



function [outGPU,outHost] = gpuBench()


   GPUBENCH times different MATLAB GPU tasks and compares the execution
   speed with the speed of several other GPUs.  The tasks are:

    Backslash   Matrix left-division.    Floating point, regular memory access.
    MTimes      Matrix multiplication.   Floating point, regular memory access.
    FFT         Fast Fourier Transform.  Floating point, irregular memory access.

   Each task is run for a range of array sizes and the results are tabulated
   in an HTML report.  GPUBENCH can take several minutes to complete - please
   be patient! Note that if your GPU is also driving your monitor then
   the display may become unresponsive during testing.

   GPUBENCH runs each of the tasks and shows a report indicating how the
   current GPU compares to other systems.

   T = GPUBENCH returns a data structure containing all of the results and
   does not generate the report.

   Fluctuations of up to ten percent in the measured times of repeated
   runs on a single machine are not uncommon.  Your own mileage may vary.

   This benchmark is intended to compare performance different GPUs on one
   particular version of MATLAB.  It does not offer direct comparisons
   between different versions of MATLAB.

   See also: BENCH, gpuBenchReport


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function [outGPU,outHost] = gpuBench()
0002 %GPUBENCH  MATLAB GPU Benchmark
0003 %   GPUBENCH times different MATLAB GPU tasks and compares the execution
0004 %   speed with the speed of several other GPUs.  The tasks are:
0005 %
0006 %    Backslash   Matrix left-division.    Floating point, regular memory access.
0007 %    MTimes      Matrix multiplication.   Floating point, regular memory access.
0008 %    FFT         Fast Fourier Transform.  Floating point, irregular memory access.
0009 %
0010 %   Each task is run for a range of array sizes and the results are tabulated
0011 %   in an HTML report.  GPUBENCH can take several minutes to complete - please
0012 %   be patient! Note that if your GPU is also driving your monitor then
0013 %   the display may become unresponsive during testing.
0014 %
0015 %   GPUBENCH runs each of the tasks and shows a report indicating how the
0016 %   current GPU compares to other systems.
0017 %
0018 %   T = GPUBENCH returns a data structure containing all of the results and
0019 %   does not generate the report.
0020 %
0021 %   Fluctuations of up to ten percent in the measured times of repeated
0022 %   runs on a single machine are not uncommon.  Your own mileage may vary.
0023 %
0024 %   This benchmark is intended to compare performance different GPUs on one
0025 %   particular version of MATLAB.  It does not offer direct comparisons
0026 %   between different versions of MATLAB.
0027 %
0028 %   See also: BENCH, gpuBenchReport
0030 % Unused tasks:
0031 %    Mandelbrot  Calculate a Mandelbrot Set.  Floating point, regular memory access.
0033 %   Author: Ben Tordoff
0034 %   Copyright 2011-2012 The MathWorks, Inc.
0036 % Check for the right MATLAB version and availability of PCT
0037 gpubench.checkMATLABVersion();
0038 gpubench.checkPCT();
0040 % Check for a GPU. We give the option of running without a GPU so that
0041 % users can evaluate what benefits a GPU might give.
0042 hasGPU = parallel.gpu.GPUDevice.isAvailable();
0043 if ~hasGPU
0044     title = 'Continue without a GPU?';
0045     question = ['The GPU could not be used. ' ...
0046         'Do you wish to continue and collect results for your CPU?'];
0047     buttons = {'Collect CPU results', 'Stop'};
0048     answer = questdlg(question, title, buttons{:}, buttons{end});
0049     if ~strcmp(answer,buttons{1})
0050         warning( 'GPUBench:NoGPU', 'No GPU was available for GPUBench to use.' );
0051         return;
0052     end
0053 end
0055 % Initialize the data object
0056 release = regexp( version, 'R\d*[ab]', 'match' );
0057 gpuData = gpubench.PerformanceData( ...
0058     release{1}, ...
0059     gpubench.cpuinfo(), ...
0060     gpubench.gpuinfo(), ...
0061     now() );
0062 hostData = gpubench.PerformanceData( ...
0063     release{1}, ...
0064     gpubench.cpuinfo(), ...
0065     struct(), ...
0066     now() );
0067 hostData.IsHostData = true;
0069 % Do we need to measure the host stuff?
0070 doHost = (nargout~=1);
0071 numTasks = 6*(hasGPU+doHost);
0072 reps = 3;
0073 progressTitle = 'Running GPUBench...';
0074 gpubench.multiWaitbar( progressTitle, 0 );
0076 if hasGPU
0077     gpuData = runBackslash( gpuData, reps, 'single', 'GPU', progressTitle, numTasks );
0078     gpuData = runBackslash( gpuData, reps, 'double', 'GPU', progressTitle, numTasks );
0080     gpuData = runMTimes( gpuData, reps, 'single', 'GPU', progressTitle, numTasks );
0081     gpuData = runMTimes( gpuData, reps, 'double', 'GPU', progressTitle, numTasks );
0083     gpuData = runFFT( gpuData, reps, 'single', 'GPU', progressTitle, numTasks );
0084     gpuData = runFFT( gpuData, reps, 'double', 'GPU', progressTitle, numTasks );
0086     % gpuData = runMandelbrot( gpuData, reps, 'double', 'GPU', progressTitle, numTasks );
0087 end
0089 if doHost
0090     hostData = runBackslash( hostData, reps, 'single', 'Host', progressTitle, numTasks );
0091     hostData = runBackslash( hostData, reps, 'double', 'Host', progressTitle, numTasks );
0093     hostData = runMTimes( hostData, reps, 'single', 'Host', progressTitle, numTasks );
0094     hostData = runMTimes( hostData, reps, 'double', 'Host', progressTitle, numTasks );
0096     hostData = runFFT( hostData, reps, 'single', 'Host', progressTitle, numTasks );
0097     hostData = runFFT( hostData, reps, 'double', 'Host', progressTitle, numTasks );
0099     % hostData = runMandelbrot( hostData, reps, 'double', 'Host', progressTitle, numTasks );
0100 end
0102 gpubench.multiWaitbar( progressTitle, 'Close' );
0104 if nargout
0105     % User requested raw data
0106     outGPU = gpuData;
0107     outHost = hostData;
0108 else
0109     % Produce report
0110     reportData = {};
0111     if hasGPU
0112         reportData{end+1} = gpuData;
0113     end
0114     if doHost
0115         reportData{end+1} = hostData;
0116     end
0117     web( gpuBenchReport( reportData{:} ) );
0118 end
0121 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
0122 function data = runFFT( data, reps, type, device, mainProgressTitle, numTasks )
0123 % Work out the maximum size we should run
0124 safetyFactor = 6; % Based on trial and error. Requiring 6x the input seems safe.
0125 sizes = getTestSizes( type, safetyFactor, device );
0126 times = inf( size( sizes ) );
0127 worstTime = 0;
0129 progressTitle = sprintf( 'FFT (%s, %s)', device, type );
0130 progressTotal = sum(sizes);
0131 gpubench.multiWaitbar( progressTitle, 0 );
0133 for ii=1:numel(sizes)
0134     % Check for getting close to time-out
0135     if tooCloseToTimeout( worstTime, device )
0136         %fprintf( 'Skipping FFT of size %u to prevent timeout.\n', sizes(ii) );
0137         times(ii) = nan;
0138         continue;
0139     end        
0140     N = sizes(ii);
0141     try
0142         A = complex( rand( N, 1, type ), rand( N, 1, type ) );
0143         if strcmpi( device, 'GPU' )
0144             A = gpuArray(A);
0145         end
0147         for rr=1:reps
0148             t = tic();
0149             B = fft(A); %#ok<NASGU>
0150             elapsedTime = gtoc(t);
0151             times(ii) = min( times(ii), elapsedTime );
0152             worstTime = max( worstTime, elapsedTime );
0153             clear B;
0154             % Update both progress bars
0155             inc = sizes(ii)/(reps*progressTotal);
0156             gpubench.multiWaitbar( progressTitle, 'Increment', inc );
0157             gpubench.multiWaitbar( mainProgressTitle, 'Increment', inc/numTasks );
0158         end
0159     catch err %#ok<NASGU>
0160         %fprintf( 'discarded FFT of size %u.\n', N );
0161         times(ii) = nan;
0162     end
0163 end
0164 gpubench.multiWaitbar( progressTitle, 'Close' );
0166 % Clear any dud results
0167 sizes(isnan( times )) = [];
0168 times(isnan( times )) = [];
0170 data = addResult( data, 'FFT', type, sizes, 5*sizes.*log2(sizes), times );
0173 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
0174 function data = runMTimes( data, reps, type, device, mainProgressTitle, numTasks )
0175 safetyFactor = 3.5; % Space for two inputs plus one output and a bit to spare
0176 sizes = getTestSizes( type, safetyFactor, device );
0178 times = inf( size( sizes ) );
0179 worstTime = 0;
0181 progressTitle = sprintf( 'MTimes (%s, %s)', device, type );
0182 progressTotal = sum(sizes);
0183 gpubench.multiWaitbar( progressTitle, 0 );
0185 N = round( sqrt( sizes ) );
0186 for ii=1:numel(sizes)
0187     % Check for getting close to time-out
0188     if tooCloseToTimeout( worstTime, device )
0189         %fprintf( 'Skipping MTimes of %ux%u to prevent timeout.\n', N(ii), N(ii) );
0190         times(ii) = nan;
0191         continue;
0192     end        
0194     try
0195         A = rand( N(ii), N(ii), type );
0196         B = rand( N(ii), N(ii), type );
0197         if strcmpi( device, 'GPU' )
0198             A = gpuArray(A);
0199             B = gpuArray(B);
0200         end
0201         for rr=1:reps
0202             t = tic();
0203             C = A*B; %#ok<NASGU>
0204             elapsedTime = gtoc(t);
0205             times(ii) = min( times(ii), elapsedTime );
0206             worstTime = max( worstTime, elapsedTime );
0207             clear C;
0208             % Update both progress bars
0209             inc = sizes(ii)/(reps*progressTotal);
0210             gpubench.multiWaitbar( progressTitle, 'Increment', inc );
0211             gpubench.multiWaitbar( mainProgressTitle, 'Increment', inc/numTasks );
0212         end
0213     catch err %#ok<NASGU>
0214         %fprintf( 'discarded MTimes of %ux%u.\n', N(ii), N(ii) );
0215         times(ii) = nan;
0216     end
0217 end
0218 gpubench.multiWaitbar( progressTitle, 'Close' );
0220 % Clear any dud results
0221 N(isnan( times )) = [];
0222 times(isnan( times )) = [];
0224 data = addResult( data, 'MTimes', type, N.*N, N.*N.*(2.*N-1), times );
0228 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
0229 function data = runBackslash( data, reps, type, device, mainProgressTitle, numTasks )
0230 safetyFactor = 1.5; % One full-sized matrix plus two vectors, so 1.5 is plenty
0231 sizes = getTestSizes( type, safetyFactor, device );
0233 % Limit the sizes to 1e8 for now to prevent problems
0234 sizes(sizes>1e8) = [];
0236 times = inf( size( sizes ) );
0237 worstTime = 0;
0239 progressTitle = sprintf( 'Backslash (%s, %s)', device, type );
0240 progressTotal = sum(sizes);
0241 gpubench.multiWaitbar( progressTitle, 0 );
0243 N = round( sqrt( sizes ) );
0244 for ii=1:numel(sizes)
0245     % Check for getting close to time-out
0246     if tooCloseToTimeout( worstTime, device )
0247         %fprintf( 'Skipping Backslash of %ux%u to prevent timeout.\n', N(ii), N(ii) );
0248         times(ii) = nan;
0249         continue;
0250     end        
0251     try
0252         A = 100*eye( N(ii), N(ii), type ) + rand( N(ii), N(ii), type );
0253         b = rand( N(ii), 1, type );
0254         if strcmpi( device, 'GPU' )
0255             A = gpuArray(A);
0256             b = gpuArray(b);
0257         end
0258         for rr=1:reps
0259             t = tic();
0260             C = A\b; %#ok<NASGU>
0261             elapsedTime = gtoc(t);
0262             times(ii) = min( times(ii), elapsedTime );
0263             worstTime = max( worstTime, elapsedTime );
0264             clear C;
0265             % Update both progress bars
0266             inc = sizes(ii)/(reps*progressTotal);
0267             gpubench.multiWaitbar( progressTitle, 'Increment', inc );
0268             gpubench.multiWaitbar( mainProgressTitle, 'Increment', inc/numTasks );
0269         end
0271     catch err %#ok<NASGU>
0272         %fprintf( 'discarded Backslash of %ux%u.\n', N(ii), N(ii) );
0273         times(ii) = nan;
0274     end
0275 end
0276 gpubench.multiWaitbar( progressTitle, 'Close' );
0278 % Clear any dud results
0279 N(isnan( times )) = [];
0280 times(isnan( times )) = [];
0282 data = addResult( data, 'Backslash', type, N.*N, round(2/3*N.^3 + 3/2*N.^2), times );
0285 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
0286 function data = runMandelbrot( data, reps, type, device, mainProgressTitle, numTasks ) %#ok<DEFNU>
0287 % This task will only run on the GPU
0288 safetyFactor = 3;
0289 sizes = getTestSizes( type, safetyFactor, device );
0291 times = inf( size( sizes ) );
0292 worstTime = 0;
0293 numops = inf( size( sizes ) );
0294 maxIterations = 200;
0295 xlim = [-2, 0.5];
0296 ylim = [ -1.25,  1.25];
0298 progressTitle = sprintf( 'Mandelbrot (%s, %s)', type, device );
0299 progressTotal = sum(sizes);
0300 gpubench.multiWaitbar( progressTitle, 0 );
0302 for ii=1:numel(sizes)
0303     gridSize = round( sqrt( sizes(ii) ) );
0304     % Check for getting close to time-out
0305     if tooCloseToTimeout( worstTime, device )
0306         %fprintf( 'Skipping Mandelbrot of size %ux%u to prevent timeout.\n', gridSize, gridSize );
0307         times(ii) = nan;
0308         continue;
0309     end        
0310     if strcmpi( device, 'GPU' )
0311         try
0313             x = parallel.gpu.GPUArray.linspace( xlim(1), xlim(2), gridSize ); %#ok<GPUARB>
0314             y = parallel.gpu.GPUArray.linspace( ylim(1), ylim(2), gridSize ); %#ok<GPUARB>
0315             [xGrid,yGrid] = meshgrid( x, y );
0317             % Calculate
0318             for rr=1:reps
0319                 t = tic();
0320                 count = arrayfun( @processMandelbrotElement, xGrid, yGrid, maxIterations );
0321                 elapsedTime = gtoc(t);
0322                 times(ii) = min( times(ii), elapsedTime );
0323                 worstTime = max( worstTime, elapsedTime );
0324             end
0325             % Use the count to work out the number of operations
0326             % Each iteration of a single element requires:
0327             %  * abs(complex) = 3 flop
0328             %  * count+1 = 1 flop
0329             %  * z*z + z0 = 8 flop
0330             numops(ii) = gather( sum(count(:)*12) );
0332             clear count;
0333             % Update both progress bars
0334             inc = sizes(ii)/(reps*progressTotal);
0335             gpubench.multiWaitbar( progressTitle, 'Increment', inc );
0336             gpubench.multiWaitbar( mainProgressTitle, 'Increment', inc/numTasks );
0338         catch err %#ok<NASGU>
0339             %fprintf( 'discarded Mandelbrot of %ux%u.\n', gridSize, gridSize );
0340             times(ii) = nan;
0341         end
0343     else
0344         % Host version. This takes too long to do several repeats so we
0345         % just run it once.
0346         x = linspace( xlim(1), xlim(2), gridSize );
0347         y = linspace( ylim(1), ylim(2), gridSize );
0348         [xGrid,yGrid] = meshgrid( x, y );
0349         z0 = complex(xGrid,yGrid);
0350         t = tic();
0351         z = z0;
0352         count = zeros(size(z));
0353         for n = 1:maxIterations
0354             inside = ((real(z).^2 + imag(z).^2) <= 4);
0355             count = count + inside;
0356             z = z.*z + z0;
0357         end
0358         times(ii) = toc(t);
0359         % Each iteration of a single element requires:
0360         %  * inside check = 3 flop
0361         %  * count+1 = 1 flop
0362         %  * z*z + z0 = 8 flop
0363         % Since every element does the same amount of work in this
0364         % version, the operation count is simply 12*numel*maxIters
0365         numops(ii) = 12*numel(z)*maxIterations;
0367         % Update both progress bars
0368         gpubench.multiWaitbar( progressTitle, 'Increment', sizes(ii)/progressTotal );
0369         gpubench.multiWaitbar( mainProgressTitle, 'Increment', (sizes(ii)/progressTotal)/numTasks );
0370     end
0371 end
0372 gpubench.multiWaitbar( progressTitle, 'Close' );
0374 % Clear any dud results
0375 sizes(isnan( times )) = [];
0376 numops(isnan( times )) = [];
0377 times(isnan( times )) = [];
0379 data = addResult( data, 'Mandelbrot', type, sizes, numops, times );
0381 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
0382 function elapsedTime = gtoc( timer )
0383 % Wait for GPU operations to complete the call toc
0384 persistent hasWait;
0385 if isempty(hasWait)
0386     try
0387         wait(gpuDevice);
0388         hasWait = true;
0389     catch err %#ok<NASGU>
0390         hasWait = false;
0391     end
0392 elseif hasWait
0393     wait(gpuDevice);
0394 end
0395 elapsedTime = toc(timer);
0397 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
0398 function sizes = getTestSizes( type, safetyFactor, device )
0399 % Return the maximum number of elements that will fit in the device memory
0400 elementSize = gpubench.sizeof( type );
0401 if strcmpi( device, 'Host' )
0402     % On the host everything takes longer, so don't go as far
0403     safetyFactor = safetyFactor*2;
0404 end
0406 % Use as much memory as we can.
0407 if parallel.gpu.GPUDevice.isAvailable()
0408     gpu = gpuDevice();
0409     freeMem = gpu.FreeMemory;
0410 else
0411     % No GPU to get memory size, so just go for 4GB
0412     freeMem = 4*2^30;
0413 end
0414 maxNumElements = floor( freeMem / (elementSize*safetyFactor) );
0415 if isnan( maxNumElements ) || maxNumElements < 1e6
0416     error( 'gpuBench:NotEnoughMemory', 'Not enough free device memory to run tasks' );
0417 end
0419 % We want powers of two up to this size
0420 maxPower = floor( log2( maxNumElements ) );
0421 sizes = power( 2, 10:2:maxPower );
0424 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
0425 function stopNow = tooCloseToTimeout( time, device )
0426 % Shoulkd a test stop early to avoid triggering the device time-out?
0427 stopNow = false;
0428 if strcmpi( device, 'Host' )
0429     % On the host there is no time limit
0430 else
0431     gpu = gpuDevice();
0432     % If the kernel has a timeout it is typically 2-5 seconds. If we have
0433     % just done a size that takes more than a quarter of a second, the next
0434     % size will likely trigger the timeout.
0435     stopNow = (gpu.KernelExecutionTimeout && time>0.25);
0436 end
0440 %-------------------------------------------------------------------------%
0441 function count = processMandelbrotElement(x0,y0,maxIterations)
0442 % Evaluate the Mandelbrot function for a single element
0443 %
0444 %   m = processMandelbrotElement(x0,y0,maxIterations) evaluates the
0445 %   number of steps before the complex value (x0,y0) jumps outside a circle
0446 %   of radius two on the complex plane. Each iteration involves mapping
0447 %   z=z^2+z0 where z0=x0+i*y0. The return value is the log of the
0448 %   iteration count at escape or maxIterations if the point did not escape.
0449 z0 = complex(x0,y0);
0450 z = z0;
0451 count = 0;
0452 while (count < maxIterations) ...
0453         && ((real(z)*real(z) + imag(z)*imag(z)) <= 4)
0454     count = count + 1;
0455     z = z*z + z0;
0456 end

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