This script generates the data file of an ideal circular equilibrium based on equilibrium profile parameters By J. Decker <> and Y. Peysson <>
0001 function [] = make_equil_JETliketest_cyl 0002 % 0003 % This script generates the data file of an ideal circular equilibrium based on 0004 % equilibrium profile parameters 0005 % 0006 % By J. Decker <> and Y. Peysson <> 0007 % 0008 [qe,me,mp,mn,e0,mu0,re,mc2,clum] = pc_dke_yp; 0009 % 0010 npsi = 101;% number of points in psi grid 0011 ntheta = 65;% number of points in theta grid 0012 % 0013 % Equilibrium parameters 0014 % 0015 Rp = Inf;% Plasma major radius on axis (m) 0016 ap = 0.95;% Plasma minor radius on axis (m) 0017 Zp = 0.0; 0018 Ip = 3.5;% Signed value of the plasma current (MA) (with x:R,y:Z,z:phi direct) 0019 Bt = 3.2;% Signed value of the toroidal magnetic field on the magnetic axis (T) (with x:R,y:Z,z:phi direct) 0020 % 0021 qmin_Rpap = NaN;% Safety factor q0 at plasma center normalized to Rp/ap 0022 eq = 1;% Exponent for q radial profile 0023 qopt = 2;%Option for q profile. (0): constant (default, uniform current, psi=rho^2), (1): from qmin and eq, (2): from j proportional to (1-rho^2)^eq 0024 % 0025 Zi = [1,1,1];% Ion types: (1) H/D/T, (2) He, ..., (6) C [1,p] (WARNING: Zi must be [1,1,1,imp1,imp2] for hydrogen plasmas) 0026 mi = [1,2,3];% Ion mass (uma) [1,p] (WARNING: Zi must be [1,2,3,mimp1,mimp2] for hydrogen plasmas) 0027 fi = [1,0,0];% Hydrogen isotopic fraction (H/D/T) [1,3] (WARNING: only used when hydrogen plasmas are considered) 0028 % 0029 Te0 = 6.0;% Core electron temperature (keV) 0030 Tea = 0.1;% Edge electron temperature (keV) 0031 eTe = 1.5;% Exponent for Te profile (Te(r) = (Te0-Tea)*(1-(r/a)^2)^eTe + Tea) 0032 % 0033 ne0 = 5.0e19;% Core electron density (m-3) 0034 nea = 0.01e19;% Edge electron density (m-3) 0035 ene = 1.0;% Exponent for ne profile (ne(r) = (ne0-nea)*(1-(r/a)^2)^ene + nea) 0036 % 0037 Ti0 = Te0;% Core ion temperature (keV) 0038 Tia = Tea;% Edge ion temperature (keV) 0039 eTi = eTe;% Exponent for Ti profile (Ti(r) = (Ti0-Tia)*(1-(r/a)^2)^eTi + Tia) 0040 % 0041 Zeff0 = 1;% Core effective charge (a.u.) 0042 Zeffa = 1;% Edge effective charge (a.u.) 0043 eZeff = 0;% Exponent for the effective charge (Zeff(r) = (Zeff0-Zeffa)*(1-(r/a)^2)^eZeff + Zeffa) 0044 % 0045 % Plasma parameters 0046 % 0047 [prho,equil_prof.pTe,equil_prof.pne,equil_prof.pzTi,equil_prof.pzni,equil_prof.zZi,equil_prof.zmi,,pkin] = idealprof_yp(Zi,mi,fi,Te0,Tea,2,eTe,ne0,nea,2,ene,Ti0,Tia,2,eTi,Zeff0,Zeffa,eZeff,NaN,npsi);%Profiles 0048 % 0049 %Magnetic equilibrium 0050 % 0051 [ppsin,equil_mag.psi_apRp,equil_mag.theta,equil_mag.ptx,equil_mag.pty,equil_mag.ptBx,equil_mag.ptBy,equil_mag.ptBPHI,pBpp,pq_Rpap,pj,pmag,Ip_test] = idealequilcyl_yp(ap,Rp,Zp,Bt,Ip,qmin_Rpap,eq,qopt,npsi,ntheta);%Cylindrical magnetic equilibrium 0052 % 0053 equil_mag.Rp = Rp; 0054 equil_mag.Zp = Zp; 0055 % 0056 equil = conc_struct_jd(equil_mag,equil_prof); 0057 = 'JETliketest_cyl';% scenario identification (see paper Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 41 (1999) 1231 - J.A. Heikkinen et al.) 0058 % 0059 filename = ['EQUIL_',,'.mat']; 0060 % 0061 eval(['save ',filename,' equil'])