% AUTHORS.m: list of contributing authors to LUKE code
% INSTALL.m: install and uninstall procedures for LUKE
% VERSION.m: code version (CVS tag)
% README.m: this file
% Note : After installation go to ~/LUKE/Simulations/Benchmarks to try the code
% The full code documentation is available in html in the directory ~/Documentation/index.html
% For all detailed analytic calculations concerning LUKE kinetic solver :
% J. Decker and Y. Peysson. DKE: "a fast numerical solver for the 3-D relativistic bounce-averaged electron
% drift kinetic equation". Euratom-CEA report EUR-CEA-FC-1736, Association EURATOM-CEA sur la
% Fusion Controlee, Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, France, 2004.
% For all detailed analytic calculations concerning C3PO ray-tracing :
% Y. Peysson, J. Decker. "C3PO, a ray-tracing code for arbitrary axisymmetric magnetic equilibrium".
% Euratom-CEA report EUR-CEA-FC-1739, Association EURATOM-CEA sur la
% Fusion Controlee, Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, France, 2008.
% Please refer to these reports for these codes references