


function [antenna] = build_aloha_power_spectrum_yp(sc,edge_ne,rc,optim,dkepath,scheduler)


clear all
load toto.mat

 other remote method (wait until calculation is done)

clustermode.aloha_scenario.scheduler = scheduler;
dkecluster = clustermode_luke(clustermode,'aloha_scenario',dkepath);%MatLab distributed computing environment
[flag_aloha_scenario,sc_out] = mdce_run(@aloha_scenario,{sc},1,{sc},dkecluster);


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [antenna] = build_aloha_power_spectrum_yp(sc,edge_ne,rc,optim,dkepath,scheduler)
0002 %
0003 %clear all
0004 %load toto.mat
0005 %
0006 % other remote method (wait until calculation is done)
0007 %
0008 %clustermode.aloha_scenario.scheduler = scheduler;
0009 %dkecluster = clustermode_luke(clustermode,'aloha_scenario',dkepath);%MatLab distributed computing environment
0010 %[flag_aloha_scenario,sc_out] = mdce_run(@aloha_scenario,{sc},1,{sc},dkecluster);
0011 %
0012 remote = dkepath.remote(scheduler.remnum);
0013 %
0014 if isempty(rc)
0015     %
0016     job = matstandardjob_jd('runmat');
0017     %
0018     sc.antenna.a_ampl = sc.antenna.a_ampl(1,:)';% (first row is considered for coupling calculations, other rows are considered later)
0019     sc.antenna.a_phase = sc.antenna.a_phase(1,:)';
0020     %
0021     sc.plasma.ne0 = edge_ne;%single density run
0022     %
0023     [err,job,sc_out] = matremote_jd('aloha_scenario',{sc},remote,job);%wait until ALOHA calculation is done
0024     %
0025     if isempty(err)
0026         %
0027         clear job
0028         %
0029         antenna.aloha = sc_out;
0030         %
0031     else
0032         return
0033     end
0034 else
0035     %
0036     remote.timeout = 0;%Don't wait until ALOHA job is done
0037     %
0038     sc_temp = sc;
0039     %
0040     for ii = 1:size(sc.antenna.a_ampl,1)
0041         %
0042         job = matstandardjob_jd('runmat');%new job
0043         job.remtimout = 0;%Don't wait until ALOHA job is done
0044         %
0045         sc_temp.antenna.a_ampl = sc.antenna.a_ampl(ii,:)';% (first row is considered for coupling calculations, other rows are considered later)
0046         sc_temp.antenna.a_phase = sc.antenna.a_phase(ii,:)';
0047         %
0048         rc_temp = rc(ii,:)';
0049         %
0050         [err,job,dummy] = matremote_jd('aloha_process_yp',{sc_temp,rc_temp,optim},remote,job);%find remotely the optimum density in front of the grill consistent with RC measurements
0051         %
0052         if isempty(err) 
0053             %
0054             if isempty(
0055                 disp(['ALOHA job for row #',int2str(ii),'/',int2str(size(sc.antenna.a_ampl,1)),' has been launched on the local host to find density in front of the grill consistent with RC'])
0056             else
0057                 disp(['ALOHA job for row #',int2str(ii),'/',int2str(size(sc.antenna.a_ampl,1)),' has been launched on host : ',,' to find density in front of the grill consistent with RC'])
0058             end
0059             %
0060             antenna.job{ii} = job;
0061             %
0062         else
0063             return
0064         end
0065     end
0066 end

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