

This script is used to run LUKE for the runaway problem


This is a script file.


 This script is used to run LUKE for the runaway problem

 by J. Decker, Y. Peysson and E. Nilsson

 Note : A comparison with Kulsrud is provided for the follwoing parameters :

 - betath2 = 1e-6 (NR limit)
 - alpha among [4,6,8,10]*1e4;
 - Zi among [1,2,3,10]
 - coll_mode = 0 (Relativistic Maxwellian background)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 %
0002 % This script is used to run LUKE for the runaway problem
0003 %
0004 % by J. Decker, Y. Peysson and E. Nilsson
0005 %
0006 % Note : A comparison with Kulsrud is provided for the follwoing parameters :
0007 %
0008 % - betath2 = 1e-6 (NR limit)
0009 % - alpha among [4,6,8,10]*1e4;
0010 % - Zi among [1,2,3,10]
0011 % - coll_mode = 0 (Relativistic Maxwellian background)
0012 %
0013 clear all
0014 clear mex
0015 clear functions
0016 close all
0017 warning('off')
0018 %
0019 permission = test_permissions_yp;
0020 %
0021 if ~permission 
0022     disp('Please move the script to a local folder where you have write permission before to run it')
0023     return;
0024 end
0025 %
0026 % *********************** This part must be specified by the user *****************************
0027 %
0028 %
0029 % normalized electric field (with respect to the Critical field Ec)
0030 %
0031 alpha = 1e5;%E/Ec
0032 %
0033 % temperature betath2 = Te/mc2
0034 % (betath2 = 10^(-6) is validated for NR limit)
0035 %
0036 betath2 = 1e-6;%
0037 %
0038 % the ratio of the syncrotron reaction force to the collisional drag scales as wc2/wp2
0039 % -> set wpr = 0 to ignore syncrotron reaction force
0040 %
0041 wpr = 0;%wc2/wp2
0042 %
0043 % ion charge (single species, cold ions)
0044 %
0045 Zi = 2;%
0046 %
0047 % collision mode :
0048 % (0) : Relativistic Maxwellian background
0049 % (1) : High-velocity limit
0050 % (2) : Linearized Belaiev-Budker (momentum-conserving)
0051 %
0052 opt.coll_mode = 0;
0053 opt.bounce_mode = 0;% bounce-averaged calculation
0054 opt.boundary_mode_f = 0;% Enforcing the Maxwellian initial value at the first "boundary_mode_f" grid points
0055 opt.norm_mode_f = 0;%Local normalization of f0 at each iteration (0) no, the default value when the numerical conservative scheme is correct, (1) yes
0056 %
0057 = 10000;%10000 is time for asymptotic solution
0058 opt.dtn = 1000;%10 time steps required for accurate runaway solution - see rundke_dtn
0059 %
0060 id_simul = 'Runaway_kulsrud';%Simulation ID
0061 path_simul = '';%Simulation path
0062 %
0063 %************************************************************************************************************************************
0064 %
0065 RR = frundke_runaway(id_simul,alpha,betath2,wpr,Zi,opt);
0066 %
0067 %************************************************************************************************************************************
0068 %
0069 epsi_kulsrud = [0.04;0.06;0.08;0.10];
0070 Zi_kulsrud =[1,2,3,10];
0071 RR_kulsrud = 1e-4*[ 0.01914,NaN   ,NaN  ,NaN   ;...%Kulsrud (PRL, 31,11, (1972) 690)
0072                     0.5411 ,0.2611,NaN  ,NaN   ;...  
0073                     3.177  ,1.735 ,1.047,0.09  ;...
0074                     10.04  ,5.839 ,3.757,0.449];
0075 %
0076 iepsi = find(abs((alpha*betath2 - epsi_kulsrud)./epsi_kulsrud) < 10*eps);
0077 %
0078 if opt.coll_mode == 0 && opt.bounce_mode == 0 && abs((betath2 - 1e-6)/1e-6) < 10*eps && ~isempty(iepsi) && any(Zi == Zi_kulsrud),
0079     RR_k = RR_kulsrud(iepsi,Zi == Zi_kulsrud);
0080 else
0081     RR_k = '';
0082 end
0083 %
0084 % additional info
0085 %
0086 % Dreicer field ED = Ec/betath2
0087 % Critical momentum at mhu=1 :
0088 % - NR limit     : pc = 1/sqrt(betath2*alpha)
0089 % - Relativistic : pc = 1/sqrt(betath2*alpha - betath2))
0090 %
0091 %************************************************************************************************************************************
0092 %
0093 format
0094 %
0095 delete res_runaway_kulsrud
0096 %
0097 diary res_runaway_kulsrud
0098 %
0099 disp('Simulation parameters : ')
0100 disp(['coll_mode = ',num2str(opt.coll_mode),' ; bounce_mode = ',num2str(opt.bounce_mode)])
0101 disp(['Te/mc2 = ',num2str(betath2),' ; E/Ec = ',num2str(alpha),' ; E/ED = ',num2str(alpha*betath2),' ; Zi = ',num2str(Zi)])
0102 disp(['NR limit : pc/pT = ',num2str(1/sqrt(alpha*betath2))])%NR
0103 disp(['Relativ. : pc/pT = ',num2str(1/sqrt(alpha*betath2 - betath2))])%rel
0104 disp(' ')
0105 disp(['--> LUKE    RR : ',num2str(RR)])
0106 if ~isempty(RR_k),
0107     disp(['--> Kulsrud RR : ',num2str(RR_k)])
0108 end
0109 disp('----------------------')
0110 %
0111 diary off
0112 %
0113 %************************************************************************************************************************************
0114 %

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