

EFIT - function that reads the equilibrium parameters from eqdsk files by EFIT


function [x,y,xypsin,psia,rpsin,rF,rp,rq,Rp,Zp,Ip,Rv,Zv,Bv,rFdFdpsi,rdpdpsi] = eqdsk_jd(eqdsk,display_mode,p_opt,dispname,savename,Ns)


 EFIT - function that reads the equilibrium parameters from eqdsk files by EFIT

 This function reads the equilibrium parameters from eqdsk files created
 by EFIT and saved in the formatted text file "filename"


    - eqdsk: file that contains the EQDSK structure
    - display_mode: display option (0,2)
       (default display_mode = 0, no display)
    - p_opt: printing option
       (default p_opt = 2, print mutiple formats)
    - dispname: name displayed in the figures
       (default dispname = '')
    - savename: name used for saving the the figures
       (default savename = 'equil')
    - Ns: magnetic axis recalculation supergrid factor
       (default Ns = 101; 


    - x: R - Rp values on the nnr * nnz equispaced grid
    - y: Z - Zp values on the nnr * nnz equispaced grid
    - xypsin: normalized psi values on the nnr * nnz equispaced grid
    - psia: poloidal flux function value at the last closed flux surface (touching the limiter or the separatrix)
    - rpsin: normalized poloidal magnetic flux grid
    - rF: R*BPHI at nnr equispaced points in psi from psimag to psilim.
    - rp: pressure values at nnr equispaced points in psi from psimag to psilim.
    - rq: safety factor q on the equispaced psi grid
    - Rp: major radius of magnetic axis
    - Zp: vertical height of magnetic axis
    - Ip: toroidal lasma current
    - Rv: nominal major radius of the torus
    - Zv: vertical shift of the rectangular box midplane
    - Bv: vacuum toroidal magnetic field at radmaj
    - rFdFdpsi: ffpsiar_prime, [i.e., d f/d (psi)] at nnr equispaced points in psi from psimag to psilim.
    - rdpdpsi: p_prime [i.e., d prar/d (psi)] at nnr equispaced points in psi from psimag to psilim.

 WARNING: EFIT sign treatment

 By convention, the EFIT calculations always give psia > 0 regardless of the direction of the
 toroidal current. The signs of Bv and Ip are given with respect to phi_eqdsk which is such that
 (R,phi_eqdsk,Z) is right handed. The sign of phi_dke is opposite such that (R,Z,phi_dke) and
 (r,theta,phi_dke) be both right handed. The outputs of eqdsk_jd must respect the DKE convention.
 In that case the signs of Ip and of psia must be identical.

 by J. Decker (joan.decker@alum.mit.edu) 10/28/04


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [x,y,xypsin,psia,rpsin,rF,rp,rq,Rp,Zp,Ip,Rv,Zv,Bv,rFdFdpsi,rdpdpsi] = eqdsk_jd(eqdsk,display_mode,p_opt,dispname,savename,Ns)
0002 % EFIT - function that reads the equilibrium parameters from eqdsk files by EFIT
0003 %
0004 % This function reads the equilibrium parameters from eqdsk files created
0005 % by EFIT and saved in the formatted text file "filename"
0006 %
0007 % INPUT
0008 %
0009 %    - eqdsk: file that contains the EQDSK structure
0010 %    - display_mode: display option (0,2)
0011 %       (default display_mode = 0, no display)
0012 %    - p_opt: printing option
0013 %       (default p_opt = 2, print mutiple formats)
0014 %    - dispname: name displayed in the figures
0015 %       (default dispname = '')
0016 %    - savename: name used for saving the the figures
0017 %       (default savename = 'equil')
0018 %    - Ns: magnetic axis recalculation supergrid factor
0019 %       (default Ns = 101;
0020 %
0021 % OUTPUT:
0022 %
0023 %    - x: R - Rp values on the nnr * nnz equispaced grid
0024 %    - y: Z - Zp values on the nnr * nnz equispaced grid
0025 %    - xypsin: normalized psi values on the nnr * nnz equispaced grid
0026 %    - psia: poloidal flux function value at the last closed flux surface (touching the limiter or the separatrix)
0027 %    - rpsin: normalized poloidal magnetic flux grid
0028 %    - rF: R*BPHI at nnr equispaced points in psi from psimag to psilim.
0029 %    - rp: pressure values at nnr equispaced points in psi from psimag to psilim.
0030 %    - rq: safety factor q on the equispaced psi grid
0031 %    - Rp: major radius of magnetic axis
0032 %    - Zp: vertical height of magnetic axis
0033 %    - Ip: toroidal lasma current
0034 %    - Rv: nominal major radius of the torus
0035 %    - Zv: vertical shift of the rectangular box midplane
0036 %    - Bv: vacuum toroidal magnetic field at radmaj
0037 %    - rFdFdpsi: ffpsiar_prime, [i.e., d f/d (psi)] at nnr equispaced points in psi from psimag to psilim.
0038 %    - rdpdpsi: p_prime [i.e., d prar/d (psi)] at nnr equispaced points in psi from psimag to psilim.
0039 %
0040 % WARNING: EFIT sign treatment
0041 %
0042 % By convention, the EFIT calculations always give psia > 0 regardless of the direction of the
0043 % toroidal current. The signs of Bv and Ip are given with respect to phi_eqdsk which is such that
0044 % (R,phi_eqdsk,Z) is right handed. The sign of phi_dke is opposite such that (R,Z,phi_dke) and
0045 % (r,theta,phi_dke) be both right handed. The outputs of eqdsk_jd must respect the DKE convention.
0046 % In that case the signs of Ip and of psia must be identical.
0047 %
0048 % by J. Decker (joan.decker@alum.mit.edu) 10/28/04
0049 %
0050 %
0051 if nargin < 6
0052     Ns = 101;%magnetic axis recalculation supergrid factor
0053 end
0054 %
0055 if nargin < 5
0056     savename = 'equil';
0057 end
0058 %
0059 if nargin < 4
0060     dispname = '';
0061 end
0062 %
0063 if nargin < 3
0064     p_opt = 2;
0065 end
0066 %
0067 if nargin < 2
0068     display_mode = 0;
0069 end
0070 %
0071 if ~isstruct(eqdsk),
0072     %
0073     if exist(eqdsk,'file'),
0074         eqdsk = fileread(eqdsk);
0075     end
0076     %
0077     istr = find(double(eqdsk) == 10,1,'first');
0078     str_intro = eqdsk(1:istr-1);
0079     eqdsk = eqdsk(istr+1 : end);
0080     sc = 0;
0081     nn = [];
0082     while length(str_intro) > 0 & length(nn) < 3,
0083         if str_intro(end) ~= ' ' 
0084             if sc == 0,
0085                 sc = 1;
0086                 str = str_intro(end);
0087             else
0088                 str = [str_intro(end),str];
0089             end
0090         else
0091             if sc == 1,
0092                 nn = [nn,str2num(str)];
0093                 sc = 0;
0094             end           
0095         end
0096         str_intro(end) = '';
0097     end
0098     %
0099     if nn(3) < 10,
0100         nnx = nn(2);
0101         nny = nn(1);
0102         nnr = nn(2);
0103     else
0104         nnx = nn(3);
0105         nny = nn(2);
0106         if nn(1) == 0,
0107             nnr = nn(2);%CQL3D (COMPASS)
0108         else
0109             nnr = nn(1);
0110         end
0111     end
0112     %
0113     [data,~,~,ind] = sscanf(eqdsk,'%e',5);
0114     xbox = data(1);% horizontal full-width of the rectangle on which poloidal flux values are given
0115     ybox = data(2);% vertical full-width of the rectangle on which poloidal flux values are given
0116     Rv = data(3);% nominal major radius of the torus
0117     Rmin = data(4);% major radius of the inner edge of the box of rectangular grid
0118     Zv = data(5);% vertical shift of the rectangular box midplane
0119     %
0120     eqdsk = eqdsk(ind:end);
0121     [data,~,~,ind] = sscanf(eqdsk,'%e',5);
0122     Rp = data(1);% major radius of magnetic axis
0123     Zp = data(2);% vertical height of magnetic axis
0124     psip = data(3);% poloidal flux function value at the magnetic axis
0125     psia = data(4);% poloidal flux function value at the last closed flux surface (touching the limiter or the separatrix)
0126     Bv = data(5);% vacuum toroidal magnetic field at radmaj
0127     %
0128     eqdsk = eqdsk(ind:end);
0129     [data,~,~,ind] = sscanf(eqdsk,'%e',5);
0130     Ip = data(1);% toroidal current
0131     psimx1 = data(2);% not used
0132     psimx2 = data(3);% not used
0133     xax1 = data(4);% not used
0134     xax2 = data(5);% not used
0135     %
0136     eqdsk = eqdsk(ind:end);
0137     [data,~,~,ind] = sscanf(eqdsk,'%e',5);
0138     zax1 = data(1);% not used
0139     zax2 = data(2);% not used
0140     psisep = data(3);% not used
0141     xsep = data(4);% not used
0142     zsep = data(5);% not used
0143     %
0144     eqdsk = eqdsk(ind:end);
0145     [rF,~,~,ind] = sscanf(eqdsk,'%e',nnr);% R*BPHI  at nnr equispaced points in psi from psimag to psilim.
0146     eqdsk = eqdsk(ind:end);
0147     [rp,~,~,ind] = sscanf(eqdsk,'%e',nnr);% pressure values at the same points
0148     eqdsk = eqdsk(ind:end);
0149     [rFdFdpsi,~,~,ind] = sscanf(eqdsk,'%e',nnr);% ffpsiar_prime, [i.e., d f/d (psi)] at the same points
0150     eqdsk = eqdsk(ind:end);
0151     [rdpdpsi,~,~,ind] = sscanf(eqdsk,'%e',nnr);% p_prime [i.e., d prar/d (psi)] at the same points
0152     %
0153     rF = rF.';
0154     rp = rp.';
0155     rFdFdpsi = rFdFdpsi.';
0156     rdpdpsi = rdpdpsi.';
0157     %
0158     eqdsk = eqdsk(ind:end);
0159     [xypsi,~,~,ind] = sscanf(eqdsk,'%e',[nnx,nny]);% psi values on the nnr * nnz equispaced grid
0160     %
0161     eqdsk = eqdsk(ind:end);
0162     [rq,~,~,ind] = sscanf(eqdsk,'%e',nnr); % safety factor q on the equispaced psi grid
0163     rq = rq.';
0164     %
0165     eqdsk = eqdsk(ind:end);
0166     [ncoil,~,~,ind] = sscanf(eqdsk,'%d',5);
0167     ncoil = ncoil(ncoil>0).';% not used
0168     eqdsk = eqdsk(ind:end);
0169     [ccoil,~,~,ind] = sscanf(eqdsk,'%e',[ncoil(1),length(ncoil)]);% not used
0170 else
0171     nnx = eqdsk.nnx;
0172     nny = eqdsk.nny;
0173     nnr = eqdsk.nnr;
0174     xbox = eqdsk.xbox;% horizontal full-width of the rectangle on which poloidal flux values are given
0175     ybox = eqdsk.ybox;% vertical full-width of the rectangle on which poloidal flux values are given
0176     Rv = eqdsk.Rv;% nominal major radius of the torus
0177     Rmin = eqdsk.Rmin;% major radius of the inner edge of the box of rectangular grid
0178     Zv = eqdsk.Zv;% vertical shift of the rectangular box midplane
0179     %
0180     Rp = eqdsk.Rp;% major radius of magnetic axis
0181     Zp = eqdsk.Zp;% vertical height of magnetic axis
0182     psip = eqdsk.psip;% poloidal flux function value at the magnetic axis
0183     psia = eqdsk.psia;% poloidal flux function value at the last closed flux surface (touching the limiter or the separatrix)
0184     Bv = eqdsk.Bv;% vacuum toroidal magnetic field at radmaj
0185     %
0186     Ip = eqdsk.Ip;% toroidal current
0187     %
0188     rF = eqdsk.rF;% R*BPHI  at nnr equispaced points in psi from psimag to psilim.
0189     rp = eqdsk.rp;% pressure values at the same points
0190     rFdFdpsi = eqdsk.rFdFdpsi;% ffpsiar_prime, [i.e., d f/d (psi)] at the same points
0191     rdpdpsi = eqdsk.rdpdpsi;% p_prime [i.e., d prar/d (psi)] at the same points
0192     %
0193     rF = rF.';
0194     rp = rp.';
0195     rFdFdpsi = rFdFdpsi.';
0196     rdpdpsi = rdpdpsi.';
0197     %
0198     xypsi = eqdsk.xypsi;% psi values on the nnr * nnz equispaced grid
0199     %
0200     rq = eqdsk.rq; % safety factor q on the equispaced psi grid
0201     rq = rq.';
0202 end
0203 %
0204 R = Rmin + linspace(0,xbox,nnx);
0205 Z = Zv + linspace(-ybox/2,ybox/2,nny);
0206 %
0207 % To compensate irregularities in the EFIt output
0208 % Rp, Zp and psip are recalculated in accordance
0209 % with xypsi data
0210 %
0211 psip_old = psip;
0212 Rp_old = Rp;
0213 Zp_old = Zp;
0214 %
0215 if psip < psia, %IPHI is positive, PHI clockwise from top
0216     sigma = 1;
0217 else %IPHI is negative, PHI clockwise from top
0218     sigma = -1;
0219 end
0220 %
0221 % create mask to search for minimum... within the plasma
0222 %
0223 xR = repmat(R.',[1,nny]);
0224 xZ = repmat(Z,[nnx,1]);
0225 xd = sqrt((xR - Rp).^2 + (xZ - Zp).^2);
0226 xmask_out = (sigma*xypsi > sigma*psia);% these points are outside the plasma
0227 dmin = min(xd(xmask_out));
0228 xmask_excl = (xd > dmin);
0229 xypsi_excl = xypsi;
0230 xypsi_excl(xmask_excl) = sigma*Inf;
0231 %
0232 [iR,iZ] = find(sigma*xypsi_excl == min(min(sigma*xypsi_excl)));
0233 %
0234 if length(iR) ~= 1,
0235     error('unable to locate minimum in xypsi data');
0236 end
0237 %
0238 ss = linspace(0,1,Ns);
0239 sR = R(iR-1) + (R(iR+1)-R(iR-1))*ss;
0240 sZ = Z(iZ-1) + (Z(iZ+1)-Z(iZ-1))*ss;
0241 %
0242 sspsi = interp2(R,Z,xypsi.',sR.',sZ,'spline').';
0243 psip = sigma*min(min(sigma*sspsi));
0244 [isR,isZ] = find(sspsi == psip);
0245 %
0246 if length(isR) ~= 1,
0247     error('unable to locate minimum in xypsi data');
0248 end
0249 %
0250 Rp = sR(isR);
0251 Zp = sZ(isZ);
0252 %
0253 if display_mode >= 1,
0254     disp(['Old value of psip: ',num2str(psip_old),', new value: ',num2str(psip)])
0255     disp(['Old value of Rp: ',num2str(Rp_old),', new value: ',num2str(Rp)])
0256     disp(['Old value of Zp: ',num2str(Zp_old),', new value: ',num2str(Zp)])
0257 end
0258 %
0259 % iRp = find(abs(R - Rp) == min(abs(R - Rp)));
0260 % if abs(R(iRp) - Rp)/Rp < 1/(100*nnr) %one R point is very close to Rp
0261 %     R = R + Rp - R(iRp);
0262 %     psimag = min(min(epsi));
0263 % else
0264 %     warning('No R = Rp point');
0265 % end
0266 %
0267 %
0268 x = R - Rp;
0269 y = Z - Zp;
0270 %
0271 xypsi = xypsi - psip;
0272 psia = (psia - psip);
0273 %
0274 xypsin = xypsi/psia;
0275 rpsin = linspace(0,1,nnr);
0276 %
0277 % EFIT sign treatment
0278 %
0279 % By convention, the EFIT calculations always give psia > 0 regardless of the direction of the
0280 % toroidal current. The signs of Bv and Ip are given with respect to phi_eqdsk which is such that
0281 % (R,phi_eqdsk,Z) is right handed. The sign of phi_dke is opposite such that (R,Z,phi_dke) and
0282 % (r,theta,phi_dke) be both right handed. The outputs of eqdsk_jd must respect the DKE convention.
0283 % In that case the signs of Ip and of psia must be identical.
0284 %
0285 Ip = - Ip;
0286 Bv = - Bv;
0287 rF = - rF;
0288 rFdFdpsi = - rFdFdpsi;
0289 %
0290 if sign(Ip) ~= sign(psia),
0291     psia = - psia;
0292 end
0293 %
0294 if sign(Bv) ~= sign(rF(1)),
0295     rF = - rF;
0296     rFdFdpsi = - rFdFdpsi;
0297 end
0298 %
0299 if display_mode >= 2,
0300     %
0301     style = '-';
0302     marker = '+';
0303     color = 'r';
0304     width = 2;
0305     siz = 20;
0306     red = 0.9;
0307     lspace = 0.7;
0308     bspace = 0.6;
0309     tit = strrep(dispname,'_','-');
0310     %
0311     figure(1),clf
0312     %
0313     xlab = 'x (m)';
0314     ylab = 'y (m)';
0315     xlim = [min(x),max(x)];
0316     ylim = [min(y),max(y)];
0317     %
0318     graph2D_jd(x,y,xypsin,xlab,ylab,tit,xlim,ylim,0,NaN,[0:0.05:1],0,style,color,width,siz,red);
0319     axis('equal');
0320     axis([xlim,ylim]);
0321     %set(gca,'XTick',[0:1:2],'YTick',[-2:2]);
0322     print_jd(p_opt,[savename,'_psi_xy']);
0323     %
0324     figure(2),clf
0325     %
0326     xlab = '\psi_n^{1/2}';
0327     ylab = 'F(\psi)=RB_{\phi} (mT)';
0328     xlim = [0,1];
0329     ylim = NaN;
0330     %
0331     graph1D_jd(sqrt(rpsin),rF,0,0,xlab,ylab,tit,NaN,xlim,ylim,style,marker,color,width,siz,gca,red,lspace,bspace);
0332     set(gca,'XTick',[0:0.2:1]);
0333     print_jd(p_opt,[savename,'_F_psi']);
0334     %
0335     figure(3),clf
0336     %
0337     ylab = 'p(\psi) (hPa)';
0338     ylim = NaN;
0339     %
0340     graph1D_jd(sqrt(rpsin),rp/1e2,0,0,xlab,ylab,tit,NaN,xlim,ylim,style,marker,color,width,siz,gca,red,lspace,bspace);
0341     set(gca,'XTick',[0:0.2:1]);
0342     print_jd(p_opt,[savename,'_p_psi']);
0343     %
0344     figure(4),clf
0345     %
0346     ylab = 'FdF/d\psi (m^{-1})';
0347     ylim = NaN;
0348     %
0349     graph1D_jd(sqrt(rpsin),rFdFdpsi,0,0,xlab,ylab,tit,NaN,xlim,ylim,style,marker,color,width,siz,gca,red,lspace,bspace);
0350     set(gca,'XTick',[0:0.2:1]);
0351     print_jd(p_opt,[savename,'_FdF_psi']);
0352     %
0353     figure(5),clf
0354     %
0355     ylab = 'dp/d\psi (hPaB^{-1}m^{-2})';
0356     ylim = NaN;
0357     %
0358     graph1D_jd(sqrt(rpsin),rdpdpsi/1e5,0,0,xlab,ylab,tit,NaN,xlim,ylim,style,marker,color,width,siz,gca,red,lspace,bspace);
0359     set(gca,'XTick',[0:0.2:1]);
0360     print_jd(p_opt,[savename,'_dp_psi']);
0361     %
0362     figure(6),clf
0363     %
0364     ylab = 'q(\psi)';
0365     ylim = NaN;
0366     %
0367     graph1D_jd(sqrt(rpsin),rq,0,0,xlab,ylab,tit,NaN,xlim,ylim,style,marker,color,width,siz,gca,red,lspace,bspace);
0368     set(gca,'XTick',[0:0.2:1]);
0369     print_jd(p_opt,[savename,'_q_psi']);
0370     %
0371     figure(7),clf
0372     %
0373     rho_list = [0:0.05:0.999];
0374     iy0 = find(abs(y) == min(abs(y)));
0375     ix0 = min(find(x >= 0));
0376     ap = interp1(xypsin(ix0:nnx,iy0(1)),x(ix0:nnx),1,'spline');
0377     rpsi = interp1(x(ix0:nnx)/ap,xypsin(ix0:nnx,iy0(1)),rho_list,'spline');
0378     %
0379     xlab = 'x (m)';
0380     ylab = 'y (m)';
0381     xlim = [min(x),max(x)];
0382     ylim = [min(y),max(y)];
0383     tit = strrep(dispname,'_','-');
0384     %
0385     graph2D_jd(x,y,xypsin,xlab,ylab,tit,xlim,ylim,0,NaN,rpsi,0,style,color,width,siz,red);
0386     axis('equal');
0387     axis([xlim,ylim]);
0388     %set(gca,'XTick',[0:1:2],'YTick',[-2:2]);
0389     print_jd(p_opt,[savename,'_rho_xy']);
0390  end

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