


function lukeparam = make_lukeparam_metis2luke(cons,option,auto_mode)


 This function sets - and possibly modifies - LUKE parameters when called
 from METIS

 by J. Decker and J.-F. Artaud, 02/02/2011


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function lukeparam = make_lukeparam_metis2luke(cons,option,auto_mode)
0002 %
0003 % This function sets - and possibly modifies - LUKE parameters when called
0004 % from METIS
0005 %
0006 % by J. Decker and J.-F. Artaud, 02/02/2011
0007 %
0009 %
0010 % LUKE base parameters
0011 %
0012 dkeparam = load_structures_yp('dkeparam','LH_RT','');% LH type parameters
0013 dkeparam = rmfield(dkeparam,'n_rf_list');%determined from waves
0014 %
0015 % LUKE equilibrium parameters
0016 %
0017 equilparam.nbpx = 101;% number of points in interpolated radial grid (enter 0 if no interpolation)
0018 equilparam.mode = 'standard';% interpolation mode : linear in "standard" (xli), "sqrt(psi)", or "psi"
0019 equilparam.expo = option.morphing;% exposant de la fonction de morphing
0020 equilparam.comp = false;%control of equilibrium moments reconstructed from LUKE
0021 if isfield(option,'luke_helena'),
0022     equilparam.helena = option.luke_helena;
0023 else
0024     equilparam.helena = 0;
0025 end
0026 if isfield(option,'bsigne'),
0027     equilparam.bsigne = option.bsigne;
0028 else
0029     equilparam.bsigne = 1;
0030 end
0031 %
0032 % LUKE LH parameters
0033 %
0034 lhparam.freqlh = option.freqlh;% wave frequency (GHz) [1,1]
0035 lhparam.plh = cons.plh;% wave power (W) [1,1]
0036 lhparam.npar0 = option.npar0;% wave initial index of refraction [1,1]
0037 %
0038 lhparam.mode = 1;% LUKE LH mode : (0) simple v1, v2, D model, (1) C3PO with ideal antenna, (2) C3PO with prescribed antenna
0039 lhparam.plhmin = 1e4;%minimum power level to use wave in LUKE
0040 %
0041 lhparam.directivity = 0.7;% spectrum directivity [1,1]
0042 lhparam.lob = true;% include opposite lobe [1,1] boolean
0043 lhparam.dnpar0 = 0.2;%initial spectral width [1,1]
0044 lhparam.z0 = 0;%initial vertical positions [1,nz]
0045 lhparam.m0 = 0;%initial poloidal mode number [1,1]
0046 lhparam.phi0 = 0;%toroidal angle position [1,1]
0047 lhparam.i_ref = -1;%Initial radial position index [1,1]
0048 lhparam.LFS = 1;% (-1) high field side launching, (1) low field side launching [1,1]
0049 lhparam.mmode = -1;% (-1) for slow wave, (1) for fast wave
0050 lhparam.a_sdNpar = 0;% spectral broadening factor [1,1]
0051 lhparam.nparp = 0;% initial spectral upshift [1,1]
0052 %
0053 % LUKE EC parameters
0054 %
0055 ecparam.freqec = -1;% wave frequency (GHz) [1,1] (if negative integer = harmonic number, determined from torangle, xec and polec)
0056 ecparam.alpha_L = NaN;% Toroidal launching angle (degrees)  [1,1] (if NaN, determined from freqec, xec and polec, or 30° if freqec=NaN)
0057 %
0058 ecparam.pec = cons.pecrh;% wave power (W) [1,1]
0059 ecparam.xec = cons.xece;% radial location of ECRH deposition
0060 ecparam.polec = option.angle_ece;%poloidal location of ECRH deposition, (degrees) (if NaN, determined from freqec, xec and torangle)
0061 %
0062 ecparam.pabs = 1.5;%momentum at absorption (for Doppler shift)
0063 %
0064 ecparam.mode = 1;% LUKE LH mode : (1) C3PO with ideal launcher, (2) C3PO with prescribed launcher
0065 ecparam.pecmin = 1e4;%minimum power level to use wave in LUKE
0066 %
0067 ecparam.dnpar0 = 0.05;%initial spectral width [1,1]
0068 ecparam.phi0 = 0;%toroidal angle launching position [1,1]
0069 ecparam.mmode = -1;% (-1) for O mode (1) for X mode
0070 ecparam.ns = 1000;
0071 ecparam.method = 'spline';
0072 %
0073 % LUKE radial transport parameters
0074 %
0075 = 'ES_0';
0076 %
0077 transpfaste.Dr0 = 0;%Core radial diffusion coefficient (m^2/s)
0078 transpfaste.Dr_model = 0;%Radial diffusion type: (0) no vpar dependence, (1) magnetic turbulence model (vpar/vth),
0079 transpfaste.pDr = 0;%Coefficient for the Dr radial profile
0080 transpfaste.Vr0 = 0;%Core radial pinch coefficient (m/s)
0081 transpfaste.Vr_model = 0;%Radial pinch type: (0) no vpar dependence, (1) magnetic turbulence model (vpar/vth),
0082 transpfaste.pVr = 0;%Coefficient for the Vr radial profile
0083 transpfaste.vparmin = 3.5;%Lower limit of the parallel velocity dependence of the radial diffusion and pinch (vth_ref or vth)
0084 transpfaste.norm_ref = 1;%Normalization procedure for the lower limit of radial transport parallel velocity dependence: (0) from local values Te and ne, (1) from reference values Te_ref and ne_ref
0085 %
0086 if isfield(option,'luke_mode'),
0087     lukeparam.luke_mode = option.luke_mode;% (0) run LUKE, (1) run LUKE then save output (2) save input then exit
0088 else  
0089     lukeparam.luke_mode = 0;% (0) run LUKE, (1) run LUKE then save output (2) save input then exit
0090 end
0091 lukeparam.batch_mode = 1;% (0) run LUKE in interactive mode, (1) run LUKE in batch mode
0092 %
0093 lukeparam.display_mode = 0;
0094 lukeparam.rho_display = 0.5;
0095 %
0096 lukeparam.dkeparam = dkeparam;
0097 lukeparam.equilparam = equilparam;
0098 lukeparam.lhparam = lhparam;
0099 lukeparam.ecparam = ecparam;
0100 lukeparam.transpfaste = transpfaste;
0101 %
0102 if ~auto_mode,
0103 %    lukeparam = imod_struct_jd(lukeparam,'lukeparam',1,1);
0104 end
0105 %

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