% ****************************************************************************************************
% LUKE Version 1.1
% A directory Simulations has been created. It contains the Examples folder.
% %====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Database/DKEPARAM_files
% U make_dkeparam_BOUNCE3D_MUMPS.m (abslim added and package parameters + MUMPSmex parameters)
% U make_dkeparam_BOUNCE3D_MUMPS_m201.m
% U make_dkeparam_BOUNCE3D_boostrap.m
% U make_dkeparam_EC_RT.m
% U make_dkeparam_LH_RT.m
% U make_dkeparam_NONUNIFORM100100R.m
% U make_dkeparam_UNIFORM10010020.m
% U make_dkeparam_UNIFORM10010020_MUMPS.m
% U make_dkeparam_UNIFORM10010020_RT.m
% U make_dkeparam_UNIFORM10010020_coll0.m
% U make_dkeparam_UNIFORM10010020_nit1.m
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Database/PATH_files
% U make_path_LUKE_DRFC.m (removed)
% U make_path_LUKE.m (generic LOCAL .mat path file)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Database/HXR_files
% U bremTSconvert_dke_yp.m (circle function replaced)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/DKE
% U alphaphi_fr_jd.m (scalar entries possible)
% U disp_hot_jd.m
% U disp_jd.m
% U load_structures_yp.m (path changed with local option)
% U main_dke_yp.m (warnings and ripple)
% U path_LUKE_LOCAL.m
% U propagation_jd.m
% U rayprocess_jd.m (dNpar a partir de beam width)
% U run_lukert.m (dNpar increased at each caustic + warnings)
% U setpath_luke_jd.m (now a function, mex as field)
% U solver_dke_yp.m (mumpsmex added + petsc modified)
% U writeCloopinput_dke_ft.m (gestion des repertoires temporaires)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/MEX
% U make_mex.m (path->dkepath)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Cronos
% U make_dkeparam_cronos.m (new packages)
% U zstarwars.m (abslim)
% U make_wavelaunchs_cronos_lh.m (replaces make_wavelaunchs_cronos.m and ITE%R correction)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/EFIT
% U Teneprof_jd.m (one more case)
% U equil_magnetic_EFIT_jd.m (equilibrium and profiles separated)
% U equil_prof_jd.m (equilibrium and profiles separated)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/RT
% U main_C3PO_jd.m (beam option and pmode for caustic)
% U main_rayinit_launch_jd.m (ray length increased)
% U make_beam_wave_jd.m (beam-like damping)
% U raypostprocessing_yp.m (pmode and toroidal projection)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Examples
% U run_all.m (run all examples)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Examples/JETlike/WAVE
% U make_wave_JETliketest.m (simplified output)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/MEX/Bin
% U Compile.text (path corrected)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Packages/MUMPS
% U MUMPS_dke_yp.m (nproc and MPI managing)
% U readme.txt
% U MUMPSMEX_dke_yp.m (MEX file for MUMPS + extra parameters)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Packages/PETSc
% U PETSc_Cloop_dke_ft.m (call to C collision function)
% U PETSc_dke_ft.m (nproc and MPI managing)
% U writePetscBin_DKE_ft.m (display off)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Packages/PETSc/DKE
% U division.c (display off)
% U firstordercollop_dke_ft_c.c (display off)
% U integral_dke_jd.c (display off)
% U makefile
% U product.c (display off)
% U ReadBinary_DKE.c (display off)
% U ReadBinaryArray_DKE.c (display off)
% U ReadBinaryIntArray_DKE.c (display off)
% U ReadBinarySparseMatrix_DKE.c (display off)
% U readme.txt
% U Scalar_Tensor_product.c (display off)
% U SolverLoop_DKE_c.c (dynamic path managing + correction for current calculation)
% U SparseMat_Tensorproduct.c (display off)
% U tensor.h (long double -> double)
% U Tensor_Create.c (display off)
% U Tensor_Sum.c (display off)
% U Tensor_Transpose.c (display off)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Packages/PETSc/MEX/Source
% U writeBinaryArray_mex_c.c (display off)
% U writeBinaryIntArray_mex_c.c (display off)
% U writeBinarySparseMat_mex_c.c (display off)
% U writeBinaryTensor_mex_c.c (display off)
% U ReadBinaryIntArray_mex_c.c (new function)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Packages/PETSc/
% U README.txt
% U nproc_dke_yp.m (processor managing)
% U testLU2D.mat (test matrix for inversion methods testing)
% U testLU3D.mat (test matrix for inversion methods testing)
% U test_packages_dke_yp.m (test function for inversion methods)
% ====>  LUKE/Simulations
% U Examples/run_all_examples.m (runs all examples)
% U Examples/JETh77/LH_karney_transp_bounce/proc_rundke_yp.m (result processing)
% U Examples/JETh77/LH_karney_transp_bounce/rundke.m (paths simplified + mumpsmex option)
% U Examples/JETh77/LH_karney_transp_bounce_nomag/rundke.m (paths simplified + mumpsmex option)
% U Examples/JETh77/LH_karney_transp_bounce_petsc/proc_rundke_yp.m (result processing)
% U Examples/JETh77/LH_karney_transp_bounce_petsc/rundke.m (paths simplified + mumpsmex option)
% U Examples/JETh77/Zero_test/rundke.m (paths simplified + mumpsmex option)
% U Examples/TScirc/LH_karney_transp_bounce/rundke.m (paths simplified + mumpsmex option)
% U Examples/TScirc/LH_karney_transp_bounce_nomag/rundke.m (paths simplified + mumpsmex option)
% U Examples/TScirc_e1/Ohm_bounce/rundke.m (paths simplified + mumpsmex option)
% U Examples/TScirc_e1/Runaway_bounce/rundke.m (paths simplified + mumpsmex option)
% U Examples/TScirc_peak/LH_karney_ripple/rundke.m (paths simplified + mumpsmex option)
% U Examples/TScyl/LH_karney_3D_num/rundke.m (paths simplified + mumpsmex option)
% U Examples/TScyl/LH_karney_Zi_D0/rundke.m (paths simplified + mumpsmex option)
% U Examples/TScyl/LH_karney_num/rundke.m (paths simplified + mumpsmex option)
% U Examples/TScyl/LH_karney_transp_nobounce/rundke.m (paths simplified + mumpsmex option + parallel option)
% U Examples/TScyl/Ohm_Zi/rundke.m (paths simplified + mumpsmex option)
% U Examples/TScyl/Runaway_Zi_nobounce/rundke.m (paths simplified + mumpsmex option)
% U Examples/TScyl/Runaway_particle_loss/rundke.m (paths simplified + mumpsmex option)
% U Examples/TScyl/Thermal/rundke.m (paths simplified + mumpsmex option)
% ****************************************************************************************************
% LUKE Version 1.2
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Database/
% U make_all.m (made into a function and PATH_files removed)
% U clearmat.m (clear .mat files)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/DKE
% U main_dke_yp.m (sorties runaways)
% U momentumgrid_dke_jd.m (Sorting mhu so that mhu is monotonic. Important for RFP simulations only)
% U path_LUKE_LOCAL.m (PATH_LOCAL is also searched in matlab PATH. It can also be built interactively during the first run)
% U savefig_dke_yp.m (Pour que les figures soient archiv�es dans un dossier au choix)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/MEX/Bin
% U readme.txt (to create Bin directory)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Cronos
% U make_dkeparam_cronos.m (Mise en place des options de calcul pour MUMPS et des m�thodes diverses)
% U make_equil_cronos.m (new function for building "equil" from Cronos data)
% U make_wavelaunchs_cronos_ec.m (make launch parameters for EC waves)
% U make_wavelaunchs_cronos_lh.m (replaces make_wavelaunchs_cronos.m and ITE%R correction)
% U make_wavert_cronos.m (a few corrections)
% U zstarwars.m (EC wave incorporated, path and ohmic corrections)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/EFIT
% U Teneprof_jd.m (ajouts de RFP et FTU)
% U equil_magnetic_EFIT_jd.m (Trace la dependence poloidale de B pour identifier l'existence de minimum secondaires le cas �ch�ant)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/FEB/MEX/Bin
% U readme.txt (to create Bin directory)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Helena
% U MEX/Bin/readme.txt (to create Bin directory)
% U MEX/Source/helmex77.f (Correction des lignes mal positionn�es faisant planter g95)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/RT
% U init_RT_jd.m (Possibilit� de choisir m0 ou n0 comme condition initiale (pour tokamak ou RFP))
% U main_C3PO_jd.m (")
% U main_rayinit_launch_jd.m (")
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Packages
% U nproc_dke_yp.m (PC case added)
% U test_packages_dke_yp.m (Calcul avec moyenne et stockage des graphiques)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Packages/MUMPS
% U MUMPS_dke_yp.m (Prend en compte le chemin vers le type de mpi utilis�. %A d�finir dans PATH_files)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Packages/PETSc
% U PETSc_Cloop_dke_ft.m (Prend en compte le chemin vers le type de mpi utilis�. %A d�finir dans PATH_files)
% U PETSc_dke_ft.m (")
% ====>  LUKE/Simulations/Examples/JETh77
% U LH_karney_transp_bounce/rundke.m (graphic output)
% U LH_karney_transp_bounce_nomag/rundke.m (")
% U LH_karney_transp_bounce_petsc/rundke.m (")
% U Zero_test/rundke.m (")
% ====>  LUKE/Simulations/Examples/TScirc
% U LH_karney_transp_bounce/rundke.m (")
% U LH_karney_transp_bounce_nomag/rundke.m (")
% ====>  LUKE/Simulations/Examples/TScirc_e1
% U Ohm_bounce/rundke.m (cyl calc. for reference and better comparison with Sigmar-Coppi)
% U Runaway_bounce/rundke.m (graphic output)
% ====>  LUKE/Simulations/Examples/TScirc_peak
% U LH_karney_ripple/proc_rundke_yp.m (correction)
% U LH_karney_ripple/rundke.m (graphic output)
% ====>  LUKE/Simulations/Examples/TScyl
% U LH_karney_3D_num/rundke.m (graphic output)
% U LH_karney_Zi_D0/rundke.m (")
% U LH_karney_num/rundke.m (")
% U LH_karney_transp_nobounce/rundke.m (")
% U Ohm_Zi/rundke.m (")
% U Runaway_Zi_nobounce/rundke.m (")
% U Runaway_particle_loss/rundke.m (")
% U Thermal/rundke.m (")
% ****************************************************************************************************
% LUKE Version 1.3
% Main changes include:
% - calculation of wave absorption and other characteristics included in C3PO
% - improvement and generalization of theta interpolation at given magnetic field values
% - compatibility of i/o with CRONOS flux-surface averaging
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/DKE
% U alphaphi_fr_jd.m (possibility to use the MEX version)
% U banana_dke_jd.m (use of the function interp_theta_jd and other improvements)
% U bounce_dke_jd.m (new coefficient & simplification by using the structure equilDKE)
% U bouncecoefbuilder_dke_yp.m (")
% U bounceparam_dke_yp.m (")
% U efield_dke_jd.m (compatibility with CRONOS flux-surface averaging included)
% U fmoments_dke_yp.m (")
% U graph1D_jd.m (marker size and legend as cell)
% U graph2D_jd.m (labelling optional)
% U interp_theta_jd.m (new function, theta interpolation at given magnetic field values)
% U mex_compile_luke.m (PC case added)
% U path_LUKE_LOCAL.m (made PC compatible)
% U pc_dke_yp.m (use of varargout)
% U rayprocess_jd.m (case where variables are already calculated is treated)
% U setpath_luke_jd.m (made PC compatible)
% U wave_process_jd.m (treats the case where ray.tau exists already)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/MEX/
% U Source/alphaphi_jd.c (wave absorption calculation, used by alphaphimex_jd and C3PO)
% U Source/alphaphimex_jd.c (mex calculation of the absorption coefficient)
% U Source/bessel_IK_jd.h (bessel functions I and K)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Packages
% U test_packages_dke_yp.m (Test for the existence of mex file)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Cronos
% U zstarwars.m (compatibility of i/o with CRONOS flux-surface averaging)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Helena
% U equil_helmag_yp.m (Helena for LUKE as stand-alone application)
% U equil_helprof_yp.m (")
% U make_equil_helena.m (")
% U make_helprof_yp.m (")
% U make_helsep_yp.m (")
% U run_helena_yp.m (")
% U Application/hel12b.f (")
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/RT
% U calcval_yp.m (modification of i/o)
% U init_RT_jd.m (")
% U main_C3PO_jd.m (modified to work with the new version of raytracing_yp : absorption calculated in C)
% U make_beam_wave_jd.m (warning removed)
% U raypostprocessing_yp.m (modified to work with the new version of raytracing_yp : absorption calculated in C)
% U testfitequil_yp.m (modification of i/o)
% U Examples/JETlike/WAVE/make_wave_JETliketest.m (")
% U Examples/JETlike/WAVE/make_wave_JETliketest_bis.m(")
% U MEX/Source/raytracing_dieltensor_yp.c (calculation of wave absorption and other characteristics included in C3PO)
% U MEX/Source/raytracing_load_yp.c (")
% U MEX/Source/raytracing_yp.c (")
% ====>  LUKE/Simulations/Examples/TScyl
% U Ohm_Zi/rundke.m (Spitzer conductivity added)
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% LUKE Release 1.3.1
% - batch of the version LUKE 1.3
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Database/DKEPARAM_files
% U make_dkeparam_NONUNIFORM10010020.m (Cas grille non uniforme added)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Database/PATH_files
% U make_path_LOCAL.m (updated for LUKE 1.3)
% U make_path_LUKE.m (updated for LUKE 1.3)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/DKE
% U LUKEversion_jd.m
% U conc_struct_jd.m (moved here from M_tools)
% U equilibrium_jd.m (smoothing of the equilibrium if secondary extrema are present)
% U interp_theta_jd.m (small correction for numerical precision)
% U mex_compile_luke.m (c form of alphaphi included)
% U print_jd.m (moved here from M_tools - blend of print_jd and savefig_dke_yp)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/MEX
% U Source/alphaphi_jd.c (correction for use in linux)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Cronos
% U make_dkeparam_cronos.m (nmhu = 121)
% U make_wavelaunchs_cronos_lh.m (one ITE%R antenna removed)
% U zstarwars.m (distribution is passed as output + a few corrections in the electric field management)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/FEB
% U bremchorddisplay_dke_yp.m (Correction figures qui bombent avec MatLab 2007a)
% U bremdiag_dke_yp.m (Correction de la boucle)
% U bremdiagdisplay_dke_yp.m (Correction figures qui bombent avec MatLab 2007a)
% U bremlocaldisplay_dke_yp.m (")
% U bremsstrahlung_dke_yp.m (Retrait d'un facteur 2pi compt� deux fois)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/RT
% U main_C3PO_jd.m (flag option added + theta saved in as a ray parameter)
% U Examples/JETlike/WAVE/make_wave_JETliketest.m (use of main_c3po_jd)
% U Examples/JETlike/WAVE/make_wave_JETliketest_bis.m (")
% U Examples/PLT/WAVE/make_wave_PLTtest.m (")
% U Examples/RTtest/WAVE/make_wave_RTtest.m (")
% U Examples/RTtest/WAVE/make_wave_RTtest_straight.m (")
% U Bin/Compile.text (modified to work with the new version of raytracing_yp : absorption calculated in C)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Packages
% U nproc_dke_yp.m (PC case added)
% ====>  LUKE/Simulations/Examples
% U run_all_examples.m (correction in the existence test)
% U JETh77/Zero_test/rundke.m (E = 0.08ED)
% U TScirc/Thermal/rundke.m (ce cas torique est ajout�)
% U TScirc_e1/Ohm_bounce/rundke.m (Pas de sous dossier Figures)
% U TScirc_e1/Runaway_bounce/rundke.m (Champ electrique � 0.08 pour limiter le nombre de cas)
% U TScyl/LH_Karney/rundke.m (original karney case added)
% U TScyl/LH_karney_Zi_D0/rundke.m (Suivi de la densit� et normalisation)
% U TScyl/LH_karney_num/rundke.m (sequencial MUMPS test)
% U TScyl/LH_karney_transp_nobounce/rundke.m (small correction + Retrait mumps de dkeparam par defaut)
% U TScyl/Ohm_Zi/rundke.m (save name changed)
% U TScyl/Runaway_Zi_nobounce/rundke.m (dkeparam par defaut)
% U TScyl/Runaway_particle_loss/rundke.m (" + dkeparam par defaut)
% U TScyl/Thermal/rundke.m (Comparaison grilles uniformes et non-uniformes)
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% LUKE Release 1.3.2
% - batch of the version LUKE 1.3
% - runaway avalanches
% - corrected radial transport
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/DKE
% U Bfit_dke_ds.m (interpolation function for avanlanche runaway calculations)
% U main_dke_yp.m (different arguments for sinksourcecoeffbuilder_dke_yp.m and rad_dke_yp.m)
% U rad_dke_yp.m (correction on trapped electron radial fluxes)
% U runaway_sinksource.m (avanlanche runaway calculations)
% U sinksourcecoeffbuilder_dke_yp.m (modified treatment of trapped electrons)
% U thetastar_dke_ds.m (theta star calculations for avanlanche runaway calculations)
% U zstarwars.m (MUMPS path managed in cronos path file)
% LUKE Release 1.3.3
% - batch of the version LUKE 1.3.
% - Correction arising during the benchmarking effort on LUKE
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Database
% U DKEPARAM_files/make_dkeparam_NONUNIFORM10010020.m (so that np = 100)
% U EQUIL_files/make_equil_TScirc.m (compatibility with TScyl and more precise calculation of psi)
% U EQUIL_files/make_equil_TScirc_e1.m (")
% U OHM_files/ohm_flat.m (new function creating flat ohmic profiles)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/DKE
% U Project_DKE/DKE/equilibrium_jd.m (equilibrium smoothing only for toroidal geometry)
% U Project_DKE/DKE/main_dke_yp.m (curr0 and norm0 saved in dke_out)
% U Project_DKE/DKE/momentumgrid_dke_jd.m (no mhu_T effect when bounce_mode = 0)
% U Project_DKE/DKE/solver_dke_yp.m (curr0 and norm0 saved in dke_out)
% ====>  LUKE/Simulations/Examples
% This functions have been modified extensively in preparation for publication
% U TScirc_e1/Ohm_bounce/rundke.m
% U TScyl/Ohm/rundke_Zi.m
% U TScyl/Ohm/rundke_betath.m (new function)
% U TScyl/Ohm/rundke_epsi.m (new function)
% U TScyl/Thermal/rundke.m
% In addition:
% - the directory TScyl/Ohm_Zi has been renamed TScyl/Ohm with
% - rundke.m renamed rundke_Zi.m
% - rundke_betath.m and rundke_epsi.m added
% - the directories TScyl/Runaway_Zi_nobounce and Runaway_particle_loss have been deleted
% - the directory TScyl/Runaway has been created
% - Runaway_Zi_nobounce/rundke.m renamed rundke_Zi.m
% - Runaway_particle_loss/rundke.m renamed rundke_particle_loss.m
% ****************************************************************************************************
% LUKE Version 1.4
% Main changes include:
% - CRONOS coupling (proper outputs, signs management, etc)
% - dNpar evolution (accessibility limit, numerical limit)
% - RHS at first FPE iteration, important for time evolution
% - HELMEX now working
% - Many corrections in preparation for publication
% ====>  LUKE
% U install_LUKE.m (update of PATH directory)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/DKE
% U bounce_dke_jd.m (modifs equil_mode = 0)
% U bouncecoefbuilder_dke_yp.m (qcronos calculated)
% U bounceparam_dke_yp.m (")
% U colddisp_dke_jd.m (accessibility condition added)
% U conc_struct_jd.m (treatment of particuliar cases)
% U eicoll_dke_yp.m (treatment of case Ti=0)
% U equilibrium_jd.m (magnetic field on axis added for qcronos calculation)
% U fact_dke_jd.m (matlab function with treatment of singles)
% U finit_dke_yp.m (update with Fuchs model)
% U fmoments_dke_yp.m (correction of cronos bounce averaging using qcronos)
% U graph1D_jd.m (figure fonts and marker properties)
% U load_structures_yp.m (correction when no wave is present)
% U LUKEversion_jd.m (version 1.4)
% U main_dke_yp.m (correction initial power and output of residue)
% U mex_compile_luke.m (display and helmex)
% U print_jd.m (modif Mac OSX)
% A proc_luke_jd.m (LUKE output treatment)
% U propagation_jd.m (correction initial power)
% U qfactors_dke_yp.m (qcronos calculated)
% U rad_dke_yp.m (to avoid error when vparmin > vnmax)
% U rayprocess_jd.m (account for varying dnpar in absorption when rt_mode = 4 and accessibility condition)
% U raysum_rf_jd.m (possibility to cap dparpar)
% U rfdiff_dke_jd.m (resolution by block and accessibility)
% U rfprop_dke_jd.m (initial power in ray)
% U rfwave_dke_jd.m (initial power in ray)
% U run_lukert.m (waves returned in dke_out, dnpar minimum in rt_mode = 2 for grid step, accessibility, account for varying dnpar in absorption when rt_mode = 4)
% U setpath_luke_jd.m (path ACCOME)
% U solver_dke_yp.m (correction for RHS at first iteration, loop simplification, residue saved and returned at all times)
% U wave_process_jd.m (account for varying dnpar in absorption whe rt_mode = 4, kextra effect)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Database/DKEPARAM_files
% U make_dkeparam_EC_RT.m (Dparparmax added)
% U make_dkeparam_LH_RT.m (")
% U make_dkeparam_NONUNIFORM10010020.m (Dparparmax added and nonuniformity in mhu only)
% U make_dkeparam_UNIFORM10010020.m (Dparparmax added)
% R make_dkeparam_BOUNCE3D_MUMPS.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_dkeparam_BOUNCE3D_MUMPS_m201.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_dkeparam_BOUNCE3D_boostrap.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_dkeparam_NONUNIFORM100100R.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_dkeparam_UNIFORM10010020_MUMPS.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_dkeparam_UNIFORM10010020_RT.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_dkeparam_UNIFORM10010020_coll0.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_dkeparam_UNIFORM10010020_nit1.m is no longer in the repository
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Database/EQUIL_files
% U make_equil_JETh77.m (path management and other corrections)
% U make_equil_TScirc_e1.m (to avoid interp. problems)
% R make_equil_TScirc_peak.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_equil_TScyl_lowTene.m is no longer in the repository
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Database/OHM_files
% R make_ohm_JETh77_p005_flat.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_ohm_TScirc_e1_p001_flat.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_ohm_TScirc_e1_p005_flat.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_ohm_TScirc_e1_p008_flat.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_ohm_TScirc_p005_flat.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_ohm_TScyl_lowTene_p008_flat.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_ohm_TScyl_p001_flat.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_ohm_TScyl_p005_flat.m is no longer in the repository
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Database/PATH_files
% U make_path_LUKE.m (version 1.4)
% U make_path_LOCAL.m (version 1.4)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Database/WAVE_files
% A make_idealLHwave_jd.m (makes wave structure based on v1, v2 an D)
% R make_wave_JETh77_LH_karney_offaxis_2.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_wave_TScirc_LH_karney.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_wave_TScirc_LH_karney_g.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_wave_TScirc_LH_karney_offaxis_1.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_wave_TScirc_LH_karney_offaxis_2.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_wave_TScirc_e1_LH_karney.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_wave_TScirc_e1_LH_karney_offaxis_2.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_wave_TScirc_peak_LH_karney_uniform.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_wave_TScirc_unicyl_psirho_LH_karney_offaxis_2.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_wave_TScyl_LH_karney.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_wave_TScyl_LH_karney_g.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_wave_TScyl_LH_karney_offaxis_2.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_wave_TSh77_LH_karney_offaxis_1.m is no longer in the repository
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/ACCOME
% A accome_yp.m (reads ACCOME equilibrium data)
% A equil_magnetic_ACCOME_yp.m (builds accome equilibrium)
% A equil_prof_ACCOME_yp.m (builds accome profiles)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Cronos
% U lhspectrum_cronos.m (sign management and possibility to add negative lobe)
% U make_dkeparam_cronos.m (Dparparmax added)
% U make_equil_cronos.m (sign management)
% U make_wavelaunchs_cronos_ec.m (simplifications and polarization)
% U make_wavelaunchs_cronos_lh.m (polarization and possibility to add negative lobe)
% U make_wavert_cronos.m (polarization and ray parameters updated)
% U zstarwars.m (simplifications, sign management and possibility to add negative lobe)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/EFIT
% U Teneprof_jd.m (EAST tokamak added)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/FEB
% U bremchord_dke_yp.m (file theta grid and chord length calculation)
% U bremlocaldisplay_dke_yp.m (comments)
% U bremsstrahlung_dke_yp.m (bugs and comments)
% A contourfp_hxr_yp.m (draws the eergetic particle regions of the distribution)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Helena
% R equil_helmag_yp.m is no longer in the repository
% R equil_helprof_yp.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_equil_helena.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_helprof_yp.m is no longer in the repository
% R make_helsep_yp.m is no longer in the repository
% R run_helena_yp.m is no longer in the repository
% R Application/hel12b.f is no longer in the repository
% U testsep.txt (used by make_equil_helena)
% U MEX/Source/ReadMe.txt (updated instruction)
% A MEX/Source/helmex77_32b.f (helmex 32 bits)
% U MEX/Source/helmex77_64b.f (corrected)
% A MEX/Source/separatrice_32b.f (separatrix 32 bits)
% R MEX/Source/helmex77.f is no longer in the repository
% R MEX/Source/m64t32.sh is no longer in the repository
% R MEX/Source/separatrice.f is no longer in the repository
% U MEX/Bin/build_helmex77_yp.m (script to compile mex files)
% U MEX/Bin/readme.txt
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/RT
% U main_C3PO_jd.m (additional points can be required)
% U main_rayinit_launch_jd.m (comments)
% U raypostprocessing_yp.m (accessibility condition calculated)
% U Examples/JETlike/WAVE/make_wave_JETliketest.m (bugs corrected)
% U Examples/JETlike/WAVE/make_wave_JETliketest_bis.m (")
% U Examples/VERSATOR2/WAVE/make_wave_VERSATOR2test.m (")
% U MEX/Source/raytracing_load_yp.c (additional points)
% U MEX/Source/raytracing_yp.c (")
% ====>  Simulations/Examples
% These files are examples updated for publication
% U run_all_examples.m
% U JETh77/LH_karney_transp_bounce/rundke.m
% U TScirc_e1/Ohm_bounce/conductivity_model_yp.m
% U TScirc_e1/Ohm_bounce/hinton_oberman_integral_yp.m
% U TScirc_e1/Ohm_bounce/rundke.m
% U TScirc_e1/Runaway_bounce/rundke.m
% U TScyl/LH_Karney/rundke.m
% U TScyl/LH_Karney/rundke_D0.m
% U TScyl/LH_Karney/rundke_Zi.m
% U TScyl/LH_Karney/rundke_betath.m
% U TScyl/LH_Karney/rundke_conv.m
% U TScyl/LH_Karney/rundke_grid.m
% U TScyl/LH_Karney/rundke_init.m
% U TScyl/LH_karney_3D_num/rundke.m
% U TScyl/LH_karney_num/rundke.m
% U TScyl/LH_karney_transp_nobounce/rundke.m
% U TScyl/Ohm/rundke_Zi.m
% U TScyl/Ohm/rundke_betath.m
% U TScyl/Ohm/rundke_epsi.m
% U TScyl/Runaway/rundke_Zi.m
% U TScyl/Runaway/rundke_betath.m
% U TScyl/Runaway/rundke_dtn.m
% U TScyl/Runaway/rundke_init.m
% U TScyl/Runaway/rundke_norm.m
% U TScyl/Runaway/rundke_norm_ss.m
% U TScyl/Runaway/rundke_time.m
% U TScyl/Thermal/rundke_Ti.m
% U TScyl/Thermal/rundke_dtn.m
% U TScyl/Thermal/rundke_norm.m
% R TScyl/LH_karney_Zi_D0/rundke.m is no longer in the repository
% R TScirc_e1/LH_Karney_bounce/rundke.m is no longer in the repository
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% LUKE Release 1.4.1
% - batch of the version LUKE 1.4
% - cronos test and modifications
% - figures for paper submission
% ====>  Project_DKE/DKE
% U LUKEversion_jd.m (version 1.4.1)
% U main_dke_yp.m (residue out desactivated)
% U proc_luke_jd.m (pnmax can be specified externally)
% U solver_dke_yp.m (Taille des matrices L%U pour MUMPS)
% ====>  Project_DKE/Modules/Cronos
% U make_wavelaunchs_cronos_lh.m (Z0 for antenna vertical position and ITE%R case)
% U make_wavert_cronos.m (kextra to 1000)
% U zstarwars.m (eco mode, vincenteries removed, cronos tested on ITE%R ramp up (J.F.A))
% ====>  Project_DKE/Modules/RT
% U main_rayinit_launch_jd.m (Z0 for antenna vertical position)
% U raypostprocessing_yp.m (Normalization s)
% ====>  Simulations/Examples
% U TScyl/LH_karney_3D_num/rundke.m (Final figure modifications for submission)
% U TScyl/LH_karney_num/rundke.m (")
% U TScyl/LH_karney_transp_nobounce/rundke.m (")
% U TScirc_e1/Runaway_bounce/rundke.m (")
% U TScyl/Runaway/rundke_betath.m (")
% U TScyl/LH_Karney/rundke_conv.m (")
% U TScyl/Thermal/rundke_dtn.m (")
% U TScyl/LH_Karney/rundke_grid.m (")
% U TScyl/Thermal/rundke_norm.m (")
% U TScyl/Thermal/rundke_Ti.m (")
% U TScyl/Runaway/rundke_time.m (")
% U TScirc_e1/Ohm_bounce/rundke.m (")
% U TScirc_peak/LH_karney_ripple/rundke.m (")
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% LUKE Release 1.4.2
% - batch of the version LUKE 1.4
% - optimized radial grid calculation
% ====>  Project_DKE/DKE
% A optgrid_dke_jd.m (new function, calculates the grid)
% U main_dke_yp.m (rho_S as output)
% A radialdampingprofile_jd.m (transfered from DKE_Tools)
% U radialgrid_dke_jd.m (rho_S as output)
% U run_lukert.m (optimized radial grid calculation)
% ====>  Project_DKE/Modules/Cronos
% U zstarwars.m (optimized radial grid calculation)
% ****************************************************************************************************
% LUKE Version 1.5
% Main changes include:
% - Interactive LUKE run
% - Large memory gain in rfdiff_dke_jd
% - Simplified install and path management
% - Important correction in alphaphi_jd.c
% ====>  LUKE
% U INSTALL.txt (instructions updated)
% U install_LUKE.m (startup location modified and PATH structure created)
% U uninstall_LUKE.m (update of mex cleaning)
% U VERSIONS.txt (this file)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Display
% A imake_angles_TCV_jd.m (interactively creates ANGLES structure for EC waves in TCV)
% A imake_equil_jd.m (interactively creates an equilibrium)
% A imake_launch_angles_TCV_jd.m (interactively creates the LAUNCh structure in TCV)
% A imake_ohm_jd.m (interactively creates an OHM structure)
% A imake_transp_jd.m (interactively creates a TRANSP structure)
% A imake_wave_jd.m (interactively creates a WAVE structure)
% A imake_wave_TORAY_jd.m (interactively creates a WAVE structure from TORAY output)
% A irunhxr_jd.m (interactively runs the HX%R postprocessing)
% A irunluke_jd.m (interactively runs LUKE)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/DKE
% A bounce_ripple_jd.m (function that plots the trapping and ripple boundaries, moved from DKE_tools)
% A mex_clean_luke.m (function that cleans LUKE of compiled mex files)
% U comput_dke_yp.m (case of linux on PC)
% A graph_wave_jd.m (function that plots the wave data, moved from DKE_tools)
% U load_structures_yp.m (mex compile and rayinits)
% U LUKEversion_jd.m (version 1.5)
% U mex_compile_luke.m (use of dkepath, helmex compilation argument)
% U mripplecoefbuilder_dke_yp.m (diaply)
% U optgrid_dke_jd.m (display)
% U path_LUKE_LOCAL.m (local path, temp path and helmex compilation argument)
% U print_jd.m (.fig extension and -tiff removed)
% U proc_luke_jd.m (small correction)
% U radialdampingprofile_jd.m (correction when rho > 1)
% U rayprocess_jd.m (srho treated)
% U rfdiff_dke_jd.m (better memory management)
% U run_lukert.m (a_sdNpar location)
% U rfwave_dke_jd.m (display)
% U setpath_luke_jd.m  (HX%R and DISPLAY in path)
% U wave_process_jd.m (power fields calculation from sP_2piRp)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Database
% U HXR_files/bremTSconvert_dke_yp.m (small correction)
% U PATH_files/make_path_LUKE.m (option for helmex compilation)
% U PATH_files/make_path_LOCAL.m (")
% U WAVE_files/make_C3POparam.m (generates standard fitparam and rayparam structures)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/MEX/Source
% U alphaphi_jd.c (correction in the elliptical case)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Helena/
% U build_helmex77_yp.m (compiles HELMEX, moved here from MEX/Bin)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/EFIT/
% U contlimit_jd.m (unwanted figure case)
% U rz2pt_jd.m (")
% U eqdsk_jd.m (better treatment of first line)
% U equil_magnetic_EFIT_jd.m (file extension)
% U equil_prof_jd.m (file extension)
% U Teneprof_jd.m (ITE%R case added)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/RT/
% U make_beam_wave_jd.m (requires the calculation of beamlets damping)
% U main_C3PO_jd.m (a_sdNpar location)
% U main_rayinit_launch_jd.m (i_ref in this function)
% U MEX/Source/raytracing_yp.c (ray treatment at rho = 0 removed)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/FEB/
% U bremdiagdisplay_dke_yp.m (plots experimental data if applicable)
% ====>  LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Cronos/
% U zstarwars.m (a_sdNpar location)
% ****************************************************************************************************
% LUKE Version 1.6
% Main changes include:
% - Many improvements on the interactive interface (corrections, generalisation, script generation, ...)
% - Dynamically created htlm documentation
% - Bessel functions locally calculated
% ====> LUKE
% U AUTHORS.m (into m file)
% U INSTALL.m (into m file)
% U README.m (into m file)
% U VERSIONS.m (into m file)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Display
% A getfieldinfo_jd.m (get field info)
% U igetdir_jd.m (non-graphical interactive mode)
% U igetfile_jd.m (non-graphical interactive mode)
% A iload_struct_jd.m (loads structures interactively)
% A isave_struct_jd.m (saves structures interactively)
% U imake_angles_TCV_jd.m (user specified angles and non-interactive mode)
% U imake_equil_jd.m (profiles from ART, TS case)
% U imake_launch_angles_TCV_jd.m (user specified angles)
% U imake_launch_TS_jd.m (makes launch structure for EC in TS)
% U imake_ohm_jd.m (small correction)
% A imake_ripple_yp (cretaes ripple structure)
% A imake_rundke_jd (generates rundke script)
% A imake_struct_jd (general structure management)
% U imake_transp_jd.m (small correction)
% U imake_wave_jd.m (user specified angles)
% A imod_struct_jd.m (interactively modifies the structure)
% U iputfile_jd.m (non-graphical interactive mode)
% U irunhxr_jd.m (poloidal CS view, several improvements)
% U irunluke_jd.m (load LUKE_RESULTS structures, several improvements, dkeparam case)
% A putinfo_yp.m (generates info and expert fields containing field descriptions and expert status)
% A structinfo_yp.m (database of field descriptions and expert status)
% ====> Project_DKE/DKE
% A compres_luke_jd (to compare LUKE results from different files)
% A graph1D2jd.m (plots two graphs simultaneously)
% U graph_wave_jd.m (launch data, several improvements)
% A htmldocbuilder_luke_yp (creates html doc)
% U input_dke_yp.m (important update)
% U load_structures_yp.m (launch structures and temppath)
% U mripplecoefbuilder_dke_yp.m (compatible irunluke)
% U LUKEversion_jd.m (version 1.6)
% U main_dke_yp.m (temppath creation and removal)
% U NoticeDKE.pdf (LUKE Documentation)
% U path_LUKE_LOCAL.m (MAC case)
% u pc_dke_yp.m (small correction)
% U proc_luke_jd.m (update)
% A proc_wave_luke_jd (compares linear and QL results)
% U rayprocess_jd.m (corrections)
% U rfdiff_dke_jd.m (normalization of destares)
% U rfwave_dke_jd.m (minimum dNpar with number of resonant points)
% U setpath_luke_jd.m (EXTERNAL_files in path)
% U timeid_jd (reverse operation)
% A what_luke_yp (looks for c and fortran files as well)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Database
% U EQUIL_files/idealequilcyl_yp.m (function for ideal equilibrium)
% U EQUIL_files/idealprof_yp.m (")
% U EQUIL_files/make_equil_JETh77.m (use of above functions)
% U EQUIL_files/make_equil_TScirc.m (")
% U EQUIL_files/make_equil_TScirc_e1.m (")
% U EQUIL_files/make_equil_TScyl.m (")
% U PATH_files/make_path_LUKE.m (LUKE 1.6)
% U PATH_files/make_path_LOCAL.m (")
% U RIPPLE_files/make_ripple_TScirc.m (compatible irunluke)
% U WAVE_files/make_idealLHwave_jd.m (wave id)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/MEX/Source
% U alphaphi_jd.c (use of bessel_IJK_jd.h)
% U bessel_IJK_jd.h (bessel function J_n(x) added)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/EFIT
% U Teneprof_jd.m (case of TS database)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/FEB
% U bremchord_dke_yp.m (poloidal CS view)
% U bremdiagdisplay_dke_yp.m (poloidal CS view)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Helena
% U make_helmex77.m (equilibrium function using helmex)
% U equil_magnetic_helmex77_yp.m (magnetic equilibrium function using helmex)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/RT
% U init_RT_jd.m (small correction)
% U hottensor_jd.m (hot plasma dielectric tensor)
% U Doc/raytracing.pdf (doc for C3PO)
% U MEX/Source/erfcc_mex_jd.f (mex file for complex error function)
% U MEX/Source/erfcc.f (fortran file for complex error function)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Packages
% U MUMPS/MUMPSMEX_dke_yp.m (display of errors)
% ====> LUKE/Packages/m2html
% A all functions for dynamic documentation creation
% ====> LUKE/Simulations
% The benchmark case have been moved from the folder Examples to Benchmarks
% U Benchmarks/TScirc_peak/LH_karney_ripple/rippleTS (small correction)
% A new folder Examples contains some realistic test cases for ITER, TS and TCV
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% LUKE Release 1.6.1
% - improvement of graphical output functions
% - mdce and multithreading compatible
% - batch-based distributed calculations
% ====> LUKE
% A alltests_LUKE.m (launch all tests)
% U uninstall_LUKE.m (small correction)
% ====>  Project_DKE/DKE
% U bounceparam_dke_yp.m (small correction)
% A clustermode_luke.m (manages cluster functionality)
% U coll_dke_jd.m (mdce compatible)
% U compres_luke_jd.m (small correction)
% D comput_dke_yp (no longer needed)
% U eecoll_dke_yp.m (mdce compatible)
% U htmldocbuilder_luke_yp.m (small correction)
% U graph_wave_jd.m (better rho type management)
% U hotdisp_dke_jd.m (use of kineticdisp)
% U load_structures_yp.m (chargement des données HXR)
% A loop_coll_dke_jd.m (externalization of loop in coll_dke_jd.m)
% U LUKEversion_jd.m (LUKE 1.6.1)
% U main_dke_yp.m (simul structure, ripple field, and multithreading mode as option)
% A mdce_luke.m (loop function for mdce)
% U mksacoefbuilder_dke_yp.m (small correction)
% U mripplecoefbuilder_dke_yp.m (field xpnth added)
% A multithreading_luke.m (multithreading mode as option)
% U path_LUKE_LOCAL.m (small correction)
% U proc_luke_jd.m (Ripple losses data and peak separation)
% U proc_wave_luke_jd.m (small correction)
% U run_lukert.m (simul dans main and call to main_C3PO)
% U setpath_luke_jd.m (Path for ripple TS module, Tools and MDCE)
% U what_luke_yp.m (case-insentitive systems)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Database
% U buildmat.m (small correction)
% U clearmat.m (")
% U make_all.m (")
% U remove_all.m (")
% U DISPLAY_files/make_display_NO_DISPLAY.m (mdce display)
% U DISPLAY_files/make_display_PARTIAL_VISUAL.m (")
% U DISPLAY_files/make_display_VISUAL.m (")
% U DKEPARAM_files/make_dkeparam_EC_RT.m (clustermode structure)
% U DKEPARAM_files/make_dkeparam_LH_RT.m (")
% U DKEPARAM_files/make_dkeparam_NONUNIFORM10010020.m (")
% U DKEPARAM_files/make_dkeparam_UNIFORM10010020.m (")
% U HXR_files/make_hxr_TScirc.m (ideal case for tests)
% U HXR_files/make_hxr_TS99.m (small correction)
% U OHM_files/ohm_flat.m (")
% U RIPPLE_files/make_ripple_TScirc.m (equil_id field)
% U RIPPLE_files/make_ripple_TScirc_peak.m (")
% U WAVE_files/make_idealLHwave_jd.m (interpolation method)
% U WAVE_files/make_wave_C3POparam.m (interpolation method and mdce)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Display
% U imake_wave_jd.m (display -> wavedisplay, mdce)
% U imake_wave_ART_jd.m (LUKE - ART coupling)
% U irunhxr_jd.m (small correction)
% U irunluke_jd.m (mdce)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/MEX/Source
% U alphaphimex_jd.c (complex arguments called first)
% U alphaphi_jd.c (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Cronos
% U make_dkeparam_cronos.m (mdce)
% U make_wavert_cronos.m (interpolation method and mdce)
% U make_wavelaunchs_cronos_lh.m (")
% U zstarwars.m (" + ripple mode)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/FEB
% U bremchord_dke_yp.m (small correction)
% U bremdiag_dke_yp.m (")
% U bremlocaldisplay_dke_yp.m (")
% U bremsstrahlung_dke_yp.m (")
% U display_hxr_yp.m (comput_dke_yp removed)
% A Doc/3Tmodel.pdf (documentation)
% A Doc/3Tmodel.tex (")
% A Examples/f3tempmodel.m (example with 3 temperatures)
% A Examples/loop_scan_3Tmodel.m (")
% A Examples/loop_scan_vmin_vmax_Dlh.m (")
% A Examples/scan_3Tmodel.m (")
% A Examples/scan_vmin_vmax_Dlh.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Helena
% U equil_magnetic_helmex77_yp.m (comput_dke_yp removed)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Ripple
% U TS/thetaconemj3.m (small correction)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/RT
% U fitequil_yp.m (interpolation method)
% U interpequilpt_yp.m (")
% U kineticdisp_jd.m (small corrections)
% A loop_main_C3PO_jd.m (externalization of loop in main_C3PO_jd.m)
% U make_beam_wave_jd.m (small corrections)
% D make_equil_RTtest_e.m (in Examples)
% U main_C3PO_jd.m (mdce compatible)
% U raypostprocessing_yp.m (small correction)
% U Examples/run_all.m (run all examples)
% U Examples/JETlike/WAVE/make_wave_JETliketest.m (interpolation method and mdce compatible)
% U Examples/JETlike/WAVE/make_wave_JETliketest_bis.m (")
% U Examples/PLT/WAVE/make_wave_PLTtest.m (")
% U Examples/RTtest/WAVE/make_wave_RTtest.m (")
% U Examples/RTtest/WAVE/make_wave_RTtest_straight.m (")
% U Examples/VERSATOR2/WAVE/make_wave_VERSATOR2test.m (")
% U MEX/Source/raytracing_yp.c (torLH case and order of complex arguments for PGCC)
% U MEX/Source/raytracing_dieltensor_yp.c (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Packages
% U test_packages_dke_yp.m (small correction)
% U MCDE/fig_mcde.eps (test case for mdce toolbox)
% U MCDE/run_mdce.m (")
% A MCDE/run_mdce_rt.m (test case with ray tracing)
% U MCDE/initdata.mat (")
% U MCDE/EQUIL_JETliketest.mat (data for test)
% U MCDE/figures/mdce_evaluation.eps (")
% A MCDE/dcluke/dcluke.m (calcul distribué par batch externe)
% A MCDE/dcluke/dcluke.exe (")
% A MCDE/dcluke/dcluke_batch.sh (")
% A MCDE/dcluke/dcluke_etat.sh (")
% A MCDE/dcluke/fundcluke.m (")
% A MCDE/dcluke/dcluke_kill.sh (")
% A MCDE/dcluke/testdcluke.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Simulations/Benchmarks/
% U run_all_examples.m -> run_all_benchmarks.m
% U TScirc_peak/LH_karney_ripple/runhxr.m (ripple losses and radial dependence)
% U TScirc_peak/LH_karney_ripple/rundke.m (")
% U TScirc/LH_karney_ripple/rundke.m (small correction)
% ====> LUKE/Simulations/Examples/
% U run_all_examples.m (run all examples)
% U ITER/Scen4/WAVE/C3PO/make_wave_ITER_Scen4_21Z_Alpha_5p0.m (mdce compatible)
% U ITER/Scen4/WAVE/C3PO/make_wave_ITER_Scen4_21Z_Alpha_3p7.m (")
% U ITER/Scen4/WAVE/C3PO/make_wave_ITER_Scen4_21Z.m (")
% U ITER/Scen4/WAVE/C3PO/make_wave_ITER_Scen4_20Z_Alpha_5p0.m (")
% U ITER/Scen4/WAVE/C3PO/make_wave_ITER_Scen4_20Z_Alpha_3p7.m (")
% U ITER/Scen4/WAVE/C3PO/make_wave_ITER_Scen4_20Z_1_SW.m (")
% U ITER/Scen4/WAVE/C3PO/make_wave_ITER_Scen4_20Z_1_FW.m (")
% U ITER/Scen4/WAVE/C3PO/make_wave_ITER_Scen4_20Z.m (")
% U ITER/Scen4/WAVE/C3PO/make_wave_ITER_Scen4_19Z_Alpha_5p0.m (")
% U ITER/Scen4/WAVE/C3PO/make_wave_ITER_Scen4_19Z_Alpha_3p7.m (")
% U ITER/Scen4/WAVE/C3PO/make_wave_ITER_Scen4_19Z.m (")
% U ITER/Scen4/WAVE/C3PO/make_rayinit_ITER_Scen4_19Z.m (y0 -> Z0)
% U ITER/Scen4/WAVE/C3PO/make_rayinit_ITER_Scen4_19Z_Alpha_3p7.m (")
% U ITER/Scen4/WAVE/C3PO/make_rayinit_ITER_Scen4_19Z_Alpha_5p0.m (")
% U ITER/Scen4/WAVE/C3PO/make_rayinit_ITER_Scen4_20Z.m (")
% U ITER/Scen4/WAVE/C3PO/make_rayinit_ITER_Scen4_20Z_Alpha_3p7.m (")
% U ITER/Scen4/WAVE/C3PO/make_rayinit_ITER_Scen4_20Z_Alpha_5p0.m (")
% U ITER/Scen4/WAVE/C3PO/make_rayinit_ITER_Scen4_21Z.m (")
% U ITER/Scen4/WAVE/C3PO/make_rayinit_ITER_Scen4_21Z_Alpha_3p7.m (")
% U ITER/Scen4/WAVE/C3PO/make_rayinit_ITER_Scen4_21Z_Alpha_5p0.m (")
% Simulations/Benchmarks/TScirc_peak/LH_karney_ripple/rippleTS has been moved to Project_DKE/Modules/Ripple
% MDCE has been moved from Simulations/Examples to Project_DKE/Packages
% Generic functions have been moved from Project_DKE/DKE to Tools
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% LUKE Release 1.6.2
% - correction on spectular reflection in C3PO
% - dcluke corrections
% - R2D2 updated and tested
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/DKE
% U LUKEversion_jd.m (LUKE 1.6.2)
% U run_lukert.m (small correction)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Database
% U TRANSP_files/make_transp_JETh77_magnetic.m (equil id in transp structure)
% U TRANSP_files/make_transp_TScyl_nomagnetic.m (equil id in transp structure)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/MEX/Source
% U alphaphi_jd.c (small correction)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/FEB
% U bremdiag_dke_yp.m (small correction)
% U dresp_dke_yp.m (ongoing development)
% U Doc/3Tmodel.tex (")
% U Examples/f3tempmodel.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/RT
% U main_C3PO_jd.m (small correction)
% U MEX/Source/raytracing_yp.c (corection on specular reflection)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/R2D2
% U MEX/Source/R2D2f.f (update for use with Linux and LUKE 1.6)
% ====> LUKE/Tools
% U disp_hot_jd.m (update for use with Linux and LUKE 1.6)
% U disp_jd.m (")
% U execute_jd.m (")
% U getpath_jd.m (")
% U clustermode_luke.m (small corrections)
% A dclukecomputing.m (function calling distributed calculation function dcluke)
% U mdce_luke.m (several corrections)
% U multithreading_luke.m (small corrections)
% A seqcomputing.m (case of sequential calculation)
% ====> LUKE/Simulations/Examples/
% U TS/32299/res_alpha_0_Dr0_0.log (LUKE 1.6.1)
% U TS/32299/run_cronos_starwars.m (LUKE 1.6.1)
% U ITER/Scen4/res_comp.log (npresmin = 1 case)
% U ITER/Scen4/rundke_ITER_Scen4_IAEA06_19Z.m (")
% U ITER/Scen4/rundke_ITER_Scen4_IAEA06_19Z_Alpha_3p7.m (")
% U ITER/Scen4/rundke_ITER_Scen4_IAEA06_19Z_Alpha_5p0.m (")
% U ITER/Scen4/rundke_ITER_Scen4_IAEA06_20Z.m (")
% U ITER/Scen4/rundke_ITER_Scen4_IAEA06_20Z_Alpha_3p7.m (")
% U ITER/Scen4/rundke_ITER_Scen4_IAEA06_20Z_Alpha_5p0.m (")
% U ITER/Scen4/rundke_ITER_Scen4_IAEA06_21Z.m (")
% U ITER/Scen4/rundke_ITER_Scen4_IAEA06_21Z_Alpha_3p7.m (")
% U ITER/Scen4/rundke_ITER_Scen4_IAEA06_21Z_Alpha_5p0.m (")
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% LUKE Release 1.6.3
% - EC beam waist
% - Volumic bounce-averaging
% - Examples tested
% ====> LUKE
% U alltests_LUKE.m (tested and corrected)
% U install_LUKE.m (small correction)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Display
% U imake_angles_TCV_jd.m (beam waist)
% U imake_launch_angles_TCV_jd.m (")
% U imake_struct_jd.m (small correction)
% U imake_wave_jd.m (beam waist)
% U iputfile_jd.m (small correction)
% U irunluke_jd.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/DKE
% U LUKEversion_jd.m (LUKE 1.6.3)
% U efield_dke_jd.m (Volumic bounce-averaging)
% U equilibrium_jd.m (rhoT, rhoV, rhoP and faster function)
% U solver_dke_yp.m (small correction)
% U fmoments_dke_yp.m (Volumic bounce-averaging)
% U load_structures_yp.m (small correction)
% U proc_luke_jd.m (")
% U qfactors_dke_yp.m (for equilibrium_jd.m)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Cronos
% U zstarwars.m (small corrections + rhoT)
% U make_wavert_cronos.m (")
% U make_wavelaunchs_cronos_ec (error correction)
% U make_equil_cronos.m (important error corrected)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/RT
% U main_C3PO_jd.m (beam waist)
% U main_rayinit_launch_jd.m (")
% U make_beam_wave_jd.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Packages/
% U test_packages_dke_yp.m (small corrections)
% ====> LUKE/Tools
% U graph2D_jd.m (small corrections)
% U graph_wave_jd.m (")
% U htmldocbuilder_luke_yp.m (windows compatible)
% ====> LUKE/Simulations/Benchmarks
% Many updates:
% - TScirc_e1 case where the volumic flux-surface averages are used
% - Numerical values saved in text file for data
% - test function updated
% ====> LUKE/Simulations/Examples
% Examples updated for LUKE 1.6.2
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% LUKE Release 1.6.4
% - LUKE documentation and latex2html
% - Some functions updated for paper_CPC
% ====> LUKE
% U install_LUKE.m (corrections on documentation and latex2html)
% U INSTALL.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Packages/m2html
% U templates/LUKE/lukeoverview.html (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Database/DKEPARAM_files
% U make_dkeparam_UNIFORM10010020.m (better parameters for comparison with MUMPS)
% U make_dkeparam_UNIFORM10010020.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/DKE
% U LUKEversion_jd.m (LUKE 1.6.4)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Doc
% A All files in the directory (documentation latex2html)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Cronos
% U zstarwars.m (extrapolation)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/FEB
% A Doc/3Tmodel.tex (documentation latex2html)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/RT
% U MEX/Source/raytracing_yp.c (comment)
% A Doc/ All files in the directory (documentation latex2html)
% ====> LUKE/Simulations/Benchmarks
% U TScyl/LH_karney_num/rundke.m (for computers without MUMPS)
% U TScyl/Thermal/rundke_dtn.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Simulations/Examples
% U TS/32299/run_cronos_starwars.m (small correction)
% U TS/32299/run_cronos_C3PO.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Tools
% U print_jd.m (png outputs)
% U htmldocbuilder_luke_yp.m (corrections on documentation and latex2html)
% U pdfhtlatex_yp.m (")
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% LUKE Release 1.6.5
% - Convergence criterion for QL iterations
% - multi-config PATH make file in root directory and simplified dkepath install and management
% - mex file management with different platforms and matlab versions
% - coupling with AMR code
% ====> LUKE
% U install_LUKE.m (make PATH file in root directory with multi-config dkepath and default profile for install and new mex folders)
% U make_path_LOCAL.m (")
% U make_path_LUKE.m (")
% A install_doc_LUKE.m (externalized)
% U INSTALL.m (update on requirements)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Database/
% U make_all.m (small correction)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Database/PATH_files/
% A README (to maintain folder)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Display
% U iload_struct_jd.m (additional structures)
% U imake_equil_jd.m (add AMR equilibrium)
% A imake_wave_AMR_jd.m (make AMR waves)
% U imake_wave_jd.m (add AMR waves)
% U irunluke_jd.m (sign management, close all)
% U structinfo_yp.m (AMR structures)
% U imod_struct_jd.m (logical fields)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/DKE
% U load_structures_yp.m (make PATH file in root directory with multi-config dkepath and new mex folders)
% U path_LUKE_LOCAL.m (")
% U setpath_luke_jd.m (" + AMR folder)
% U LUKEversion_jd.m (LUKE 1.6.5)
% U main_dke_yp.m (Convergence criterion for QL iterations)
% U mex_clean_luke.m (new mex folders)
% U mex_compile_luke.m (")
% U proc_luke_jd.m (current sign)
% U rayprocess_jd.m (cut duplicate points)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/ACCOME
% U testequil_ACCOME_LUKE.m (Test magnetic equilibrium consistency)
% U accome_yp.m (sign correction)
% U equil_magnetic_ACCOME_yp.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/AMR
% A make_equil_AMR_jd.m (make AMR equilibrium)
% A make_equil_RZ_AMR_jd.m (make equil files for AMR code)
% U make_input_AMR.m
% U default_cfg_AMR.m
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Cronos
% U make_wavelaunchs_cronos_lh.m (frequency selection)
% U zstarwars.m (small corrections)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/EFIT
% A pt2rz_jd.m (PT to RZ equilibrium transformation)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Helena
% U build_helmex77_yp.m (new mex folders)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/RT
% U kineticdisp_jd.m (use erfcc)
% U make_beam_wave_jd.m (keep swidth)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/packages/MUMPS
% U MUMPSMEX_dke_yp.m (error management)
% ====> LUKE/Tools
% U pdfhtlatex_yp.m (gestion des dossiers CVS)
% A gettime_jd.m (get file modification time)
% U disp_hot_jd.m (R2D2 case updated)
% U smooth_dke_yp.m (smotthing profiles for cronos)
% U Tools/input_dke_yp.m (logical data)
% ====> LUKE/Simulations/Examples/ITER/Scen4/
% U make_equil_ITER_IAEA06.m (LUKE 1.6.4 with IAEA 06 modified EQUIL file - OK with ITER spec. + new convergence criterion)
% U proc_ITER.m (")
% U proc_ITER_wave_LUKE.m (")
% U proc_wave_ITER_Scen4_IAEA06_C3PO.m (")
% U res_comp.log (")
% U all make_rayinit files (")
% U all make_wave files (")
% U all rundke files (")
% ====> LUKE/Simulations/Examples/TS/32299/
% U run_cronos_starwars.m (default path)
% U run_cronos_starwars_Alpha_scan.m (")
% U run_cronos_starwars_Dr0_scan.m (")
% U run_cronos_C3PO.m (LUKE 1.6.4 with new equil, with corrected make_equil_cronos and psi grid + new convergence criterion)
% U res_alpha_0_Dr0_0.log (")
% U Alpha_Scan_Curr.eps (")
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% LUKE Release 1.6.6
% - Major changes in interactive LUKE with external structure and more coherent fonctionalities
% - Tutorial for LUKE use
% ====> LUKE
% U make_path_LOCAL.m (several users added)
% U install_doc_LUKE.m (small corrections)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Database/
% U EQUIL_files/idealequilcyl_yp.m (small corrections)
% U EQUIL_files/idealprof_yp.m (")
% U EQUIL_files/make_equil_JETh77.m (")
% U WAVE_files/make_wave_C3POparam.m (rebuilt equilv by default)
% A EXTERNAL_files/load_externaldata_JET.m (external structure from JET database)
% A EXTERNAL_files/load_externaldata_TCV.m (external structure from TCV database)
% A EXTERNAL_files/load_externaldata_TS.m (external structure from TS database)
% U EXTERNAL_files/load_tprof_tsbase_yp.m (small corrections)
% U DKEPARAM_files/make_dkeparam_LH_RT.m (npresmin and rho_S)
% U DKEPARAM_files/make_dkeparam_EC_RT.m (npresmin and rho_S)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Display/
% U iload_externaldata_jd.m (external data loading)
% A imake_launch_LH_jd.m (dynamic creation of LH wave structure including with use of external data)
% A imake_launch_EC_jd.m (dynamic creation of EC wave structure)
% U imake_angles_TCV_jd.m (small corrections)
% U imake_ripple_yp.m (")
% U imake_transp_jd.m (")
% U imake_equil_ideal.m (general function for dynamic equilibrium creation)
% U imake_equil_jd.m (modifications for external data and dynamic creation)
% U imake_ohm_jd.m (")
% U imake_wave_jd.m (" + use of imake_launch_LH_jd generalized)
% U irunluke_jd.m (")
% D imake_equil_helena.m (no longer needed)
% U imake_struct_jd.m (new imakes management)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/DKE/
% U LUKEversion_jd.m (luke 1.6.6)
% U proc_luke_jd.m (addition of energy space current density)
% U species_dke_yp.m (error message)
% U rfdiff_dke_jd.m (integers)
% U rfwave_dke_jd.m (display increase factor)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Cronos/
% U make_wavelaunchs_cronos_lh.m (default frequency, JET case)
% U zstarwars.m (output power)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/EFIT/
% U equil_magnetic_EFIT_jd.m (JEt case added)
% U Teneprof_jd.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Helena/
% U equil_magnetic_helmex77_yp.m (small corrections)
% U make_helmex77.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/RT/
% U main_rayinit_launch_jd.m (small corrections)
% U MEX/Source/erfcc_mex_jd.f (vector size increased)
% U MEX/Source/raytracing_yp.c (iimax increased)
% U MEX/Source/raytracing_dieltensor_yp.c (fedora patch)
% ====> LUKE/Simulations/Examples/ITER/Scen4/
% U res_comp.log (validation 1.6.6)
% ====> LUKE/Simulations/Examples/TS/32299/
% U res_alpha_0_Dr0_0.log (validation 1.6.6)
% ====> LUKE/Tools/
% U graph_wave_jd.m (extensive relooking of the function)
% U input_dke_yp.m (output size requirements)
% U pc_dke_yp.m (cgs units added)
% U pdfhtlatex_yp.m (small corrections)
% ====> LUKE/Packages/m2html
% many files added for LUKE tutorial
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% LUKE Release 1.7
% Main changes include:
% - operator splitting option
% - minimum dnpar calculation improved
% - display of results extended
% - script generation
% ====> LUKE
% U install_doc_LUKE.m (confirmation des parties développement)
% U make_path_LOCAL.m (diverses mises à jour)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Database/
% U DKEPARAM_files/make_dkeparam_UNIFORM10010020.m (operator splitting)
% U DKEPARAM_files/make_dkeparam_LH_RT.m (")
% U DKEPARAM_files/make_dkeparam_EC_RT.m (")
% U DKEPARAM_files/make_dkeparam_NONUNIFORM10010020.m (")
% U EXTERNAL_files/load_externaldata_TCV.m (data from file and script generation)
% A HXR_files/make_hxr_TCV.m (added for example)
% A HXR_files/make_pileup_TCV.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Display/
% A imake_makeequil_EFIT_jd.m (script generation)
% A imake_makeexternal_TCV_jd.m (")
% A imake_makewave_jd.m (")
% U irunluke_jd.m (read cronos data)
% U imake_wave_jd.m (interpolation method and script generation)
% U imake_launch_angles_TCV_jd.m (small correction)
% U irunhxr_jd.m (experimental data correction)
% U imake_rundke_jd.m (script name)
% U iputfile_jd.m (.m case)
% U iload_externaldata_jd.m (OK for JET)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/DKE/
% U load_structures_yp.m (external and angle structures)
% U proc_luke_jd.m (extensive improvements, wave specific data)
% U solver_dke_yp.m (operator-splitting option)
% U fpengine_dke_yp.m (")
% U matrixcalc_dke_yp.m (cross derivatives test)
% U optgrid_dke_jd.m (wave choice in grid calculation)
% U run_lukert.m (")
% U main_dke_yp.m (small correction)
% U rfwave_dke_jd.m (minimum dnpar calculation)
% U rfdiff_dke_jd.m (correction on accessibility limit and trapped particles mask)
% U fmoments_dke_yp.m (small correction)
% U radialgrid_dke_jd.m (rho grid from psi grid)
% U LUKEversion_jd.m (luke 1.7)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Cronos/
% U Project_DKE/Modules/Cronos/make_dkeparam_cronos.m (for fce calculations)
% U Project_DKE/Modules/Cronos/make_wavert_cronos.m (")
% U Project_DKE/Modules/Cronos/zstarwars.m (")
% U Project_DKE/Modules/Cronos/make_wavelaunchs_cronos_lh.m (as_dnpar as cronos parameter)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/EFIT/
% U eqdsk_jd.m (display mode)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Helena/
% U MEX/Source/separatrice_32b.f (retrait nag)
% U MEX/Source/separatrice_64b.f (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/RT/
% U main_C3PO_jd.m (smoothing for rays near center)
% U make_beam_wave_jd.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/R2D2/MEX/Source
% U R2D2f.f (to avoid compilation problems)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Packages/MUMPS
% U MUMPSMEX_dke_yp.m (operator-splitting option)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Packages/MDCE
% U run_mdce.m (small correction)
% ====> LUKE/Tools
% U graph1D_jd.m (error bars)
% U input_dke_yp.m (small correction)
% U radialdampingprofile_jd.m (input grid)
% ====> LUKE/Simulations/Benchmarks
% U run_all_benchmarks.m (add operator splitting)
% U TScyl/LH_Karney/rundke_D0.m (cross derivatives test)
% A TScyl/LH_karney_3D_splitting/rundke.m (operator splitting test)
% A TScyl/LH_karney_3D_splitting/proc_rundke_splitting.m (")
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% LUKE Release 1.7.1
% - Coupling with AMR (interactive, script modes)
% - many improvements with interactive LUKE
% ====> LUKE
% U make_path_LOCAL.m (erfcc compilation)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Database/
% U WAVE_files/make_wave_AMR_jd.m (antenna id and config)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Display/
% U imake_wave_ART_jd.m (sign correction)
% U imake_equil_jd.m (Zeff for AMR)
% U imake_ohm_jd.m (ohm from file)
% U imake_wave_AMR_jd.m (antenna id and config)
% U iputfile_jd.m (correction with .m)
% U irunluke_jd.m (corrections and ray display)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/DKE/
% U efield_dke_jd.m (rho grid)
% U mex_compile_luke.m (erfcc compatible 64 bits)
% U proc_luke_jd.m (peak mode and ray list)
% U run_lukert.m (AMR wave built)
% U setpath_luke_jd.m (R2D2)
% U solver_dke_yp.m (small correction)
% U LUKEversion_jd.m (luke 1.7.1)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/AMR/
% U make_equil_AMR_jd.m (Zeff)
% U make_input_AMR.m (correction)
% U make_equil_RZ_AMR_jd.m (Zeff)
% A proc_rays_AMR_jd.m (make wave from AMR)
% A rundke_AMR.m (script for AMR)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/EFIT/
% U Teneprof_jd.m (iter correction)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/RT/
% U make_beam_wave_jd.m (smoothing correction)
% U kineticdisp_jd.m (erfcc modification)
% U MEX/Source/erfcc_mex_jd.F (compatible 64 bits)
% ====> LUKE/Tools
% A comp_struct_jd.m (improved and moved here)
% U graph_wave_jd.m (LH characterization)
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% LUKE Release 1.7.2
% - mex files made 32/64 bits compatible
% - reflushing of matrix coefficients for 3D compatibility
% - distributed computing updated and tested
% ====> LUKE
% U install_LUKE.m (tests distributed computing)
% U make_path_LOCAL.m (multithreading option and mex files)
% U make_path_LUKE.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Database/
% U DKEPARAM_files/make_dkeparam_EC_RT.m (clustermode on, multithreading off)
% U DKEPARAM_files/make_dkeparam_LH_RT.m (")
% U DKEPARAM_files/make_dkeparam_NONUNIFORM10010020.m (")
% U DKEPARAM_files/make_dkeparam_UNIFORM10010020.m (")
% U WAVE_files/make_wave_C3POparam.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Display/
% U igetdir_jd.m (display message when opt_gui = 0)
% U igetfile_jd.m (")
% U imake_makeequil_EFIT_jd.m (clustermode on, multithreading off)
% U irunluke_jd.m (")
% U imake_wave_AMR_jd.m (AMR config file)
% U imake_makewave_jd.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/DKE/
% U bouncecoefbuilder_dke_yp.m (small corrections)
% U coll_dke_jd.m (distributed computing and 3D matrix coefficients)
% U eecoll_dke_yp.m (distributed computing)
% U efield_dke_jd.m (3D matrix coefficients)
% U fpengine_dke_yp.m (useless input removed)
% U fppgridweights_dke_yp.m (")
% U loop_coll_dke_jd1.m (distributed computing)
% U loop_eecoll_dke_yp.m (distributed computing)
% U LUKEversion_jd.m (LUKE 1.7.2 and matlab version test)
% U main_dke_yp.m (3D matrix coefficients)
% U matrixcalc_dke_yp.m (")
% U Project_DKE/DKE/paramconsistency_dke_yp.m (distributed computing)
% U rad_dke_yp.m (3D matrix coefficients)
% U raysum_rf_jd.m (")
% U rfdiff_dke_fw_jd.m (")
% U rfdiff_dke_jd.m (")
% U setpath_luke_jd.m (distributed computing)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/AMR/
% R default_cfg_AMR.m (dynamic loading of default parameters - no longer needed)
% U make_equil_RZ_AMR_jd.m (Zeff correction)
% U make_input_AMR.m (updated for config files)
% U make_wave_AMR_jd.m (externalized AMR folder)
% U proc_rays_AMR_jd.m (")
% U rundke_AMR.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Cronos/
% U make_dkeparam_cronos.m (clustermode on, multithreading off)
% U make_wavert_cronos.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/FEB/Examples/
% U scan_vmin_vmax_Dlh.m (clustermode on, multithreading off)
% U scan_3Tmodel.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Helena/MEX/Source/
% U separatrice.F (modified for 32/64 bits capability)
% U helmex77.F (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/RT/
% U main_C3PO_jd.m (distributed computing)
% U Examples/RTtest/WAVE/make_wave_RTtest.m (clustermode on, multithreading off)
% U Examples/RTtest/WAVE/make_wave_RTtest_straight.m (")
% U Examples/PLT/WAVE/make_wave_PLTtest.m (")
% U Examples/JETlike/WAVE/make_wave_JETliketest.m (")
% U Examples/JETlike/WAVE/make_wave_JETliketest_bis.m (")
% U Examples/VERSATOR2/WAVE/make_wave_VERSATOR2test.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Packages/MDCE/
% U run_mdce.m (distributed computing updated)
% U run_mdce_rt.m (")
% A dcluke/cephee/dcluke_etat.sh (")
% A dcluke/cephee/dcluke.exe (")
% A dcluke/cephee/dcluke_kill.sh (")
% A dcluke/cephee/dcluke_batch.sh (")
% U dcluke/dcluke.m (")
% U dcluke/testdcluke.m (")
% U dcluke/saturne/dcluke.exe (")
% ====> LUKE/Tools
% U clustermode_luke.m (update distributed computing)
% U conc_struct_jd.m (deals with doublons)
% U dclukecomputing.m (")
% U mdce_luke.m (")
% U multithreading_luke.m (managed by dkepath)
% U seqcomputing.m (update distributed computing)
% ====> Simulations/Benchmarks/TScyl/LH_Karney
% U rundke_cluster.m (tests for distributed computing)
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% LUKE Release 1.7.3
% - addition of ALOHA code and ITM coupling functions
% - important correction for ECCD calculations in cronos
% - sign correction fro JET simulations
% - EARTH equilibrium and DKE functions made compatible
% ====> LUKE
% U make_path_LOCAL.m (ITM case)
% U install_LUKE.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/DKE/
% U proc_luke_jd.m (choice of rho, LUKE ray absorption, Dpp for ECCD)
% U setpath_luke_jd.m (ITM MHD ALOHA andd specfific libraries)
% U equilibrium_jd.m (compatible with dipole equilibrium)
% U main_dke_yp.m (")
% U qfactors_dke_yp.m (")
% U bounce_dke_jd.m (")
% U paramconsistency_dke_yp.m (")
% U load_structures_yp.m (ITM equil)
% U rayprocess_jd.m (ES disp)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Database/
% U DKEPARAM_files/make_dkeparam_LH_RT.m (collmode = -1 if no collisions)
% U DKEPARAM_files/make_dkeparam_NONUNIFORM10010020.m (")
% U DKEPARAM_files/make_dkeparam_EC_RT.m (")
% U DKEPARAM_files/make_dkeparam_UNIFORM10010020.m (")
% U EXTERNAL_files/load_externaldata_JET.m (sign correction)
% U EQUIL_files/make_equil_EARTH.m (EARTH equilibrium)
% U EQUIL_files/equildipole_fxd.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Display/
% U irunluke_jd.m (small correction)
% U imake_struct_jd.m (")
% U imake_wave_AMR_jd.m (ES disp)
% U imake_wave_jd.m (saved info)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/EFIT/
% A equil_magnetic_rz2pt_jd.m (function that transforms a magnetic equilibrium from RZ to PT form)
% U equil_magnetic_EFIT_jd.m (small correction)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Cronos/
% U make_wavelaunchs_cronos_ec.m (correct angle calculation)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/RT/
% U main_rayinit_launch_jd.m (saved info)
% U main_C3PO_jd.m (saved info and treatment of non-coupled rays)
% U kineticdisp_jd.m (externalization of Zplasmadisp)
% U MEX/Source/erfcc_mex_jd.F (correction for ITM compilation)
% U Doc/raytracing.lyx (addition of fluctuations)
% U Examples/run_all.m (delete .mat)
% A Examples/RFP/EQUIL/make_equil_RFP.m (RFP example)
% A Examples/RFP/WAVE/make_wave_RFP.m (")
% A Examples/RFP/WAVE/make_rayinit_RFP.m (")
% A Examples/PLT/WAVE/make_wave_PLTtest.m (correction for parallel computing)
% A Examples/JETlike/WAVE/make_wave_JETliketest.m (")
% A Examples/JETlike/WAVE/make_wave_JETliketest_bis.m (")
% A Examples/RTtest/WAVE/make_wave_RTtest.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/ALOHA/
% A proc_aloha_spec_jd.m (processes aloha information for LUKE)
% A MEX/ (ALOHA code repository moved here)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/ITM/
% A make_equil_itm.m (functions for LUKE use in ITM)
% A make_dkeparam_ITM.m (")
% A test_read_equil_CPO.m (")
% A write_equil_ITM.m (")
% A CPO2LUKEstruct_yp.m (")
% A ITM2LUKE.m (")
% A itm_starwars.m (")
% A LUKE2ITM.m (")
% A LUKEITM.m (")
% A which_MDSdatabase.m (")
% A make_display_ITM.m (")
% A test_itm_starwars.m (")
% A equil_LUKE2ITM.m (")
% A make_wavert_ITM.m (")
% A read_equil_ITM.m (")
% A loadCPO.m (")
% A testmatlab.xml (")
% A read_launchs_ITM.m (")
% A test_write_launchs_CPO.m (")
% A writeCPO.m (")
% A write_launchs_ITM.m (")
% A test_write_equil_CPO.m (")
% A xml_io_tools/html/xml_tutorial_script.html (")
% A xml_io_tools/gen_object_display.m (")
% A xml_io_tools/xml_write.m (")
% A xml_io_tools/MIT_Licence.txt (")
% A xml_io_tools/xml_read.m (")
% A xml_io_tools/xml_tutorial_script.m (")
% A xml_io_tools/xmlwrite_xerces.m (")
% A xml_io_tools/test_file.xml (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/MHDK/
% A proc_LUKE_forMHD.m (creates structure for MHD stability calculations)
% ====> LUKE/Packages/MDCE/dcluke/efda-itm/
% A dcluke_etat.sh (DC for ITM)
% A dcluke.exe (")
% A dcluke_batch.sh (")
% A dcluke_kill.sh (")
% ====> LUKE/Tools
% U ES_ebw_disp_jd.m (ES disp)
% U Zlasmadisp_jd.m (externalized Z plasma disp calc.)
% U comp_struct_jd.m (absolute comp. added)
% U execute_Mscript_dke_yp.m (execute script)
% U graph_wave_jd.m (rho choice)
% U proc_ES_ebw_jd.m (ES disp)
% U mdce_luke.m (matrix indices)
% U cleantempdir_yp.m (clean scratch)
% U input_dke_yp.m (message management)
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% LUKE Release 1.8
% Main changes include:
% - correction on DQL calculation for proper linear benchmark in toroidal plasmas
% - AMR/LUKE coupling on TCV
% ====> LUKE
% U make_path_LUKE.m (laptop yves)
% U make_path_LOCAL.m (laptop yves et joan, merope et pleione, saturne en zone partenaires, crpp)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Database
% U EQUIL_files/make_equil_EARTH.m (less theta points)
% U EXTERNAL_files/load_externaldata_TCV.m (small corrections)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Display
% U imake_angles_TCV_jd.m (P0 can be modified, change in distance to waist)
% U imake_launch_angles_TCV_jd.m (P0 now in angles, angles structure saved)
% U imake_wave_AMR_jd.m (launch parameters passed on, path management, small corrections)
% U imake_wave_jd.m (reordering based on ray tracing choice, launch or angles specified for TCV)
% U irunluke_jd.m (database load in case fields are missing, hxr, signs)
% U imake_equil_jd.m (signs management, Zeff reset)
% U imake_launch_EC_jd.m (small corrections)
% U Project_DKE/Display/irunhxr_jd.m (opt_gui)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/DKE
% U rfdiff_dke_jd.m (correction on diffusion coefficient calculation - now linear benchmark is OK in toroidal plasmas as well)
% U setpath_luke_jd.m (RT -> C3PO)
% U load_structures_yp.m (fluctuations structure added, simple dkepath structures)
% U proc_luke_jd.m (n_rf_list and launched power specified, linear wave data stored)
% U equilibrium_jd.m (signs displayed)
% U optgrid_dke_jd.m (pnmax can be fixed by location of absorption)
% U run_lukert.m (")
% U paramconsistency_dke_yp.m (")
% U LUKEversion_jd.m (LUKE 1.8 and matlab version test)
% U main_dke_yp.m (display convergence along rays only if display > 1, f back in RF loop)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/ALOHA
% U proc_aloha_spec_jd.m (display corrections)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/AMR
% U make_input_AMR.m (launch parameters passed on, TCV eternal data to AMR)
% U make_equil_RZ_AMR_jd.m (id managed externally, psi/theta equil can be loaded)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/FEB
% U bremlocaldisplay_dke_yp.m (g, tp calc removed)
% U bremsstrahlung_dke_yp.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/C3PO
% U MEX/Source/raytracing_dieltensor_yp.c (useless fonctions removed)
% U main_rayinit_launch_jd.m (iref with relative negative index, default missing entries)
% U loop_main_C3PO_jd.m (condition on y0)
% U main_C3PO_jd.m (save display parameters)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Cronos
% U make_dkeparam_cronos.m (base mhu grid parameters changed)
% U make_wavelaunchs_cronos_lh.m (aloha in LUKE/CRONOS)
% U make_wavert_cronos.m (")
% U luke_parameters.m (")
% U zstarwars.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/ITM/
% U testmatlab.xml (small corrections)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Packages
% U README.txt (mise à jour)
% ====> LUKE/Tools
% U comp_struct_jd.m (imaginary display mode for substructure comparison)
% U graph_wave_jd.m (launch for EC only)
% U graph1D_jd.m (separate legend size)
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% LUKE Release 1.8.1
% - BATCH remote LUKE run
% - CRONOS output file coupling
% - equilibrium extrema removal
% - TCV HXR corrections and comparison
% - ALOHA coupling
% - transport proportional to DQL
% ====> LUKE
% A mrunluke_batch (batch LUKE run)
% U make_path_LOCAL.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Database
% U DKEPARAM_files/make_dkeparam_EC_RT.m (stability)
% U HXR_files/make_hxr_TCV.m (beta angles corrected)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Display
% U irunluke_jd.m (remote batch LUKE run and cronos coupling)
% U irunhxr_jd.m (experimental data from external, and angle test)
% U igetfile_jd.m (filters correction)
% U iputfile_jd.m (")
% U imake_struct_jd.m (possibility to load external structure)
% U imake_wave_jd.m (build from CRONOS wavestructs)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/DKE
% U optgrid_dke_jd.m (avoid some errors)
% U equilibrium_jd.m (secondary extrema removal improved)
% A runluke.m (batch LUKE run)
% A runluke_remote_jd.m (")
% A getluke_remote_jd.m (")
% U raysum_rf_jd.m (possibility to make transport proportional to DQL)
% U rad_dke_yp.m (")
% U matrixcalc_dke_yp.m (")
% U rfdiff_dke_jd.m (")
% U proc_luke_jd.m (multiple waves deposition display)
% A calc_fcyl_jd.m (cylindrical distribution calculation and plot)
% U s2c_dke_yp.m (to ensure symmetry)
% U LUKEversion_jd.m (LUKE 1.8.1)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/ALOHA
% U proc_aloha_spec_jd.m (some peaks left intact)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/C3PO
% U testfitequil_yp.m (small correction)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Cronos
% U make_wavelaunchs_cronos_lh.m (some peaks left intact)
% U luke_parameters.m (opt_save = 2 before run)
% U zstarwars.m (id, save and path)
% U make_equil_cronos.m (equil.id)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/FEB
% U bremsstrahlung_dke_yp.m (small correction)
% A collect_hxr_forLUKE_jd.m (collect HXR exp data for LUKE)
% A comp_hxr_jd.m (compare exp and calc for each energy channel)
% A fproc_hxr.m (general function for HXR comparison)
% A runhxr_jd.m (automatic version of irun_hxr)
% U Pile-up/tphfit_dke_yp.m (use NaN for inconsistent data)
% U bremchord_dke_yp.m (beta angles corrected)
% ====> LUKE/Tools
% A smooth_jd.m (gaussian smoothing)
% U print_jd.m (small correction)
% U graph1D_jd.m (error bars in x axis)
% U graph1D2jd.m (nargin corrections)
% U graph_wave_jd.m (display option)
% U integral_dke_jd.m (small correction)
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% LUKE Release 1.8.2
% - DCLUKE uses dkepath
% - CRONOS coupling completely revisited. 3 main errors corrected:
%		- T, n profiles now on correct grid
%		- ohm.epsi can now have varying signs
%		- EQUILV no longer reloaded
% - use of a_sdNpar
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Display
% U igetdir_jd.m (current directory)
% U iload_externaldata_jd.m (dkepath for dcluke)
% U imake_equil_jd.m (")
% U imake_makewave_jd.m (")
% U imake_ohm_jd.m (")
% U imake_ripple_yp.m (")
% U imake_struct_jd.m (")
% U imake_transp_jd.m (")
% U imake_wave_jd.m (")
% U irunluke_jd.m (dkepath for dcluke, exit protection, failed luke case)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/DKE
% U coll_dke_jd.m (dkepath for dcluke)
% U eecoll_dke_yp.m (")
% U loop_coll_dke_jd1.m (")
% U load_structures_yp.m (")
% U setpath_luke_jd.m (")
% U fmoments_dke_yp.m (n_rf_list)
% U rfdiff_dke_jd.m (")
% U rfwave_dke_jd.m (")
% U proc_luke_jd.m (")
% U run_lukert.m (rho0, rtmode = 4, n_rf_list)
% U optgrid_dke_jd.m (rho0)
% U getluke_remote_jd.m (small corrections)
% U main_dke_yp.m (")
% U rayprocess_jd.m (a_sdNpar case)
% U wave_process_jd.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/C3PO
% U make_beam_wave_jd.m (")
% U main_C3PO_jd.m (dkepath for dcluke)
% U Examples/JETlike/WAVE/make_wave_JETliketest.m (")
% U Examples/JETlike/WAVE/make_wave_JETliketest_bis.m (")
% U Examples/PLT/WAVE/make_wave_PLTtest.m (")
% U Examples/RFP/WAVE/make_wave_RFP.m (")
% U Examples/RTtest/WAVE/make_wave_RTtest.m (")
% U Examples/RTtest/WAVE/make_wave_RTtest_straight.m (")
% U Examples/VERSATOR2/WAVE/make_wave_VERSATOR2test.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Cronos
% U lhspectrum_cronos.m (no cons_spec)
% U luke_parameters.m (revisited)
% U make_display_cronos.m (small modifications)
% U make_dkeparam_cronos.m (parameters modified in function)
% U make_equil_cronos.m (treatment in function, psi grid, t and n profiles)
% U make_wavelaunchs_cronos_ec.m (parameters modified in function)
% U make_wavelaunchs_cronos_lh.m (parameters modified in function, aloha)
% U make_wavert_cronos.m (parameters modified in function, no equil reload)
% U zstarwars.m (revisited, ohm.epsi can change sign)
% ====> Project_DKE/Packages/MDCE
% U run_mdce.m  (dkepath for dcluke)
% U run_mdce_rt.m  (")
% U dcluke/dcluke.exe (")
% U dcluke/dcluke.m (")
% U dcluke/dcluke_batch.sh (")
% U dcluke/testdcluke.m (")
% A dcluke/cephee/dcluke.exe is no longer in the repository
% A dcluke/cephee/dcluke_batch.sh is no longer in the repository
% A dcluke/cephee/dcluke_etat.sh is no longer in the repository
% A dcluke/cephee/dcluke_kill.sh is no longer in the repository
% A dcluke/efda-itm/dcluke.exe is no longer in the repository
% A dcluke/efda-itm/dcluke_batch.sh is no longer in the repository
% A dcluke/efda-itm/dcluke_etat.sh is no longer in the repository
% A dcluke/efda-itm/dcluke_kill.sh is no longer in the repository
% A dcluke/saturne/dcluke.exe is no longer in the repository
% A dcluke/saturne/dcluke_batch.sh is no longer in the repository
% A dcluke/saturne/dcluke_etat.sh is no longer in the repository
% A dcluke/saturne/dcluke_kill.sh is no longer in the repository
% ====> LUKE/Tools
% U clustermode_luke.m (dkepath for dcluke)
% U mdce_luke.m (")
% U comp_struct_jd.m (small corrections)
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% LUKE Release 1.8.3
% - use of GUI in structure modifications
% - TS HXR comparison added
% - new equilibrium extrema removal technique
% - new example cases, more realistic
% - ALOHA : new technique with peak value and Npar conserved
% ====> LUKE
% U make_path_LOCAL.m (small corrections)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Display
% U structinfo_yp.m (use of GUI in structure modification)
% U putinfo_yp.m (")
% U imake_struct_jd.m (")
% U imake_launch_LH_jd.m (")
% U imod_struct_jd.m (")
% U imake_wave_jd.m (" + launch structure loaded + n_rf_list)
% U irunluke_jd.m (small corrections)
% U imake_ohm_jd.m (" + signs management)
% U imake_equil_jd.m (")
% U imake_wave_AMR_jd.m (")
% U irunhxr_jd.m (TS case added)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/DKE
% U equilibrium_jd.m (new technique with point removal)
% U proc_luke_jd.m (nfrags, diary, etc)
% U run_lukert.m (small correction)
% U calc_fcyl_jd.m (Fperp)
% U load_structures_yp.m (path as string)
% U rfwave_dke_jd.m (n_rf_list)
% U wave_process_jd.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/ALOHA
% U proc_aloha_spec_jd.m (new technique with peak value and Npar conserved)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/AMR
% U make_input_AMR.m (externalization of TCV case)
% U make_equil_AMR_jd.m (small correction)
% U rundke_AMR.m (negative pnmax case)
% U make_AMR_antenna_TCV.m (TCV specific antenna for AMR)
% U ebe6_TCV.cfg (config file for TCV in AMR)
% U make_wave_AMR_jd.m (small correction)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/C3PO
% U main_rayinit_launch_jd.m (use of GUI in structure modification)
% U main_C3PO_jd.m (n_rf_list)
% U MEX/Source/erfcc_mex_jd.F (use of mwsize...)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Cronos
% U luke_parameters.m (aloha and shot parameters)
% U zstarwars.m (small corrections)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/FEB
% U runhxr_jd.m (structure external)
% U fproc_hxr.m (disp)
% U collect_hxr_forLUKE_jd.m (path)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/MHDK
% U proc_LUKE_forMHD.m (simul id)
% ====> LUKE/Tools
% U input_dke_yp.m (case of NaN)
% U userid_jd.m (small correction)
% U graph_wave_jd.m (absorption normalization)
% U getlist_jd.m (get list of files with given format)
% U gettime_jd.m (nargins)
% ====> LUKE/Simulations/Examples
% New equilibrium and run cases for ITER (LH study) and TS (new cronos run with correct profiles)
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% LUKE Release 1.8.4
% - important correction in the raypath_prop_jd function which affects ECCD in TCV
% - Legendre projection of f calculated and used in CRONOS
% - batch run of LUKE in interactive CRONOS
% ====> LUKE
% U mrunluke_batch (LUKE path, to run in cronos)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Database
% U DKEPARAM_files/make_dkeparam_EC_RT.m (parameters for Legendre polynomials projection of f)
% U DKEPARAM_files/make_dkeparam_LH_RT.m (")
% U DKEPARAM_files/make_dkeparam_NONUNIFORM10010020.m (")
% U DKEPARAM_files/make_dkeparam_UNIFORM10010020.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Display
% U irunluke_jd.m (wave path)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/DKE
% U finit_dke_yp.m (Legendre projection of f)
% U fmoments_dke_yp.m (")
% U main_dke_yp.m (")
% U paramconsistency_dke_yp.m (")
% U mksacoefbuilder_dke_yp.m
% U momentumcoefbuilder_dke_yp.m (")
% U proc_luke_jd.m (radial grids)
% U rfdiff_dke_jd.m (number of elements)
% U run_lukert.m (wave passed into dke_out in main)
% U runluke.m (wavestructs passed, LUKE path, cronos batch mode)
% U runluke_remote_jd.m (")
% U equilibrium_jd.m (repair parameters)
% U LUKEversion_jd.m (1.8.4 and treatment of matlab > ?.9)
% U mex_compile_luke.m (compile options and LUKE path & version)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/C3PO
% U make_beam_wave_jd.m (test for smooth.m existence)
% U raypath_prop_jd.m (important correction for ECCD in TCV)
% A MEX/Source/test_plasmadisp_jd.m (test plasma dispersion functions)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Cronos
% U luke_parameters.m (batch mode)
% U zstarwars.m (batch mode and Legendre projection of f)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/FEB
% U leg_dke_yp.m (small correction and Legendre projection of f)
% U bremlocaldisplay_dke_yp.m (energy from momentumDKE)
% U contourfp_hxr_yp.m (")
% U bremsstrahlung_dke_yp.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Tools
% A interpleg_yp.m (reconstruct the distribution on a mhu grid from Legendre polynomials)
% U comp_struct_jd.m (display improved)
% M Tools/gauleg_dke_yp.m (moved from LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/FEB)
% M Tools/leg_dke_yp.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Simulations
% Examples/ITER/Scen2 (examples for ECCD in ITER)
% Benchmarks/TScirc/LH_karney_ripple/rundke.m (test for Legendre polynomials reconstruction)
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% LUKE Release 1.8.5
% - coupling between LUKE and EVE
% - improve distributed computing
% - compatibility Matlab 7.10 and 7.11
% - EC reflection on wall
% ====> LUKE
% U make_path_LOCAL.m (Matlab 7.10 and 7.11 update)
% U mrunluke_batch (matlab version)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Display
% U imake_equil_jd.m (equil shotnum and shotime info)
% U imake_ohm_jd.m (")
% U imake_launch_LH_jd.m (iref as option)
% U imake_wave_jd.m (EVE-LUKE coupling)
% U imake_wave_EVE_jd.m (")
% U imod_struct_jd.m (rm fields)
% U structinfo_yp.m (EC reflections on wall)
% U irunluke_jd.m (small correction)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/DKE
% U main_dke_yp.m (EVE-LUKE coupling)
% U optgrid_dke_jd.m (")
% U proc_luke_jd.m (")
% U rfdiff_dke_fw_jd.m (")
% U rfwave_dke_jd.m (")
% U wave_process_jd.m (")
% U run_lukert.m (")
% U equilibrium_jd.m (small corrections)
% U finit_dke_yp.m (")
% U fix_equil_jd.m (")
% U getluke_remote_jd.m (logname and matlab version)
% U runluke.m (")
% U powerdiff_dke_jd.m (warning off)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/C3PO/
% U make_beam_wave_jd.m (EVE-LUKE coupling)
% U loop_main_C3PO_jd.m (EC reflections on wall)
% U main_C3PO_jd.m (")
% U main_rayinit_launch_jd.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Cronos/
% U luke_parameters.m (small correction)
% U make_wavelaunchs_cronos_lh.m (")
% U zstarwars.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/EFIT/
% U equil_magnetic_EFIT_jd.m (EVE-LUKE coupling)
% U equil_prof_jd.m (")
% U Teneprof_jd.m (")
% U rz2pt_jd.m (small correction)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Packages/MDCE/dcluke
% U dcluke.m (memory management and matlab version)
% U dcluke.exe (matlab version)
% U dcluke_batch.sh (")
% A ftest_mdce.m (test function for distributed computing)
% A test_mdce.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Tools
% U clustermode_luke.m (memory management)
% U mdce_luke.m (memory and error management, simplifications)
% U dclukecomputing.m (error management, simplifications)
% U seqcomputing.m (")
% U fproc_data.m (simulation script)
% U proc_a_sdNpar_scan.m (")
% U proc_Dr0_scan.m (")
% U proc_TS.m (")
% U colddisp_dke_jd (vacuum limit)
% U userid_jd.m (use of USER)
% U graph_wave_jd.m (landau damping parameter, portrait subplot printing)
% ====> LUKE/Simulations/Examples
% U ITER/Scen2/res_ITER_Scen2_200103121816_430_129_C3PO_NTM_32.log (matlab 7.10)
% U ITER/Scen2/rundke_ITER_Scen4_C3PO_EC.m (")
% U ITER/Scen4/readme.txt (")
% U ITER/Scen4/res_ITER_Scen4_C3PO_f5_N2_dN0.2.log (")
% U TS/32299/res_alpha_0_Dr0_0.log (")
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% LUKE Release 1.8.6
% - HXR calculation corrected and updated for TS
% - METIS - LUKE coupling
% - new fast electron transport threshold and models
% - multiray description of fluctuation effects on LH spectrum
% ====> LUKE
% U make_path_LOCAL.m updates for cephee, lac2 and laptopjoan
% U install_LUKE.m (mdce testing and startup.m file)
% U LUKE_startup_jd.m (setup for LUKE in startup.m file)
% U alltests_LUKE.m (updated and tested)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Database
% U DKEPARAM_files/make_dkeparam_LH_RT.m (small correction)
% U EQUIL_files/make_equil_JETh77.m (new exponents for new equilibrium - see benchmarks)
% A EXTERNAL_files/collect_hxr.m (Stefano's function for TCV data - hard link)
% A EXTERNAL_files/collect_parameters_for_luke.m (")
% A EXTERNAL_files/reflect_tcv.m (function for ray reflection on vessel)
% U HXR_files/make_hxr_TCV.m (kphot - kdiag corrections)
% U HXR_files/bremTSconvert_dke_yp.m (")
% U HXR_files/partok_dke_yp.m (new version from displaytt)
% A WAVE_files/get_launchs_TS.m (parameters for TS LHCD antenna)
% A WAVE_files/make_wave_C3POparam_LH.m (C3PO parameters for LH wave)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Display
% U igetdir_jd.m (filesep added if necessary)
% U igetfile_jd.m (")
% U imake_makewave_jd.m (launch file input added)
% U imake_rundke_jd.m (includes batch mode)
% U imod_struct_jd.m (cell of strings management)
% U irunhxr_jd.m (TS update and kphot - kdiag corrections)
% U irunluke_jd.m (ray reflection on vessel included)
% U structinfo_yp.m (MIKE, METIS and transpfaste parameters)
% A imake_launch_aloha_jd.m (make launch from aloha output)
% U imake_wave_jd.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/DKE
% U LUKEversion_jd.m (LUKE 1.8.6)
% U equilibrium_jd.m (input grid and extremum management)
% U fmoments_dke_yp.m (sign error in current for cronos)
% U proc_luke_jd.m (residue info, blist management, and harmonic separation)
% U run_lukert.m (correction in a_sdNpar run)
% U setpath_luke_jd.m (coupling to METIS included)
% U banana_dke_jd.m (small corrections)
% U main_dke_yp.m (")
% U momentumcoefbuilder_dke_yp.m (Xv added)
% U rad_dke_yp.m (case with energy threshold and/or gaussian energy dep.)
% U runluke_remote_jd.m (matlab root for local runs)
% U load_structures_yp.m (correction to reduce execution time)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/ALOHA
% U proc_aloha_spec_jd.m (correction on legend location)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/C3PO
% U raypath_prop_jd.m (input can be scalars)
% A test_spectrum_jd.m (test function for varspectrum_jd.m)
% A varspectrum_jd.m (account for fluctuation-generated N//0 Gaussian diffusion in ray distribution)
% A graph_comp_RT_jd.m (compares C3PO results - old function reinstated)
% U loop_main_C3PO_jd.m (small correction when no launch present)
% A reflection_jd.m (ray reflection on vessel)
% U Examples/run_all.m (modified similarly to run_all_benchmarks - fully tested)
% U Examples/PLT/WAVE/make_wave_PLTtest.m (small correction)
% U Examples/RFP/WAVE/make_rayinit_RFP.m (")
% U Examples/RFP/WAVE/make_wave_RFP.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Cronos
% U luke_parameters.m (small corrections)
% U make_dkeparam_cronos.m (")
% U zstarwars.m (")
% U make_wavert_cronos.m (" + parameters with aloha)
% U make_equil_cronos.m (complex values from helena removed)
% U make_wavelaunchs_cronos_ec.m (data structure corrected)
% U make_wavelaunchs_cronos_lh.m (simplifications)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/FEB
% U runhxr_jd.m (TS update and kphot - kdiag corrections)
% A get_hxrspec_forLUKE_jd.m (TS update)
% U fproc_hxr.m (various corrections, including sampling time)
% U collect_hxr_forLUKE_jd.m (update for TS)
% U bremdiag_dke_yp.m (corrections on detector response function)
% U dresp_dke_yp.m (")
% U bremlocaldisplay_dke_yp.m (small corrections)
% U bremsstrahlung_dke_yp.m (")
% U contourfp_hxr_yp.m (")
% A plotchords_jd.m (plots HXR chords)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Helena
% U equil_magnetic_helmex77_yp.m (correction on call to helena)
% U MEX/Source/separatrice.F (version corrigée par Yves)
% U MEX/Source/helmex77.F (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/METIS
% A metis2luke.m (couplage LUKE-METIS)
% A make_equil_metis2luke.m (equil metis -> luke)
% A make_lukeparam_metis2luke.m (LUKE parameters in metis)
% A make_wavelaunchs_metis2luke_ec.m (EC parameters)
% A make_wavelaunchs_metis2luke_lh.m (LH parameters)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/MHDK
% U proc_LUKE_forMHD.m (LUKE_RESULTS as input possible)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Packages
% U test_packages_dke_yp.m (updated and tested)
% U MDCE/test_mdce.m (made into a function for install_LUKE)
% U MDCE/run_mdce.m (small corrections)
% ====> LUKE/Tools
% U graph1D_jd.m (font name, legend location, marker size)
% U graph_wave_jd.m (reflections on vessel, polarization)
% U mdce_luke.m (error corrected in the case of several parallel bunches)
% U timeid_jd.m (1/1000 second to avoid conflicts)
% U clustermode_luke.m (")
% U userid_jd.m (simplified)
% A equilvol_mc_jd.m (volume of FS by monte-carlo code)
% A equilmoments_jd.m (moments of LUKE equilibrium)
% A structindex.m (fields evaluated at given index)
% U print_jd.m (opt = 3 for keyboard)
% U colddisp_dke_jd.m (access condition returned)
% U graph2D_jd.m (colormap scale)
% U execute_jd.m (small correction)
% U input_dke_yp.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Simulations/Benchmarks
% U run_all_benchmarks.m (small corrections - fully tested)
% U TScirc_e1/Ohm_bounce/rundke.m (pour réutilisation dans irunluke)
% U JETh77/LH_karney_transp_bounce/rundke.m
% U JETh77/LH_karney_transp_bounce/loop_rundke.m (distributed calculation)
% U JETh77/LH_karney_transp_bounce/readme.txt (new equilibrium and validation)
% ====> LUKE/Simulations/Examples
% U run_all_examples.m (ITER Scen2 ECCD added, and some corrections)
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% LUKE Release 1.9.0
% - correction for correct time evolution in solver_dke_yp.m
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/DKE
% U LUKE_startup_jd.m (small corrections)
% U make_path_LOCAL.m (crpp and mat 7.12)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Database
% U EXTERNAL_files/collect_parameters_for_luke.m (Zeff profile for TCV)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/DKE
% U fmoments_dke_yp.m (0-D moments
% U main_dke_yp.m (outputs and tmp save with dtn different from tn)
% U paramconsistency_dke_yp.m (options for FP run, dtn as a function of tn)
% U proc_luke_jd.m (outputs with dtn different from tn)
% U run_lukert.m (")
% U solver_dke_yp.m (correction to decouple Legendre convergence from time evolution, moments calculation coherent with fmoments)
% U LUKEversion_jd.m (LUKE 1.9.0)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Display
% U imake_equil_jd.m (Zeff profile for TCV)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Cronos
% U make_wavert_cronos.m (function-specific memory management)
% ====> LUKE/Tools
% U clustermode_luke.m (function-specific memory management)
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
% LUKE Release 1.9.1
% - delta f correction - no iterations needed with coll_mode ~= 2
% - decomposition in poloidal mode number
% - ripple power losses
% - time management and function calls in CRONOS
% - various updates before merging with LUKE_fluct
% ====> LUKE
% U make_path_LOCAL.m (merge with Yves)
% U make_path_LUKE.m (small corrections)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Database
% U DKEPARAM_files/make_dkeparam_UNIFORM10010020.m (tn, dtn, prec_0 and timevol)
% U DKEPARAM_files/make_dkeparam_NONUNIFORM10010020.m (")
% U DKEPARAM_files/make_dkeparam_EC_RT.m (tn added)
% U DKEPARAM_files/make_dkeparam_LH_RT.m (")
% U EXTERNAL_files/collect_parameters_for_luke.m (small correction)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/DKE
% U LUKEversion_jd.m (LUKE 1.9.1)
% U load_structures_yp.m (wavestruct added)
% U momentumcoefbuilder_dke_yp.m (differential kinetic energy)
% U proc_luke_jd.m (small corrections & energy distribution function)
% U rayprocess_jd.m (processing of m and krho)
% U main_dke_yp.m (ripple power losses, non-uniform time grid)
% U fmoments_dke_yp.m (")
% U solver_dke_yp.m (deltaf calculation corrected - no iterations required with coll_mode ~= 2)
% U momentumgrid_dke_jd.m (externally specified mhu and pn grids possible)
% U paramconsistency_dke_yp.m (non-uniform time grid, externally specified mhu and pn grids possible)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Display
% U imake_equil_jd.m (small corrections)
% U irunluke_jd.m (")
% U irunhxr_jd.m (management of old diagnostic)
% U structinfo_yp.m (pnmax can be negative)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/Cronos
% U luke_parameters.m (tn instead of dtn)
% U make_dkeparam_cronos.m (")
% U make_wavelaunchs_cronos_ec.m (small corrections)
% U zstarwars.m (time management corrected and simplified. input now in cronos wrapping functions)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/C3PO
% U main_rayinit_launch_jd.m (decomposition in m0)
% U loop_main_C3PO_jd.m (processing of m and krho)
% U raypostprocessing_yp.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/EFIT
% U eqdsk_jd.m (small correction)
% U equil_magnetic_EFIT_jd.m (")
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Modules/FEB
% U bremdiag_dke_yp.m (small correction)
% U fproc_hxr.m (read BACKUP_* files)
% U collect_hxr_forLUKE_jd.m (management of old diagnostic)
% ====> LUKE/Project_DKE/Packages
% U nproc_dke_yp.m (new computers)
% ====> LUKE/Tools
% U graph_wave_jd.m (ray polarization and radial reflection)
% U info_dke_yp.m (new mode)
% U timeid_jd.m (default number of digits)
% U userid_jd.m (new computer types)
% ====> LUKE/Simulations/Examples
% U ITER/Scen2/res_ITER_Scen2_200103121816_430_129_C3PO_NTM_32.log (LUKE 1.9 asymptotic solution tn=100 000, nit = 1)
% U ITER/Scen4/res_ITER_Scen4_C3PO_f5_N2_dN0.2.log (")
% U TS/32299/res_alpha_0_Dr0_0.log (")
% U TS/32299/run_cronos_starwars.m (")
% A TS/32299/ALOHA/TS32299_C3_ne03e17.mat (aloha spectrum file)
% A TS/32299/ALOHA/TS32299_C3_ne05e17.mat (")
% A TS/32299/ALOHA/TS32299_C3_ne07e17.mat (")
% ====> LUKE/Simulations/Benchmarks
% U all files modified and tested for compatibility with LUKE 1.9.1