

LUKE_DISP_EQUILS_MT [ output_args ] = luke_disp_equils_mt( equils, plt, ax )


function [ output_args ] = luke_disp_equils_mt( equils, plt, ax, style )


LUKE_DISP_EQUILS_MT [ output_args ] = luke_disp_equils_mt( equils, plt, ax )
   plots the equilibrium profiles for multi times

   equils .... cell with equilibrium structures from LUKE (multi times)
   plt ....... plot type ( 1,2 or 3 )
   ax ........ axis handle of axis where the plot should be done.
               default: open a new figure
   style ..... plot style parameters for iluke integration (optional) 


   1. time evolution of density, temperature, Zeff
   2. time evolution of Ip, Bphi, q0 and q95
   3. time evolution of axis z position, Shafranov shift, kappa, delta

   J. Kamleitner, CRPP, EPFL, Feb 2014


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [ output_args ] = luke_disp_equils_mt( equils, plt, ax, style )
0002 %LUKE_DISP_EQUILS_MT [ output_args ] = luke_disp_equils_mt( equils, plt, ax )
0003 %   plots the equilibrium profiles for multi times
0004 %
0005 % INPUT:
0006 %   equils .... cell with equilibrium structures from LUKE (multi times)
0007 %   plt ....... plot type ( 1,2 or 3 )
0008 %   ax ........ axis handle of axis where the plot should be done.
0009 %               default: open a new figure
0010 %   style ..... plot style parameters for iluke integration (optional)
0011 %
0012 % OUTPUT:
0013 %   none
0014 %
0016 %   1. time evolution of density, temperature, Zeff
0017 %   2. time evolution of Ip, Bphi, q0 and q95
0018 %   3. time evolution of axis z position, Shafranov shift, kappa, delta
0019 %
0020 %
0021 %   J. Kamleitner, CRPP, EPFL, Feb 2014
0023 % dependencies:
0024 % equilmoments_jd.m
0025 % gti_plot_symcol.m
0026 % qfactors_dke_yp.m
0028 if(nargin<3 || isempty(ax))
0029     figure;
0030     ax=gca();
0031 end
0033 % init plt parameters
0034 ntr=[3 4 4];
0035 % reference values and units
0036 Bphiunit='T';
0037 Bphiref=1;
0038 sBphiref=sprintf('%s',Bphiunit);
0039 deltaunit='1';
0040 deltaref=1;
0041 sdeltaref=sprintf('%s',deltaunit);
0042 Deltaunit='1';
0043 Deltaref=0.1;
0044 sDeltaref=sprintf('0.%s',Deltaunit);
0045 ipunit='A';
0046 ipref=1e5;
0047 kappaunit='1';
0048 kapparef=1;
0049 skapparef=sprintf('%s',kappaunit);
0050 sipref=sprintf('100k%s',ipunit);
0051 neunit='m^{-3}';
0052 neref=1e19;
0053 sneref=sprintf('1e19%s',neunit);
0054 qunit='1';
0055 qref=1;
0056 sqref=sprintf('%s',qunit);
0057 Teunit='keV';
0058 Teref=1;
0059 sTeref=sprintf('%s',Teunit);
0060 Tiunit='keV';
0061 Tiref=0.1;
0062 sTiref=sprintf('100%s',Tiunit(2:end));
0063 zunit='m';
0064 zref=1;
0065 szref=sprintf('%s',zunit);
0066 Zeffunit='1';
0067 Zeffref=1;
0068 sZeffref=sprintf('%s',Zeffunit);
0071 % create basic traces and profiles
0072 neq=numel(equils);
0073 % nrho=numel(equils{1}.psi_apRp);
0074 time=zeros(1,neq);
0075 if(any(plt==[1 2 3]))
0076     dat=zeros(ntr(plt),neq);
0077 end
0078 for i=1:neq
0079     time(i)=equils{i}.shotime;
0080     switch plt
0081         case 1
0082             % data
0083             dat(1,i)=equils{i}.pne(1)/neref;
0084             dat(2,i)=equils{i}.pTe(1)/Teref;
0085 %            dat(3,i)=equils{i}.pzTi(1)/Tiref;
0086 %             dat(4,i)=mean(sum(equils{i}.pzni.*repmat(equils{i}.zZi'.^2,1,nrho))./equils{i}.pne);
0087 %            dat(4,i)=sum(equils{i}.pzni(:,1).*equils{i}.zZi'.^2)./equils{i}.pne(1)/Zeffref;
0088             dat(3,i)=sum(equils{i}.pzni(:,1).*equils{i}.zZi'.^2)./equils{i}.pne(1)/Zeffref;
0089             % legend
0090             legstr={sprintf('n_{e,0}/%s',sneref),sprintf('T_{e,0}/%s',sTeref),sprintf('Z_{eff,0}/%s',sZeffref)};%,sprintf('T_{i,0}/%s',sTiref)
0091         case 2
0092             % data
0093             dat(1,i)=equils{i}.ip/ipref;
0094             dat(2,i)=equils{i}.ptBPHI(1)/Bphiref;
0095             % function qfactors computes q;
0096             % see also equilibrium_jd function for correct usage
0097             q=qfactors_dke_yp(1,equils{i}.Rp,equils{i}.ptx(end),equils{i}.ptx,equils{i}.pty,equils{i}.ptBx,equils{i}.ptBy,equils{i}.ptBPHI)* equils{i}.ptx(end)/equils{i}.Rp/qref;
0098             dat(3,i)=q(2);
0099             rhopol=sqrt(equils{1}.psi_apRp/equils{1}.psi_apRp(end));
0100             dat(4,i)=interp1(rhopol(2:end),q(2:end),0.95,'spline');
0101             % legend
0102             legstr={sprintf('I_p/%s',sipref),sprintf('B_{\\phi,0}/%s',sBphiref),sprintf('q_0/%s',sqref),sprintf('q_{95}/%s',sqref)};
0103         case 3
0104             %data
0105             dat(1,i)=equils{i}.Zp/zref;
0106             [pshift,pelong,ptrian]=equilmoments_jd(equils{i}.theta,equils{i}.ptx,equils{i}.pty);
0107             dat(2,i)=-pshift(end)/Deltaref;
0108             % dat(3,i)=pelong(end)/kapparef;
0109             dat(3,i)=(pelong(end) - 1)/kapparef;
0110             dat(4,i)=ptrian(end)/deltaref;
0111             % legend
0112             legstr={sprintf('z_{axis}/%s',szref),sprintf('\\Delta/%s',sDeltaref),sprintf('(\\kappa - 1)/%s',skapparef),sprintf('\\delta/%s',sdeltaref)};
0113     end
0114 end
0116 % do the plotting
0117 if(any(plt==[1 2 3]))
0118     if nargin < 4 || isempty(style),
0119         for j=1:ntr(plt)
0120             plot(ax,time,dat(j,:),gti_plot_symcol('sym',j,ntr(plt)),'Color',gti_plot_symcol('col',j,ntr(plt)));
0121             if(j==1)
0122                 hold on;
0123             end
0124         end
0125         hold off;
0126         legend(legstr);
0127         YL=ylim;
0128         if(YL(1)>0)
0129             ylim([0 YL(2)]);
0130         elseif(YL(2)<0)
0131             ylim([YL(1) 0]);
0132         end
0133     else
0134         for j=1:ntr(plt),
0135             if min(dat(j,:)) + max(dat(j,:)) < 0,
0136                 dat(j,:) = -dat(j,:);
0137                 legstr{j} = ['-',legstr{j}];
0138             end
0139         end
0140         colors = {'r','b',[0,0.5,0],'k'};
0141         markers = {'s','d','+','o'};
0142         for j=1:ntr(plt)-1
0143             [ax] = graph1D_jd(time,dat(j,:),0,0,'','','',NaN,NaN,NaN,'-',markers{j},colors{j},2,style,ax);
0144         end
0145         [ax] = graph1D_jd(time,dat(ntr(plt),:),0,0,'t (s)','','',legstr,0,0,'-',markers{ntr(plt)},colors{ntr(plt)},2,style,ax);   
0146     end
0147 end
0149 % end of function
0151 end

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