


function install_LUKE


 LUKE - Installation package script

 Install LUKE path in existing default MatLab startup.m, build all *.mat and *.mex files
 build documentation and launch some tests procedure.

 By Joan Decker (CEA/DSM/IRFM, and Yves Peysson (CEA/DSM/IRFM,


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function install_LUKE
0002 %
0003 % LUKE - Installation package script
0004 %
0005 % Install LUKE path in existing default MatLab startup.m, build all *.mat and *.mex files
0006 % build documentation and launch some tests procedure.
0007 %
0008 % By Joan Decker (CEA/DSM/IRFM, and Yves Peysson (CEA/DSM/IRFM,
0009 %
0010 disp(' ');
0011 disp(' ============= LUKE INSTALL =============');
0012 disp(' ');
0013 disp('The standard setup of LUKE is to add a function startup_LUKE.m in the startup.m file and save it in the same folder.');
0014 disp(' ');
0015 opt = input('Do you want to setup your startup file automatically? (y/n) [y] ? ','s');
0016 if isempty(opt),
0017     opt = 'y';
0018 end
0019 %
0020 % setup startup.m to add paths to LUKE as well as MatRemote and MatTools toolboxes
0021 %
0022 if strcmp(opt,'y')
0023     [MatToolspath,MatRemotepath,MatHelppath] = LUKE_startup_jd;
0024     %
0025     addpath(MatToolspath)
0026     addpath(MatRemotepath)
0027     addpath([MatRemotepath,filesep,'Profiles'])    
0028     addpath([MatRemotepath,filesep,'Bridge']) 
0029     addpath(MatHelppath) 
0030     addpath([MatHelppath,filesep,'m2html'])  
0031 end
0032 %
0033 % test access to MatRemote, MatTools and MatHelp toolboxes
0034 %
0035 disp(' ');
0036 if isempty(which('select_LUKE.m')),
0037     disp('No path set to MatTools toolbox. Please download and/or set path to toolbox.')
0038     return
0039 end
0040 if isempty(which('load_remoteprofiles_jd.m')),
0041     disp('No path set to MatRemote toolbox. Please download and/or set path to toolbox.')
0042     return
0043 end
0044 if isempty(which('htmldocbuilder_yp.m')),
0045     disp('No path set to MatHelp toolbox. Please download and/or set path to toolbox.')
0046     return
0047 end
0048 %
0049 luke_root = [fileparts(which(mfilename)),filesep];% local LUKE version
0050 %
0051 % Creates athe LUKE_PATH.mat structure
0052 %
0053 addpath([luke_root,'Project_DKE/Database/PATH_files']);
0054 make_path_LOCAL;
0055 %
0056 % add paths to LUKE
0057 %
0058 addpath([luke_root,'Project_DKE/DKE']);
0059 setpath_luke_jd(luke_root);
0060 %
0061 disp(' ');
0062 disp('The LUKE paths have been installed.');
0063 disp(' ');
0064 %
0065 % load LUKE paths, compile mex, setup path to mex files and matrix inverters
0066 %
0067 dkepath = load_structures_yp('dkepath','','');
0068 %
0069 % Build *.mat files
0070 %
0071 %
0072 disp(' ');
0073 opt = input_dke_yp('Do you want to rebuild the database (necessary for new installs and upgrades)','y',{'y','n'});
0074 %
0075 if opt == 'y',
0076     cd([luke_root,'Project_DKE/Database']);
0077     make_all;
0078     cd(luke_root);
0079 end
0080 %
0081 % Warning for the external mexfiles
0082 %
0083 dkepathfields1 = fieldnames(dkepath);
0084 %
0085 for ifields1 = 1:length(dkepathfields1)
0086     if isstruct(dkepath.(dkepathfields1{ifields1})),
0087         dkepathfields2 = fieldnames(dkepath.(dkepathfields1{ifields1}));
0088         for ifields2 = 1:length(dkepathfields2)
0089             if ~isempty(strfind(dkepathfields2{ifields2},'mex')) && ~strcmp(dkepathfields2{ifields2},'helmex'),
0090                 info_dke_yp(6,['Check that all external MEXfiles in ''',dkepath.(dkepathfields1{ifields1}).(dkepathfields2{ifields2}),''' folder have been been well compiled.'],0,'blue');
0091             end
0092         end
0093     end
0094 end
0095 %
0096 disp(['WARNING: automatic generation of the documentation can be a rather long process !']);
0097 %
0098 opt = input_dke_yp('Do you want to automatically generate the documentation','n',{'y','n'});
0099 %
0100 if opt == 'y',
0101     install_doc_LUKE;
0102 end
0103 %
0104 opt = input_dke_yp('Do you want to test MDCE capabilities','n',{'y','n'});
0105 %
0106 if opt == 'y' && isfield(dkepath,'remote') && ~isempty(dkepath.remote),
0107     test_mdce(3);
0108 else
0109     disp('distributed calculation with remcomputing not set up')
0110 end
0111 %
0112 opt = input_dke_yp('Do you want to run a simple test case','y',{'y','n'});
0113 %
0114 if opt == 'y',
0115     %
0116     cd([luke_root,'Simulations/Benchmarks/TScyl/LH_Karney']);
0117     disp('---------------------------------------------------------------------------')
0118     disp('-------------------------- SEQUENTIAL COMPUTING ---------------------------')
0119     disp('---------------------------------------------------------------------------')
0120     rundke;
0121     cd(dkepath.luke_root);
0122 end
0123 %
0124 opt = input_dke_yp('Do you want to run the test case with distributed calculation of collision integrals','n',{'y','n'});
0125 %
0126 if opt == 'y' && isfield(dkepath,'remote') && ~isempty(dkepath.remote),
0127     cd([dkepath.luke_root,'Simulations/Benchmarks/TScyl/LH_Karney']);
0128     disp('---------------------------------------------------------------------------')
0129     disp('-------------------------- DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING --------------------------')
0130     disp('---------------------------------------------------------------------------')
0131     rundke_cluster;
0132     cd(dkepath.luke_root);
0133 else
0134     disp('remote calculation not set up')
0135 end
0136 %
0137 opt = input_dke_yp('Do you want to run all tests and examples (long process, several hours)','n',{'y','n'});
0138 if opt == 'y',
0139     alltests_LUKE
0140 end
0141 %
0142 info_dke_yp(1,'The installation of LUKE is successfully done',1,'green');
0143 %
0144 end

Community support and wiki are available on Redmine. Last update: 18-Apr-2019.