

LUKE - Function which scan the simulations in a given folder and analyze their status


function [joblist,C3PO_status,LUKE_status,orphan_batch_dir,dirsearch] = jobstatus_yp(dirsearch,displaymode)


LUKE -  Function which scan the simulations in a given folder and analyze their status

 Function which scan the simulations in a given folder and analyze their status


   - dirsearch: search folder
     (default : pwd)
   - displaymode: display results in the command window (1: yes, 0: no)
     (default : no display)


   - joblist: job list structure
   - C3PO_status: C3PO list status structure (wave by wave)
   - LUKE_status: LUKE list status structure
   - dirsearch: search folder

 by Y.Peysson (CEA/DSM/IRFM) <> and J. Decker (CRPP/EPFL) <>


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [joblist,C3PO_status,LUKE_status,orphan_batch_dir,dirsearch] = jobstatus_yp(dirsearch,displaymode)
0002 %LUKE -  Function which scan the simulations in a given folder and analyze their status
0003 %
0004 % Function which scan the simulations in a given folder and analyze their status
0005 %
0006 % INPUT
0007 %
0008 %   - dirsearch: search folder
0009 %     (default : pwd)
0010 %   - displaymode: display results in the command window (1: yes, 0: no)
0011 %     (default : no display)
0012 %
0013 % OUTPUT
0014 %
0015 %   - joblist: job list structure
0016 %   - C3PO_status: C3PO list status structure (wave by wave)
0017 %   - LUKE_status: LUKE list status structure
0018 %   - dirsearch: search folder
0019 %
0020 % by Y.Peysson (CEA/DSM/IRFM) <> and J. Decker (CRPP/EPFL) <>
0021 %
0022 warning off
0023 %
0024 if nargin < 1,
0025     dirsearch = pwd;
0026     displaymode = 0;
0027 end
0028 if nargin == 1,
0029     displaymode = 0;
0030 end
0031 %
0032 if isempty(dirsearch) | isnan(dirsearch), 
0033     dirsearch = pwd;
0034 end
0035 %
0036 C3PO_status = '';
0037 LUKE_status ='';
0038 %
0039 dirinit = pwd;
0040 cd(dirsearch);
0041 %
0042 filelist = what;
0043 filename = filelist.mat;
0044 %
0045 jj = 1;
0046 joblist = '';
0047 max_waves = 0;
0048 %
0049 for ii = 1:length(filename),
0050     if strfind(filename{ii},'LUKE_DATA_')> 0 & strcmp(filename{ii}(1),'L') == 1,
0051         filedata = load(filename{ii},'id_simul','id_simul_o','output','waves','luke_job');
0052         joblist(jj).filename = filename{ii};
0053         joblist(jj).id_simul = filedata.id_simul_o;
0054         %
0055         if isfield(filedata,'waves')
0056             %
0057             max_waves = max(max_waves,length(filedata.waves));
0058             %
0059             for iw = 1:length(filedata.waves),
0060                 %
0061                 status(jj).C3PO(iw).notdone = 0;
0062                 status(jj).C3PO(iw).completed = 0;
0063                 status(jj).C3PO(iw).running = 0;
0064                 %
0065                 if isempty(filedata.waves{iw}),
0066                     joblist(jj).C3PO(iw).status = 'C3PO ray tracing calculations not done';
0067                     joblist(jj).C3PO(iw).host = '';
0068                     joblist(jj).C3PO(iw).jobid = NaN;
0069                     joblist(jj).C3PO(iw).batch_dir = '';
0070                     status(jj).C3PO(iw).notdone = 1;
0071                 elseif isfield(filedata.waves{iw},'rays')
0072                     joblist(jj).C3PO(iw).status = 'C3PO ray tracing calculations completed';
0073                     joblist(jj).C3PO(iw).host = '';
0074                     joblist(jj).C3PO(iw).jobid = NaN;
0075                     joblist(jj).C3PO(iw).batch_dir = '';
0076                     status(jj).C3PO(iw).completed = 1;
0077                 elseif isfield(filedata.waves{iw},'job')
0078                     joblist(jj).C3PO(iw).status = 'C3PO ray tracing calculations running';
0079                     if isempty(filedata.waves{iw},
0080                         joblist(jj).C3PO(iw).host = 'local';
0081                     else
0082                         joblist(jj).C3PO(iw).host = filedata.waves{iw};
0083                     end
0084                     %
0085                     joblist(jj).C3PO(iw).jobid = filedata.waves{iw};
0086                     joblist(jj).C3PO(iw).batch_dir = filedata.waves{iw}.job.batch_dir;
0087                     status(jj).C3PO(iw).running = 1;
0088                 end
0089             end
0090         end
0091         %
0092         status(jj).LUKE.notdone = 0;
0093         status(jj).LUKE.completed = 0;
0094         status(jj).LUKE.running = 0;
0095         %
0096         if isempty(filedata.output)
0097             if isfield(filedata,'luke_job') & ~isempty(filedata.luke_job),
0098                 joblist(jj).LUKE.status = 'LUKE Fokker-Planck calculations running';
0099                 if isfield(filedata.luke_job,'remote')
0100                     if isempty(,
0101                         joblist(jj) = 'local';
0102                     else
0103                         joblist(jj) =;
0104                     end
0105                 else
0106                     joblist(jj) = 'local';
0107                 end
0108                 %
0109                 joblist(jj).LUKE.jobid =;
0110                 if isfield(filedata.luke_job,'batch_dir')
0111                     joblist(jj).LUKE.batch_dir = filedata.luke_job.batch_dir;
0112                 else
0113                     joblist(jj).LUKE.batch_dir = '';
0114                 end
0115                 %
0116                 status(jj).LUKE.running = 1;
0117             else
0118                 joblist(jj).LUKE.status = 'LUKE Fokker-Planck calculations not done';
0119                 joblist(jj) = '';
0120                 joblist(jj).LUKE.jobid = NaN;
0121                 joblist(jj).LUKE.batch_dir = '';
0122                 status(jj).LUKE.notdone = 1;
0123             end
0124         elseif isfield(filedata.output,'Znorm'),
0125             joblist(jj).LUKE.status = 'LUKE Fokker-Planck calculations completed';
0126              joblist(jj) = '';
0127             joblist(jj).LUKE.jobid = NaN;
0128             joblist(jj).LUKE.batch_dir = '';
0129             status(jj).LUKE.completed = 1;
0130         end
0131         %
0132         jj = jj + 1;
0133     end
0134 end
0135 %
0136 LUKE_status.notdone = 0;
0137 LUKE_status.completed = 0;
0138 LUKE_status.running = 0;
0139 %
0140 for iw = 1:max_waves,
0141     C3PO_status(iw).notdone = 0;
0142     C3PO_status(iw).completed = 0;
0143     C3PO_status(iw).running = 0;
0144 end
0145 %
0146 for jj = 1:length(joblist),
0147     LUKE_status.notdone = LUKE_status.notdone + status(jj).LUKE.notdone;
0148     LUKE_status.completed = LUKE_status.completed + status(jj).LUKE.completed;
0149     LUKE_status.running = LUKE_status.running + status(jj).LUKE.running;
0150     %
0151     for iw = 1:length(status(jj).C3PO),
0152         C3PO_status(iw).notdone = C3PO_status(iw).notdone + status(jj).C3PO(iw).notdone;
0153         C3PO_status(iw).completed = C3PO_status(iw).completed + status(jj).C3PO(iw).completed;
0154         C3PO_status(iw).running = C3PO_status(iw).running + status(jj).C3PO(iw).running;
0155     end
0156 end
0157 %
0158 if displaymode,
0159     disp(['-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'])
0160     disp(['-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'])
0161     disp(['Simulations status in folder : ',dirsearch]);
0162     disp(['-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'])
0163     disp(['-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'])
0164     disp(['Total number of simulations : ',int2str(length(joblist))]);
0165     for iw = 1:length(C3PO_status)
0166         disp(['Total number of simulations for wave #',int2str(iw),' not done (C3PO): ',int2str(C3PO_status(iw).notdone)]);
0167         disp(['Total number of simulations for wave #',int2str(iw),' completed (C3PO): ',int2str(C3PO_status(iw).completed)]);
0168         disp(['Total number of simulations for wave #',int2str(iw),' running (C3PO) : ',int2str(C3PO_status(iw).running)]);
0169     end
0170     disp(['Total number of simulations not done (LUKE): ',int2str(LUKE_status.notdone)]);
0171     disp(['Total number of simulations completed (LUKE): ',int2str(LUKE_status.completed)]);
0172     disp(['Total number of simulations running (LUKE) : ',int2str(LUKE_status.running)]);
0173     disp(['-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'])
0174     disp(['-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'])
0175     %
0176     for ii = 1:length(joblist),
0177         disp([' - id_simul : ',joblist(ii).id_simul]);
0178         %
0179         for iw = 1:length(joblist(ii).C3PO)
0180             if strcmp(joblist(ii).C3PO(iw).status,'C3PO ray tracing calculations not done'),
0181                 disp([' - C3PO (wave #',int2str(iw),') status: **** ',joblist(ii).C3PO(iw).status,' ****']);
0182             else
0183                 disp([' - C3PO (wave #',int2str(iw),') status: ',joblist(ii).C3PO(iw).status]);
0184             end
0185             if strcmp(joblist(ii).C3PO(iw).status,'C3PO ray tracing calculations running'),
0186                 disp([' - C3PO (wave #',int2str(iw),') remote host address : ',joblist(ii).C3PO(iw).host]);
0187                 disp([' - C3PO (wave #',int2str(iw),') remote jobid : ',joblist(ii).C3PO(iw).jobid]);
0188                 disp([' - C3PO (wave #',int2str(iw),') batch directory : ',joblist(ii).C3PO(iw).batch_dir]);
0189             end
0190         end
0191         %
0192         if strcmp(joblist(ii).LUKE.status,'LUKE Fokker-Planck calculations not done'),
0193             disp([' - LUKE status: **** ',joblist(ii).LUKE.status, ' ****']);
0194         else
0195             disp([' - LUKE status: ',joblist(ii).LUKE.status]);
0196         end
0197         if strcmp(joblist(ii).LUKE.status,'LUKE Fokker-Planck calculations running'),
0198             disp([' - LUKE remote host address : ',joblist(ii)]);
0199             disp([' - LUKE remote jobid : ',joblist(ii).LUKE.jobid]);
0200             disp([' - LUKE batch directory : ',joblist(ii).LUKE.batch_dir]);
0201         end
0202         %
0203         disp(['-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'])
0204         disp(['-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'])
0205     end
0206 end
0207 %
0208 if displaymode
0209     disp(['Orphan batch directories']);
0210     disp(['-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'])
0211     disp(['-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'])
0212 end
0213 %
0214 allfileslist = dir;
0215 io = 1;
0216 orphan_batch_dir = '';
0217 %
0218 for ii = 1:length(allfileslist),
0219     if allfileslist(ii).isdir & strfind(allfileslist(ii).name,'batch_'),
0220         %
0221         cd(allfileslist(ii).name),
0222         %
0223         datain_matrun = load(['MAT_RUN_',allfileslist(ii).name(7:end),'.mat']);
0224         %
0225         if ~isfield(datain_matrun,'arg_range');
0226             orphan_batch_dir(io).name = allfileslist(ii).name;
0227             orphan_batch_dir(io).simul = '';
0228             orphan_batch_dir(io).code = '';
0229             orphan_batch_dir(io).remote = '';
0230             orphan_batch_dir(io).status = 1;    
0231             %
0232             disp([' - batch directory : ',orphan_batch_dir(io).name,' is orphan. You can delete it.']);
0233             %
0234             io = io + 1;
0235             cd('..');
0236             %
0237             clear datain_matrun
0238             %
0239             break;
0240         end
0241         %
0242         cd('..');
0243         datain_lukedata = load(['LUKE_DATA_',datain_matrun.arg_range{:}.simul_in,'.mat'],'dkepath');  
0244         %
0245         orphan_batch_dir(io).name = allfileslist(ii).name;
0246         orphan_batch_dir(io).simul = datain_matrun.arg_range{:}.simul_in;
0247         orphan_batch_dir(io).code = '';
0248         orphan_batch_dir(io).remote = datain_lukedata.dkepath.profilestr(datain_matrun.dkecluster.scheduler.remnum);
0249         orphan_batch_dir(io).status = 1;
0250         %
0251         clear datain_matrun datain_lukedata
0252         %
0253         %
0254         for jj = 1:length(joblist),
0255             %
0256             if strcmp(joblist(jj).LUKE.status,'LUKE Fokker-Planck calculations running'),%LUKE job
0257                 if strcmp(allfileslist(ii).name,joblist(jj).LUKE.batch_dir(1:end-1)),
0258                     orphan_batch_dir(io).simul = joblist(jj).id_simul;
0259                     orphan_batch_dir(io).code = 'LUKE';
0260                     orphan_batch_dir(io).remote = joblist(jj);
0261                     orphan_batch_dir(io).status = 0;
0262                 end
0263             end
0264             %
0265             for iw = 1:length(joblist(jj).C3PO),
0266                 if strcmp(joblist(jj).C3PO(iw).status,'C3PO ray tracing calculations running'),%C3PO job
0267                     if strcmp(allfileslist(ii).name,joblist(jj).C3PO(iw).batch_dir),
0268                         orphan_batch_dir(io).simul = joblist(jj).id_simul;
0269                         orphan_batch_dir(io).code = ['C3PO, wave #',int2str(iw)];
0270                         orphan_batch_dir(io).host = joblist(jj).C3PO(iw).host;
0271                         orphan_batch_dir(io).status = 0;
0272                         %
0273                     end
0274                 end            
0275             end  
0276         end
0277         %
0278         if displaymode,
0279             if orphan_batch_dir(io).status == 1,
0280                 disp([' - batch directory : ',orphan_batch_dir(io).name,' is orphan. You can delete it.']);
0281             end
0282         end
0283         %
0284         io = io + 1;
0285     end
0286 end
0287 %
0288 cd(dirinit);
0289 %
0290 warning on
0291 %

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