

R5-X2 - Calculation of the line-integrated plasma bremsstrahlung emission (for parallel processing or GPU)


function [brem_bd_out,lchord] = loop_brem_chord_yp(mode,kphot,cL,ZZIB,datahxr_in)


R5-X2 - Calculation of  the line-integrated plasma bremsstrahlung emission (for parallel processing or GPU)

 Calculation of  the line-integrated plasma bremsstrahlung emission (for parallel processing or GPU)

 by Yves Peysson(CEA/IRFM,yves.peysson@cea.fr) and Joan Decker (CEA/IRFM,joan.decker@cea.fr)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [brem_bd_out,lchord] = loop_brem_chord_yp(mode,kphot,cL,ZZIB,datahxr_in)
0002 %R5-X2 - Calculation of  the line-integrated plasma bremsstrahlung emission (for parallel processing or GPU)
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0004 % Calculation of  the line-integrated plasma bremsstrahlung emission (for parallel processing or GPU)
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0006 % by Yves Peysson(CEA/IRFM,yves.peysson@cea.fr) and Joan Decker (CEA/IRFM,joan.decker@cea.fr)
0007 %
0008 s_mask = ~isnan(datahxr_in.vschords(7,:));%Location where chord is inside the plasma
0009 s_length = sum(s_mask);%Number of points along the chord inside the plasma
0010 ir_spsi = datahxr_in.vschords(8,s_mask);
0011 it_st = datahxr_in.vschords(9,s_mask);
0012 %
0013 n_pol = size(cL,1) - 1;
0014 nk = length(kphot);
0015 %
0016 IB1 = zeros(n_pol + 1,s_length,nk);
0017 %
0018 nstep = 199;%In order to avoid use of too large multidimensional tables (limitation of MatLab)
0019 jmax = floor(s_length/nstep)+1;
0020 %
0021 index_test = [(jmax-1)*nstep+1:jmax*nstep];
0022 index_test = index_test(index_test<=s_length);
0023 if length(index_test) == 1,%In order to avoid this case which generates an error for the line  "IB1(:,index,:) = permute(squeeze(IB(:,1,:,:)),[2,1,3]);"
0024     nstep = nstep - 1;
0025      jmax = floor(s_length/nstep)+1;
0026 end
0027 %
0028 for j = 1:jmax,
0029     index = [(j-1)*nstep+1:j*nstep];
0030     index = index(index<=s_length);
0031     if isempty(index) ~= 1
0032         IB = ZZIB(ir_spsi(index),it_st(index),:,:);
0033         IB1(:,index,:) = permute(squeeze(IB(:,1,:,:)),[2,1,3]);
0034     end
0035 end
0036 %
0037 sksid = datahxr_in.vschords(10,s_mask);%nothing when taking the exact magnetic topology
0038 if mode == 0,
0039     sksid = sksid*0;%exact perpendicular observation, no heliticity effect
0040 elseif mode == 1,
0041     sksid = sksid*0 + 1;%exact forward observation, no heliticity effect
0042 elseif mode == -1,
0043     sksid = sksid*0 - 1;%exact backward observation, no heliticity effect
0044 end
0045 %
0046 [Pm_bd] = leg_dke_yp(sksid,n_pol);%Legendre polynomial for the cosine of the angle between magnetic field line and line of sight (negative sign because electrons are flowing in the opposite direction to the plasma current)
0047 Pm_bd1 = repmat(Pm_bd,[1,1,length(kphot)]);
0048 %
0049 cL1 = repmat(cL,[1,length(ir_spsi),nk]);
0050 %
0051 brem_bd = squeeze(sum(Pm_bd1.*IB1.*cL1,1));%Local bremsstrahlung emission in the direction of the detector
0052 %
0053 s = datahxr_in.vschords(1,s_mask);
0054 if size(s,2) > 0
0055    s = s - s(1);%s=0 where the chord enter the plasma towards the detector
0056    ds = [diff(s),0];%Elementary chord length for integration
0057    ds1 = repmat(ds',[1,nk]);
0058 %
0059     brem_bd_out = sum(ds1.*brem_bd,1)*datahxr_in.EG_hxr;%Integration along the chord and multiplication by the geometrical factor
0060     lchord = sum(ds);%Chord length calculation
0061 else
0062     brem_bd_out = zeros(1,nk);%Integration along the chord and multiplication by the geometrical factor
0063     lchord = 0;%Chord length calculation
0064 end
0065 %

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