Calculates the bootstrap current from neoclassical models by Hinton & Hazeltine, Hirshman and Sauter in the limit of large aspect ratio ia << 1. Note: The calculation is based on the model of circular concentric flux-surface, with parameters derived from the magnetic geometry. INPUTS: - tokname: Name of the tokamak OUTPUTS: - prho: radial grid [1,np] - pcurr_hir_ref_fsav: Electron bootstrap current from Hirshman model, low collisionality limit (MA/m2) [1,np] - pcurr_sau_ref_fsav: Electron bootstrap current from Sauter model (MA/m2) [1,np] - pcurr_hin_ref_fsav: Electron bootstrap current from Hinton & Hazeltine model (MA/m2) [1,np] - pcurr_i_ref_fsav: Ion contribution to total bootstrap current for Hirschman, Sauter and Hinton & Hazeltine models (MA/m2) [1,np] - pcurr_tag_e_ref_fsav: Electron bootstrap current from Taguchi model (anistropic electron distribution) (MA/m2) [1,np] - pcurr_tag_i_ref_fsav: Ion bootstrap current from Taguchi model (anistropic electron distribution) (MA/m2) [1,np] by Y. Peysson <> and Joan Decker <>
0001 function [prho,pcurr_hir_ref_fsav,pcurr_sau_ref_fsav,pcurr_hin_ref_fsav,pcurr_i_ref_fsav,L31] = jbootrap_th_cyl_yp(equil) 0002 % 0003 % Calculates the bootstrap current from neoclassical models by Hinton & Hazeltine, Hirshman and Sauter 0004 % in the limit of large aspect ratio ia << 1. 0005 % Note: The calculation is based on the model of circular concentric flux-surface, with parameters derived from the magnetic geometry. 0006 % 0007 % INPUTS: 0008 % 0009 % - tokname: Name of the tokamak 0010 % 0011 % OUTPUTS: 0012 % 0013 % - prho: radial grid [1,np] 0014 % - pcurr_hir_ref_fsav: Electron bootstrap current from Hirshman model, low collisionality limit (MA/m2) [1,np] 0015 % - pcurr_sau_ref_fsav: Electron bootstrap current from Sauter model (MA/m2) [1,np] 0016 % - pcurr_hin_ref_fsav: Electron bootstrap current from Hinton & Hazeltine model (MA/m2) [1,np] 0017 % - pcurr_i_ref_fsav: Ion contribution to total bootstrap current for Hirschman, Sauter and Hinton & Hazeltine models (MA/m2) [1,np] 0018 % - pcurr_tag_e_ref_fsav: Electron bootstrap current from Taguchi model (anistropic electron distribution) (MA/m2) [1,np] 0019 % - pcurr_tag_i_ref_fsav: Ion bootstrap current from Taguchi model (anistropic electron distribution) (MA/m2) [1,np] 0020 % 0021 %by Y. Peysson <> and Joan Decker <> 0022 % 0023 [qe,me,mp,mn,e0,mu0,re,mc2,clum,alpha] = pc_dke_yp;%Universal physics constants 0024 % 0025 zZi = equil.zZi; 0026 zmi = equil.zmi; 0027 theta = equil.theta; 0028 pTe = equil.pTe; 0029 pne = equil.pne; 0030 pzTi = equil.pzTi; 0031 pzni = equil.pzni; 0032 ptx = equil.ptx; 0033 pty = equil.pty; 0034 psi_apRp = equil.psi_apRp; 0035 ptBx = equil.ptBx; 0036 ptBy = equil.ptBy; 0037 BPHI = equil.ptBPHI; 0038 Rp = equil.Rp; 0039 Zp = equil.Zp; 0040 % 0041 Bt = BPHI(1,1); 0042 ap = ptx(end,1); 0043 % 0044 R = Rp + ptx; 0045 Z = Zp + pty; 0046 ppsi = psi_apRp*Rp*ap; 0047 % 0048 BR = ptBx; 0049 BZ = ptBy; 0050 % 0051 [npsi,ntheta] = size(R); 0052 np = length(ppsi); 0053 % 0054 % FFT interpolation on R,Z, BR, BZ, BPHI as a function of theta (very precise, works for uniform theta grids only) 0055 % 0056 mfactor = 10; 0057 mtheta = 0:2*pi/((ntheta-1)*mfactor):2*pi*((ntheta-1)*mfactor-1)/((ntheta-1)*mfactor); %super theta grid 0058 % 0059 mR = interpft(R(:,1:(ntheta-1))',(ntheta-1)*mfactor)'; %FFT interpolation 0060 mZ = interpft(Z(:,1:(ntheta-1))',(ntheta-1)*mfactor)'; %FFT interpolation 0061 mBR = interpft(BR(:,1:(ntheta-1))',(ntheta-1)*mfactor)'; %FFT interpolation 0062 mBZ = interpft(BZ(:,1:(ntheta-1))',(ntheta-1)*mfactor)'; %FFT interpolation 0063 mBPHI = interpft(BPHI(:,1:(ntheta-1))',(ntheta-1)*mfactor)'; %FFT interpolation 0064 % 0065 mtheta = [mtheta,2*pi]; %2*pi point retrieved (for future interpolation) 0066 mR = [mR,mR(:,1)]; %2*pi point retrieved 0067 mZ = [mZ,mZ(:,1)]; %2*pi point retrieved 0068 mBR = [mBR,mBR(:,1)]; %2*pi point retrieved 0069 mBZ = [mBZ,mBZ(:,1)]; %2*pi point retrieved 0070 mBPHI = [mBPHI,mBPHI(:,1)]; %2*pi point retrieved 0071 % 0072 nmtheta = length(mtheta); 0073 % 0074 Rp = mR(1,1);%Major radius of magnetic Axis 0075 Zp = mZ(1,1);%Elevation of magnetic Axis 0076 % 0077 Rmax = mR(npsi,1);%Major radius where the last close flux-surface crosses the LFS midplane 0078 ap = Rmax - Rp;%Plasma minor radius on the LFS midplane 0079 prho = (R(:,1) - Rp)'/ap; 0080 % 0081 psia = ppsi(npsi);%Poloidal flux at the edge 0082 ppsin = ppsi/psia;%Normalized poloidal flux 0083 % 0084 pR = mR; 0085 pZ = mZ; 0086 pBR = mBR; 0087 pBZ = mBZ; 0088 pBphi = mBPHI; 0089 pBT = abs(pBphi);%Toroidal B-field 0090 pBp = sqrt(pBR.^2 + pBZ.^2);%Poloidal B-field 0091 pB = sqrt(pBphi.^2 + pBR.^2 + pBZ.^2);%Total B-field 0092 % 0093 %index 0 refers to the minimum of the magnetic field 0094 % 0095 [pB0,piB0] = min(pB'); %Minimum of B on flux surface 0096 pBmax = max(pB'); %Maximum of B on flux surface 0097 % 0098 pmhu0T2 = 1 - pB0./pBmax; %Pitch-angle (squared) at the trapped-passing boundary 0099 % 0100 piB0 = (piB0 - 1)*npsi + (1:npsi);%Indices in (psi,theta) grid corresponding of B=Bmin 0101 pBT0 = pBT(piB0);%Toroidal field at B=Bmin 0102 pBp0 = pBp(piB0);%Poroidal field at B=Bmin 0103 pR0 = pR(piB0);%Major radius at B=Bmin 0104 % 0105 pBp0(pBp0==0) = eps;%To avoid singularities 0106 % 0107 % note: model with one ion species only. to be completed 0108 % 0109 pTi = pzTi(1,:); 0110 Zi = zZi(1); 0111 % 0112 drho = diff(prho); 0113 % 0114 dTedr = diff(pTe)./drho/ap; 0115 dTedr = [dTedr(1),(dTedr(1:np-2) + dTedr(2:np-1))/2,dTedr(np-1)]; 0116 dnedr = diff(pne)./drho/ap; 0117 dnedr = [dnedr(1),(dnedr(1:np-2) + dnedr(2:np-1))/2,dnedr(np-1)]; 0118 dTidr = diff(pTi)./drho/ap; 0119 dTidr = [dTidr(1),(dTidr(1:np-2) + dTidr(2:np-1))/2,dTidr(np-1)]; 0120 % 0121 dlnTedr = 1./(pTe+eps).*dTedr; 0122 dlnnedr = 1./(pne+eps).*dnedr; 0123 dlnTidr = 1./(pTi+eps).*dTidr; 0124 dlnnidr = dlnnedr; 0125 % 0126 ppe = pne.*pTe; 0127 dlnpedr = dlnTedr + dlnnedr; 0128 dlnpidr = dlnTidr + dlnnidr; 0129 % 0130 pia = prho*ap/Rp; 0131 % 0132 px = (1.46*pia.^(0.5) + 2.40*pia)./(1 - pia).^(1.5);%Small inverse aspect ratio expansion 0133 %[pft,pftu,pftl] = ft_llm_dke_yp(pia,1000); 0134 %px = pft./(1-pft); 0135 % 0136 Dx = 1.414*Zi + Zi^2 + px*(0.754 + 2.657*Zi + 2*Zi^2) + px.^2*(0.348 + 1.243*Zi + Zi^2); 0137 % 0138 L31 = px.*(0.754 + 2.21*Zi + Zi^2 + px*(0.348 + 1.243*Zi + Zi^2))./Dx; 0139 L32 = -px*(0.884 + 2.074*Zi)./Dx; 0140 L34 = L31; 0141 alpha = -1.172./(1 + 0.462*Zi); 0142 % 0143 %From Sauter paper 0144 % 0145 %pft 0146 %pnhu_e_s 0147 %X = pft./(1 + (1-0.1*pft).*sqrt(pnhu_e_s) + 0.5*(1-pft).*pnhu_e_s/Zi); 0148 %L31_s = (1 + 1.4/(Zi+1))*X - 1.9/(Zi+1)*X.^2 + 0.3/(Zi+1)*X.^3 + 0.2/(Zi+1)*X.^4; 0149 %X = pft./(1 + 0.26*(1-pft).*sqrt(pnhu_e_s) + 0.18*(1-0.37*pft).*pnhu_e_s/sqrt(Zi)); 0150 %F32_ee_s = (X-X.^4)*(0.05+0.62*Zi)/(Zi+0.44*Zi^2) + (X.^2-X.^4 - 1.2*(X.^3-X.^4))/(0.22*Zi+1) + 1.2/(0.5*Zi+1)*X.^4; 0151 %Y = pft./(1 + (1+0.6*pft).*sqrt(pnhu_e_s) + 0.85*(1-0.37*pft).*pnhu_e_s/(1+Zi)); 0152 %F32_ei_s = -(Y-Y.^4)*(0.56+1.93*Zi)/(Zi+0.44*Zi^2) + 4.95*(Y.^2-Y.^4 - 0.55*(Y.^3-Y.^4))/(2.48*Zi+1) - 1.2/(0.5*Zi+1)*Y.^4; 0153 %L32_s = F32_ee_s + F32_ei_s; 0154 %X = pft./(1 + (1-0.1*pft).*sqrt(pnhu_e_s) + 0.5*(1-0.5*pft).*pnhu_e_s/Zi); 0155 %L34_s = (1 + 1.4/(Zi+1))*X - 1.9/(Zi+1)*X.^2 + 0.3/(Zi+1)*X.^3 + 0.2/(Zi+1)*X.^4; 0156 % 0157 % Sauter Correction for L32 in case of large aspect ratio limit (S.Schultz thesis p 91-92) 0158 % 0159 px_s = 1 - (1 - pia).^2./sqrt(1-pia.^2)./(1 + 1.46*sqrt(pia)); 0160 0161 %L31_s = 0162 0163 L32_s = -(0.51 + 1.31*Zi)/Zi/(1 + 0.44*Zi)*(px_s - px_s.^4)... 0164 +(5.95 + 3.57*Zi)/(1 + 2.70*Zi + 0.546*Zi^2)*(px_s.^2 - px_s.^4)... 0165 -(3.92 + 3.57*Zi)/(1 + 2.70*Zi + 0.546*Zi^2)*(px_s.^3 - px_s.^4); 0166 %L34_s = L31_s; 0167 % 0168 A1 = dlnpedr + pTi./(Zi*pTe).*dlnpidr; 0169 A2 = dlnTedr; 0170 A4 = alpha.*pTi./(Zi*pTe).*dlnTidr; 0171 % 0172 Jbavnorm = -ppe.*pBT0./pBp0.*(L31.*A1 + L32.*A2 + L34.*A4);%WARNING: pBT0./pBp0 not equal to pq./pia when pia becomes large (i.e. > 0.2) 0173 Jbavnorm_s = -ppe.*pBT0./pBp0.*(L31_s.*A1 + L32_s.*A2 + L34_s.*A4); 0174 Jbavnorm_hh = -ppe.*pBT0./pBp0.*(0.69*dlnTedr + 2.44*dlnnedr); 0175 % 0176 pcurr_hir_ref_fsav = Jbavnorm/Bt*qe*1e-6*1e3; 0177 pcurr_sau_ref_fsav = Jbavnorm_s/Bt*qe*1e-6*1e3; 0178 pcurr_hin_ref_fsav_e = Jbavnorm_hh/Bt*qe*1e-6*1e3; 0179 % 0180 % Ion Flux to be added in the fluid limit: Hinton & Hazeltine, Hirshman and Sauter relations use the same term 0181 % 0182 A1_i = pTi./(Zi*pTe).*dlnpidr; 0183 Jbavnorm_i = -ppe.*pBT0./pBp0.*(L31.*A1_i + L34.*A4); 0184 pcurr_i_ref_fsav = Jbavnorm_i/Bt*qe*1e-6*1e3; 0185 % 0186 pcurr_hin_ref_fsav = pcurr_hin_ref_fsav_e + pcurr_i_ref_fsav; 0187 % 0188 %Taguchi's model for anisotropic electron distribution function (Ref: J. Physical Soc. Japan, 65,11 (1996) 3530) 0189 % 0190 pcurr_tag_e_ref_fsav = NaN; 0191 pcurr_tag_i_ref_fsav = NaN;