


function [id_equil,omega_rf,ays,aypsin,ayR,ayZ,ayphi,ayNpar,aydNpar,ayNperp,ayepol_x,ayepol_y,ayepol_z,ayphi_x,ayalpha,ayB,ayne,ayTe,yP0,yr_in,yz_in,yphi_in,yNtor_in,yNpol_in] = process_genray_jd(data_out_netcdf);


 This function normalizes genray NETCDF data to LUKE standards

 INPUT: structure containing NETCDF data 


       - ays: poloidal ray path length (m)

 by J. Decker IRFM/CEA ( and Y.PEYSSON, IRFM/CEA (


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [id_equil,omega_rf,ays,aypsin,ayR,ayZ,ayphi,...
0002           ayNpar,aydNpar,ayNperp,...
0003           ayepol_x,ayepol_y,ayepol_z,ayphi_x,...
0004           ayalpha,ayB,ayne,ayTe,...
0005           yP0,yr_in,yz_in,yphi_in,yNtor_in,yNpol_in] = process_genray_jd(data_out_netcdf);
0006 %
0007 % This function normalizes genray NETCDF data to LUKE standards
0008 %
0009 % INPUT: structure containing NETCDF data
0010 %
0011 % OUPUTS:
0012 %
0013 %       - ays: poloidal ray path length (m)
0014 %
0015 %
0016 % by J. Decker IRFM/CEA ( and Y.PEYSSON, IRFM/CEA (
0017 %
0018 id_equil = data_out_netcdf.eqdskin(:)';
0019 %
0020 omega_rf = 2*pi*data_out_netcdf.freqcy;
0021 %
0022 nray = data_out_netcdf.nray;
0023 %
0024 ays =;%cm -> m
0025 aypsin = data_out_netcdf.spsi;
0026 %
0027 nx = size(ays,1);
0028 %
0029 ayR = data_out_netcdf.wr/100;%cm -> m
0030 ayZ = data_out_netcdf.wz/100;%cm -> m
0031 %
0032 % warning : phi in DKE is opposite from genray standards
0033 %
0034 ayphi =  - data_out_netcdf.wphi;
0035 %
0036 ayNpar = data_out_netcdf.wnpar;
0037 aydNpar = data_out_netcdf.wdnpar;
0038 ayNperp = data_out_netcdf.wnper;
0039 %
0040 ayepol_x = data_out_netcdf.cwexde(:,:,1) + i*data_out_netcdf.cwexde(:,:,2);
0041 ayepol_y = data_out_netcdf.cweyde(:,:,1) + i*data_out_netcdf.cweyde(:,:,2);
0042 ayepol_z = data_out_netcdf.cwezde(:,:,1) + i*data_out_netcdf.cwezde(:,:,2);
0043 %
0044 ayphi_x = data_out_netcdf.fluxn;
0045 %
0046 yP0 = data_out_netcdf.delpwr(1,:)/1e7;%erg->J
0047 ayalpha = data_out_netcdf.salphal;
0048 %
0049 ayB = abs(data_out_netcdf.sbtot);
0050 ayne = 1e6*data_out_netcdf.sene;
0051 ayTe = data_out_netcdf.ste;
0052 %
0053 yr_in = data_out_netcdf.r_starting(:)';%already in m
0054 yz_in = data_out_netcdf.z_starting(:)';%already in m
0055 %
0056 % warning : phi in DKE is opposite from genray standards
0057 %
0058 yphi_in = - data_out_netcdf.phi_starting(:)';
0059 %
0060 yNtor_in =  - data_out_netcdf.N_toroidal_starting(:)';%Refractive index
0061 yNpol_in = data_out_netcdf.N_poloidal_starting(:)';%Refractive index

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