


function ray_proc = proc_ray_jd(ray)


 case of old rays


This function calls: This function is called by:



0001 function ray_proc = proc_ray_jd(ray)
0002 %
0003 % case of old rays
0004 %
0005 if isfield(ray,'stau') && ~isfield(ray,'stau_lin'),
0006     ray.stau_lin = ray.stau;
0007     ray = rmfield(ray,'stau');
0008 end
0009 %
0010 if isfield(ray,'sP_2piRp') && ~isfield(ray,'sP_2piRp_lin'),
0011     ray.sP_2piRp_lin = ray.sP_2piRp;
0012     ray = rmfield(ray,'sP_2piRp');
0013 end
0014 %
0015 if isfield(ray,'sdP_2piRp_ds') && ~isfield(ray,'sdP_2piRp_ds_lin'),
0016     ray.sdP_2piRp_ds_lin = ray.sdP_2piRp_ds;
0017     ray = rmfield(ray,'sdP_2piRp_ds');
0018 end
0019 %
0020 % c3po characteristics
0021 %
0022 ray_proc.c3po = proc_peak_jd(ray,ray.sP_2piRp_lin);
0023 %
0024 % luke characteristics
0025 %
0026 if isfield(ray,'sP_2piRp'),
0027     %
0028     for itn = 1:length(ray.sP_2piRp),
0029         ray_proc.luke{itn} = proc_peak_jd(ray,ray.sP_2piRp{itn});
0030     end
0031     %
0032 end
0033 %
0034 end
0035 %
0036 % *****************************************************************
0037 %
0038 function [ray_proc] = proc_peak_jd(ray,sP_2piRp)
0039 %
0040 sP_2piRp_h = [sP_2piRp(1),(sP_2piRp(1:end-1) + sP_2piRp(2:end))/2,sP_2piRp(end)];
0041 sdP_2piRp = -diff(sP_2piRp_h);% specific absorption associated with each ray
0042 %
0043 ns = length(sdP_2piRp);
0044 %
0045 fnames = fieldnames(ray);
0046 %
0047 for ifield = 1:length(fnames),
0048     %
0049     fname = fnames{ifield};
0050     %
0051     if isnumeric(ray.(fname)) && length(size(ray.(fname))) <= 2 && size(ray.(fname),2) == ns,
0052         %
0053         ray_proc.(fname) = sum(ray.(fname).*repmat(sdP_2piRp,[size(ray.(fname),1),1]),2)/sum(sdP_2piRp);
0054         %
0055     elseif iscell(ray.(fname)),
0056         %
0057         for ic = 1:length(ray.(fname)),
0058             %
0059             if isnumeric(ray.(fname){ic}) && length(size(ray.(fname){ic})) <= 2 && size(ray.(fname){ic},2) == ns,
0060                 ray_proc.(fname){ic} = sum(ray.(fname){ic}.*repmat(sdP_2piRp,[size(ray.(fname){ic},1),1]),2)/sum(sdP_2piRp);
0061             end
0062             %
0063         end
0064         %
0065     else
0066         %
0067         ray_proc.(fname) = ray.(fname);
0068         %
0069     end
0070     %
0071 end
0072 %
0073 end
0074 %

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