

Script testing the stability and the fastness of the change of variable from cartesian to flux coordinates for a chosen cartesian couple and on average for a cartesian grid


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Script testing the stability and the fastness of the change of variable from cartesian to flux coordinates for a chosen cartesian couple and on average for a cartesian grid
By Guillaume Brochard (CEA-DRFC, guillaume.brochard@cea.fr)


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 %Script testing the stability and the fastness of the change of variable from cartesian to flux coordinates for a chosen cartesian couple and on average for a cartesian grid
0002 %By Guillaume Brochard (CEA-DRFC, guillaume.brochard@cea.fr)
0004 nharm = 20;%Harmonic number for the spline/pchip interpolation
0005 x0=0.05;%Set the wanted x coordinate
0006 y0=0.01;%Set the wanted y coordinate
0007 x1=x0;
0008 y1=y0;
0009 load('EQUIL_JETliketest.mat');%Load discrete equilibrium
0010 equil_fit = fitequil_yp(equil,1,'spline',1001,nharm);%Fit vectorial equilibrium
0011 rayparam.dS = 1.e-4;
0012 equilparam.ap = 0.95;
0014 N=1;%Set the wanted number of change of variable
0015 for i=0:N
0016 t=cputime;%
0017 [rho,theta] = xy2rhotheta_gb(equil_fit,rayparam,equilparam,x1,y1);
0018 e=cputime - t;%Elapsed time for the (x,y)->(rho,theta) operation
0019 [x1,y1] = rhotheta2xy_gb(equil_fit,rayparam,equilparam,rho,theta);
0020 end
0021 error = sqrt((x0-x1)*(x0-x1) + (y0-y1)*(y0-y1));%Precision of the change of variable
0022 disp('Execution time for the chosen cartesian couple');
0023 disp(e);
0024 disp('Precision for the chosen cartesian couple');
0025 disp(error);
0027 %ngrid = 30;%Grid points number on a side of the square grid
0028 %length = 0.02;%Grid's length
0030 %data = test_grid_substitution(equil_fit,rayparam,equilparam,ngrid,length);%Output matrix
0031 %disp('Mean precision for the chosen grid');
0032 %disp(data(1));
0033 %disp('Mean deviation for the chosen grid');
0034 %disp(data(2));
0035 %disp('Mean execution time for the chosen grid');
0036 %disp(data(3));

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