation   DESCRIPTION
 diff        differentiate the Fourier Series.
 int         integrate the Fourier Series, ignoring the DC or average term
             and returning a Fourier Series having zero average.
 mirror      time mirror (Fourier Series of f(-t)).
 smooth      apply Blackman window to the Fourier Series (minimize Gibb's)
 trim        trim negligible real and imaginary elements.
 even        extract the even time part (real parts).
 odd         extract the odd time part (imaginary parts).
 halfwave    extract the halfwave part, (odd harmonics).
 nodc        remove DC or average value term (K(0) = 0).
 dc          P = desired DC or average value (K(0) = P).
 add         P = amount to add to DC or average value (K(0)=K(0)+P).
 delay       P = normalized delay to apply to FSfun, P = 1 is one period.
 delay       P = 'odd' or P = 'even' apply delay to achieve given symmetry.
 scale       P = amplitude scale factor to apply to FSfun (P*Kn)
 period      P = desired period to associate with Fourier Series.
 resize      P = number of harmonics desired in result. If P<N terms are
             deleted; if P>N zeros are padded onto Kn.
 tag         P = tag character string to store with function handle 

 FSfun = FSCREATE(FSfunA,'Op',FSfunB) performs the mathematical operation
 specified by the string 'Op' on the underlying time signals in the input
 Fourier Series functions. 'Op' is one of the following '+' (addition),
 '-' (subtraction), '*' (multiplication). The period of FSfunA and FSfunB
 are assumed to be equal.

 FSCREATE(...,Tag) where character string Tag is the last input argument,
 stores the string Tag in the function handle for possible retrieval later.
 Tag can be any character string.

 FSCREATE('WAVE',T,N,P) Waveforms
 'square'    square wave, odd symmetry, zero mean,
 'saw'       sawtooth, positive slope, odd symmetry, zero mean,
             P = fractional fall time, 0 < P < 0.5. If not given, P = 0.
 'rsaw'      reversed sawtooth, same as 'sawtooth' but negative slope
             P = fractional fall time, 0 < P < 0.5. If not given, P = 0.
 'triangle'  triangle, even symmetry, zero mean.
 'pulse'     pulse train, positive valued, even symmetry
             P(1) = fractional duty cycle or fractional time High,
             0 < P(1) < 1. If not given, P(1) = 1/2.
             P(2) = fractional rise and fall time, 0 < P(2) < (1-P(1))/2.
             If not given, P(2) = 0.
 'bipolar'   bipolar pulse train, odd symmetry, zero mean,
             P(1) = fractional duty cycle, 0 < P(1) < 1. If not given,
             P(1) = 2/3.
             P(2) = fractional rise and fall time, 0 < P(2) < (1-P(1))/4.
             If not given, P(2) = 0.
 'trap'      trapezoidal wave, odd symmetry, zero mean,
             P = fractional duty cycle, 0 < P < 1. If not given, P = 2/3.
 'full'      full wave rectified sine wave with the period equal to that
             of the sine wave being rectified.
 'half'      half wave rectified sine wave.
 's2s'       sine-to-square wave, odd symmetry, zero mean,
             P = normalized morph between a sine wave and a square wave,
             P = 0 is a sine wave, P = 1 is a square wave,
             0 < P < 1 is a flat-topped wave with sinusoidal transitions.
             If not given, P = 1/2.
 'sine'      sine wave, P = harmonic number. If not given, P = 1.
 'cosine'    cosine wave,  P = harmonic number. If not given, P = 1.
 'dc'        constant or dc value.

 The created Fourier Series function handle FSfun provides the following:


 FSfun(t)         evaluate function at the points in numerical array t.

 FSfun('tag')     return the Tag string stored in FSfun.
 FSfun('coef')    return Fourier Series coefficient row vector, Kn.
 FSfun('period')  return function period, T.
 FSfun('size')    return number of harmonics, N.
 FSfun('avg')     return DC or average value.
 FSfun('msv')     return mean square value (Parseval's Theorem).
 FSfun('max')     return maximum function value.
 FSfun('min')     return minimum function value.
 FSfun('thd')     return total harmonic distortion relative to fundamental.
 FSfun('one')     return one-sided line spectra amplitude vector, i.e.,
                        [ |K(0)| 2*|K(1)| ... 2*|K(N)| ]
 FSfun('phase')   return one-sided line spectra phase vector in Degrees,
                  i.e., [ angle(K(0)) angle(K(1)) ... angle(K(N)) ]
 FSfun('sine')    return a vector of the one-sided Fourier Series sine
                  coefficients, sine portion of trigonometric FS form
 FSfun('cosine')  return a vector of the one-sided Fourier Series cosine
                  coefficients, cosine portion of trigonometric FS form
 FSfun('all')     return a structure having field names equal to the above
                  string arguments with contents equal to associated data
                  as described above, e.g., out.coef is the coefficients.

 FSfun('plot')    create a TIME plot of one period of the Fourier Series
 FSfun('spectra') create a STEM plot of the one-sided spectra

 FSfun( {'area', [Tmin Tmax]} ) returns the area under the Fourier Series
                                over the time range Tmin <= t <= Tmax.
 FSfun( {'plot', [Tmin Tmax]} ) creates the TIME plot over the time range
                                Tmin <= t <= Tmax.
 FSfun( {'spectra', [Nmin Nmax]} ) creates the STEM plot over the positive
                                   harmonic index range Nmin to Nmax.


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function [FSfun,Kn]=fscreate(varargin)
0002 %FSCREATE Create Fourier Series Function.
0003 % [FSfun,Kn] = FSCREATE(...) creates a function handle FSfun containing the
0004 % complex exponential Fourier Series created from its input arguments. The
0005 % optional output Kn is a row vector containing the complex exponential
0006 % Fourier Series coefficients: Kn = [K(-N) ... K(0) ... K(N)]
0007 %
0008 % FSfun = FSCREATE(t,f,N,TYPE) computes the Fourier Series of a signal
0009 % tabulated in the real-valued data vectors t and f.
0010 % t is a monotonically increasing time vector with the signal period being
0011 % T = t(end)-t(1). f(1)=f(end) is required.
0012 % N is the number of harmonics. If N is empty or not given, N = 64.
0013 % TYPE is a string describing the signal type described by the data t and f.
0014 % If TYPE is not given or if TYPE = 'foh' (First Order Hold), the Fourier
0015 % Series coefficients are computed by assuming that the input data is
0016 % piecewise linear between the data points.
0017 % If TYPE = 'zoh' (Zero Order Hold), the Fourier Series coefficients are
0018 % computed by assuming that the input data is piecewise constant between
0019 % the data points.
0020 % The FFT is not used, so no aliasing occurs.
0021 %
0022 % FSfun = FSCREATE(WAVE,T,N,P) returns the Fourier Series of known
0023 % waveforms. WAVE is a character string identifying the desired waveform,
0024 % T is the period, and N is the number of harmonics computed. If N is empty
0025 % or not given, N = 64. P is a vector of optional parameters required for
0026 % some waveforms. See below for waveforms and parameters.
0027 %
0028 % FSfun = FSCREATE(Kn,T) creates a Fourier Series function using the Fourier
0029 % series vector Kn and period T. Kn is a row vector of the complex
0030 % exponential Fourier series coefficients Kn = [K(-N) ... K(0) ... K(N)]
0031 % where K(n) is the n-th term, e.g., K(0) is the DC term, and N is the
0032 % number of harmonics.
0033 %
0034 % FSfun2 = FSCREATE(FSfun,'Op',P) performs the operation specified by the
0035 % string 'Op' on the Fourier Series function handle FSfun, returning a new
0036 % Fourier series function handle. P is a parameter needed for some 'Op'.
0037 %
0038 % Operation   DESCRIPTION
0039 % diff        differentiate the Fourier Series.
0040 % int         integrate the Fourier Series, ignoring the DC or average term
0041 %             and returning a Fourier Series having zero average.
0042 % mirror      time mirror (Fourier Series of f(-t)).
0043 % smooth      apply Blackman window to the Fourier Series (minimize Gibb's)
0044 % trim        trim negligible real and imaginary elements.
0045 % even        extract the even time part (real parts).
0046 % odd         extract the odd time part (imaginary parts).
0047 % halfwave    extract the halfwave part, (odd harmonics).
0048 % nodc        remove DC or average value term (K(0) = 0).
0049 % dc          P = desired DC or average value (K(0) = P).
0050 % add         P = amount to add to DC or average value (K(0)=K(0)+P).
0051 % delay       P = normalized delay to apply to FSfun, P = 1 is one period.
0052 % delay       P = 'odd' or P = 'even' apply delay to achieve given symmetry.
0053 % scale       P = amplitude scale factor to apply to FSfun (P*Kn)
0054 % period      P = desired period to associate with Fourier Series.
0055 % resize      P = number of harmonics desired in result. If P<N terms are
0056 %             deleted; if P>N zeros are padded onto Kn.
0057 % tag         P = tag character string to store with function handle
0058 %
0059 % FSfun = FSCREATE(FSfunA,'Op',FSfunB) performs the mathematical operation
0060 % specified by the string 'Op' on the underlying time signals in the input
0061 % Fourier Series functions. 'Op' is one of the following '+' (addition),
0062 % '-' (subtraction), '*' (multiplication). The period of FSfunA and FSfunB
0063 % are assumed to be equal.
0064 %
0065 % FSCREATE(...,Tag) where character string Tag is the last input argument,
0066 % stores the string Tag in the function handle for possible retrieval later.
0067 % Tag can be any character string.
0068 %
0069 % FSCREATE('WAVE',T,N,P) Waveforms
0070 %  WAVE       DESCRIPTION
0071 % 'square'    square wave, odd symmetry, zero mean,
0072 % 'saw'       sawtooth, positive slope, odd symmetry, zero mean,
0073 %             P = fractional fall time, 0 < P < 0.5. If not given, P = 0.
0074 % 'rsaw'      reversed sawtooth, same as 'sawtooth' but negative slope
0075 %             P = fractional fall time, 0 < P < 0.5. If not given, P = 0.
0076 % 'triangle'  triangle, even symmetry, zero mean.
0077 % 'pulse'     pulse train, positive valued, even symmetry
0078 %             P(1) = fractional duty cycle or fractional time High,
0079 %             0 < P(1) < 1. If not given, P(1) = 1/2.
0080 %             P(2) = fractional rise and fall time, 0 < P(2) < (1-P(1))/2.
0081 %             If not given, P(2) = 0.
0082 % 'bipolar'   bipolar pulse train, odd symmetry, zero mean,
0083 %             P(1) = fractional duty cycle, 0 < P(1) < 1. If not given,
0084 %             P(1) = 2/3.
0085 %             P(2) = fractional rise and fall time, 0 < P(2) < (1-P(1))/4.
0086 %             If not given, P(2) = 0.
0087 % 'trap'      trapezoidal wave, odd symmetry, zero mean,
0088 %             P = fractional duty cycle, 0 < P < 1. If not given, P = 2/3.
0089 % 'full'      full wave rectified sine wave with the period equal to that
0090 %             of the sine wave being rectified.
0091 % 'half'      half wave rectified sine wave.
0092 % 's2s'       sine-to-square wave, odd symmetry, zero mean,
0093 %             P = normalized morph between a sine wave and a square wave,
0094 %             P = 0 is a sine wave, P = 1 is a square wave,
0095 %             0 < P < 1 is a flat-topped wave with sinusoidal transitions.
0096 %             If not given, P = 1/2.
0097 % 'sine'      sine wave, P = harmonic number. If not given, P = 1.
0098 % 'cosine'    cosine wave,  P = harmonic number. If not given, P = 1.
0099 % 'dc'        constant or dc value.
0100 %
0101 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0102 % The created Fourier Series function handle FSfun provides the following:
0103 %
0104 % SYNTAX           DESCRIPTION
0105 %
0106 % FSfun(t)         evaluate function at the points in numerical array t.
0107 %
0108 % FSfun('tag')     return the Tag string stored in FSfun.
0109 % FSfun('coef')    return Fourier Series coefficient row vector, Kn.
0110 % FSfun('period')  return function period, T.
0111 % FSfun('size')    return number of harmonics, N.
0112 % FSfun('avg')     return DC or average value.
0113 % FSfun('msv')     return mean square value (Parseval's Theorem).
0114 % FSfun('max')     return maximum function value.
0115 % FSfun('min')     return minimum function value.
0116 % FSfun('thd')     return total harmonic distortion relative to fundamental.
0117 % FSfun('one')     return one-sided line spectra amplitude vector, i.e.,
0118 %                        [ |K(0)| 2*|K(1)| ... 2*|K(N)| ]
0119 % FSfun('phase')   return one-sided line spectra phase vector in Degrees,
0120 %                  i.e., [ angle(K(0)) angle(K(1)) ... angle(K(N)) ]
0121 % FSfun('sine')    return a vector of the one-sided Fourier Series sine
0122 %                  coefficients, sine portion of trigonometric FS form
0123 % FSfun('cosine')  return a vector of the one-sided Fourier Series cosine
0124 %                  coefficients, cosine portion of trigonometric FS form
0125 % FSfun('all')     return a structure having field names equal to the above
0126 %                  string arguments with contents equal to associated data
0127 %                  as described above, e.g., out.coef is the coefficients.
0128 %
0129 % FSfun('plot')    create a TIME plot of one period of the Fourier Series
0130 % FSfun('spectra') create a STEM plot of the one-sided spectra
0131 %
0132 % FSfun( {'area', [Tmin Tmax]} ) returns the area under the Fourier Series
0133 %                                over the time range Tmin <= t <= Tmax.
0134 % FSfun( {'plot', [Tmin Tmax]} ) creates the TIME plot over the time range
0135 %                                Tmin <= t <= Tmax.
0136 % FSfun( {'spectra', [Nmin Nmax]} ) creates the STEM plot over the positive
0137 %                                   harmonic index range Nmin to Nmax.
0138 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0140 % D.C. Hanselman, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469
0141 % MasteringMatlab@yahoo.com
0142 % Mastering MATLAB 7
0143 % 2006-01-01, revised 2006-01-03, 2006-03-08, 2006-05-18, 2006-07-03
0145 % parse inputs
0146 N=64;
0147 FSData.tag='';
0148 narg=nargin;
0149 if narg<2
0150    error('At Least Two Input Arguments Required.')
0151 end
0152 if narg>2 && ischar(varargin{end}) && ...
0153          ~any(strcmpi(varargin{end},{'odd','even'})) && ...
0154          ~any(strcmpi(varargin{end},{'foh','zoh'})) && ...
0155          (ischar(varargin{end-1}) && ~isequal(lower(varargin{end-1}),'tag'))
0156    FSData.tag=varargin{end};    % grab tag provided
0157    varargin(end)=[];          % strip tag from input
0158    narg=narg-1;
0159 end
0160 switch class(varargin{1}) % find class of first input argument
0161 case {'double' 'single'}
0162    if isequal(numel(varargin{1}),numel(varargin{2})) % fscreate(t,f,N,TYPE)
0163       t=varargin{1}(:);
0164       f=varargin{2}(:);
0165       if narg>=3 && isnumeric(varargin{3})
0166          N=varargin{3};
0167          if fix(N)~=N || abs(N)~=N || N<1
0168             error('FSCREATE:InputError','N Must be a Positive Integer.')
0169          end
0170       end
0171       if ischar(varargin{end}) % Type is specified
0172          Tref={'foh' 'zoh'};
0173          idx=strncmpi(varargin{end},Tref,1);
0174          Type=char(Tref(idx));
0175          if isempty(Type)
0176             error('FSCREATE:InputError','Unknown TYPE Argument.')
0177          end
0178       else
0179          Type='foh';
0180       end
0181       Kn=local_getFS(t,f,N,Type);
0182       FSData.Kn=Kn;
0183       FSData.T=t(end)-t(1);
0184       FSfun=@(t) FourierSeries(FSData,t);
0185    else                                                    % fscreate(Kn,T)
0186       Kn=varargin{1}(:).';
0187       N=(length(Kn)-1)/2;
0188       if N~=fix(N) || max(abs(conj(Kn(N:-1:1))-Kn(N+2:end)))>sqrt(eps)
0189          error('FSCREATE:InputError', ...
0190             ['First Input Argument must be a valid Fourier Series\n', ...
0191              'vector containing the complex exponential series\n', ...
0192              'coefficients in increasing harmonic order with\n', ...
0193              'K(-n)=conj(K(n)) where n is the harmonic number.']);
0194       end
0195       T=varargin{2};
0196       if numel(T)~=1 || T<=0 || ~isreal(T)
0197          error('Second Input Argument Must be the Positive Scalar Period.')
0198       end
0199       FSData.Kn=Kn;
0200       FSData.T=T;
0201       FSfun=@(t) FourierSeries(FSData,t);
0202    end
0203 case 'char'                                        % fscreate('WAVE',T,N,P)
0204    wave=varargin{1};
0205    T=varargin{2};
0206    if narg==4
0207       P=varargin{4};
0208    else
0209       P=[];
0210    end
0211    if narg>=3 && ~isempty(varargin{3})
0212       N=varargin{3};
0213       if fix(N)~=N || abs(N)~=N || N<1
0214           error('FSCREATE:InputError','N Must be a Positive Integer.')
0215       end
0216    end
0217    Kn=local_getwave(wave,T,N,P);
0218    FSData.Kn=Kn;
0219    FSData.T=T;
0220    FSfun=@(t) FourierSeries(FSData,t);   
0221 case 'function_handle'
0222    if ~ischar(varargin{2})
0223       error('FSCREATE:InputError','Second Input Argument Must be a String.')
0224    end
0225    if narg==3 && ...
0226       isa(varargin{3},'function_handle')     % fscreate(FSfunA,'Op',FSfunB)
0228       FSfunA=varargin{1};
0229       NA=FSfunA('size');
0230       KnA=FSfunA('coef');
0231       FSData.T=FSfunA('period');
0233       FSfunB=varargin{3};
0234       NB=FSfunB('size');
0235       KnB=FSfunB('coef');
0237       zAB=zeros(1,NA-NB);
0238       zBA=zeros(1,NB-NA);
0239       switch lower(varargin{2})
0240       case '+'
0241          Kn=[zBA KnA zBA]+[zAB KnB zAB];
0242       case '-'
0243          Kn=[zBA KnA zBA]-[zAB KnB zAB];
0244       case '*'
0245          Kn=conv(KnA,KnB);
0246          iDC=(length(Kn)+1)/2;
0247          N=max(NA,NB);
0248          Kn=Kn(iDC-N:iDC+N);
0249       otherwise
0250          error('FSCREATE:InputError','Unknown Mathematical Operator.')
0251       end
0252       FSData.Kn=Kn;
0253       FSfun=@(t) FourierSeries(FSData,t);
0255    else                    % fscreate(FSfun,'Op') or fscreate(FSfun,'Op',P)
0256       FSfun=varargin{1};
0257       Kn=FSfun('coef');
0258       N=(length(Kn)-1)/2;
0259       iDC=N+1;
0260       T=FSfun('period');
0261       wo=2*pi/T;
0262       if narg==3
0263          P=varargin{3};
0264       end
0265       switch lower(varargin{2}(1:min(2,length(varargin{2}))))
0266       case 'ta'                              % tag
0267          if ischar(P)
0268             FSData.tag=P;
0269          else
0270             error('FSCREATE:InputError','Character String Tag Required.')
0271          end
0272       case 'di'                              % differentiate
0273          Kn=1j*wo*(-N:N).*Kn;
0274       case 'in'                              % integrate
0275          nn=-N:N;
0276          idx=nn~=0;
0277          iKn=zeros(size(Kn));
0278          iKn(idx)=Kn(idx)./(nn(idx)*wo*1i);
0279          iKn(iDC)=0;
0280          Kn=iKn;
0281       case 'mi'                              % time mirror
0282          Kn=Kn(end:-1:1);
0283       case 'sm'                              % Exact Blackman smoothing
0284          m=linspace(-pi,pi,length(Kn));
0285          Kn=Kn.*(7938 + 9240*cos(m) + 1430*cos(2*m))/18608;
0286       case 'tr'                              % trim negigible elements
0287          tol=sqrt(eps);
0288          mKn=abs(Kn);
0289          rKn=abs(real(Kn));
0290          iKn=abs(imag(Kn));
0291          b=mKn<tol*max(mKn);
0292          Kn(b)=0;              % elements with small magnitude
0293          b=rKn<tol*max(rKn) | rKn<tol*iKn;
0294          Kn(b)=1i*imag(Kn(b)); % elements with small real part
0295          b=iKn<tol*max(iKn) | iKn<tol*rKn;
0296          Kn(b)=real(Kn(b));    % elements with small imaginary part
0297       case 'ev'                              % Even part
0298          Kn=real(Kn);
0299       case 'od'                              % Odd part
0300          Kn=1i*imag(Kn);
0301       case 'ha'                              % Halfwave part
0302          idx=rem(N,2)+1:2:length(Kn);
0303          Kn(idx)=0;
0304       case 'no'                              % no DC part
0305          Kn(iDC)=0;
0306       case 'dc'                              % set DC value
0307          if narg==2 || numel(varargin{3})>1
0308             error('FSCREATE:InputError','Scalar Third Argument P Required.')
0309          end
0310          Kn(iDC)=real(P);
0311       case 'ad'                              % set DC value
0312          if narg==2 || numel(varargin{3})>1
0313             error('FSCREATE:InputError','Scalar Third Argument P Required.')
0314          end
0315          Kn(iDC)=Kn(iDC)+real(P);
0316       case 'de'                              % delay
0317          if narg==2
0318             error('FSCREATE:InputError','Third Argument P Required.')
0319          end
0320          if ischar(P)
0321             a1=angle(Kn(iDC+1))/(2*pi);
0322             switch lower(P(1))
0323             case 'o'
0324                d=a1+1/4;
0325             case 'e'
0326                d=a1;
0327             otherwise
0328                error('FSCREATE:InputError','Unknown Delay Requested.')
0329             end
0330          else
0331             d=P(1);
0332          end
0333          Kn=exp(-2j*pi*(-N:N)*d).*Kn;
0334       case 'sc'                              % scale amplitude
0335          if narg==2 || numel(varargin{3})>1
0336             error('FSCREATE:InputError','Scalar Third Argument P Required.')
0337          end
0338          Kn=P*Kn;
0339       case 'pe'                              % set period
0340          if narg==2 || numel(varargin{3})>1
0341             error('FSCREATE:InputError','Scalar Third Argument P Required.')
0342          end
0343          T=varargin{3};
0344       case 're'                              % resize
0345          if narg==2 || numel(varargin{3})>1
0346             error('FSCREATE:InputError','Scalar Third Argument P Required.')
0347          elseif fix(P)~=P || abs(P)~=P || P<1
0348             error('FSCREATE:InputError','P Must be a Positive Integer.')
0349          end
0350          if P>N     % pad with zeros
0351             zpadd=zeros(1,P-N);
0352             Kn=[zpadd Kn zpadd];
0353          elseif P<N % delete excess terms
0354             Kn=Kn(iDC-P:iDC+P);
0355          else % P=N no work
0356             return
0357          end
0358       otherwise
0359          error('FSCREATE:InputError','Unknown Operation Requested.')
0360       end
0361       FSData.Kn=Kn;
0362       FSData.T=T;
0363       FSfun=@(t) FourierSeries(FSData,t);
0364    end
0365 otherwise
0366    error('Unknown First Input Argument.')
0367 end % END of Primary Function
0368 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0369 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0370 function Kn=local_getFS(t,f,N,type)      % fscreate(t,f,N,type) Subfunction
0371 T=t(end)-t(1);
0372 if T<=0
0373    error('Period Must be Positive.')
0374 end
0375 if ~isreal(f)
0376    error('Input Must be Real-Valued.')
0377 end
0378 if abs(f(1)-f(end))> eps*(1+abs(max(f)-min(f)))
0379    error('Input Must Describe Exactly One Period of the Function.')
0380 end
0381 t=t/T;
0382 wo=2*pi;
0383 df=diff(f);
0384 dt=diff(t);
0385 if any(dt<0)
0386    error('Time Points Must be Nondecreasing.')
0387 end
0388 switch type
0389 case 'foh'
0390    Nl=length(f)-1;
0391    idx=dt~=0;
0392    m=zeros(Nl,1);
0393    m(idx)=df(idx)./dt(idx);
0394    b=f(1:end-1)-m.*t(1:end-1);
0395    n=1:N;
0396    mm=repmat(m,1,N);
0397    bb=repmat(b,1,N);
0398    t1=repmat(t(1:end-1),1,N);
0399    t2=repmat(t(2:end),1,N);
0400    nn=repmat(n,Nl,1);
0401    Fp=sum((1j*(mm.*t2+bb)./(nn*wo)+mm./(nn*wo).^2).*exp(-1j*nn*wo.*t2) - ...
0402           (1j*(mm.*t1+bb)./(nn*wo)+mm./(nn*wo).^2).*exp(-1j*nn*wo.*t1));   
0403    Kn=[conj(Fp(end:-1:1)) trapz(t,f) Fp];
0404 case 'zoh'
0405    n=1:N;
0406    Ni=length(f)-1;
0407    ff=repmat(f(1:end-1),1,N);
0408    t1=repmat(t(1:end-1),1,N);
0409    t2=repmat(t(2:end),1,N);
0410    nn=repmat(n,Ni,1);
0412    Fp=sum(1j*ff./(nn*wo).*(exp(-1j*nn*wo.*t2) - exp(-1j*nn*wo.*t1)));
0413    Kn=[conj(Fp(end:-1:1)) trapz(t,f) Fp];
0414 end
0415 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0416 function Kn=local_getwave(wave,T,N,P) % fscreate('WAVE',T,N,P) Subfunction
0417 lenP=length(P);
0418 lkn=2*N+1;
0419 Kn=zeros(1,lkn);
0421 switch lower(wave(1:min(3,length(wave))))
0422 case 'squ'                                                     % squarewave
0423    Kn(N+2:2:lkn)=-2j*(((1:2:N)*pi).^(-1));
0424    Kn(1:N)=conj(Kn(lkn:-1:N+2));
0425 case 'tri'                                                       % triangle
0426    Kn(N+2:2:lkn)=4*(((1:2:N)*pi).^(-2));
0427    Kn(1:N)=conj(Kn(lkn:-1:N+2));
0428 case 'ful'                                        % fullwave rectified sine
0429    Kn(N+1)=2/pi;
0430    n=2:2:N;    
0431    Kn(N+3:2:lkn)=2./(pi*(1-n.^2));
0432    Kn(1:N)=conj(Kn(lkn:-1:N+2));
0433 case 'hal'                                        % halfwave rectified sine
0434    Kn(N+1)=1/pi;
0435    Kn(N+2)=-j/4;
0436    n=2:2:N;
0437    Kn(N+3:2:lkn)=1./(pi*(1-n.^2));
0438    Kn(1:N)=conj(Kn(lkn:-1:N+2));
0439 case 'dc'                                                  % dc or constant
0440    Kn(N+1)=1;
0441 case 'sin'                                                      % sine wave
0442    if lenP==1
0443       n=P;
0444    else
0445       n=1;
0446    end
0447    if fix(n)~=n || n<1 || n>N
0448       error('Harmonic Number Must be an Integer Between 1 and N.')
0449    end
0450    Kn=zeros(1,N);
0451    Kn(n)=-1i/2;
0452    Kn=[conj(Kn(end:-1:1)) 0 Kn];
0453 case 'cos'                                                    % cosine wave
0454    if lenP==1
0455       n=P;
0456    else
0457       n=1;
0458    end
0459    if fix(n)~=n || n<1 || n>N
0460       error('Harmonic Number Must be an Integer Between 1 and N.')
0461    end
0462    Kn=zeros(1,N);
0463    Kn(n)=1/2;
0464    Kn=[Kn(end:-1:1) 0 Kn];
0465 case 'saw'                                                       % sawtooth
0466    if lenP==0                             % ideal sawtooth
0467       Kn(N+2:lkn)=2j*(((1:N)*2*pi).^(-1));
0468       Kn(1:N)=conj(Kn(lkn:-1:N+2));
0469    else                                   % finite fall time sawtooth
0470       a=min(.4999,P(1));
0471       if a~=P(1)
0472          warning('FSCREATE:InputError',...
0473                  'Requested Fall Time Must be Less Than 1/2.')
0474       end
0475       t=[0 a .5 1-a 1];
0476       f=[0 -1 0  1  0];
0477       [dum,Kn]=fscreate(t,f,N);
0478    end
0479 case 'rsa'                                               % reverse sawtooth
0480    [dum,Kn]=fscreate('saw',T,N,P);
0481    Kn=Kn(end:-1:1);
0482 case 'tra'                                                      % trapezoid
0483    if lenP==0
0484       p=2/3;
0485    else
0486       p=min(abs(P(1)),.999);
0487    end
0488    if lenP>0 && p~=P(1)
0489       warning('FSCREATE:InputError',...
0490               'Requested Duty Cycle Must Be Less Than 1.')
0491    end
0492    a=(1-p)/2;
0493    b=1-a;
0494    npi=(1:2:N)*pi;
0495    jnpia=1j*a*npi;
0496    jnpib=1j*b*npi;
0497    Kn(N+2:2:lkn)=(( (1+1j*a*npi).*exp(-jnpia)...
0498       - (1+jnpib).*exp(jnpia)...
0499       + 1j*npi).*(npi.^(-2))./a...
0500       + ( (1/a-1)*exp(jnpia)...
0501       - exp(-jnpia) -1/a)*1j./npi);
0502    Kn(1:N)=conj(Kn(lkn:-1:N+2));
0503 case 'pul'                                                     % Pulsetrain
0504    if lenP==0
0505       p=1/2;
0506    else
0507       p=min(abs(P(1)),.999);
0508    end
0509    if lenP>0 && p~=P(1)
0510       warning('FSCREATE:InputError',...
0511               'Requested Duty Cycle Must Be Less Than 1.')
0512    end
0513    if lenP<2 || P(2)==0                 % ideal zero rise time pulse
0514       Kn(N+1)=p;
0515       arg=pi*p*(1:N);
0516       Kn(N+2:lkn)=p*sin(arg)./(arg+eps);
0517       Kn(1:N)=conj(Kn(lkn:-1:N+2));
0518    else                                 % finite rise time pulse
0519       r=min((1-p)/2-10*eps,abs(P(2)));
0520       if r~=P(2)
0521          warning('FSCREATE:InputError',...
0522                  'Requested Rise Time Too Long.')
0523       end
0524       a=p/2;
0525       t=[0 a a+r 0.5 1-a-r 1-a 1];
0526       f=[1 1  0   0    0    1  1];
0527       [dum,Kn]=fscreate(t,f,N);
0528    end      
0529 case 'bip'                                             % Bipolar Pulsetrain
0530    if lenP==0
0531       p=2/3;
0532    else
0533       p=min(abs(P(1)),.999);
0534    end
0535    if lenP>0 && p~=P(1)
0536       warning('FSCREATE:InputError',...
0537               'Requested Duty Cycle Must Be Less Than 1.')
0538    end
0539    if lenP<2 || P(2)==0                 % ideal zero rise time pulsetrain
0540       a=(1-p)/2; b=1-a;
0541       jnpi=(1:2:N)*pi*1j;
0542       Kn(N+2:2:lkn)=(exp(-jnpi*b)-exp(-jnpi*a))./(-jnpi);
0543       Kn(1:N)=conj(Kn(lkn:-1:N+2));
0544    else                                 % finite rise time pulse
0545       r=min((1-p)/4-10*eps,abs(P(2)));
0546       if r~=P(2)
0547          warning('FSCREATE:InputError',...
0548                  'Requested Rise Time Too Long.')
0549       end
0550       a=p/4;
0551       b=.25;
0552       c=.75;
0553       t=[0 b-a-r b-a b+a b+a+r 0.5 c-a-r c-a c+a c+a+r 1];
0554       f=[0   0    1   1    0    0    0    -1  -1   0   0];
0555       [dum,Kn]=fscreate(t,f,N);
0556    end      
0557 case 's2s'                                           % sine to square morph
0558    if lenP==0
0559       p=1/2;
0560    else
0561       p=P(1);
0562    end
0563    if p<0 || p>1
0564       error('FSCREATE:InputError',...
0565             'Morphing Parameter Must be Between 0 and 1.')
0566    end
0567    if p==0                            % sine wave
0568       Kn=zeros(1,N);
0569       Kn(1)=-1i/2;
0570       Kn=[conj(Kn(end:-1:1)) 0 Kn];
0571    elseif p==1                        % square wave
0572       Kn(N+2:2:lkn)=-2j*(((1:2:N)*pi).^(-1));
0573       Kn(1:N)=conj(Kn(lkn:-1:N+2));
0574    else                               % morph between sine and square
0575       kp=zeros(1,N);
0576       b=(1-p)/2;
0577       m=1:2:N;
0578       bm=b*m;
0579         kp(m)=(2*b/pi)*( 2i*bm.*exp(-1i*bm*pi)-1 )./(4*bm.^2-1)...
0580            - 2i*cos(bm*pi)./(m*pi)...
0581            + (2*b/pi)*( 1+ 2i*bm.*exp(1i*bm*pi))./(4*bm.^2-1);
0582         Kn=[conj(kp(end:-1:1)) 0 kp];
0583    end     
0584 otherwise
0585       error('FSCREATE:InputError','Unknown Waveform Input.')
0586 end
0587 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0588 % Fourier Series Function
0589 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------
0590 function y=FourierSeries(FSData,t)
0591 % Fourier Series Evaluation and Manipulation using function handles
0592 %
0593 % This function gets called when FSfun(...) is issued where FSfun is a
0594 % function handle returned by FSCREATE.
0596 Kn=FSData.Kn;           % FS coefficient vector
0597 wo=2*pi/FSData.T;       % fundamental frequency
0598 N=(length(Kn)-1)/2;     % highest harmonic
0599 iDC=N+1;                % index of dc component
0601 if isnumeric(t) && isreal(t)                      % Evaluate Fourier Series
0602    nwo=wo*(1:N);           % positive harmonic indices
0603    ko=real(Kn(iDC));       % average value
0604    tsize=size(t);
0605    Knp=Kn(iDC+1:end).';       % positive frequency coefs
0606    y=ko+2*(real(exp(1j*t(:)*nwo)*Knp))';
0607    y=reshape(y,tsize);
0608 elseif iscell(t) && ischar(t{1})            % FSfun( {'command', [range]} )
0609    if length(t)~=2 || ~isnumeric(t{2}) || numel(t{2})~=2 || ~isreal(t{2})
0610       msg=['Two Element Cell Required. '...
0611            'Second Cell Must be a Two Element Numeric Vector.'];
0612       error(msg)
0613    end
0614    switch lower(t{1}(1:min(3,length(t{1}))))
0615    case 'are'
0616       n=1:N;
0617       nwo=n*wo;
0618       Ikn=Kn(iDC+n)./(1i*nwo); % Kn/(jn*wo) is integral
0619       tmm=t{2};
0620       y=diff(2*(real(exp(1j*tmm(:)*nwo)*Ikn.')))+Kn(iDC)*diff(tmm);
0621    case 'ste'
0623       if any(fix(t{2})~=t{2}) || any(t{2}<0)
0624          error('Harmonic Indices Must be Nonnegative Integers.')
0625       end
0626       xdata=(min(t{2}):min(max(t{2}),N))+1;
0627       subplot(2,1,1)
0628       ydata=abs([Kn(iDC) 2*Kn(iDC+1:end)]);
0629       ydata=ydata(xdata);
0630       stem(xdata,ydata)
0631       ylabel('Amplitude')
0632       xlabel('Harmonic Index')
0633       title('Fourier Series Line Spectra Plot')
0634       ydata=angle(Kn(iDC:end))*180/pi;
0635       ydata=ydata(xdata);
0636       subplot(2,1,2)
0637       stem(xdata,ydata)
0638       ylabel('Phase')
0639       xlabel('Harmonic Index')         
0640    case 'plo'
0641       tt=linspace(t{2}(1),t{2}(2),min(max(5*N,100),500));
0642       nwo=wo*(1:N);
0643       ko=real(Kn(iDC));
0644       Knp=Kn(iDC+1:end).';
0645       ydata=ko+2*(real(exp(1j*tt(:)*nwo)*Knp))';
0646       plot(tt,ydata)
0647       title('Fourier Series Plot.')  
0648    otherwise
0649       error('Uknown Input Argument.')
0650    end
0652 elseif ~ischar(t)
0653    error('Unknown Input Argument.')
0654 else                                                      % FSfun('string')
0655    switch lower(t(1:min(3,length(t))))
0656    case 'tag'
0657       y=FSData.tag;
0658    case {'coe' 'kn'}                                   % coefficient vector
0659       y=Kn;         
0660    case {'per' 't'}                                                % period
0661       y=FSData.T;
0662    case 'siz'                                    % size or highest harmonic
0663       y=N;
0664    case {'dc' 'ave' 'avg'}                            % dc or average value
0665       y=Kn(iDC);
0666    case 'msv'                                           % mean square value
0667       y=real(Kn*Kn');
0668    case 'max'                                       % maximum or peak value
0669       nwo=wo*(1:N);
0670       Knp=Kn(iDC+1:end).';
0671       t=linspace(-0.1,1.2,11*N)*FSData.T;
0672       [dum,idx]=max(real(Kn(iDC))+2*(real(exp(1j*t(:)*nwo)*Knp)));
0673       t=linspace(t(idx-1),t(idx+1),101);
0674       y=max(real(Kn(iDC))+2*(real(exp(1j*t(:)*nwo)*Knp)));    
0675    case 'min'                                              % minimum  value
0676       nwo=wo*(1:N);
0677       Knp=Kn(iDC+1:end).';
0678       t=linspace(-0.1,1.2,11*N)*FSData.T;
0679       [dum,idx]=min(real(Kn(iDC))+2*(real(exp(1j*t(:)*nwo)*Knp)));
0680       t=linspace(t(idx-1),t(idx+1),101);
0681       y=min(real(Kn(iDC))+2*(real(exp(1j*t(:)*nwo)*Knp)));
0682    case 'thd'                                   % total harmonic distortion
0683       idx=iDC+[-1 1];
0684       fn=Kn(idx);
0685       Kn(idx)=[];
0686       y=sqrt(real(Kn*Kn')/real(fn*fn'));
0687    case 'one'                            % one-sided line amplitude spectra
0688       y=abs([Kn(iDC) 2*Kn(iDC+1:end)]);
0689    case 'pha'                                % one-sided line phase spectra
0690       y=angle(Kn(iDC:end))*180/pi;
0691    case 'sin'                                      % trig sine coefficients
0692       y=-2*imag(Kn(iDC+1:end));
0693    case 'cos'                                    % trig cosine coefficients
0694       y=2*real(Kn(iDC+1:end));
0695    case 'all'                              % return all data in a structure
0696       y.tag=FSData.tag;
0697       y.coef=Kn;
0698       y.period=FSData.T;
0699       y.size=N;
0700       y.avg=Kn(iDC);
0701       y.msv=real(Kn*Kn');
0703       nwo=wo*(1:N);
0704       Knp=Kn(iDC+1:end).';
0705       t1=linspace(-0.1,1.2,11*N)*FSData.T;
0706       [dum,idx]=max(real(Kn(iDC))+2*(real(exp(1j*t1(:)*nwo)*Knp)));
0707       t2=linspace(t1(idx-1),t1(idx+1),101);
0708       y.max=max(real(Kn(iDC))+2*(real(exp(1j*t2(:)*nwo)*Knp)));
0710       [dum,idx]=min(real(Kn(iDC))+2*(real(exp(1j*t1(:)*nwo)*Knp)));
0711       t2=linspace(t1(idx-1),t1(idx+1),101);
0712       y.min=min(real(Kn(iDC))+2*(real(exp(1j*t2(:)*nwo)*Knp)));
0714       idx=iDC+[-1 1];
0715       fn=Kn(idx);
0716       Kn(idx)=[];
0717       y.thd=sqrt(real(Kn*Kn')/real(fn*fn'));
0719       y.one=abs([Kn(iDC) 2*Kn(iDC+1:end)]);
0720       y.phase=angle(Kn(iDC:end))*180/pi;
0721       y.sine=-2*imag(Kn(iDC+1:end));
0722       y.cosine=2*real(Kn(iDC+1:end));
0724    case {'spe' 'ste'}                                    % create stem plot
0725       xdata=0:N;
0726       subplot(2,1,1)
0727       ydata=abs([Kn(iDC) 2*Kn(iDC+1:end)]);
0728       stem(xdata,ydata)
0729       ylabel('Amplitude')
0730       xlabel('Harmonic Index')
0731       title('Fourier Series Line Spectra Plot')
0732       ydata=angle(Kn(iDC:end))*180/pi;
0733       subplot(2,1,2)
0734       stem(xdata,ydata)
0735       ylabel('Phase')
0736       xlabel('Harmonic Index')
0737    case 'plo'                                            % create time plot
0738       t=linspace(0,FSData.T,min(max(5*N,100),500));
0739       nwo=wo*(1:N);
0740       ko=real(Kn(iDC));
0741       Knp=Kn(iDC+1:end).';
0742       ydata=ko+2*(real(exp(1j*t(:)*nwo)*Knp))';
0743       plot(t,ydata)
0744       title('Fourier Series Plot.')
0745    otherwise
0746       error('Uknown Input Argument.')
0747    end
0748 end
0749 %--------------------------------------------------------------------------

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